Article Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire. Page 1 of 1 Article Bro. Sir Robert Harvey. Page 1 of 1 Article Bro. Sir Robert Harvey. Page 1 of 1 Article B ro. Joseph Albert Arnold. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Chapter Of Gloucestershire.
Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire .
1 he annual convocation of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held on Friday , December 28 th , at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham . The meeting was originally appointed for the 6 th December , but it was postponed until the later date in consequence of the summoning of Parliament and the consequent inability of the Grand Superintendent , Comp . the
Right Hon . Sir Michael Hicks Beach , to attend . During the thirteen years since the Provincial Grand Chapter was founded , the Chancellor of the Exchequer has not missed one of its annual meetings , and it was an evidence of his continued attachment to the Order , that at his request arrangements for the postponement were made to enable him
to preside over the chapter . There was a large attendance of companions . The M . E . the Grand Superintendent , as already intimated , presided , supported by the Prov . G . H ., Comp . " R . V . Vassar-Smith , P . A . G . Soj ., and other Prov . Grand Officers .
The usual routine business was transacted , and the Grand Officers for the ensuing year appointed . The companions afterwards dined together , the Grand Superintendent presiding . The after-dinner speaking was brief , as is of necessity the case when trains have to be caught and guests have to leave
early . The toast of " The Grand Superintendent , " proposed by Comp . Norman , was enthusiasticall y honoured , and was acknowledged in genial terms b y Sir Michael . He took occasion to thank the companions for so readily accepting the postponement of the chapter , which had enabled him to
be present . It was always a pleasure and the most grateful form of relaxation to come amongst his Gloucestershire brethren and exchange fraternal greetings with them . Referring to an allusion made to the report of his approaching retirement from office , he said he need hardly say there was no truth in it . He hoped he was not the mail to run away from a position because it was an anxious or difficult one .
Bro. Sir Robert Harvey.
Bro . Sir Robert Harvey .
Bro . Sir Robert Harvey , who has received the honour of a Knighthood , is a native of Truro , and was born in 18 47 . He served an apprenticeship to engineering near his native town , and went out to Bolivia to superintend the erection of the machinery of a copper mine . After the completion of this engagement he became engineer to a
ia «) . Silt RORKRT 11 AHVKY .-- / ' *¦)/» . IVa / lny , lli , ul Slml .
Bro. Sir Robert Harvey.
nitrate company , rose to be manager , and subsequently became inspector-general ol" nitrate works to the Peruvian Government . He was afterwards in partnership with the late Colonel North as nitrate and iodine manufacturers , and , like his partner , quickly rose to a position of wealth and
influence . Bro . Harvey is now the leading spirit in connection with the nitrate trade and its railways . He lives at Dundridge , near Totnes , and has large estates in both Devon and Cornwall . In 18 97 he was High Sheriff ol " Devon , and this year he is filling the like office in Cornwall . He is a magistrate of both counties and a liveryman of the
City of London and the Merchant Taylors' Company . He married , in South America , Miss Alida Godefroy , a lady of Franco-Peruvian family . Bro . Sir Robert Harvey was initiated in Peru , and is a member of the Phienix Lodge of Honour and Prudence , No . 331 , Truro ; St . Aubyn Lodge , No . 954 , Devonport ; Drury Lane Lodge , No . 2127 ; and the Cornish Lodge , No . 236 9 , London .
B Ro. Joseph Albert Arnold.
Bro . Joseph Albert Arnold .
HRO . . 1 . A . ARNOLD , 1 ' nov . S . C ' . IV . VKKIIYXUIKK . I'lio / n Wiiitei ; Ihrbji .
Bro . Josep h Albert Arnold was initiated in the Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 , Derby , in 1888 , and , having passed through " the various offices , was installed as Worshipful Master fen years later . During his year of office he acted as Steward at the Centenary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Boys , held at the Royal Albert Hall , London , tinder the presidency of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master . The amount on his list was ^ " 206 , a record for the Arboretum Lodge . Bro . Arnold is also a member of the Tyrian Lodge , No . 253 , Derby . He was exalted in the
Royal Arch Chapter of Truth , No . 731 , in 18 94 . He is also a member of the Knights' Templars ( Peveril Preceptory , No . 159 ) , and a member of the Rose Croix ( St . Mary ' s Chapter ) , besides which he is a member of the Derby Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 302 , and of the Woodiwiss
Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 503 . He is a Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and was appointed and invested personally by his Grace the Duke of Devonshire , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master , as Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Derbyshire so recently
as the 29 th ol " November last . Bro . Arnold is a magistrate for the Borough of Derby , and justly esteemed as one of its leading citizens .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Gloucestershire.
Provincial Grand Chapter of Gloucestershire .
1 he annual convocation of the above Provincial Grand Chapter was held on Friday , December 28 th , at the Masonic Hall , Cheltenham . The meeting was originally appointed for the 6 th December , but it was postponed until the later date in consequence of the summoning of Parliament and the consequent inability of the Grand Superintendent , Comp . the
Right Hon . Sir Michael Hicks Beach , to attend . During the thirteen years since the Provincial Grand Chapter was founded , the Chancellor of the Exchequer has not missed one of its annual meetings , and it was an evidence of his continued attachment to the Order , that at his request arrangements for the postponement were made to enable him
to preside over the chapter . There was a large attendance of companions . The M . E . the Grand Superintendent , as already intimated , presided , supported by the Prov . G . H ., Comp . " R . V . Vassar-Smith , P . A . G . Soj ., and other Prov . Grand Officers .
The usual routine business was transacted , and the Grand Officers for the ensuing year appointed . The companions afterwards dined together , the Grand Superintendent presiding . The after-dinner speaking was brief , as is of necessity the case when trains have to be caught and guests have to leave
early . The toast of " The Grand Superintendent , " proposed by Comp . Norman , was enthusiasticall y honoured , and was acknowledged in genial terms b y Sir Michael . He took occasion to thank the companions for so readily accepting the postponement of the chapter , which had enabled him to
be present . It was always a pleasure and the most grateful form of relaxation to come amongst his Gloucestershire brethren and exchange fraternal greetings with them . Referring to an allusion made to the report of his approaching retirement from office , he said he need hardly say there was no truth in it . He hoped he was not the mail to run away from a position because it was an anxious or difficult one .
Bro. Sir Robert Harvey.
Bro . Sir Robert Harvey .
Bro . Sir Robert Harvey , who has received the honour of a Knighthood , is a native of Truro , and was born in 18 47 . He served an apprenticeship to engineering near his native town , and went out to Bolivia to superintend the erection of the machinery of a copper mine . After the completion of this engagement he became engineer to a
ia «) . Silt RORKRT 11 AHVKY .-- / ' *¦)/» . IVa / lny , lli , ul Slml .
Bro. Sir Robert Harvey.
nitrate company , rose to be manager , and subsequently became inspector-general ol" nitrate works to the Peruvian Government . He was afterwards in partnership with the late Colonel North as nitrate and iodine manufacturers , and , like his partner , quickly rose to a position of wealth and
influence . Bro . Harvey is now the leading spirit in connection with the nitrate trade and its railways . He lives at Dundridge , near Totnes , and has large estates in both Devon and Cornwall . In 18 97 he was High Sheriff ol " Devon , and this year he is filling the like office in Cornwall . He is a magistrate of both counties and a liveryman of the
City of London and the Merchant Taylors' Company . He married , in South America , Miss Alida Godefroy , a lady of Franco-Peruvian family . Bro . Sir Robert Harvey was initiated in Peru , and is a member of the Phienix Lodge of Honour and Prudence , No . 331 , Truro ; St . Aubyn Lodge , No . 954 , Devonport ; Drury Lane Lodge , No . 2127 ; and the Cornish Lodge , No . 236 9 , London .
B Ro. Joseph Albert Arnold.
Bro . Joseph Albert Arnold .
HRO . . 1 . A . ARNOLD , 1 ' nov . S . C ' . IV . VKKIIYXUIKK . I'lio / n Wiiitei ; Ihrbji .
Bro . Josep h Albert Arnold was initiated in the Arboretum Lodge , No . 731 , Derby , in 1888 , and , having passed through " the various offices , was installed as Worshipful Master fen years later . During his year of office he acted as Steward at the Centenary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for
Boys , held at the Royal Albert Hall , London , tinder the presidency of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master . The amount on his list was ^ " 206 , a record for the Arboretum Lodge . Bro . Arnold is also a member of the Tyrian Lodge , No . 253 , Derby . He was exalted in the
Royal Arch Chapter of Truth , No . 731 , in 18 94 . He is also a member of the Knights' Templars ( Peveril Preceptory , No . 159 ) , and a member of the Rose Croix ( St . Mary ' s Chapter ) , besides which he is a member of the Derby Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 302 , and of the Woodiwiss
Lodge of Mark Master Masons , No . 503 . He is a Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and was appointed and invested personally by his Grace the Duke of Devonshire , K . G ., Provincial Grand Master , as Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Derbyshire so recently
as the 29 th ol " November last . Bro . Arnold is a magistrate for the Borough of Derby , and justly esteemed as one of its leading citizens .