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Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devonshire.
Comp . A . P . Reece , 494 ••••••¦¦¦ •••Prov . G . S . B . „ W . H . Discombe , 303 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br . ., f . Hammond , 1255 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ H . M . Burrow , 251 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . „ A . Andrews , 1125 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . ,, H . Shooter ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor .
A vote of condolence and sympathy was accorded to the Dowager Countess of Carnarvon at the loss of her husband , the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M . of England , and the Prov . G . S . E . was directed to convey the same to the countess by letter .
Centenary Festival Of St. Paul's Lodge, No. 194.
The St . Paul's Lodge , No . 194 , having completed the centenary of its existence and obtained the usual centenary warrant , celebrated the event on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel , in a manner worthy of the occasion . Although the lodge is a small one numerically , the brethren present numbered about 120 , and the proceedings throughout were an unqualified success . The senior Past Master , Bro . S . J . Weston , who occupied the chair in 18 73 , ' occupied the
chair , and was supported by Bro . G . N . Watts , P . M ., as S . W ., and Bro . H . F . Paget , P . M ., as J . W ., and the other officers as follows : Bros . C . Hunt , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; W . H . Kerr , S . D . ; W . Ellis , J . D . ; F . W . Crohn , I . G . ; W . G . Temple , P . M ., Steward ; Hermann Crohn , W . M . ; A . W . Wright , S . W . ; J . H . Mathews , J . W . ; and J . F . Haskins , Org . There were also
present—Bros , the Very Rev . Dr . E . R . Currie , G . Chap . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br .- Jas . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; Dr . G . G . Brodie , P . G . D . ; D . D . Mercer , G . P . ; __ R . C . Sudlow , G . Std . Br . ; C Barry , G . S . of W . ; R . L . Loveland , S . G . D . ; Dr . E . E . Wendt , G . S . for German Correspondence ; H . Crohn , W . M . ; W . G . Temple , P . M ., Stwd . ; C . Hunt , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; I . Chapman , P . M . ; W . ] . Russell , P . M . ; F . C . Christmas , P . M . ; F . P . Colliver , P . M . ; F . V .
Hawsley , P . M . ; C . E . McBean , P . M . ; E . stimpson , J . Brittain , J . H . Baxter , H . Garrod , P . G . P . ; J . M . McLeod , Sec . R . M . I . B . ; I ' . ' Billing , Dr . T . Ridge-Jones , P . M . 1616 ; J . H . Savory , W . M . 2243 ; R . H . Pearson , P . M . 129 G ; F . Foxley , C . Mayne , H . Roach , T . Marler , VV . Fowler , W . A . Dingle , R . Blair , N . Green , P . M . 1962 ; F . Swaine , Bolding , W . B . Pugh , B . Fountain , G . Wheeler , Jubal Webb , W . J . Compton , Dr . C . Lovegrove , G . Wilkes , J . R . Lovegrove , G . M . Sayle , F . H .
Gale , J . Hayward , W . VVelford , F . Mimms , E . Witts , P . M . 144 ; J . H . Mathews , S . H . Baker , P . M . 12 C 0 ; Dr . B . H . Paul , P . M . 107 ; J . McKenzie , E . J . Scott , J . H . Clark , E . M . Mayes , V . Abraham , G . D . Rust , W . H . Stone , T . S . Thorold , Charles Butler , Col . Wild , S . Johnson , ] . C . Reynolds , Dunn , H . Phillips , B . Whitehead , W . W . Mackay , P . G . S . B . West Yorks ; J . VV . Tacon , Capt . de Carteret-Bisson , C . L . Thompson , T . Nicholson , VV . M . 91 , G . Stwd . ; W . W . Lee , S . VV . 23 S 1 . ; and others .
The lodge was opened , the minutes confirmed , and the Grand Officers saluted . The hymn " O God our help in ages past " was next sung , alter which the SECRETARY read the centenary warrant , and afterwards a short abstract from the history of the lodge , which proved very interesting . Bro . the Very Rev . Dr . E . R . CURRIE , G . C , then delivered an interesting address .
A handsome lodge banner , bearing the motto— Esto perpetua ' *'—was presented by the Secretary , Bro . C . Hunt , P . M ., to whom a hearty vote of thanks was accorded for the gift . Bro . A . W . Wright , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Weston , P . M ., Treasurer , re-elected Treasurer . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded the Grand Chaplain for his kindness in delivering the address to the brethren .
A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Hermann Crohn , W . M ., for services rendered to the lodge during his year of office . An anthem , "Behold how good , & c , " was sung , and the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a well-served banquet , presided over by Bro . Weston , P . M . The loving cup having been passed round , the usual toasts were afterwards heartily honoured .
" The Grand Officers" was g iven by Bro . WESTON , P . M ., who said it was his painful duty to call to their memory the irreparable loss they had sustained in the death of the Earl of Carnarvon , an immense part of whose time was spent in advancing the interests of Freemasonry . The late Pro G . M . was a respected and distinguished Englishman , an antiquarian ot no mean order , and a very clever man of letters . Outside the Masonic world the late Earl of Carnarvon left a
stainless memory , and would long be remembered by the Craft as a hard working Mason . They were honoured that evening by the presence of a number of Grand Officers , to one and all of whom they offered a hearty welcome . The Grand Officers seemed to live in an atmosphere of Masonry , for wherever Masonic work had to be done they were present , and performed it to the satisfaction of all . He would couple with the toast the names of Bros . Wendt and Loveland .
Bro . Dr . E . E . WENDT , Grand Secretary for German Correspondence , said the Grand Officers were deeply sensible of the kind way in which they had been received , and wished from the bottom of their hearts that the festival which had , with great satisfaction , been celebrated that day might be in years to come repeated over and over again . The observation made by the W . M . in the chair when he
alluded to the great interest taken by the Prince of Wales was correct , for H . R . H . not only took an interest in Freemasonry in this country , but , as the Grand Master of the oldest Grand Lodge in the world , took an interest in all lodges abroad . He recently represented H . R . H . at two festivals at Berlin and Dresden , and the kind sentiments given him to deliver he was sure would be received by the brethren in this country with heart and soul .
Bro . LOVELAND LOVELAND , S . G . D ., also replied , and returned thanks for the privilege accorded the Grand Officers of being present . They had been greatly pleased and interested in listening to a resume of the history , on which they congratulated the lodge and hoped it would be an augury for the future . Bro . WESTON , P . M ., then proposed " The W . M ., " and said that as there was
a long musical programme he did not propose to make long speeches , and , therefore , much that he should like to say of the W . M . must be left unsaid . For a small lodge like theirs , Bro . H . Crohn , W . M ., had had a fair share of work during his year and had done it to their satisfaction . Uniformly courteous and kind in his behaviour the W . M . had endeared himself to all in the lodge , and they wished him many years of happiness and prosperity .
Bro . HERMANN CROHN , W . M ., in response , said he was grateful for the honour done him . He and the Wardens had been most pleased to vacate their chairs in favour of the senior Past Masters , and he was pleased to say those chairs could not have been better filled , and thanked the Past Masters for occupying them on that occasion .
Bro . C . BARKY , G . Supt . of Wks ., replying for "The Visitors , " said that after the honour done him as a Grand Officer he did not think anything further would be asked of him , but at the same time he was a Mason , and could not help remembering that there were two principles to observe—one was dutiful obedience to
those above him in office , and the other was the desire to render fraternal aid to a brother Mason . He returned hearty thanks to the W . M . and brethren for the extremely kind and hospitable reception they had received . He thought that remark would evoke a good response for his brother visitors , and was not disappointed . With reference to the song they had just heard so beautifully
Centenary Festival Of St. Paul's Lodge, No. 194.
rendered , he hoped it would not be " for years , " still less " for ever , " before they were visitors to the lodge again . Bro . W . J . Compton , P . M ., also replied , and said that after an absence of five or six years it was a great pleasure to be received so warmly . He was initiated in that lodge , filled the various offices , and served as W . M . for two successive years . He should never forget the kindness he then received , and that evening it
was peculiarly gratifying to find his name was remembered by old and new faces . Bro . J UBAL WEBB , P . M ., in response , said the cordiality of his reception , the magnificent hospitality and the pleasant memories he should carry away made that a red-letter day in his Masonic career . He came from an older lodge which was established some 150 years ago in Westminster , and could remember that it was right royally entertained in the City of London by the Fishmongers' Company . He
trusted the Great Architect would be merciful tothe St . Paul ' s Lodge in the future , and that the members would be united in this world and not be disunited hereafter . Bro . G . N . Watts , P . M ., acting S . W ., proposed "The St . Paul's Lodge , and the Senior P . M . and Treasurer , Bro . S . J . Weston , who presides on this occasion , " which he characterised as a toast dear to the hearts of all the members , and one which would not be unfavourably received by the guests . A brother in
returning thanks said he hoped the future of the lodge would be maintained as well as its history of the past . They were celebrating its centenary , and had been told by the Secretary that there had been good men and true as W . M . ' s in the past . It had not been his privilege to know many of them , but he had known a few . He remembered Bro . Veal , who occupied the chair in 1 843 and 18 44 , telling him that he painted the tracing boards now in use , and in 1841 presented them to the
lodge . The memory of many who had left them was dear to them , and he hoped the brethren coming on would do their best for the lodge in its integrity and good working . They had had presented that evening by the Secretary a most beautiful banner . There was one present which was made which was very dear to them , but which they had lost—a very handsome snuffbox given by Bro . David Garrickwhich was one of the finest specimens of enamel and silver , and was very valuable , and he hoped it would be found again . "Esto perpetua" was their motto , and
might the lodge long prosper ! Bro . Weston , P . M ., Treas ., who occupied the chair that evening , vvas initiated in the lodge in 1868 , served the oflice of Master in 18 73 , arid during his year worked the ceremonies most admirably , installed his successor , and had since attended the lodge most regularly , and on the death of Bro . Dr . Fowler took up the office of Treasurer . It was the wish of all that Bro . Weston , P . M ., would be spared for many years to be with the brethren , who would long remember the summer outing during that brother ' s year of office , which was held at Richmond at a hostelry on the site of which the Richmond Theatre now stood .
Bro . S . J . WESTON , P . M ., thanked the brethren for the signal honour done him in asking him to take the chair , and Bro . Watts , P . M ., for the too kind way in which he had spoken of him . It was now 22 years since he was initiated in the lodge . When he looked round the lodge now there was but one face he could see who was present on that occasion—their respected Bro . Temple , P . M . But although old faces had passed away , new faces had come , and the same Masonic
feelings , the same kind greetings , and the same friendship were now offered to every new brother as they had been in the past , and as he trusted they would be in the future . He trusted those good feelings of brotherly friendship and brotherly love would dominate the lodge , and would prevail when the next centenary was celebrated . He thanked them from the bottom of his heart for the great honour conferred upon him in asking him to fill the chair .
" The Masonic Charities " was next given in cordial terms from the chair , and duly acknowleged by Bros . J . TERRY and J . M . MCLEOD . " The Past Masters " and " The Officers" were duly honoured , and an eventful and successful evening was closed by the Tyler ' s toast . An excellent programme of music was carried out under the direction of Bro . J . F . Haskins , assisted by Miss Jessie Griffin , Miss M . Riversdale , Madam Florence Winn , Miss Emily Foxcroft , and Bros . J . Bartlett , F . Bevan , and G . A . Pritchard .
Consecration Of The Collin Lodge Of Royal Ark Marlners, No. 151, At Maryport.
The Royal Ark Mariners of this province met in great force at the Freemason 6 Hall , Eaglesfield-street , on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., for the purpose of witnessing the consecration of a new Royal Ark Mariners lodge , to be named the Collin Lodge , a just and worthy compliment to W . Bro . P . de E . Collin , P . C . N . 213 , P . G . D . of England , a brother that has done much and for many years to make Masonry to be respected in the old borough , and the brethren in this part of the province have been perfectly alive to the many good parts played , and have not
been slow to determine a scheme whereby the names famous shall be handed down to posterity . There is the Nicholson Royal Arch Chapter and the W . M . Sewell Allied Council , and now the Collin Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , all the three in grateful remembrance for services rendered by two of the three , over 50 years ago , which has been the ways and means of a Masonic edifice being erected a column of strength in the province , and may justly be denominated the Pillar of the West .
The brethren deputed to consecrate the lodge were W . Bro . Colonel F . R . Sewell , P . C . N . 3 , 213 , D . P . G . Mark Master , and W . Bro . G . Dalrymple , P . C . N . 213 , P . A . G . D . C . of England , and the officers designate were W . Bro . P . de E . Collin , P . C . N . 3 , 213 , P . G . D . of England , N . ; W . Bro . Colonel Sewell , P . C . N . 3 , 213 , D . P . G . M . M . M ., J . ; W . Bro . T . Mandle , 213 , P . P . S . G . W ., S .
The brethren assembled in the ante-room , and a lodge of Royal Ark Mariners was opened by W . Bro . Collin , N . designate , and 10 candidates were balloted for , and nine being in attendance , were elevated by the W . C . N , in the chair , w ! Bro . Dalrymple was then invited to preside , and proceed with the consecration uf the new lodge , with W . Bros . Collin , as J . ; Sewell , S . ; J . Nicholson , P . C . N .
213 , P . G . D . of Eng ., D . C ; Jas . Gardiner , J . 213 , P . G . Stwd . of Eng ., Secretary ; and six other petitioners . The warrant was read , and the officers named unanimously approved , and the brethren listened with marked attention to an able and eloquent oration delivered by Bro . Rev . TAMES ANDERSON , W . M . 213 , P . S G W . P . P . G . Chaplain .
The elements of consecration were then duly applied , and the Collin Lodge ,. No . 151 , was dedicated and constituted to Royal Ark Masonry , and Bro . Smith ' s musical arrangements were nothing short of perfection . W . Bro . J . Nicholson presented W . Bro . Collin , N . designate , to W . Bro .
Dalrymple for enthronement , and he was enthroned and proclaimed , and he invested the following as his officers : Bros . Nicholson , I . P . W . C . N . ; Col . Sewell J . ; Thos . Mandle , S . ; J . Gardiner , Treas . ; J . O . Scott , Scribe ; R . Leach ' S . D . ; G . Scott , J . D . ; J . Abbott , D . C . ; J . Smith , Org . ; T . Atkinson , Guardian ; T . Swainson , Steward ; and John Messenger , Warder .
the following brethren were also in attendance : Bros . E . B . Penrice P . M . 151 , P . P . G . R . of M . ; T . Annison , R . Brown , J . Reed , and others . A Committee was appointed to draw up by-laws . On the motion of W . Bro . GARDINER , seconded by W . Bro . MANDLR Bros . Anderson and Dalrymple were unanimously elected honorary members of the lodge , and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to them for their services which vvas duly acknowledged .
With other general business , the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren , at the invitation of the W . C . N ., adjourned to the banquet hall , where reirestvmen ' ts were provided , and a most enjoyable evening was spent vvith toast and song .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Devonshire.
Comp . A . P . Reece , 494 ••••••¦¦¦ •••Prov . G . S . B . „ W . H . Discombe , 303 ... ... ... Prov . G . Std . Br . ., f . Hammond , 1255 ... ... ... Prov . G . D . C . „ H . M . Burrow , 251 ... ... ... Prov . A . G . D . C . „ A . Andrews , 1125 ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Org . ,, H . Shooter ... ... ... ... Prov . G . Janitor .
A vote of condolence and sympathy was accorded to the Dowager Countess of Carnarvon at the loss of her husband , the Earl of Carnarvon , Pro G . M . of England , and the Prov . G . S . E . was directed to convey the same to the countess by letter .
Centenary Festival Of St. Paul's Lodge, No. 194.
The St . Paul's Lodge , No . 194 , having completed the centenary of its existence and obtained the usual centenary warrant , celebrated the event on Tuesday , the 18 th inst ., at the Cannon-street Hotel , in a manner worthy of the occasion . Although the lodge is a small one numerically , the brethren present numbered about 120 , and the proceedings throughout were an unqualified success . The senior Past Master , Bro . S . J . Weston , who occupied the chair in 18 73 , ' occupied the
chair , and was supported by Bro . G . N . Watts , P . M ., as S . W ., and Bro . H . F . Paget , P . M ., as J . W ., and the other officers as follows : Bros . C . Hunt , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; W . H . Kerr , S . D . ; W . Ellis , J . D . ; F . W . Crohn , I . G . ; W . G . Temple , P . M ., Steward ; Hermann Crohn , W . M . ; A . W . Wright , S . W . ; J . H . Mathews , J . W . ; and J . F . Haskins , Org . There were also
present—Bros , the Very Rev . Dr . E . R . Currie , G . Chap . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P . ; C . F . Hogard , P . G . Std . Br .- Jas . Terry , P . G . S . B ., Sec . R . M . B . I . ; Dr . G . G . Brodie , P . G . D . ; D . D . Mercer , G . P . ; __ R . C . Sudlow , G . Std . Br . ; C Barry , G . S . of W . ; R . L . Loveland , S . G . D . ; Dr . E . E . Wendt , G . S . for German Correspondence ; H . Crohn , W . M . ; W . G . Temple , P . M ., Stwd . ; C . Hunt , P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; I . Chapman , P . M . ; W . ] . Russell , P . M . ; F . C . Christmas , P . M . ; F . P . Colliver , P . M . ; F . V .
Hawsley , P . M . ; C . E . McBean , P . M . ; E . stimpson , J . Brittain , J . H . Baxter , H . Garrod , P . G . P . ; J . M . McLeod , Sec . R . M . I . B . ; I ' . ' Billing , Dr . T . Ridge-Jones , P . M . 1616 ; J . H . Savory , W . M . 2243 ; R . H . Pearson , P . M . 129 G ; F . Foxley , C . Mayne , H . Roach , T . Marler , VV . Fowler , W . A . Dingle , R . Blair , N . Green , P . M . 1962 ; F . Swaine , Bolding , W . B . Pugh , B . Fountain , G . Wheeler , Jubal Webb , W . J . Compton , Dr . C . Lovegrove , G . Wilkes , J . R . Lovegrove , G . M . Sayle , F . H .
Gale , J . Hayward , W . VVelford , F . Mimms , E . Witts , P . M . 144 ; J . H . Mathews , S . H . Baker , P . M . 12 C 0 ; Dr . B . H . Paul , P . M . 107 ; J . McKenzie , E . J . Scott , J . H . Clark , E . M . Mayes , V . Abraham , G . D . Rust , W . H . Stone , T . S . Thorold , Charles Butler , Col . Wild , S . Johnson , ] . C . Reynolds , Dunn , H . Phillips , B . Whitehead , W . W . Mackay , P . G . S . B . West Yorks ; J . VV . Tacon , Capt . de Carteret-Bisson , C . L . Thompson , T . Nicholson , VV . M . 91 , G . Stwd . ; W . W . Lee , S . VV . 23 S 1 . ; and others .
The lodge was opened , the minutes confirmed , and the Grand Officers saluted . The hymn " O God our help in ages past " was next sung , alter which the SECRETARY read the centenary warrant , and afterwards a short abstract from the history of the lodge , which proved very interesting . Bro . the Very Rev . Dr . E . R . CURRIE , G . C , then delivered an interesting address .
A handsome lodge banner , bearing the motto— Esto perpetua ' *'—was presented by the Secretary , Bro . C . Hunt , P . M ., to whom a hearty vote of thanks was accorded for the gift . Bro . A . W . Wright , S . W ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Weston , P . M ., Treasurer , re-elected Treasurer . A cordial vote of thanks was accorded the Grand Chaplain for his kindness in delivering the address to the brethren .
A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to Bro . Hermann Crohn , W . M ., for services rendered to the lodge during his year of office . An anthem , "Behold how good , & c , " was sung , and the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a well-served banquet , presided over by Bro . Weston , P . M . The loving cup having been passed round , the usual toasts were afterwards heartily honoured .
" The Grand Officers" was g iven by Bro . WESTON , P . M ., who said it was his painful duty to call to their memory the irreparable loss they had sustained in the death of the Earl of Carnarvon , an immense part of whose time was spent in advancing the interests of Freemasonry . The late Pro G . M . was a respected and distinguished Englishman , an antiquarian ot no mean order , and a very clever man of letters . Outside the Masonic world the late Earl of Carnarvon left a
stainless memory , and would long be remembered by the Craft as a hard working Mason . They were honoured that evening by the presence of a number of Grand Officers , to one and all of whom they offered a hearty welcome . The Grand Officers seemed to live in an atmosphere of Masonry , for wherever Masonic work had to be done they were present , and performed it to the satisfaction of all . He would couple with the toast the names of Bros . Wendt and Loveland .
Bro . Dr . E . E . WENDT , Grand Secretary for German Correspondence , said the Grand Officers were deeply sensible of the kind way in which they had been received , and wished from the bottom of their hearts that the festival which had , with great satisfaction , been celebrated that day might be in years to come repeated over and over again . The observation made by the W . M . in the chair when he
alluded to the great interest taken by the Prince of Wales was correct , for H . R . H . not only took an interest in Freemasonry in this country , but , as the Grand Master of the oldest Grand Lodge in the world , took an interest in all lodges abroad . He recently represented H . R . H . at two festivals at Berlin and Dresden , and the kind sentiments given him to deliver he was sure would be received by the brethren in this country with heart and soul .
Bro . LOVELAND LOVELAND , S . G . D ., also replied , and returned thanks for the privilege accorded the Grand Officers of being present . They had been greatly pleased and interested in listening to a resume of the history , on which they congratulated the lodge and hoped it would be an augury for the future . Bro . WESTON , P . M ., then proposed " The W . M ., " and said that as there was
a long musical programme he did not propose to make long speeches , and , therefore , much that he should like to say of the W . M . must be left unsaid . For a small lodge like theirs , Bro . H . Crohn , W . M ., had had a fair share of work during his year and had done it to their satisfaction . Uniformly courteous and kind in his behaviour the W . M . had endeared himself to all in the lodge , and they wished him many years of happiness and prosperity .
Bro . HERMANN CROHN , W . M ., in response , said he was grateful for the honour done him . He and the Wardens had been most pleased to vacate their chairs in favour of the senior Past Masters , and he was pleased to say those chairs could not have been better filled , and thanked the Past Masters for occupying them on that occasion .
Bro . C . BARKY , G . Supt . of Wks ., replying for "The Visitors , " said that after the honour done him as a Grand Officer he did not think anything further would be asked of him , but at the same time he was a Mason , and could not help remembering that there were two principles to observe—one was dutiful obedience to
those above him in office , and the other was the desire to render fraternal aid to a brother Mason . He returned hearty thanks to the W . M . and brethren for the extremely kind and hospitable reception they had received . He thought that remark would evoke a good response for his brother visitors , and was not disappointed . With reference to the song they had just heard so beautifully
Centenary Festival Of St. Paul's Lodge, No. 194.
rendered , he hoped it would not be " for years , " still less " for ever , " before they were visitors to the lodge again . Bro . W . J . Compton , P . M ., also replied , and said that after an absence of five or six years it was a great pleasure to be received so warmly . He was initiated in that lodge , filled the various offices , and served as W . M . for two successive years . He should never forget the kindness he then received , and that evening it
was peculiarly gratifying to find his name was remembered by old and new faces . Bro . J UBAL WEBB , P . M ., in response , said the cordiality of his reception , the magnificent hospitality and the pleasant memories he should carry away made that a red-letter day in his Masonic career . He came from an older lodge which was established some 150 years ago in Westminster , and could remember that it was right royally entertained in the City of London by the Fishmongers' Company . He
trusted the Great Architect would be merciful tothe St . Paul ' s Lodge in the future , and that the members would be united in this world and not be disunited hereafter . Bro . G . N . Watts , P . M ., acting S . W ., proposed "The St . Paul's Lodge , and the Senior P . M . and Treasurer , Bro . S . J . Weston , who presides on this occasion , " which he characterised as a toast dear to the hearts of all the members , and one which would not be unfavourably received by the guests . A brother in
returning thanks said he hoped the future of the lodge would be maintained as well as its history of the past . They were celebrating its centenary , and had been told by the Secretary that there had been good men and true as W . M . ' s in the past . It had not been his privilege to know many of them , but he had known a few . He remembered Bro . Veal , who occupied the chair in 1 843 and 18 44 , telling him that he painted the tracing boards now in use , and in 1841 presented them to the
lodge . The memory of many who had left them was dear to them , and he hoped the brethren coming on would do their best for the lodge in its integrity and good working . They had had presented that evening by the Secretary a most beautiful banner . There was one present which was made which was very dear to them , but which they had lost—a very handsome snuffbox given by Bro . David Garrickwhich was one of the finest specimens of enamel and silver , and was very valuable , and he hoped it would be found again . "Esto perpetua" was their motto , and
might the lodge long prosper ! Bro . Weston , P . M ., Treas ., who occupied the chair that evening , vvas initiated in the lodge in 1868 , served the oflice of Master in 18 73 , arid during his year worked the ceremonies most admirably , installed his successor , and had since attended the lodge most regularly , and on the death of Bro . Dr . Fowler took up the office of Treasurer . It was the wish of all that Bro . Weston , P . M ., would be spared for many years to be with the brethren , who would long remember the summer outing during that brother ' s year of office , which was held at Richmond at a hostelry on the site of which the Richmond Theatre now stood .
Bro . S . J . WESTON , P . M ., thanked the brethren for the signal honour done him in asking him to take the chair , and Bro . Watts , P . M ., for the too kind way in which he had spoken of him . It was now 22 years since he was initiated in the lodge . When he looked round the lodge now there was but one face he could see who was present on that occasion—their respected Bro . Temple , P . M . But although old faces had passed away , new faces had come , and the same Masonic
feelings , the same kind greetings , and the same friendship were now offered to every new brother as they had been in the past , and as he trusted they would be in the future . He trusted those good feelings of brotherly friendship and brotherly love would dominate the lodge , and would prevail when the next centenary was celebrated . He thanked them from the bottom of his heart for the great honour conferred upon him in asking him to fill the chair .
" The Masonic Charities " was next given in cordial terms from the chair , and duly acknowleged by Bros . J . TERRY and J . M . MCLEOD . " The Past Masters " and " The Officers" were duly honoured , and an eventful and successful evening was closed by the Tyler ' s toast . An excellent programme of music was carried out under the direction of Bro . J . F . Haskins , assisted by Miss Jessie Griffin , Miss M . Riversdale , Madam Florence Winn , Miss Emily Foxcroft , and Bros . J . Bartlett , F . Bevan , and G . A . Pritchard .
Consecration Of The Collin Lodge Of Royal Ark Marlners, No. 151, At Maryport.
The Royal Ark Mariners of this province met in great force at the Freemason 6 Hall , Eaglesfield-street , on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., for the purpose of witnessing the consecration of a new Royal Ark Mariners lodge , to be named the Collin Lodge , a just and worthy compliment to W . Bro . P . de E . Collin , P . C . N . 213 , P . G . D . of England , a brother that has done much and for many years to make Masonry to be respected in the old borough , and the brethren in this part of the province have been perfectly alive to the many good parts played , and have not
been slow to determine a scheme whereby the names famous shall be handed down to posterity . There is the Nicholson Royal Arch Chapter and the W . M . Sewell Allied Council , and now the Collin Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners , all the three in grateful remembrance for services rendered by two of the three , over 50 years ago , which has been the ways and means of a Masonic edifice being erected a column of strength in the province , and may justly be denominated the Pillar of the West .
The brethren deputed to consecrate the lodge were W . Bro . Colonel F . R . Sewell , P . C . N . 3 , 213 , D . P . G . Mark Master , and W . Bro . G . Dalrymple , P . C . N . 213 , P . A . G . D . C . of England , and the officers designate were W . Bro . P . de E . Collin , P . C . N . 3 , 213 , P . G . D . of England , N . ; W . Bro . Colonel Sewell , P . C . N . 3 , 213 , D . P . G . M . M . M ., J . ; W . Bro . T . Mandle , 213 , P . P . S . G . W ., S .
The brethren assembled in the ante-room , and a lodge of Royal Ark Mariners was opened by W . Bro . Collin , N . designate , and 10 candidates were balloted for , and nine being in attendance , were elevated by the W . C . N , in the chair , w ! Bro . Dalrymple was then invited to preside , and proceed with the consecration uf the new lodge , with W . Bros . Collin , as J . ; Sewell , S . ; J . Nicholson , P . C . N .
213 , P . G . D . of Eng ., D . C ; Jas . Gardiner , J . 213 , P . G . Stwd . of Eng ., Secretary ; and six other petitioners . The warrant was read , and the officers named unanimously approved , and the brethren listened with marked attention to an able and eloquent oration delivered by Bro . Rev . TAMES ANDERSON , W . M . 213 , P . S G W . P . P . G . Chaplain .
The elements of consecration were then duly applied , and the Collin Lodge ,. No . 151 , was dedicated and constituted to Royal Ark Masonry , and Bro . Smith ' s musical arrangements were nothing short of perfection . W . Bro . J . Nicholson presented W . Bro . Collin , N . designate , to W . Bro .
Dalrymple for enthronement , and he was enthroned and proclaimed , and he invested the following as his officers : Bros . Nicholson , I . P . W . C . N . ; Col . Sewell J . ; Thos . Mandle , S . ; J . Gardiner , Treas . ; J . O . Scott , Scribe ; R . Leach ' S . D . ; G . Scott , J . D . ; J . Abbott , D . C . ; J . Smith , Org . ; T . Atkinson , Guardian ; T . Swainson , Steward ; and John Messenger , Warder .
the following brethren were also in attendance : Bros . E . B . Penrice P . M . 151 , P . P . G . R . of M . ; T . Annison , R . Brown , J . Reed , and others . A Committee was appointed to draw up by-laws . On the motion of W . Bro . GARDINER , seconded by W . Bro . MANDLR Bros . Anderson and Dalrymple were unanimously elected honorary members of the lodge , and a hearty vote of thanks was passed to them for their services which vvas duly acknowledged .
With other general business , the lodge vvas closed , and the brethren , at the invitation of the W . C . N ., adjourned to the banquet hall , where reirestvmen ' ts were provided , and a most enjoyable evening was spent vvith toast and song .