Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
We are asked to announce that The Great City Lodge of Instruction meets every Thursday at 6 . 30 p . m . at Masons ' Hall Tavern , Basinghall-street . At a meeting of the Natalia Rose Croix Chapter , Pietermaritzburg , Bro . Sir Charles Mitchell , Governor of the colony , vvas admitted to the 1 S .
Bro . Grantham Dodd has been elected the Master of the Bakers' Company , one of the oldest livery companies of the City of London . Bro . Lord Mayor Savory has consented to open a bazaar in the schoolroom of the Raleigh Memorial Church , Stoke Newington , on Tuesday , the 2 nd prox ., with a view to reducing the debt on the edifice .
Among the contributions to the Mansion House Fund for the relief of the relatives of the seamen and marines lost in H . M . S . Serpent are £ 100 from Messrs . Rothschild and £ 21 from the Merchant Taylors' Company . Bro . Sir H . Drummond WolffH . M . ' s Minister at
, Teheran , is expected to arrive at Constantinople to-morrow ( Saturday ) , and will probably arrive in England about the iSth prox . He has now quite recovered from his recent dangerous illness , which is supposed to have been typhoid fever .
The Duchess of Albany , vvith her son the Duke of Albany and her daughter the Princess Alice , arrived at Windsor Castle on Friday , the 21 st instant , on a visit to the Queen . On the same day the Prime Minister and the Marchioness of Salisbury arrived at the castle , returning to Hatfield the following day .
A numerously-attended meeting vvas held at Reading on Friday , the 21 st instant , for the purpose of concerting the necessary arrangements for the installation of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale as Prov . Grand Master of Berkshire . It has been settled that the ceremony , which is fixed for Monday , the 15 th prox ., shall take place in the Town Hall .
The Duke of Cambridge , who is Colonel-in-Chief of the 60 th Rifles visited Aldershot on Saturday last for the purpose of bidding farewell to the ist battalion of the regiment , which is about to proceed on service to India . His Royal Highness congratulated the officer in command on the fine appearance of his men . The Duke returned to town after lunching vvith the Royal Artillery men .
The Recorder of London ( Sir Thomas Chambers ) celebrated the jubilee of his call to the Bar in the Whitehall Rooms of the Hotel Metropole , on the evening of the 20 th instant . The Mayor ' s Court and the Old Bailey were numerously represented , while among the other guests vvere Lord Justice Bowen and Bro . Sir Edward Clarke , Q . C , M . P ., her Majesty ' s Solicitor-General .
Lord St . Levan , Mayor of Devonport , presided at a meeting held in the Guildhall on the 20 th instant , when it vvas decided to raise a fund for the relief of the widows ancl children lost in H . M . S . Serpent . The Duke of Edinburgh , the Naval Commander-in-Chief at the port , took part in the proceedings , and at the close of the meeting subscriptions to the amount of £ ' 6 50 vvere announced .
His Royal Highness the Commander-in-Chief has expressed his gratification at the conduct of the non-commissioned officers and men of the Coldstream and Scots Guards durinq- the recent fire at Wellington Barracks , and has expressed his belief that but for their courage and presence of mind more lives would have been sacrificed . The soldiers concerned have been recommended for the Albert Medal .
Among the contributors to the Serpent Relief Fund are the Queen , who has sent a donation of £ 50 ; the Prince of Wales , £ 25 5 s . j Admiral the Duke of Edinburgh , £ 100 J the Duchess of Edinburgh , £ 26 5 s . ; the Soldiers' and Sailors' Association , £ 500 j the Trinity House Brethren , £ 105 j Lord St . Levan , £ 100 ; the Earl of Northbrook , £ ' 50 ; the National Provincial Bank , £ 52 ios . ; and Bro . Sir Massey Lopes , £ 50 .
The death is announced of William III ., King of the Netherlands , born in 1 S 17 , and , therefore , in the 73 rd year of his age . A few months ago , in consequence of the condition of the deceased monarch ' s health , a regency was appointed to carry on the government , and this regency will now be continued in the person of the widowed Queen during the minority of her daughter Wilhelmina ~ now Queen of the Netherlands ,, who is in her nth year .
The Duke of Clarence and Avondale arrived at Dover from Calais on Sunday afternoon last , and proceeded to Windsor Castle on a visit to the Queen . His Royal Highness had been attending the marriage of the Emperor William ' s sister to Prince Adolphus of Schaumberg-Lippe at Berlin , and had taken that opportunity of visiting the tomb of his late uncle , the Emperor Frederick , on whose tomb he placed a magnificent wreath of laurels .
Bro . the Rev . John A . Lloyd , P . G . C . Eng ., has been appointed by the Bishop of Salisbury to the benefice of Mere in South Wilts . Our reverend brother has been vicar of Broad Hinton , in the county of Wilts , for over 13 years , and his parishioners and friends have presented him with
a handsome testimonial ot regard and esteem on his leaving the parish , consisting of an English chiming clock , a library chair , a silver inkstand , and some volumes of theological books . Bro . Lloyd holds the office of P . S . G . W . in the Craft , and P . G . H . in the Royal Arch of Wilts .
The remains of the late Bro . Joshua William Le Ray vvere laid in their last resting place at the cemetery , Arno ' s Vale , Bristol , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst . This wellknown citizen of 53 years' standing , who died on Sunday previous at his residence , St . Yincent ' s-parade , at the ripe age of 84 , was well known in the business circles of Bristol
and district . Half a century since he was the first to introduce the importation of French alabaster . At about the same time he opened up direct and regular communication between our port and Guernsey and Jersey , which line has been continued to this day , and Bro . Le Ray was the agent up to the time of his death . Amongst the Masonic Craft Bro . Le Ray vvas a prominent member up to some few years since ,
Masonic And General Tidings
& t ^ The Australasian Federal Convention will meet in Sydney , New South Wales , in March next , to consider a scheme for establishing a Federal Constitution for the Australasian Colonies . For "The Penalty " at Terry's Theatre on the 2 nd prox ., Mr . Julian Cross has engaged Mr . A . Wood , who play the
part of Jack Barnacle , an ancient mariner , who mingles comedy vvith pathos . Bro . the Duke of Fife ' s shooting party at Castle Rising broke up on the evening of the 20 th instant , when the Prince of Wales , accompanied by the Duke and the other guests , took their departure for London .
We are glad to hear that the improvement of last week in the Countess of Jersey ' s condition has been well maintained , and that her ladyship has been making satisfactory progress towards recovery . The Queen sent to make inquiries on Sunday .
There vvas a large field , including the Master ( the Earl of Coventry ) , Lady Cholmondeley , and others , present at the meet of her Majesty ' s staghounds , at Brick Bridge , on the 2 ist inst . The deer vvas uncarted near Westley Mills , and taken after a capital run at Winkfield .
On Friday , the 21 st inst ., the Empress Frederick ( Princess Royal of Great Britain and Ireland ) , eldest daughter of the . Queen , completed her 50 th year , having been born on the 21 st November , 1 S 40 . Her Imperial Majesty received the congratulations of her relations .
The new Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London , which is issued by the War Office , vvas opened and read at the Mansion House in presence of Bro . Lord Mayor Savory on the 20 th instant . The vacancies , which are filled up by the retiring Lord Mayor—Bro . Alderman Sir H . A . Isaacs—vvere only seven in number , oraboutonehalf the average for which nominations are required .
The Queen and Court arrived at Windsor Castle from Balmoral about 9 a . m . on the 20 th instant , having accomplished the journey of 591 miles by rail within 19 hours . On reaching the castle it vvas ascertained that her A'lajesty ' s watch had been left in the train , and on inquiry it vvas found in the sleeping saloon which the Queen and Princess Beatrice had occupied , and promptly forwarded to her Majesty .
At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Naval Exhibition on Saturday last , at which Admiral Sir Houston Stewart presided , in the unavoidable absence of Admiral Sir William Dowell , the Secretary announced that the Guarantee Fund already exceeded £ 40 , 000 , and that in the course of the present week he had reason to believe there would be a very considerable increase .
The Library Committee of the Corporation of London has just issued to its members and to a number of public libraries its Part II . of the "Calendar of Wills Proved and Enrolled in the Court of Husting , London , between 1258 and 168 S . " The work has been very ably edited by Dr . Reginald Sharpe , Records Clerk in the office of the Town Clerk ( Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton ) .
The members of the Vyne Hunt met in considerable numbers at the Vyne , Basingstoke , on Saturday , the object being to present Bro . W . VV . B . Beach , M . P ., vvith his portrait in recognition of his services as Master for 20 years . Among those present vvere the Earl of Northbrook , Lord Basing , General Lord A . Russell , Bro . Mount , M . P ., General Sir VV . P . Radcliffe , Lady Charlotte Portal , and others .
The Feast of St . Andrew , the Patron Saint of Scotland , will be celebrated at the Crystal Palace on St . Andrew ' s Eve to-morrow ( Saturday ) by a grand evening Promenade Concert . Favourite Scotch songs will be sung b y Madame Antoinette Sterling , Miss Minnie Duffus , and Mr .
Iver McKay . The band of the Royal Horse Guards ( Blues ) has been specially engaged , and will , in conjunction with the Crystal Palace Military Band , play selections of Scotch music . 1 he grand central nave and transept of the Palace will be specially decorated and illuminated for promenade .
Mr . Clement Scott's article in the December Theatre on " The Worship of Bad Plays" is a vivacious onslaught on Mr . Wm . Archer for his exaggerated commendation ( as Mr . Scott thinks it ) of " Beau Austin . " In the same magazine Mr . Davenport Adams sketches the stage history of Shakespeare ' s " Antony and Cleopatra " and other plays on the same subject . A new and excellent feature is the
illurtrated "Art Gallery . Ihe photographs are of Miss Rosina Filippi and Mr . Fred Terry . The success Mr . Willard has made in New York in " The Middleman " has been not only with the public but vvith the critics . The Tribune , the Herald , the Times , the Sun , and the World of the day following Mr . Willard ' s appearance as Cyrus Blenkarn are unanimous in saluting
the debutant as a player of exceptional force and skill . " An actor of splendid power and extraordinary selfdiscipline "—that is the Tribune ' s verdict j "an extraordinarily good actor " says the Times ; " an artist" says the World . All praise his voice , facial expression , and physique and manner generally . Nor is there any fear that all this eulogium will turn Mr . Willard ' s head , which is singularly cool and " level . "
The new American census shows some wonderful results . In the first place the population , now about 62 , 500 , 000 , is nearly three times as large as it was 40 years ago . In the second place it has increased by more than 12 , 000 , 000 in the last 10 years . But that is the grave fact . This rapid and enormous increase is what most alarms thoughtful American politicians . It is , in fact , the most important
question of the day in America j for this large increment is greatly owing to immigration . Naturalisation is an easy thing in America , ancl a large proportion of the immigrants consist of uneducated , pauperised persons . This domestic question will soon have to be seriously faced . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . — Weak Stomach . — The wisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distressing symptoms arising from
imperfect or disordered digestion , all of which cau be relieved by these admirable Pills . They remove cankcry taste from the mouth , flatulency and constipation . Holloway ' s Pills rouse tlie stomach , liver , and every other organ , thereby bringing digestion to that liealthly tone which fully enables it to convert all we eat nnd drink to the nourishment of our bodies . Hence these Pills
are the surest strengthened and the safest restoratives in nervousness , wasting , _ . nd chronic debility . Hol . oway ' s Pills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite , eruciations , and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms whicli render the lives of thousands miserable indeed . These Pills are approved by all classes . —Auvr .
Masonic And General Tidings
We are pleased to see Bro . Matthew Fielding , W . M . of St . George Lodge , No . 1723 , vvas elected Mayor of Bolton for the ensuing year . The St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction will meet on and after Monday next at the Somerset Arms , 214 , Fulhamroad ( entrance in Seymour-place ) , at S o ' clock .
The beautiful chapel of King's College in the Strand is to be utilised during the Sundays in Advent for a course of sermons conducted in the same way as the University Sermons at Oxford and Cambridge . Her Majesty held a Council at Windsor Castle on Saturday last , at which the Marquis of Salisbury , Viscount Cranbrook , the Earl of Yarborough , the Right Hon . C . T . Ritchie , Lord Justice Kay , and Sir C . Lennox Peel vvere present . .
Bro . H . Roberts , P . M ., and VV . M . elect , vvas installed W . M . of the Borough of Greenwich Lodge , No . 2332 , on Wednesday , the 26 th inst ., Bro . T . VV . Boord , M . P ., VV . M . and P . G . D . England , being the Installing Officer . A full report will follow .
On Monday next , at the Haymarket ,. "Beau Austin " will commence at 8 . 15 , and will be followed by " The Ballad Monger , " in which Mr . and Mrs . Tree will play their old parts , vvith Mr . Fernandez as Louis XI . On Monday , the Sth prox ., " The Red Lamp " will be performed .
Mr . Shiel Barry will appear on Monday next for a short season at the Lyric Opera House , Hammersmith , in "Les Cloches de Corneville , " supported by Miss Amy Grundy , Messrs . Wm . Hogarth , David James , jun ., and a full and efficient company , chorus , and band .
Under the united banners of the Tyrian Lodge , No . 253 , and the Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 , Bro . James Stevens will deliver his lecture on" The Ritual and Ceremonial of the Symbolic Degrees in Freemasonry " in the Masonic Hall , Derby , on Friday next , the 5 th prox . On the afternoon of Saturday , the 13 th , he will lecture in The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , at Cannon-street Hotel , London .
Sir Frederick Roberts s five years , tenure of office of Commander-in-Chief in India expires to-morrow ( Friday ) . But the unusual honour of an extension of two years has been conferred upon him . India cannot spare him just yet . He is the best Commander-in-Chief the Indian Army has
had for many years . He has djne much during his occupancy of the post to develop the efficiency of the army , the frontier and other defences , and the military railways . In another two years his work should be complete .
We regret that vve are compelled , by the unusual pressure on our space , to omit this week all reports of lodges of instruction . These records may not be ot great interest to brethren not immediately interested in the particular lodge described , but we have reason to believe that they are much
valued by our hard-working brethren , who devote so much time and labour to the work of instruction , and vve are always glad to be of service in making known the good work done , but occasionally vve fear some indulgence must be granted to us during the present very busy season .
The fund for the restoration of the famous Church of St . Saviour , Southwark , has now reached nearly £ 30 , 000 . The work of removing the nave , which was erected nearly 60 years ago , is now far advanced , and has revealed many portions ot the walls of the old church , still in situ , but for
the most part in such a mutilated condition , that it is doubtful whether much can be retained . Perhaps the most interesting discoveries are those of the remains of the ancient doorways—an early English one on the south , a filteenth century one at the west end , and two Norman doorways into the cloisters on the north side .
The brethren of St . John's Lodge , No . 137 , S . C . ( Blairgowrie ) , have forwarded through their Concert Secretary , Bro . Cadenhead , the sum of £ . 10 ios . to the Marquis of Breadalbane , the Provincial Grand Master of Perthshire East , as the proceeds of the concert recently held , to be applied in supplement of the funds to be raised in
connection with the Grand Lodge Masonic Bazaar in Edinburgh from the 2 nd to 5 th prox ., and have further forwarded the sum of £ 2 is . ot special donations for the same purpose We understand also a large quantity ol work to be sold at the bazaar will be forwarded to Lady Breadalbane , Taymouth Castle , on Monday .
A special Masonic service vvas held on the 23 rd inst ., in Christ Church , Denton , in connection vvith the Duke of Athol Lodge . A large number of brethren assembled in the afternoon and walked in procession to the church , wearing the regalia of their respective offices . Bro . Irvine Dearnaley presided at the organ , and Bros . Moore , C . H . Warren , achotield , and others assisted in the musical
service . Ihe sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . E . Bigoe Bagot ,- rector of the Bishop Lee Memorial Church , Manchester , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ot East Lancashire and Cheshire , who took for his text 2 nd Chronicles , iii ., 17 : "And he reared up the pillars before the Temple , one on the right hand and the other on the left , and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin , and the name of that on the left Boaz . "
A correspondent of the Cape Times , " H . S ., " gives several very stirring and interesting accounts of encounters with pirates on the Atlantic in the old days . He brings his articles to a conclusion in these words : before concluding this narrative of murder and pillage by pirates in the Atlantic in the years 1827-30 , I would record an incident which goes far to prove an assertion often made that even among the
vilest some good may be found , and that some latent spark of the human may yet exist in the breasts of men , who , by their deeds ,, have become fiends incarnate . Captain George Carew—a name not forgotten in Cape Townalso lell into the hands of these pirates . 1 forget what ship he then commanded , but in the hour of his extremity , and when on the point of cruel treatment , the pirate and his prey recognised in each other a brother Mason . All further
violence ceased , and Captain Carew , with his fellow voyagers , vvere allowed to go on their course rejoicing . I know not by what talismanic sign , or by what act of necromancy this recognition was made which ended so providentially tor Captain Carew and companions j 1 state the fact as repeatedly told me by himself , and I commend it to the notice ot my valued friend and neighbour , who for so many years has worthily filled the high and honourable office of D . G . M . of the Western Division of South Africa ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic And General Tidings
We are asked to announce that The Great City Lodge of Instruction meets every Thursday at 6 . 30 p . m . at Masons ' Hall Tavern , Basinghall-street . At a meeting of the Natalia Rose Croix Chapter , Pietermaritzburg , Bro . Sir Charles Mitchell , Governor of the colony , vvas admitted to the 1 S .
Bro . Grantham Dodd has been elected the Master of the Bakers' Company , one of the oldest livery companies of the City of London . Bro . Lord Mayor Savory has consented to open a bazaar in the schoolroom of the Raleigh Memorial Church , Stoke Newington , on Tuesday , the 2 nd prox ., with a view to reducing the debt on the edifice .
Among the contributions to the Mansion House Fund for the relief of the relatives of the seamen and marines lost in H . M . S . Serpent are £ 100 from Messrs . Rothschild and £ 21 from the Merchant Taylors' Company . Bro . Sir H . Drummond WolffH . M . ' s Minister at
, Teheran , is expected to arrive at Constantinople to-morrow ( Saturday ) , and will probably arrive in England about the iSth prox . He has now quite recovered from his recent dangerous illness , which is supposed to have been typhoid fever .
The Duchess of Albany , vvith her son the Duke of Albany and her daughter the Princess Alice , arrived at Windsor Castle on Friday , the 21 st instant , on a visit to the Queen . On the same day the Prime Minister and the Marchioness of Salisbury arrived at the castle , returning to Hatfield the following day .
A numerously-attended meeting vvas held at Reading on Friday , the 21 st instant , for the purpose of concerting the necessary arrangements for the installation of the Duke of Clarence and Avondale as Prov . Grand Master of Berkshire . It has been settled that the ceremony , which is fixed for Monday , the 15 th prox ., shall take place in the Town Hall .
The Duke of Cambridge , who is Colonel-in-Chief of the 60 th Rifles visited Aldershot on Saturday last for the purpose of bidding farewell to the ist battalion of the regiment , which is about to proceed on service to India . His Royal Highness congratulated the officer in command on the fine appearance of his men . The Duke returned to town after lunching vvith the Royal Artillery men .
The Recorder of London ( Sir Thomas Chambers ) celebrated the jubilee of his call to the Bar in the Whitehall Rooms of the Hotel Metropole , on the evening of the 20 th instant . The Mayor ' s Court and the Old Bailey were numerously represented , while among the other guests vvere Lord Justice Bowen and Bro . Sir Edward Clarke , Q . C , M . P ., her Majesty ' s Solicitor-General .
Lord St . Levan , Mayor of Devonport , presided at a meeting held in the Guildhall on the 20 th instant , when it vvas decided to raise a fund for the relief of the widows ancl children lost in H . M . S . Serpent . The Duke of Edinburgh , the Naval Commander-in-Chief at the port , took part in the proceedings , and at the close of the meeting subscriptions to the amount of £ ' 6 50 vvere announced .
His Royal Highness the Commander-in-Chief has expressed his gratification at the conduct of the non-commissioned officers and men of the Coldstream and Scots Guards durinq- the recent fire at Wellington Barracks , and has expressed his belief that but for their courage and presence of mind more lives would have been sacrificed . The soldiers concerned have been recommended for the Albert Medal .
Among the contributors to the Serpent Relief Fund are the Queen , who has sent a donation of £ 50 ; the Prince of Wales , £ 25 5 s . j Admiral the Duke of Edinburgh , £ 100 J the Duchess of Edinburgh , £ 26 5 s . ; the Soldiers' and Sailors' Association , £ 500 j the Trinity House Brethren , £ 105 j Lord St . Levan , £ 100 ; the Earl of Northbrook , £ ' 50 ; the National Provincial Bank , £ 52 ios . ; and Bro . Sir Massey Lopes , £ 50 .
The death is announced of William III ., King of the Netherlands , born in 1 S 17 , and , therefore , in the 73 rd year of his age . A few months ago , in consequence of the condition of the deceased monarch ' s health , a regency was appointed to carry on the government , and this regency will now be continued in the person of the widowed Queen during the minority of her daughter Wilhelmina ~ now Queen of the Netherlands ,, who is in her nth year .
The Duke of Clarence and Avondale arrived at Dover from Calais on Sunday afternoon last , and proceeded to Windsor Castle on a visit to the Queen . His Royal Highness had been attending the marriage of the Emperor William ' s sister to Prince Adolphus of Schaumberg-Lippe at Berlin , and had taken that opportunity of visiting the tomb of his late uncle , the Emperor Frederick , on whose tomb he placed a magnificent wreath of laurels .
Bro . the Rev . John A . Lloyd , P . G . C . Eng ., has been appointed by the Bishop of Salisbury to the benefice of Mere in South Wilts . Our reverend brother has been vicar of Broad Hinton , in the county of Wilts , for over 13 years , and his parishioners and friends have presented him with
a handsome testimonial ot regard and esteem on his leaving the parish , consisting of an English chiming clock , a library chair , a silver inkstand , and some volumes of theological books . Bro . Lloyd holds the office of P . S . G . W . in the Craft , and P . G . H . in the Royal Arch of Wilts .
The remains of the late Bro . Joshua William Le Ray vvere laid in their last resting place at the cemetery , Arno ' s Vale , Bristol , on Wednesday , the 19 th inst . This wellknown citizen of 53 years' standing , who died on Sunday previous at his residence , St . Yincent ' s-parade , at the ripe age of 84 , was well known in the business circles of Bristol
and district . Half a century since he was the first to introduce the importation of French alabaster . At about the same time he opened up direct and regular communication between our port and Guernsey and Jersey , which line has been continued to this day , and Bro . Le Ray was the agent up to the time of his death . Amongst the Masonic Craft Bro . Le Ray vvas a prominent member up to some few years since ,
Masonic And General Tidings
& t ^ The Australasian Federal Convention will meet in Sydney , New South Wales , in March next , to consider a scheme for establishing a Federal Constitution for the Australasian Colonies . For "The Penalty " at Terry's Theatre on the 2 nd prox ., Mr . Julian Cross has engaged Mr . A . Wood , who play the
part of Jack Barnacle , an ancient mariner , who mingles comedy vvith pathos . Bro . the Duke of Fife ' s shooting party at Castle Rising broke up on the evening of the 20 th instant , when the Prince of Wales , accompanied by the Duke and the other guests , took their departure for London .
We are glad to hear that the improvement of last week in the Countess of Jersey ' s condition has been well maintained , and that her ladyship has been making satisfactory progress towards recovery . The Queen sent to make inquiries on Sunday .
There vvas a large field , including the Master ( the Earl of Coventry ) , Lady Cholmondeley , and others , present at the meet of her Majesty ' s staghounds , at Brick Bridge , on the 2 ist inst . The deer vvas uncarted near Westley Mills , and taken after a capital run at Winkfield .
On Friday , the 21 st inst ., the Empress Frederick ( Princess Royal of Great Britain and Ireland ) , eldest daughter of the . Queen , completed her 50 th year , having been born on the 21 st November , 1 S 40 . Her Imperial Majesty received the congratulations of her relations .
The new Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London , which is issued by the War Office , vvas opened and read at the Mansion House in presence of Bro . Lord Mayor Savory on the 20 th instant . The vacancies , which are filled up by the retiring Lord Mayor—Bro . Alderman Sir H . A . Isaacs—vvere only seven in number , oraboutonehalf the average for which nominations are required .
The Queen and Court arrived at Windsor Castle from Balmoral about 9 a . m . on the 20 th instant , having accomplished the journey of 591 miles by rail within 19 hours . On reaching the castle it vvas ascertained that her A'lajesty ' s watch had been left in the train , and on inquiry it vvas found in the sleeping saloon which the Queen and Princess Beatrice had occupied , and promptly forwarded to her Majesty .
At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Naval Exhibition on Saturday last , at which Admiral Sir Houston Stewart presided , in the unavoidable absence of Admiral Sir William Dowell , the Secretary announced that the Guarantee Fund already exceeded £ 40 , 000 , and that in the course of the present week he had reason to believe there would be a very considerable increase .
The Library Committee of the Corporation of London has just issued to its members and to a number of public libraries its Part II . of the "Calendar of Wills Proved and Enrolled in the Court of Husting , London , between 1258 and 168 S . " The work has been very ably edited by Dr . Reginald Sharpe , Records Clerk in the office of the Town Clerk ( Bro . Sir J . B . Monckton ) .
The members of the Vyne Hunt met in considerable numbers at the Vyne , Basingstoke , on Saturday , the object being to present Bro . W . VV . B . Beach , M . P ., vvith his portrait in recognition of his services as Master for 20 years . Among those present vvere the Earl of Northbrook , Lord Basing , General Lord A . Russell , Bro . Mount , M . P ., General Sir VV . P . Radcliffe , Lady Charlotte Portal , and others .
The Feast of St . Andrew , the Patron Saint of Scotland , will be celebrated at the Crystal Palace on St . Andrew ' s Eve to-morrow ( Saturday ) by a grand evening Promenade Concert . Favourite Scotch songs will be sung b y Madame Antoinette Sterling , Miss Minnie Duffus , and Mr .
Iver McKay . The band of the Royal Horse Guards ( Blues ) has been specially engaged , and will , in conjunction with the Crystal Palace Military Band , play selections of Scotch music . 1 he grand central nave and transept of the Palace will be specially decorated and illuminated for promenade .
Mr . Clement Scott's article in the December Theatre on " The Worship of Bad Plays" is a vivacious onslaught on Mr . Wm . Archer for his exaggerated commendation ( as Mr . Scott thinks it ) of " Beau Austin . " In the same magazine Mr . Davenport Adams sketches the stage history of Shakespeare ' s " Antony and Cleopatra " and other plays on the same subject . A new and excellent feature is the
illurtrated "Art Gallery . Ihe photographs are of Miss Rosina Filippi and Mr . Fred Terry . The success Mr . Willard has made in New York in " The Middleman " has been not only with the public but vvith the critics . The Tribune , the Herald , the Times , the Sun , and the World of the day following Mr . Willard ' s appearance as Cyrus Blenkarn are unanimous in saluting
the debutant as a player of exceptional force and skill . " An actor of splendid power and extraordinary selfdiscipline "—that is the Tribune ' s verdict j "an extraordinarily good actor " says the Times ; " an artist" says the World . All praise his voice , facial expression , and physique and manner generally . Nor is there any fear that all this eulogium will turn Mr . Willard ' s head , which is singularly cool and " level . "
The new American census shows some wonderful results . In the first place the population , now about 62 , 500 , 000 , is nearly three times as large as it was 40 years ago . In the second place it has increased by more than 12 , 000 , 000 in the last 10 years . But that is the grave fact . This rapid and enormous increase is what most alarms thoughtful American politicians . It is , in fact , the most important
question of the day in America j for this large increment is greatly owing to immigration . Naturalisation is an easy thing in America , ancl a large proportion of the immigrants consist of uneducated , pauperised persons . This domestic question will soon have to be seriously faced . HOLLOWAY ' S PILLS . — Weak Stomach . — The wisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distressing symptoms arising from
imperfect or disordered digestion , all of which cau be relieved by these admirable Pills . They remove cankcry taste from the mouth , flatulency and constipation . Holloway ' s Pills rouse tlie stomach , liver , and every other organ , thereby bringing digestion to that liealthly tone which fully enables it to convert all we eat nnd drink to the nourishment of our bodies . Hence these Pills
are the surest strengthened and the safest restoratives in nervousness , wasting , _ . nd chronic debility . Hol . oway ' s Pills are infallible remedies for impaired appetite , eruciations , and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms whicli render the lives of thousands miserable indeed . These Pills are approved by all classes . —Auvr .
Masonic And General Tidings
We are pleased to see Bro . Matthew Fielding , W . M . of St . George Lodge , No . 1723 , vvas elected Mayor of Bolton for the ensuing year . The St . Luke ' s Lodge of Instruction will meet on and after Monday next at the Somerset Arms , 214 , Fulhamroad ( entrance in Seymour-place ) , at S o ' clock .
The beautiful chapel of King's College in the Strand is to be utilised during the Sundays in Advent for a course of sermons conducted in the same way as the University Sermons at Oxford and Cambridge . Her Majesty held a Council at Windsor Castle on Saturday last , at which the Marquis of Salisbury , Viscount Cranbrook , the Earl of Yarborough , the Right Hon . C . T . Ritchie , Lord Justice Kay , and Sir C . Lennox Peel vvere present . .
Bro . H . Roberts , P . M ., and VV . M . elect , vvas installed W . M . of the Borough of Greenwich Lodge , No . 2332 , on Wednesday , the 26 th inst ., Bro . T . VV . Boord , M . P ., VV . M . and P . G . D . England , being the Installing Officer . A full report will follow .
On Monday next , at the Haymarket ,. "Beau Austin " will commence at 8 . 15 , and will be followed by " The Ballad Monger , " in which Mr . and Mrs . Tree will play their old parts , vvith Mr . Fernandez as Louis XI . On Monday , the Sth prox ., " The Red Lamp " will be performed .
Mr . Shiel Barry will appear on Monday next for a short season at the Lyric Opera House , Hammersmith , in "Les Cloches de Corneville , " supported by Miss Amy Grundy , Messrs . Wm . Hogarth , David James , jun ., and a full and efficient company , chorus , and band .
Under the united banners of the Tyrian Lodge , No . 253 , and the Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 , Bro . James Stevens will deliver his lecture on" The Ritual and Ceremonial of the Symbolic Degrees in Freemasonry " in the Masonic Hall , Derby , on Friday next , the 5 th prox . On the afternoon of Saturday , the 13 th , he will lecture in The Great City Lodge , No . 1426 , at Cannon-street Hotel , London .
Sir Frederick Roberts s five years , tenure of office of Commander-in-Chief in India expires to-morrow ( Friday ) . But the unusual honour of an extension of two years has been conferred upon him . India cannot spare him just yet . He is the best Commander-in-Chief the Indian Army has
had for many years . He has djne much during his occupancy of the post to develop the efficiency of the army , the frontier and other defences , and the military railways . In another two years his work should be complete .
We regret that vve are compelled , by the unusual pressure on our space , to omit this week all reports of lodges of instruction . These records may not be ot great interest to brethren not immediately interested in the particular lodge described , but we have reason to believe that they are much
valued by our hard-working brethren , who devote so much time and labour to the work of instruction , and vve are always glad to be of service in making known the good work done , but occasionally vve fear some indulgence must be granted to us during the present very busy season .
The fund for the restoration of the famous Church of St . Saviour , Southwark , has now reached nearly £ 30 , 000 . The work of removing the nave , which was erected nearly 60 years ago , is now far advanced , and has revealed many portions ot the walls of the old church , still in situ , but for
the most part in such a mutilated condition , that it is doubtful whether much can be retained . Perhaps the most interesting discoveries are those of the remains of the ancient doorways—an early English one on the south , a filteenth century one at the west end , and two Norman doorways into the cloisters on the north side .
The brethren of St . John's Lodge , No . 137 , S . C . ( Blairgowrie ) , have forwarded through their Concert Secretary , Bro . Cadenhead , the sum of £ . 10 ios . to the Marquis of Breadalbane , the Provincial Grand Master of Perthshire East , as the proceeds of the concert recently held , to be applied in supplement of the funds to be raised in
connection with the Grand Lodge Masonic Bazaar in Edinburgh from the 2 nd to 5 th prox ., and have further forwarded the sum of £ 2 is . ot special donations for the same purpose We understand also a large quantity ol work to be sold at the bazaar will be forwarded to Lady Breadalbane , Taymouth Castle , on Monday .
A special Masonic service vvas held on the 23 rd inst ., in Christ Church , Denton , in connection vvith the Duke of Athol Lodge . A large number of brethren assembled in the afternoon and walked in procession to the church , wearing the regalia of their respective offices . Bro . Irvine Dearnaley presided at the organ , and Bros . Moore , C . H . Warren , achotield , and others assisted in the musical
service . Ihe sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . E . Bigoe Bagot ,- rector of the Bishop Lee Memorial Church , Manchester , P . M ., P . P . G . C . ot East Lancashire and Cheshire , who took for his text 2 nd Chronicles , iii ., 17 : "And he reared up the pillars before the Temple , one on the right hand and the other on the left , and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin , and the name of that on the left Boaz . "
A correspondent of the Cape Times , " H . S ., " gives several very stirring and interesting accounts of encounters with pirates on the Atlantic in the old days . He brings his articles to a conclusion in these words : before concluding this narrative of murder and pillage by pirates in the Atlantic in the years 1827-30 , I would record an incident which goes far to prove an assertion often made that even among the
vilest some good may be found , and that some latent spark of the human may yet exist in the breasts of men , who , by their deeds ,, have become fiends incarnate . Captain George Carew—a name not forgotten in Cape Townalso lell into the hands of these pirates . 1 forget what ship he then commanded , but in the hour of his extremity , and when on the point of cruel treatment , the pirate and his prey recognised in each other a brother Mason . All further
violence ceased , and Captain Carew , with his fellow voyagers , vvere allowed to go on their course rejoicing . I know not by what talismanic sign , or by what act of necromancy this recognition was made which ended so providentially tor Captain Carew and companions j 1 state the fact as repeatedly told me by himself , and I commend it to the notice ot my valued friend and neighbour , who for so many years has worthily filled the high and honourable office of D . G . M . of the Western Division of South Africa ,