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United Grand Lodge Of England.
Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., as Senior Vice-President , and Bro . Charles Alexander Cottebrune , P . G . P ., as Junior Vice-President . Names of Past Masters nominated to serve on the Board of Benevolence : Bros . William Peter Brown , P . M . go ; James
Bunker , P . M . 1158 ; George B . Chapman , P . M . 27 ; Charles Dairy , P . M . 141 ; Simon H . Goldschmidt , P . M . 1329 ; James Burgess Grieve , P . M . 1351 ; Lewis Christopher Haslip , P . M . 813 ; George R . Langley , P . M . 18 3 ; George Read , P . M . 511 ; Ebenezer Shedd , P . M . 27 6 ; Robert J . Taylor , P . M . 144 ; and
Alfred Cooper Woodward , P . M . 153 8 . List of lodges for which warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge—No . 2379 , The Woodstock Lodge , Woodstock , South Africa ( W . D . ) ,, 2380 , The Beneventa Lodge , Daventry , Northamptonshire . 2381 The Bushey Park Lodge , Hampton Court , Middlesex .
„ , „ 2382 , The Loyal Hay Lodge , Hay , Brecknockshire , South Wales ( E . D . ) „ 2383 , The Henry B . Loch Lodge , Beaconsfield , Griqualand West , South Africa , ,, 2384 , The Mitcham Lodge , Lower Mitcham . ii 2385 , The Godson Lodge , Oldbury , Worcestershire .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cambridgeshire.
The annual meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 19 th instant , at the Cambridge Town Hall , under the banner of the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 , when Bro . the Earl of Hardwicke , P . G . M ., presided . The brethren , to the number of about 60 , received the Prov . Grand Master in the small assembly room , which had been appropriately fitted up for the Prov . Grand Lodge .
After the Prov . Grand Lodge had been opened , the brethren went in procession to the adjacent church of St . Mary the Great , where a special order of service took place . Bro . Rev . Dr . Cunningham , vicar , officiated , and the ' service , which was choral , was much appreciated . The sermon was preached by Bro . Rev . F . J . Foakes-Jackson , M . A ., P . G . Chap ., from Galatians iv ., 24 . — " Now these are allegories . "
At the close of the sermon a collection was taken up for Addenbrooke s Hospital , and realised £ 5 5 s . sd . The brethren returned in procession to the lodge room at the Guildhall , when the minutes of the last annual Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Wisbech , were read and confirmed .
The roil of the Provincial Grand Officers having been called , the P . G . SECRETARY read the returns from the several lodges , which showed that in the whole province there was a decrease of three in membership on the year . The Auditors' report of the P . G . Treasurer ' s accounts was read , and showed that on the year ' s transactions there was a balance of £ 17 . The amount of money invested was i . 550 .
The seventh annual report of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association was read . The Committee felt that the province was to be again congratulated on a very successful year in respect of the sums collected by the Stewards attending the Boys' and the Benevolent Institution Festivals for the past year , and also , through having no candidate for either of the Institutions , it had been enabled to so dispose of its votes by lending them to other provinces as to have a number
to fall back upon to poll for any future candidate it may have . The province was represented at the Boys' Festival by Bro . B . Chenneli , P . M . 88 , who took up with him . £ 204 ios ., and at the Benevolent Institution Festival by Bro . C . A . Vinter , P . M . 441 , who took up £ 73 ios . The Committee expressed their thanks to Bros . Chenneli and Vinter for acting as Stewards , and also to those lodges and brethren who contributed so generously to their lists . The Committee owe 45
men ' s and 5 8 widows' votes . They have now owing to them 405 boys' votes , 744 girls' votes , 151 men ' s votes , and 131 women ' s votes . The votes in the province are now about 229 boys and 260 girls , half-yearly , and 135 men ' s and 135 women ' s yearly . The brethren and others subscribing to the Association in the province are 95 . The contributions through Stewards from the province during the years 1883—go to the three Masonic Charities amounted to i . 2479 6 s . The recipients from the province are—one Benevolent , two boys , and one girl .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER said the thanks of the Masonic body were due to the Committee for the vi gilance they had shown , and he vvas sure he should be signifying the feelings of Provincial Grand Lodge when he thanked Bro . Oliver Papworth , the Hon . Secretary of the Association , for his great assiduity in everything connected with it . Bro . E . HILLS , P . M ., seconded the vote , which was agreed to .
Bro . J . BO . NJVETT , P . G . S ., proposed , and Bro . J . SHELDRICK seconded , That a sum of 15 guineas be voted to one or more of the Royal Masonic Institutions , to be paid through the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association . " The PROV . GRAND MASTER said that if they had got the money to do so , they could not spend it in a more satisfactory way than in supporting those admirable Institutions . The motion was agreed to .
Bro . OLIVER PAPWORTH proposed "That the sum of 10 guineas be voted to the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association for current expenses . " Bro . S . H . SHARMAN , in seconding the motion , said they now had about 1400 votes in hand , and he could not see why they should keep that . £ 550 laying by . He suggested that they should husband their resources for a few years , and then buy a perpetual presentation to one of the Charities , which might be called " The Hardwicke Presentation . " But for their Secretary , Bro . Papworth , they would not have been in half so good a position as they now were .
Bro . B . CHEN ^ , P . S . G . W ., thought the brethren should know what a presentation would cost . He was told a thousand pounds . The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER said he did not wish to be misunderstood . He did say that they could not spend any money they had to spare better than in supporting those Charities , but he was also strongly of opinion that the province should have a fund at its disposal . Circumstances might arise when they might
have to fall back upon a good sum of money for a purpose connected with their own province . He should therefore be sorry to see their lund dispersed in purchasing a presentation which would probably cost _ £ iooo . He could not urge upon the province , therefore , to carry out such a magnificent act as that suggested by Bro . Sharman , although he regarded as a striking fact the true feeling which existed amongst the Masons of the province towards the Charitable Institutions . The vote of 10 guineas was agreed to .
Bro . S . H . SHARMAN , P . P . S . G . D ., next moved : " That a Committee , consisting of the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . S ., the Secretary of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association , and the Secretaries of the various lodges in the province , be formed to revise the Provincial Year Book . " Seconded by Bro . J . FULLER , P . P . S . G . D . Bro . FRANK PIGGOTT , P . P . G . S . B ., did not oppose the principle of the motion , but submitted that the terms of it should be altered , so as to correspond with facts ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cambridgeshire.
As it stood , it conveyed a presumptive title which belonged to an individual brother . He therefore proposed as an amendment , to add after the words be formed , " to advise and assist the publisher " to revise the " Provincial Year Book . " Seconded by Bro . G . WHITMORE , P . P . G . S . B . Bro . W . P . SPALDING , P . P . S . G . W ., said his only feeling in the matter was that
he thought he might have been consulted before the motion was placed on the paper . As the publisher , he placed himself entirely in the hands of the province . The amendment was accepted , and the motion , as amended , was agreed to . Bro . OLIVER PAPWORTH proposed " That a brother be appointed by thc Provincial Grand Lodge to serve on the Board of the Royal Masonic Institution for the sons of Freemasons . "
Seconded by Bro . W . P . SPALDING . Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys , explained the system of nomination and election , and the moiion was agreed to . Bro . A . H . MOVES , D . P . G . M ., proposed , and Bro . W . P . SPALDING seconded , " That Bro . Oliver -Papworth be nominated by this province to serve on the said Board of Management . "
The PROV . GRAND MASTER expressed a strong hope that Bro . Papworth would accept the duty , as in him they would have a representative in whom they had every confidence . Bro . O . PAPWORTH said that if he was ultimately selected he would accept the
position . Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , as Secretary of the Boys' Institution , congratulated the Province of Cambridgeshire upon being the first to make a nomination for the Board of Management , and upon selecting Bro . Oliver Papworth , who had great influence both in London and the provinces . Bro . J . F . SYMONDS proposed , Bro . E . ' H . J ENNINGS seconded , and it was resolved unanimously , that Bro . Barnet Wm . Beales , sen ., be P . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year . The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to appoint and invest the Prov . Grand Officers as follows •.
Bro . B . H . Anningson , P . M . 859 ... ... ... Prov . S . G . W . „ J . S . Youngman , P . M . 441 ... ... ... Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . Dr . Cunningham , 859 ... ... " - Prov G Chan . „ Rev . R . Jackson , 88 ... . fro v . Lr . Chaps . „ B . W . Beales , 88 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas . „ J . E . L . Whitehead , I . P . M . 441 ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg . „ J . Bonnett , 859 ... ... . ... ... Prov . G . Sec .
„ J . R . Green , I . P . M . 149 2 ... ... ... Prov . S . G . D . ,. W . H . Francis , W . M . 859 ... ... .. ' . Prov . J . G . D . „ G . Tindall . S . W . 2107 ... ... .. Prov . G . S . of W . „ F . Dewberry , P . M ., D . C . 44 ' ••¦ ••••••Prov . G . D . C . „ J . Royston , J . W . 441 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . ., A . E . Chaplin , Sec . 88 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B .
„ F . O . Carr , J . W . 859 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ A . Hill , S . D . 8 59 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ C . H . Ellis ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler . The PROV . GRAND MASTER made a very feeling allusion to the death of the Earl of Carnarvon , and spoke of the great loss which the Craft had sustained by the death of the late Pro Grand Master .
Bro . B . CHENNELI . proposed a vote of thanks to the Chaplains who officiated at Divine service , and to the vicar of the parish for lending the church . Bro . W . H . FRANCIS seconded , and the proposition was agreed to . Bro . A . H . MOYES , D . P . G . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor ( Bro . F . C . Wace ) for the use of the Guildhall for the purposes of the Provincial Grand Lodge .
Bro . E . HILLS seconded , and it was agreed to , the P . G . M . adding that he heartily reciprocated the sentiment . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed . The banquet was subsequently served at the Lion Hotel . The Prov . Grand Master presided , and the usual Masonic toasts were afterwards given . Some admirable remarks were made in connection with the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " which was proposed by Bro . OLIVER PAPWORTH , and acknowledged by Bro . j . M . MCLEOD .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devonshire.
The annual meeting of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Town Hall , Teignmouth , on the 13 th inst . The hall was tastefully fitted up by the members of the Benevolence Chapter , No . 303 . Comp . W . G . Rogers , 112 , P . G . H ., presided , in the absence of Comp . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., as Grand Superintendent , and was supported by Comps . Rev . Dr . T . W . Lemon , 189 , P . P . G . P .,
P . P . G . J ., as P . G . H . ; Major J . S . Swann , 847 , P . G . J . ; Major G . C . Davie , 251 , P . G . S . E . ; J . S . Kersteman , 303 , 1138 , P . P . G . J ., as P . G . S . N . ; E . Aitken-Davies , 159 , 1099 , P . P . G . Reg ., P . G . P . S . ; J . Moysey , 223 , P . G . ist A . S . ; J . Stocker , 112 , P . P . G . ist A . S ., as P . G . 2 nd A . S . ; J . W . Cornish , 223 , P . G . T . ; C . Croydon , 18 9 , P . G . S . B . ; J . R . H . Harris , 230 , P . G . D . C ; and H . Shooter , 112 , P . G . Janitor .
The P . G . S . E . reported that al ! the dues were paid , but called the attention of officers of chapters to the new law which was enacted two years since , that all chapters must pay up their clues by March 31 st in each year . If a chapter did not attend to that enactment the attention of the Grand Superintendent would be called to that neglect , and the chapter would be fined . During the past year two chapters did not pay their dues until after several letters had been sent them . He did not report them , but should report any defaulter next year .
The P . G . TREAS . reported a balance in hand of . £ 47 ios ., from that balance five guineas each would have to be paid to the Devon Education Fund and the Fortescue Fund . On the motion of Comps . KERSTEMAN and AITKEN-DAVIES 10 guineas were
voted to the Aged and Decayed Masons' Institution to be placed on the list of Bro . Rev . Dr . T . W . Lemon as a Steward to that Charity ; and , on the motion of Comp . J . STOCKER , supported by several other companions , 20 guineas were voted to the R . M . I . B ., to be divided between the lists of three Stewards to that Charity—Comps . G . T . Truscott , W . F . Westcott , and W . Taylor .
On the proposition of Comp . E . AITKEN-DAVIES , seconded by Comp . J . STOCKER , Comp . F . C . Frost , the Z . of the chapter under whose banner the Provincial Grand Chapter was held , was elected P . G . Treasurer . Comps . F . C . Hallett and J . J . O . Evans w . ere elected Auditors . The Grand Superintendent then invested the following officers for the ensuing year : —
Comp . W . G . Rogers , 112 ... ... ... Prov . G . H . „ Rev . G . T . Warner , 1138 ... ... ... Prov . G . J . ,, Major G . C . Davie , 251 ... ¦ .- ... Prov . G . S . E . „ Dr . J . Alexander , 1358 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ F . C . Frost ... ... •¦•... Prov . G . Treas . „ J . Lane , 323 •¦••¦•••••••Prov . G . Reg . „ B . J . Fisher , 444 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ H . Stocker , 112 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . ist A . S . „ D , Banks , 156 ... ... ... ... Prov . G , 2 nd A . S ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., as Senior Vice-President , and Bro . Charles Alexander Cottebrune , P . G . P ., as Junior Vice-President . Names of Past Masters nominated to serve on the Board of Benevolence : Bros . William Peter Brown , P . M . go ; James
Bunker , P . M . 1158 ; George B . Chapman , P . M . 27 ; Charles Dairy , P . M . 141 ; Simon H . Goldschmidt , P . M . 1329 ; James Burgess Grieve , P . M . 1351 ; Lewis Christopher Haslip , P . M . 813 ; George R . Langley , P . M . 18 3 ; George Read , P . M . 511 ; Ebenezer Shedd , P . M . 27 6 ; Robert J . Taylor , P . M . 144 ; and
Alfred Cooper Woodward , P . M . 153 8 . List of lodges for which warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge—No . 2379 , The Woodstock Lodge , Woodstock , South Africa ( W . D . ) ,, 2380 , The Beneventa Lodge , Daventry , Northamptonshire . 2381 The Bushey Park Lodge , Hampton Court , Middlesex .
„ , „ 2382 , The Loyal Hay Lodge , Hay , Brecknockshire , South Wales ( E . D . ) „ 2383 , The Henry B . Loch Lodge , Beaconsfield , Griqualand West , South Africa , ,, 2384 , The Mitcham Lodge , Lower Mitcham . ii 2385 , The Godson Lodge , Oldbury , Worcestershire .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cambridgeshire.
The annual meeting of the above Provincial Grand Lodge was held on the 19 th instant , at the Cambridge Town Hall , under the banner of the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 , when Bro . the Earl of Hardwicke , P . G . M ., presided . The brethren , to the number of about 60 , received the Prov . Grand Master in the small assembly room , which had been appropriately fitted up for the Prov . Grand Lodge .
After the Prov . Grand Lodge had been opened , the brethren went in procession to the adjacent church of St . Mary the Great , where a special order of service took place . Bro . Rev . Dr . Cunningham , vicar , officiated , and the ' service , which was choral , was much appreciated . The sermon was preached by Bro . Rev . F . J . Foakes-Jackson , M . A ., P . G . Chap ., from Galatians iv ., 24 . — " Now these are allegories . "
At the close of the sermon a collection was taken up for Addenbrooke s Hospital , and realised £ 5 5 s . sd . The brethren returned in procession to the lodge room at the Guildhall , when the minutes of the last annual Provincial Grand Lodge , held at Wisbech , were read and confirmed .
The roil of the Provincial Grand Officers having been called , the P . G . SECRETARY read the returns from the several lodges , which showed that in the whole province there was a decrease of three in membership on the year . The Auditors' report of the P . G . Treasurer ' s accounts was read , and showed that on the year ' s transactions there was a balance of £ 17 . The amount of money invested was i . 550 .
The seventh annual report of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association was read . The Committee felt that the province was to be again congratulated on a very successful year in respect of the sums collected by the Stewards attending the Boys' and the Benevolent Institution Festivals for the past year , and also , through having no candidate for either of the Institutions , it had been enabled to so dispose of its votes by lending them to other provinces as to have a number
to fall back upon to poll for any future candidate it may have . The province was represented at the Boys' Festival by Bro . B . Chenneli , P . M . 88 , who took up with him . £ 204 ios ., and at the Benevolent Institution Festival by Bro . C . A . Vinter , P . M . 441 , who took up £ 73 ios . The Committee expressed their thanks to Bros . Chenneli and Vinter for acting as Stewards , and also to those lodges and brethren who contributed so generously to their lists . The Committee owe 45
men ' s and 5 8 widows' votes . They have now owing to them 405 boys' votes , 744 girls' votes , 151 men ' s votes , and 131 women ' s votes . The votes in the province are now about 229 boys and 260 girls , half-yearly , and 135 men ' s and 135 women ' s yearly . The brethren and others subscribing to the Association in the province are 95 . The contributions through Stewards from the province during the years 1883—go to the three Masonic Charities amounted to i . 2479 6 s . The recipients from the province are—one Benevolent , two boys , and one girl .
The PROV . GRAND MASTER said the thanks of the Masonic body were due to the Committee for the vi gilance they had shown , and he vvas sure he should be signifying the feelings of Provincial Grand Lodge when he thanked Bro . Oliver Papworth , the Hon . Secretary of the Association , for his great assiduity in everything connected with it . Bro . E . HILLS , P . M ., seconded the vote , which was agreed to .
Bro . J . BO . NJVETT , P . G . S ., proposed , and Bro . J . SHELDRICK seconded , That a sum of 15 guineas be voted to one or more of the Royal Masonic Institutions , to be paid through the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association . " The PROV . GRAND MASTER said that if they had got the money to do so , they could not spend it in a more satisfactory way than in supporting those admirable Institutions . The motion was agreed to .
Bro . OLIVER PAPWORTH proposed "That the sum of 10 guineas be voted to the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association for current expenses . " Bro . S . H . SHARMAN , in seconding the motion , said they now had about 1400 votes in hand , and he could not see why they should keep that . £ 550 laying by . He suggested that they should husband their resources for a few years , and then buy a perpetual presentation to one of the Charities , which might be called " The Hardwicke Presentation . " But for their Secretary , Bro . Papworth , they would not have been in half so good a position as they now were .
Bro . B . CHEN ^ , P . S . G . W ., thought the brethren should know what a presentation would cost . He was told a thousand pounds . The PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER said he did not wish to be misunderstood . He did say that they could not spend any money they had to spare better than in supporting those Charities , but he was also strongly of opinion that the province should have a fund at its disposal . Circumstances might arise when they might
have to fall back upon a good sum of money for a purpose connected with their own province . He should therefore be sorry to see their lund dispersed in purchasing a presentation which would probably cost _ £ iooo . He could not urge upon the province , therefore , to carry out such a magnificent act as that suggested by Bro . Sharman , although he regarded as a striking fact the true feeling which existed amongst the Masons of the province towards the Charitable Institutions . The vote of 10 guineas was agreed to .
Bro . S . H . SHARMAN , P . P . S . G . D ., next moved : " That a Committee , consisting of the D . P . G . M ., the P . G . S ., the Secretary of the Cambridgeshire Masonic Charity Association , and the Secretaries of the various lodges in the province , be formed to revise the Provincial Year Book . " Seconded by Bro . J . FULLER , P . P . S . G . D . Bro . FRANK PIGGOTT , P . P . G . S . B ., did not oppose the principle of the motion , but submitted that the terms of it should be altered , so as to correspond with facts ,
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Cambridgeshire.
As it stood , it conveyed a presumptive title which belonged to an individual brother . He therefore proposed as an amendment , to add after the words be formed , " to advise and assist the publisher " to revise the " Provincial Year Book . " Seconded by Bro . G . WHITMORE , P . P . G . S . B . Bro . W . P . SPALDING , P . P . S . G . W ., said his only feeling in the matter was that
he thought he might have been consulted before the motion was placed on the paper . As the publisher , he placed himself entirely in the hands of the province . The amendment was accepted , and the motion , as amended , was agreed to . Bro . OLIVER PAPWORTH proposed " That a brother be appointed by thc Provincial Grand Lodge to serve on the Board of the Royal Masonic Institution for the sons of Freemasons . "
Seconded by Bro . W . P . SPALDING . Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , Sec . R . M . I , for Boys , explained the system of nomination and election , and the moiion was agreed to . Bro . A . H . MOVES , D . P . G . M ., proposed , and Bro . W . P . SPALDING seconded , " That Bro . Oliver -Papworth be nominated by this province to serve on the said Board of Management . "
The PROV . GRAND MASTER expressed a strong hope that Bro . Papworth would accept the duty , as in him they would have a representative in whom they had every confidence . Bro . O . PAPWORTH said that if he was ultimately selected he would accept the
position . Bro . J . M . MCLEOD , as Secretary of the Boys' Institution , congratulated the Province of Cambridgeshire upon being the first to make a nomination for the Board of Management , and upon selecting Bro . Oliver Papworth , who had great influence both in London and the provinces . Bro . J . F . SYMONDS proposed , Bro . E . ' H . J ENNINGS seconded , and it was resolved unanimously , that Bro . Barnet Wm . Beales , sen ., be P . G . Treasurer for the ensuing year . The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to appoint and invest the Prov . Grand Officers as follows •.
Bro . B . H . Anningson , P . M . 859 ... ... ... Prov . S . G . W . „ J . S . Youngman , P . M . 441 ... ... ... Prov . J . G . W . „ Rev . Dr . Cunningham , 859 ... ... " - Prov G Chan . „ Rev . R . Jackson , 88 ... . fro v . Lr . Chaps . „ B . W . Beales , 88 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Treas . „ J . E . L . Whitehead , I . P . M . 441 ... ... ... Prov . G . Reg . „ J . Bonnett , 859 ... ... . ... ... Prov . G . Sec .
„ J . R . Green , I . P . M . 149 2 ... ... ... Prov . S . G . D . ,. W . H . Francis , W . M . 859 ... ... .. ' . Prov . J . G . D . „ G . Tindall . S . W . 2107 ... ... .. Prov . G . S . of W . „ F . Dewberry , P . M ., D . C . 44 ' ••¦ ••••••Prov . G . D . C . „ J . Royston , J . W . 441 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . ., A . E . Chaplin , Sec . 88 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . B .
„ F . O . Carr , J . W . 859 ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . „ A . Hill , S . D . 8 59 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Purst . „ C . H . Ellis ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Tyler . The PROV . GRAND MASTER made a very feeling allusion to the death of the Earl of Carnarvon , and spoke of the great loss which the Craft had sustained by the death of the late Pro Grand Master .
Bro . B . CHENNELI . proposed a vote of thanks to the Chaplains who officiated at Divine service , and to the vicar of the parish for lending the church . Bro . W . H . FRANCIS seconded , and the proposition was agreed to . Bro . A . H . MOYES , D . P . G . M ., proposed a vote of thanks to the Mayor ( Bro . F . C . Wace ) for the use of the Guildhall for the purposes of the Provincial Grand Lodge .
Bro . E . HILLS seconded , and it was agreed to , the P . G . M . adding that he heartily reciprocated the sentiment . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed . The banquet was subsequently served at the Lion Hotel . The Prov . Grand Master presided , and the usual Masonic toasts were afterwards given . Some admirable remarks were made in connection with the toast of " The Masonic Charities , " which was proposed by Bro . OLIVER PAPWORTH , and acknowledged by Bro . j . M . MCLEOD .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devonshire.
The annual meeting of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held at the Town Hall , Teignmouth , on the 13 th inst . The hall was tastefully fitted up by the members of the Benevolence Chapter , No . 303 . Comp . W . G . Rogers , 112 , P . G . H ., presided , in the absence of Comp . Viscount Ebrington , M . P ., as Grand Superintendent , and was supported by Comps . Rev . Dr . T . W . Lemon , 189 , P . P . G . P .,
P . P . G . J ., as P . G . H . ; Major J . S . Swann , 847 , P . G . J . ; Major G . C . Davie , 251 , P . G . S . E . ; J . S . Kersteman , 303 , 1138 , P . P . G . J ., as P . G . S . N . ; E . Aitken-Davies , 159 , 1099 , P . P . G . Reg ., P . G . P . S . ; J . Moysey , 223 , P . G . ist A . S . ; J . Stocker , 112 , P . P . G . ist A . S ., as P . G . 2 nd A . S . ; J . W . Cornish , 223 , P . G . T . ; C . Croydon , 18 9 , P . G . S . B . ; J . R . H . Harris , 230 , P . G . D . C ; and H . Shooter , 112 , P . G . Janitor .
The P . G . S . E . reported that al ! the dues were paid , but called the attention of officers of chapters to the new law which was enacted two years since , that all chapters must pay up their clues by March 31 st in each year . If a chapter did not attend to that enactment the attention of the Grand Superintendent would be called to that neglect , and the chapter would be fined . During the past year two chapters did not pay their dues until after several letters had been sent them . He did not report them , but should report any defaulter next year .
The P . G . TREAS . reported a balance in hand of . £ 47 ios ., from that balance five guineas each would have to be paid to the Devon Education Fund and the Fortescue Fund . On the motion of Comps . KERSTEMAN and AITKEN-DAVIES 10 guineas were
voted to the Aged and Decayed Masons' Institution to be placed on the list of Bro . Rev . Dr . T . W . Lemon as a Steward to that Charity ; and , on the motion of Comp . J . STOCKER , supported by several other companions , 20 guineas were voted to the R . M . I . B ., to be divided between the lists of three Stewards to that Charity—Comps . G . T . Truscott , W . F . Westcott , and W . Taylor .
On the proposition of Comp . E . AITKEN-DAVIES , seconded by Comp . J . STOCKER , Comp . F . C . Frost , the Z . of the chapter under whose banner the Provincial Grand Chapter was held , was elected P . G . Treasurer . Comps . F . C . Hallett and J . J . O . Evans w . ere elected Auditors . The Grand Superintendent then invested the following officers for the ensuing year : —
Comp . W . G . Rogers , 112 ... ... ... Prov . G . H . „ Rev . G . T . Warner , 1138 ... ... ... Prov . G . J . ,, Major G . C . Davie , 251 ... ¦ .- ... Prov . G . S . E . „ Dr . J . Alexander , 1358 ... ... ... Prov . G . S . N . „ F . C . Frost ... ... •¦•... Prov . G . Treas . „ J . Lane , 323 •¦••¦•••••••Prov . G . Reg . „ B . J . Fisher , 444 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . P . S . „ H . Stocker , 112 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . ist A . S . „ D , Banks , 156 ... ... ... ... Prov . G , 2 nd A . S ,