Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Provincial Meetings.
when , as in his own case a week before , and in the case of their VV . M . that night , they had for the first time to carry out the duties of their position and perform the ceremonies , so that he felt sure that their vV . M . was deserving of and would be the recipient of their sympathy . On the occasion of his own first appearance he had not had so much work to do as their VV . M ., whose responsibilities that night in
having to work the three Degrees vvere perfectly appalling . It vvas all right and very proper , because he knew well enough that Masonry required an exact ritual j it would not do to substitute another word , even although it had the same meaning as the word for which one might be at a loss , that would not do . He tried to achieve a perfect knowledge of the ritual . He felt it a great privilege to be present ,
in fact he felt it a great privilege to be a Mason at all , and it _ struck him that of those privileges , and one that had given him a great amount of pleasure , was the privilege of visiting that lodge , where he saw so many excellent brethren , somany good friends and neighbours ; and , above all , the privilege of sitting beside a VV . M . who had performed so arduous a task as working the Three Degrees on the first
night of his occupying the chair since his installation . Now he would like to say that nothing would give him greater pleasure than to see the whole of the Masons in that district meet together in one great body at least once a year . He believed in big battalions , and if the big battalion of Freemasons in that district vvere to meet together in one grand assembly , it would present a most imposing picture and produce a good effect . Let them have a grand annual
meeting , and call around them both the brethren of the province and their metropolitan lodges , and then a sight would be presented of a band of brothers who for their morality , their virtues , and their brotherly love and Charity no other organisation , or indeed very few other countries , could compete vvith . After thanking them for their hearty reception of the toast , our excellent brother resumed his seat amid much applause . Some excellent instrumental and vocal music added a rare charm to the proceedings .
ROCHDALE . St . Chad ' s Lodge ( No . 1129 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Roebuck Hotel , when Bro . Wm . Whitehead was installed W . M ., and the following officers vvere invested : Bros . Wm . A . Wright , S . W . ; J . W . Hartley ,
J . W . j J . Hadfield , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., Treas . ; E . J . Fletcher , P . M ., Sec , D . of C ; J . Varty , S . D . ; T . Hargreaves , J . D . ; C . Parker , Org . ; S . L . Lee , I . G . j and W . Swift , P . M ., Tyler . The I . P . M ., Bro . J . H . Cade , acted as Installing Master , concluding an arduous year's work , through the whole of which he has proved himself not merely efficient , but an
honour to the lodge and a brilliant example of what an ideal Master should be . As if to complete a record necessarily exceptional in the case of a brother only 29 years of age , Bro . Cade became the proud father of a promising son a few days previously , and , as the grandfather , Bro . Cade , senior , is a Past Master of the lodge , it is by no means improbable that in a score of years three
generations of this family will be working in the lodge . It is even within the limits of credibility , supposing the infant Lewis to be as fortunate in domestic and Masonic affairs as his father , that in course of time a quartette of Cades may stand "Four-square to every wind that blows , " devoted to our ancient Order , and guiding themselves as now by the divine rule , " In all things Charity . " A full musical
service , arranged by Bro . Parker , vvas sung , the tuneful choir of brethren displaying a marked improvement as the result of the past year ' s rehearsals , under the unflagging care of their talented Organist . The newly-installed VV . M . made a firm stand against promotion by seniority , passing over certain officers who have been unable to attend to their duties in the past , and selecting as Wardens younger
brethren whose regularity and zeal have thoroughly earned the honour conferred upon them . If some slight present disagreement has been caused by this proceeding , it can hardly be doubted that time will prove the course taken to be as wise and beneficial to the whole lodge , as it is unquestionably reasonable , constitutional , and just . After the business of the day a large gathering of
members and visiting brethren sat down to an admirablyserved dinner . As a Lancashire operative said on a similar occasion , "T' sarvin were good , t' cookin' were better , an ' as for meight an' dhrink we'd welly o' maks . Curran ' loave an' ale ' 11 do noane for you genthry . We should be singers neavv afther o t' brids vve swallowed ! They gav ' me a rare good supper , but ne ' er towd me heavy heavy aw should find it to carry worn . " Shakspeare ' s inexhaustible
stores vvere drawn upon to furnish mottos for the menu card , some of the quotations being happy enough to suggest that the dead poet must have been a Mason himself . Perhaps Mr . Donnelly will investigate the subject . The usual toasts followed , accompanied by the usual amount of eloquence . Songs vvere excellentl y given b y Bros . Cash , I . P . M . j Wilkinson , Norris , Swain , Whitehead , and Parker , and the National Anthem closed the proceedings .
SANDGATE . Sandgate Lodge ( No . 1436 ) . —One of the most successful gatherings in the history of this unique lodge took place in the Masonic Hall on thc ioth instant , Bro . VV . H . Teesman , W . M ., in the chair , when Bro . the Rev . H . R . Wakefield vvas installed by Bro . R . H . Pledge , P . M ., P . P . A . G . S ., in a most impressive mannerafter
, which the W . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . O . H . Smith , S . W . j J . Roper , J . W . ; II . T . Samson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . B . Caudell , P . M ., P . G . P ., Sec ; Rev . J . Hackett , Chap . ; T . H . Goddard , S . D . ; VV . D . Short , J . D . ; R . H . Pledge , P . M ., P . P . A . G . S ., D . C . ; H . T . Longley , Org . ; W . L . Chubb , I . G . ; T . Onslow and J . Tuck , Stwds . ; and Butcher , Tyler . There were also
present Bros . VV . Perry , P . M . ; VV . B . Kennett , P . M . ; and many others . The visiting brethren vvere Bros . Magnus Ohren , P . G . D . C . ; j . S . Eastes , D . P . G . M . j ] . J . leal , S . D ., D . J . VVest , P . M ., G . H . White , P . M ., D . Walter , P . M ., G . S . Wilks , I . G ., G . Taylor , and J . Blight , all of 125 J J . Faulkner , W . M . 199 j C . W . Bloxland , S . VV ., andF . Hall , P . M ., of 709 j C . Sims , 120 S j R . CStraker , 1210 J Col . J . Westropp , 2 I 95 J and H . M . DavisVV . M .
, " 53 ( I . C ) . . Alter closing the lodge the brethren repaired to thc Royal Norfolk Hotel , and partook of a most recherche banquet , provided by Bro . G . Akerman , after which some capital songs vvere sung and interesting speeches made , and a
Provincial Meetings.
good sum collected in the Charity bag . Nothing could exceed the ecliit and harmony which existed during the whole evening , and the reception of the loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts were most cordial and unanimous , and the Tyler ' s toast closed a happy and enjoyable evening . The constitution of the lodge is composed of some 3 S each of civilian and military , and four naval brethren .
SOUTHEND . Priory Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . —A meeting vvas held on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Middleton Hotel , when there vvere present Bros . W . E . Bridgland , P . M . 933 , Prov . G . S . B ., W . M . ; T . Hood , S . W . ; B . Thomas , J . VV . ; A . Lucking , P . M ., P . G . P ., Sec ; A . Vandervord , S . D . ; C . VV . Barnard , J . D . ; T . J . Cumine , I . G . ;
E . J . Bowmaker and C . H . Bowmaker , Stwds . ; A . W . Martin , Tyler ; G . J . Glasscock , P . M . 1 S 17 , P . P . G . S . B . ; VV . G . Brighten , P . M . 72 and 5 G 9 , P . P . G . O . ; G . R . Dawson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; C . Floyd , P . M . 1 S 17 , P . P . A . G . P . ; G . Reed , A . Adams , R . J . Smith , J . A . Hobday , J . Pritchard , B . Fearnside , H . Coghill , and G . F , Vandervord . Visitors : Bros . Colonel the Hon . O . G .
Lambart , P . M . 1460 ; H . Harper , P . M . and Sec . 160 , P . P . G . S . B . ; and j . Speller , J . VV . 2256 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting vvere read andconfirmed . Bro . G . Reed was passed . The ballot vvas unanimous in favour of Mr . J . V . A . Mason and Mr . H . O . Grenfell , and Mr . Mason was duly initiated . A candidate for initiation vvas proposed , and the lodge vvas closed , the brethren adjourning to refreshment .
TUNBRIDGE WELLS . Pantiles Lodge ( No . 2200 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge had a most successful gathering at the Pump Room on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . Alfred T . Simpson , P . M ., Worshipful Master . There was an unusually large attendance of members and visiting brothers , including several Provincial Grand Officers of Kent and Sussex .
The lodge vvas opened in the usual way , and the regular business transacted . Two new candidates vvere balloted for and declared duly elected , after which Bro . T . Ryder , J . W ., vvas installed VV . M ., the ceremony being most impressively and eloquently conducted . Bro . A . T . Simpson , P . M ., vvas the Installing Master . The newly-installed W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows :
Bros . N . Grunwell , S . W . ; N . Strange , J . W . ; J . Willmot , S . D . ; B . C . Colls , J . D . ; T . Potter , Treas . ; E . S . Strange , P . M ., Sec ; J . S . Fletcher , D . C . j M . A . H . Edwardes , A . D . C . j A . Burslem , Org . ; J . Lessells and J . Corfield , Stwds . j J . G . Gallard , I . G . ; and J . Boulter , Tyler . On the motion of Bro . Rufus Stevenson , P . M ., who made a very neat speech , it vvas unanimously decided that a Past
Master ' s jewel should be presented to Bro . A . T . Simpson , P . M ., in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . during the past year . Bro . Simpson gracefully acknowledged the compliment paid him , and after the transaction of further formal business an adjournment vvas made to the Wellington Hotel , where Bro . John Braby supplied a first-class banquet , over which , of course , the newly-elected VV . M ., Bro . T .
Ryder , presided , supported by a large number of visitors and the officers of the lodge above mentioned . The VV . M . having given the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Duret , P . M ., gave " The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past . " Those brothers had all attained very great eminence in the Craft , and discharged their duties from the Prince of VVales downward in an exemplary manner .
Bro . Simpson , I . P . M ., proposed "The Provincial Grand Master , Earl Amherst , " a name he was sure they would receive vvith enthusiasm and cordiality . They vvere all extremely sorry his lordship could not be present at the meeting that day . Bro . Strange , P . M ., proposed "The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . Smith Eastes , andthe rest of the
Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He very much regretted that circumstances had prevented the attendance of the Deputy Prov . Grand Master that evening , having to attend another meeting , but he had written wishing the Pantiles Lodge a prosperous year . They had , however , present Bros . Birch , P . M ., P . J . G . D ., and the Rev . T . S . Curteis , P . P . G . Chap ., who officiated in the lodge
at the time of its consecration . He vvas sure they were all delighted to see their reverend brother present . Bro . Birch , P . M ., P . J . G . D ., responded , and complimented the lodge on the excellency of its working . Bro . Rev . T . S . Curteis , P . M ., also responded , observing that he had never seen the working of a lodge more accurately or more reverentially performed . He could not tell
them what feelings of thankfulness he had experienced that afternoon in seeing how , far more than he could have anticipated or even desired , the feelings he had expressed at the consecration of the lodge had been carried out . The work had been carried out vvith that reverence that showed the members felt they were in the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe . To him , and it vvas clear to him ,
as it vvas to _ his brothers of the Pantiles Lodge , Masonry vvas something more than good cheer . He perceived it to be a very grand Institution , grand from its antiquity . He wished to bear his testimony to the perfect reverence of the ancient ritual , and the reverential conduct in which the ceremonies that afternoon had been conducted . The I . P . M ., Bro . Simpson , in felicitous terms , proposed
the W . M ., Bro . lorn Ryder . " He was very glad indeed to see the friendly and Masonic spirit vvith which they greeted him . Bro . Tom Ryder vvas the biggest man in the lodge , and one of the best Masons . The Worshipful Master , in response , said he vvas glad to find everything had gone off satisfactorily . Bro . Strange , P . M ., proposed " The Visitors , " observing
how grateful the Pantiles . Lodge was at seeing present so many visitors and so many distinguished officers of the Craft . He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Calway , P . M ., P . P . A . G . P . Sussex . Bro . Calway , P . M ., responded , and said he vvas glad to know the Pantiles Lodge was prospering . Bros . Broad and Lyle responded , and said the Masonic
work of the Pantiles Lodge had been marvellously well done . Bros . Larkin and Stone also responded . The VVorshipful Master , in eulogistic terms , proposed " The Healths of the Installing Master and Past Masters of the Lodge . " Bro . Simpson , I . P . M ., responded , and again tendered his thanks to the brethren for having presented him vvith such a beautiful Past Master ' s jewel . He had met vvith the very
Provincial Meetings.
greatest support from every officer and member of the lodge . Bro . Stevenson , P . M ., also responded , and desired to bear testimony tothe very excellent way Bro . Simpson had carried out the work of the lodge . As the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent would be held at Tunbridge Wells this year , he hoped Provincial honours would be bestowed upon their
I . P . M . " The Officers of thc Lodge " having been given and responded to , a most enjoyable evening was brought to a termination in the usual manner . During the after dinner proceedings some capital songs vvere sung by Bro . Oliver , Le Grand , Skinner , Strange , Larkin , Stone , and others , Bro . Starmer presiding at the piano with his usual ability .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 ) — This influential lodge met at the Albany Hotel , on the 12 th inst . Among those in attendance vvere Bros . H . Jenkins , W . M . ; A . Toulmin , jun ., S . W ., VV . M . elect ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , P . M ., P . P . G . C , acting J . W . ; J . T . Briggs , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Treas . ; Capt . T . C . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., Sec ; Capt . R . Perry , S . D . ; A . H . Gurney , P . M ., P . G . Stwd ., acting I . G . ; VV . H . Saunders ,
P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; VV . Taylor , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; E . W . Jenkins , P . M . ; R . H . Thrupp , P . A . G . D . C , D . P . G . M . ( Hon . Member ); the Rev . R . J . Simpson , M . A ., P . G . C . ( Hon . Member ); and others . Among the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . H . Room , P . G . Sec . ; lames Fraser , P . S . G . D . Surrey j Nicholas , P . M . j the Rev . Stanley Mansfield , C . Bawly , J . Ruffle , Org . 1793 ; and others .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the report of tbe Audit Committee was received and adopted . The following resolution vvas then unanimously passed : "That the June meeting be abandoned , and that the lodge meet in January in lieu thereof . " A vote of sympathy vvas passed to Bro . D . P . Cama , P . G . Treas ., on the loss that he has sustained by the death of his
wife . The installation of Bro . A . Toulmin , jun ., S . W ., W . M . elect , was then commenced . The W . M . had the assistance of Bros . VV . Taylor , P . M ., as S . W . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , as J . W . ; Capt . Walls , as D . C . ; and Gurney , as I . G . The ceremony vvas most ably performed , and at its conclusion a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . H . Jenkins for his services . The following investitures
then took place : Bros . Lieut .-Col . R . Cuming , S . W . ; Capt . Perry , J . VV . j the Rev . S . Saunders , Chap , j Briggs , P . M ., Treas . j Capt . Walls , P . M ., Sec . j Bennett , S . D . j Roberts , J . D . j Davis , I . G . j Davison , D . C . j and Harrison , Tyler . A Past Master's jewel vvas presented to the I . P . M . by the VV . M . in the name of the lodge . The Treasurer gave a notice of motion — " That the sum of £ 5 5 s . be voted
to the R . M . B . I ., per the VV . M . as Steward , to the Festival in February , 1 S 91 . " Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., P . G . M . j Lieut .-Col . R . Cuming , D . P . Cama , P . G . Treas . ; Bennett , Roberts , and others . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to
the banquet . The customary loyal and Craft toasts having been honoured , Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson responded on behalf of " The Grand Officers . " Having dealt extensively vvith the subject toast , he spoke of his long connection as an honorary member with the Sir Francis Burdett Lodge . It vvas his good fortune to have assisted at its consecration iG
years ago , and he vvas greatly gratified to find that it had progressed so well . It had afforded him much pleasure to witness the excellent working of the I . P . M ., who , although but a young Mason , had discharged his duties like a veteran in the Craft . The VV . M . also , by the manner in which he had invested his officers with their collars and jewels of office , gave every promise of following in the footsteps of
his predecessor . Bro . R . H . Thrupp , in replying to "The Health of the Provincial Grand Officers , " said that it would p ] ease them all to hear that their worthy chief , Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , vvas in excellent health . A few weeks ago the P . G . M . initiated his only son into the Craft , and did the ceremony in a highly impressive manner . In concluding
his remarks , the D . P . G . M . paid a high compliment to the Installing Officer for the excellency of his working . "The VV . M . " came next in order . Bro . H . Jenkins , in proposing this toast , said that Bro . Toulmin , jun ., vvas an initiate of the lodge , and had worked most assiduously since at lodges of instruction , and the result vvas most satisfactory . He augured for the lodge a successful year of
office in every way under their VV . M ., who was worthy in every respect of the support of his brethren . Bro . Toulmin having made a neat speech in reply , thc toasts of "The Installing Officer , " "Visitors , " "Past Masters , " "Treasurerand Secretary , " and "TheOfficers " followed in quick succession . Bro . Howard Room , in acknowledging the toast of "The
Visitors , made a very happy speech . Among other matters , he spoke in very high terms of No . 1503 . He said it vvas a source of pleasure to him to attend its meetings ; the work vvas always well done , its members vvere so genial , and such genuine harmony prevailed . The proceedings terminated at an early hour , and the W . M . and the Executive are to be congratulated upon the great success that attended the meeting .
WELLINGTON . Fidelity and Sincerity Lodge ( No . 19 66 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held at the Masonic Hall on Monday , the ioth inst ., when the following officers and brethren were present : Bros , j . S . Haddon , acting VV . M . ; R . Knight , P . P . G . P ., as I . P . M . ; T . Tyler , S . VV . ; VV . H . Westlake , J . W . ; J . Bowyer , Chap . ; VV . T .
Booker , Ireas . ; F . ' 1 . Elworthy , P . P . S . G . W ., Sec . ; C . Baker , as S . D . ; P . P . Long , as J . D . ; J . Smith , D . C ; E . T . Howard , I . G . ; N . T . Bcckingsale , Stwd . ; C Macey , Tyler ; J . Gill , P . M ., P . G . D . C . ; and others . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , Bro . E . Lee Michell vvas duly passed to the Second Degree by Bro . R .
Knight , to whom the gavel had been passed for that purpose . On resuming the gavel Bro . J . S . Haddon said he had now a very pleasing duty to perform , and that not only for himself , but on behalf of the brethren generally of the lodge . They all knew that at the recent meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Clevedon , their much esteemed and wellbeloved brother and Past Master , Bro . John Gill , had been invested with the collar of P . G . D . C , an office which vvas
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Provincial Meetings.
when , as in his own case a week before , and in the case of their VV . M . that night , they had for the first time to carry out the duties of their position and perform the ceremonies , so that he felt sure that their vV . M . was deserving of and would be the recipient of their sympathy . On the occasion of his own first appearance he had not had so much work to do as their VV . M ., whose responsibilities that night in
having to work the three Degrees vvere perfectly appalling . It vvas all right and very proper , because he knew well enough that Masonry required an exact ritual j it would not do to substitute another word , even although it had the same meaning as the word for which one might be at a loss , that would not do . He tried to achieve a perfect knowledge of the ritual . He felt it a great privilege to be present ,
in fact he felt it a great privilege to be a Mason at all , and it _ struck him that of those privileges , and one that had given him a great amount of pleasure , was the privilege of visiting that lodge , where he saw so many excellent brethren , somany good friends and neighbours ; and , above all , the privilege of sitting beside a VV . M . who had performed so arduous a task as working the Three Degrees on the first
night of his occupying the chair since his installation . Now he would like to say that nothing would give him greater pleasure than to see the whole of the Masons in that district meet together in one great body at least once a year . He believed in big battalions , and if the big battalion of Freemasons in that district vvere to meet together in one grand assembly , it would present a most imposing picture and produce a good effect . Let them have a grand annual
meeting , and call around them both the brethren of the province and their metropolitan lodges , and then a sight would be presented of a band of brothers who for their morality , their virtues , and their brotherly love and Charity no other organisation , or indeed very few other countries , could compete vvith . After thanking them for their hearty reception of the toast , our excellent brother resumed his seat amid much applause . Some excellent instrumental and vocal music added a rare charm to the proceedings .
ROCHDALE . St . Chad ' s Lodge ( No . 1129 ) . —The annual festival of this lodge was celebrated on Wednesday , the 19 th inst ., at the Roebuck Hotel , when Bro . Wm . Whitehead was installed W . M ., and the following officers vvere invested : Bros . Wm . A . Wright , S . W . ; J . W . Hartley ,
J . W . j J . Hadfield , P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., Treas . ; E . J . Fletcher , P . M ., Sec , D . of C ; J . Varty , S . D . ; T . Hargreaves , J . D . ; C . Parker , Org . ; S . L . Lee , I . G . j and W . Swift , P . M ., Tyler . The I . P . M ., Bro . J . H . Cade , acted as Installing Master , concluding an arduous year's work , through the whole of which he has proved himself not merely efficient , but an
honour to the lodge and a brilliant example of what an ideal Master should be . As if to complete a record necessarily exceptional in the case of a brother only 29 years of age , Bro . Cade became the proud father of a promising son a few days previously , and , as the grandfather , Bro . Cade , senior , is a Past Master of the lodge , it is by no means improbable that in a score of years three
generations of this family will be working in the lodge . It is even within the limits of credibility , supposing the infant Lewis to be as fortunate in domestic and Masonic affairs as his father , that in course of time a quartette of Cades may stand "Four-square to every wind that blows , " devoted to our ancient Order , and guiding themselves as now by the divine rule , " In all things Charity . " A full musical
service , arranged by Bro . Parker , vvas sung , the tuneful choir of brethren displaying a marked improvement as the result of the past year ' s rehearsals , under the unflagging care of their talented Organist . The newly-installed VV . M . made a firm stand against promotion by seniority , passing over certain officers who have been unable to attend to their duties in the past , and selecting as Wardens younger
brethren whose regularity and zeal have thoroughly earned the honour conferred upon them . If some slight present disagreement has been caused by this proceeding , it can hardly be doubted that time will prove the course taken to be as wise and beneficial to the whole lodge , as it is unquestionably reasonable , constitutional , and just . After the business of the day a large gathering of
members and visiting brethren sat down to an admirablyserved dinner . As a Lancashire operative said on a similar occasion , "T' sarvin were good , t' cookin' were better , an ' as for meight an' dhrink we'd welly o' maks . Curran ' loave an' ale ' 11 do noane for you genthry . We should be singers neavv afther o t' brids vve swallowed ! They gav ' me a rare good supper , but ne ' er towd me heavy heavy aw should find it to carry worn . " Shakspeare ' s inexhaustible
stores vvere drawn upon to furnish mottos for the menu card , some of the quotations being happy enough to suggest that the dead poet must have been a Mason himself . Perhaps Mr . Donnelly will investigate the subject . The usual toasts followed , accompanied by the usual amount of eloquence . Songs vvere excellentl y given b y Bros . Cash , I . P . M . j Wilkinson , Norris , Swain , Whitehead , and Parker , and the National Anthem closed the proceedings .
SANDGATE . Sandgate Lodge ( No . 1436 ) . —One of the most successful gatherings in the history of this unique lodge took place in the Masonic Hall on thc ioth instant , Bro . VV . H . Teesman , W . M ., in the chair , when Bro . the Rev . H . R . Wakefield vvas installed by Bro . R . H . Pledge , P . M ., P . P . A . G . S ., in a most impressive mannerafter
, which the W . M . appointed his officers as follows : Bros . O . H . Smith , S . W . j J . Roper , J . W . ; II . T . Samson , P . M ., Treas . ; J . J . B . Caudell , P . M ., P . G . P ., Sec ; Rev . J . Hackett , Chap . ; T . H . Goddard , S . D . ; VV . D . Short , J . D . ; R . H . Pledge , P . M ., P . P . A . G . S ., D . C . ; H . T . Longley , Org . ; W . L . Chubb , I . G . ; T . Onslow and J . Tuck , Stwds . ; and Butcher , Tyler . There were also
present Bros . VV . Perry , P . M . ; VV . B . Kennett , P . M . ; and many others . The visiting brethren vvere Bros . Magnus Ohren , P . G . D . C . ; j . S . Eastes , D . P . G . M . j ] . J . leal , S . D ., D . J . VVest , P . M ., G . H . White , P . M ., D . Walter , P . M ., G . S . Wilks , I . G ., G . Taylor , and J . Blight , all of 125 J J . Faulkner , W . M . 199 j C . W . Bloxland , S . VV ., andF . Hall , P . M ., of 709 j C . Sims , 120 S j R . CStraker , 1210 J Col . J . Westropp , 2 I 95 J and H . M . DavisVV . M .
, " 53 ( I . C ) . . Alter closing the lodge the brethren repaired to thc Royal Norfolk Hotel , and partook of a most recherche banquet , provided by Bro . G . Akerman , after which some capital songs vvere sung and interesting speeches made , and a
Provincial Meetings.
good sum collected in the Charity bag . Nothing could exceed the ecliit and harmony which existed during the whole evening , and the reception of the loyal , patriotic , and Masonic toasts were most cordial and unanimous , and the Tyler ' s toast closed a happy and enjoyable evening . The constitution of the lodge is composed of some 3 S each of civilian and military , and four naval brethren .
SOUTHEND . Priory Lodge ( No . 1000 ) . —A meeting vvas held on Thursday , the 20 th inst ., at the Middleton Hotel , when there vvere present Bros . W . E . Bridgland , P . M . 933 , Prov . G . S . B ., W . M . ; T . Hood , S . W . ; B . Thomas , J . VV . ; A . Lucking , P . M ., P . G . P ., Sec ; A . Vandervord , S . D . ; C . VV . Barnard , J . D . ; T . J . Cumine , I . G . ;
E . J . Bowmaker and C . H . Bowmaker , Stwds . ; A . W . Martin , Tyler ; G . J . Glasscock , P . M . 1 S 17 , P . P . G . S . B . ; VV . G . Brighten , P . M . 72 and 5 G 9 , P . P . G . O . ; G . R . Dawson , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; C . Floyd , P . M . 1 S 17 , P . P . A . G . P . ; G . Reed , A . Adams , R . J . Smith , J . A . Hobday , J . Pritchard , B . Fearnside , H . Coghill , and G . F , Vandervord . Visitors : Bros . Colonel the Hon . O . G .
Lambart , P . M . 1460 ; H . Harper , P . M . and Sec . 160 , P . P . G . S . B . ; and j . Speller , J . VV . 2256 . The lodge was opened , and the minutes of the previous meeting vvere read andconfirmed . Bro . G . Reed was passed . The ballot vvas unanimous in favour of Mr . J . V . A . Mason and Mr . H . O . Grenfell , and Mr . Mason was duly initiated . A candidate for initiation vvas proposed , and the lodge vvas closed , the brethren adjourning to refreshment .
TUNBRIDGE WELLS . Pantiles Lodge ( No . 2200 ) . —The brethren of the above lodge had a most successful gathering at the Pump Room on Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., Bro . Alfred T . Simpson , P . M ., Worshipful Master . There was an unusually large attendance of members and visiting brothers , including several Provincial Grand Officers of Kent and Sussex .
The lodge vvas opened in the usual way , and the regular business transacted . Two new candidates vvere balloted for and declared duly elected , after which Bro . T . Ryder , J . W ., vvas installed VV . M ., the ceremony being most impressively and eloquently conducted . Bro . A . T . Simpson , P . M ., vvas the Installing Master . The newly-installed W . M . then appointed and invested his officers as follows :
Bros . N . Grunwell , S . W . ; N . Strange , J . W . ; J . Willmot , S . D . ; B . C . Colls , J . D . ; T . Potter , Treas . ; E . S . Strange , P . M ., Sec ; J . S . Fletcher , D . C . j M . A . H . Edwardes , A . D . C . j A . Burslem , Org . ; J . Lessells and J . Corfield , Stwds . j J . G . Gallard , I . G . ; and J . Boulter , Tyler . On the motion of Bro . Rufus Stevenson , P . M ., who made a very neat speech , it vvas unanimously decided that a Past
Master ' s jewel should be presented to Bro . A . T . Simpson , P . M ., in recognition of his valuable services as W . M . during the past year . Bro . Simpson gracefully acknowledged the compliment paid him , and after the transaction of further formal business an adjournment vvas made to the Wellington Hotel , where Bro . John Braby supplied a first-class banquet , over which , of course , the newly-elected VV . M ., Bro . T .
Ryder , presided , supported by a large number of visitors and the officers of the lodge above mentioned . The VV . M . having given the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Duret , P . M ., gave " The Deputy Grand Master , the Earl of Lathom , and the rest of the Grand Officers , Present and Past . " Those brothers had all attained very great eminence in the Craft , and discharged their duties from the Prince of VVales downward in an exemplary manner .
Bro . Simpson , I . P . M ., proposed "The Provincial Grand Master , Earl Amherst , " a name he was sure they would receive vvith enthusiasm and cordiality . They vvere all extremely sorry his lordship could not be present at the meeting that day . Bro . Strange , P . M ., proposed "The Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . J . Smith Eastes , andthe rest of the
Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past . " He very much regretted that circumstances had prevented the attendance of the Deputy Prov . Grand Master that evening , having to attend another meeting , but he had written wishing the Pantiles Lodge a prosperous year . They had , however , present Bros . Birch , P . M ., P . J . G . D ., and the Rev . T . S . Curteis , P . P . G . Chap ., who officiated in the lodge
at the time of its consecration . He vvas sure they were all delighted to see their reverend brother present . Bro . Birch , P . M ., P . J . G . D ., responded , and complimented the lodge on the excellency of its working . Bro . Rev . T . S . Curteis , P . M ., also responded , observing that he had never seen the working of a lodge more accurately or more reverentially performed . He could not tell
them what feelings of thankfulness he had experienced that afternoon in seeing how , far more than he could have anticipated or even desired , the feelings he had expressed at the consecration of the lodge had been carried out . The work had been carried out vvith that reverence that showed the members felt they were in the presence of the Great Architect of the Universe . To him , and it vvas clear to him ,
as it vvas to _ his brothers of the Pantiles Lodge , Masonry vvas something more than good cheer . He perceived it to be a very grand Institution , grand from its antiquity . He wished to bear his testimony to the perfect reverence of the ancient ritual , and the reverential conduct in which the ceremonies that afternoon had been conducted . The I . P . M ., Bro . Simpson , in felicitous terms , proposed
the W . M ., Bro . lorn Ryder . " He was very glad indeed to see the friendly and Masonic spirit vvith which they greeted him . Bro . Tom Ryder vvas the biggest man in the lodge , and one of the best Masons . The Worshipful Master , in response , said he vvas glad to find everything had gone off satisfactorily . Bro . Strange , P . M ., proposed " The Visitors , " observing
how grateful the Pantiles . Lodge was at seeing present so many visitors and so many distinguished officers of the Craft . He coupled with the toast the name of Bro . Calway , P . M ., P . P . A . G . P . Sussex . Bro . Calway , P . M ., responded , and said he vvas glad to know the Pantiles Lodge was prospering . Bros . Broad and Lyle responded , and said the Masonic
work of the Pantiles Lodge had been marvellously well done . Bros . Larkin and Stone also responded . The VVorshipful Master , in eulogistic terms , proposed " The Healths of the Installing Master and Past Masters of the Lodge . " Bro . Simpson , I . P . M ., responded , and again tendered his thanks to the brethren for having presented him vvith such a beautiful Past Master ' s jewel . He had met vvith the very
Provincial Meetings.
greatest support from every officer and member of the lodge . Bro . Stevenson , P . M ., also responded , and desired to bear testimony tothe very excellent way Bro . Simpson had carried out the work of the lodge . As the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent would be held at Tunbridge Wells this year , he hoped Provincial honours would be bestowed upon their
I . P . M . " The Officers of thc Lodge " having been given and responded to , a most enjoyable evening was brought to a termination in the usual manner . During the after dinner proceedings some capital songs vvere sung by Bro . Oliver , Le Grand , Skinner , Strange , Larkin , Stone , and others , Bro . Starmer presiding at the piano with his usual ability .
TWICKENHAM . Sir Francis Burdett Lodge ( No . 1503 ) — This influential lodge met at the Albany Hotel , on the 12 th inst . Among those in attendance vvere Bros . H . Jenkins , W . M . ; A . Toulmin , jun ., S . W ., VV . M . elect ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , P . M ., P . P . G . C , acting J . W . ; J . T . Briggs , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Treas . ; Capt . T . C . Walls , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., Sec ; Capt . R . Perry , S . D . ; A . H . Gurney , P . M ., P . G . Stwd ., acting I . G . ; VV . H . Saunders ,
P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; VV . Taylor , P . M ., P . P . G . W . ; E . W . Jenkins , P . M . ; R . H . Thrupp , P . A . G . D . C , D . P . G . M . ( Hon . Member ); the Rev . R . J . Simpson , M . A ., P . G . C . ( Hon . Member ); and others . Among the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . H . Room , P . G . Sec . ; lames Fraser , P . S . G . D . Surrey j Nicholas , P . M . j the Rev . Stanley Mansfield , C . Bawly , J . Ruffle , Org . 1793 ; and others .
The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the report of tbe Audit Committee was received and adopted . The following resolution vvas then unanimously passed : "That the June meeting be abandoned , and that the lodge meet in January in lieu thereof . " A vote of sympathy vvas passed to Bro . D . P . Cama , P . G . Treas ., on the loss that he has sustained by the death of his
wife . The installation of Bro . A . Toulmin , jun ., S . W ., W . M . elect , was then commenced . The W . M . had the assistance of Bros . VV . Taylor , P . M ., as S . W . ; the Rev . S . T . H . Saunders , as J . W . ; Capt . Walls , as D . C . ; and Gurney , as I . G . The ceremony vvas most ably performed , and at its conclusion a cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . H . Jenkins for his services . The following investitures
then took place : Bros . Lieut .-Col . R . Cuming , S . W . ; Capt . Perry , J . VV . j the Rev . S . Saunders , Chap , j Briggs , P . M ., Treas . j Capt . Walls , P . M ., Sec . j Bennett , S . D . j Roberts , J . D . j Davis , I . G . j Davison , D . C . j and Harrison , Tyler . A Past Master's jewel vvas presented to the I . P . M . by the VV . M . in the name of the lodge . The Treasurer gave a notice of motion — " That the sum of £ 5 5 s . be voted
to the R . M . B . I ., per the VV . M . as Steward , to the Festival in February , 1 S 91 . " Apologies for non-attendance were received from Bros . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , Bart ., P . G . M . j Lieut .-Col . R . Cuming , D . P . Cama , P . G . Treas . ; Bennett , Roberts , and others . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to
the banquet . The customary loyal and Craft toasts having been honoured , Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson responded on behalf of " The Grand Officers . " Having dealt extensively vvith the subject toast , he spoke of his long connection as an honorary member with the Sir Francis Burdett Lodge . It vvas his good fortune to have assisted at its consecration iG
years ago , and he vvas greatly gratified to find that it had progressed so well . It had afforded him much pleasure to witness the excellent working of the I . P . M ., who , although but a young Mason , had discharged his duties like a veteran in the Craft . The VV . M . also , by the manner in which he had invested his officers with their collars and jewels of office , gave every promise of following in the footsteps of
his predecessor . Bro . R . H . Thrupp , in replying to "The Health of the Provincial Grand Officers , " said that it would p ] ease them all to hear that their worthy chief , Bro . Col . Sir Francis Burdett , vvas in excellent health . A few weeks ago the P . G . M . initiated his only son into the Craft , and did the ceremony in a highly impressive manner . In concluding
his remarks , the D . P . G . M . paid a high compliment to the Installing Officer for the excellency of his working . "The VV . M . " came next in order . Bro . H . Jenkins , in proposing this toast , said that Bro . Toulmin , jun ., vvas an initiate of the lodge , and had worked most assiduously since at lodges of instruction , and the result vvas most satisfactory . He augured for the lodge a successful year of
office in every way under their VV . M ., who was worthy in every respect of the support of his brethren . Bro . Toulmin having made a neat speech in reply , thc toasts of "The Installing Officer , " "Visitors , " "Past Masters , " "Treasurerand Secretary , " and "TheOfficers " followed in quick succession . Bro . Howard Room , in acknowledging the toast of "The
Visitors , made a very happy speech . Among other matters , he spoke in very high terms of No . 1503 . He said it vvas a source of pleasure to him to attend its meetings ; the work vvas always well done , its members vvere so genial , and such genuine harmony prevailed . The proceedings terminated at an early hour , and the W . M . and the Executive are to be congratulated upon the great success that attended the meeting .
WELLINGTON . Fidelity and Sincerity Lodge ( No . 19 66 ) . — The regular meeting of this lodge vvas held at the Masonic Hall on Monday , the ioth inst ., when the following officers and brethren were present : Bros , j . S . Haddon , acting VV . M . ; R . Knight , P . P . G . P ., as I . P . M . ; T . Tyler , S . VV . ; VV . H . Westlake , J . W . ; J . Bowyer , Chap . ; VV . T .
Booker , Ireas . ; F . ' 1 . Elworthy , P . P . S . G . W ., Sec . ; C . Baker , as S . D . ; P . P . Long , as J . D . ; J . Smith , D . C ; E . T . Howard , I . G . ; N . T . Bcckingsale , Stwd . ; C Macey , Tyler ; J . Gill , P . M ., P . G . D . C . ; and others . The lodge having been duly opened , and the minutes of the preceding meeting read and confirmed , Bro . E . Lee Michell vvas duly passed to the Second Degree by Bro . R .
Knight , to whom the gavel had been passed for that purpose . On resuming the gavel Bro . J . S . Haddon said he had now a very pleasing duty to perform , and that not only for himself , but on behalf of the brethren generally of the lodge . They all knew that at the recent meeting of Prov . Grand Lodge , held at Clevedon , their much esteemed and wellbeloved brother and Past Master , Bro . John Gill , had been invested with the collar of P . G . D . C , an office which vvas