Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Extracts From 18th Century Newspapers.
Masonic Extracts from 18 th Century Newspapers .
1 EXTRACTS from newspapers ol" early in the eighteenth " ~< century are so rarely to be met with that on Bro . u Hughan having a few reproduced from about 1733 , great interest was taken in them , and the light they threw on the doings of the Craft in those days—in some cases the constitution of lodgesthe dates of which were previously
, unknown . Some of the following , which we have reproduced in facsimile , are of a still earlier period , and although the names of the papers are not added by the collector , they are both curious and valuable : — On 25 th April 1723 the Duke of WhartonGrand
, , , Master , proposed the Earl of Dalkeith ( subsequently the Duke of Bneeleueli ) as his successor , and the Assembly and Feast were held on Monday , 24 th June , 1723 , according to Anderson , who gives particulars , but not that a concert was held .
The long report of the observance of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , 27 th December , 1728 , on the installation of Lord Kingston , is of an interesting character , and differs from Anderson ' s brief account in the " Constitutions" of 173 8 , the latter stating that the assembly was held at " Mercer ' s Hall . "
The " Book of Constitutions , " 1738 , was dedicated to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , who was then Master of a Lodge , and it is quite possible that H . R . H . was invited to accept the Grand Mastership , as the report states . As a matter of fact , however , the Marquis of Carnarvon was elected G . M . on April 6 thand installed on April 27 th 173 8 .
, , It will be seen that the Grand Master agreed to a little festivity at Putney Heath , about which Anderson is silent . H . R . H . the Duke of Cumberland was installed Grand Master May 1 st , 1782 , and was succeeded in 1790 by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
1723 . OP Monday laft the molt ancient and hbnourable Soviet * pfFftEE or ACCEPTED MASONS held their Anniversary Feaft at Merchant-Taylors Hall in Thread needle flreetwhere there was a great Appearance of the
Nobi-; lity and Gentry of that worthy Fraternity , who unanijnoufly chofe the Right Honourable the Earl of Dalkeith their Grand Maffer for the Year enfuing , in the Room of Bis Grace the Duke of Wharton , Grand Matter for the laft . Year . The Entertaiiirnent was very fumpcuous ; and there tfas alfo a ' Qtnfort of Vocal and Instrumental Mufick .
t 724 . The Free Mafonf . ' *«& Jribreafed fo much in and ' afcou : Town for fym TiiBE paR ; that , we are aflarci there are no UlS Hiari j 1 LotfgeS df tha * Sstretf in tftefe . Cicie ? artd the Corneal * about'theaov
1729 . On Fsiday U & Week , befog Sr . John ' s Day , j cVs wan a great Appearance ofFree ' Mafons at I Stationer ' s-Hall ; where a handfijiECiEntertainrnent 8 was provided for them , by . 12 Stewards chofen for that Purpofcy . After wfiiptj . the following Officers
were chofen for the Yeajienfiiing , . vi ^ the Rt . Hon . thff Lord Kingftqn , G « and ,, Mafter in the room of the Rt . Hon , the Lorrf Colflrairie , ; Nathaniel Blackerby , E % Deputy Grand Mailer in the toom jf Alexander Choek ; Ef « j ; and Sir James JThornhiiJ and Martjn £ Conner Grand Wardens in she rpani of the laid MrBlackerbandMrJo
, y . . - seph Hi ^ hrcore ., ' " Tis rematkable that there we » e { rirtfent zh- > . Ms Ret of'fee . Lodge ai Madrjd jtj Spain , [ j and tfce Wardens belonging « $ the Lodge at . Caew a marthen in South-Wale ? ,- — And . 3 Commiflion Was j fign . ed by die Grand Mafler ,, Co cenftirme a Lodge J in . ihdJLnS-Indles ^^^ nd al the lame time taej Grapi-M ^ ei ^ nd ^ VfWdens , and raoft of theGeiK I
derfteq . ptefent . took . Tickets ts „ appear in white § BjoYesvat the . 'rii ? ke- ? lQyal . in Qrtfty-Jahe on s Mmdzy NigiZ ^ -hcre $£ <; Play of . Msnry Tjji ' 'rist . M ^ was s £ » i fqt theig Eaterfainmopr ,- and a I Prologue aiKJ , Epilogue waj . fpoken fuitil > i 6 . ao the i Qocafion ., grtd in Hoasar <> f thw ' Eoc \ ap . i ? 3 -
The Marquefs of Carnarvon is appointed Grand Mailer of the Antient and Honourable Society of FiC 2 and Accepted Mafons , for the Year enfuing .
« 73 « . We hees that the principal Members of the Society of Ftee asii Accepted Mafons intend to wait on the Prince of Wales , with an humble Requeil , 0 his Royal Highneft , to accept of the Grand Mattexflii
p of that Antient and Honourable Body for the Year enfuine . ' 73 8 . THO S E Erstbren of &* Free and Aeapted Mafias , , hat did not fubfertbe at Fijbmonger ' s-Hall the Dayef the Feajl , and inteni to wait on the Right Hon . . hi
Marquis of Carnarvon , Grand Majltr , to Dint iiui & him at the Bowling-Green-Houfe on Ptitxcy Heath , on Saturday the i % th Inflant , are defir'd to fend their Names and Subfcription to , Mr . Moody , Sacerd Cutler to the King and Prince ofjf ^ ales , near Temple-Bar or to Mr . Roger Perry ' , Mafterof the faid Houfe , et or before Thurfday thtr 1 tth , that fuitable Provijion may be made for the Fraternity .
Dinner ivi / l be on the Table at T-wo 0 'Clock . 1778 . ^ FREEMASON'S HALL ASSEMBLY" . 'JpHK Subfcribers nr ' e rssqnrrtcd to lake noticr , _ J . that thc'l ' ecoild Meecin ; will bjon Thiirfdav the io ; h ijiii . int . 1779 .
SOCIETY ot FREE-MASONS . THE Brethren are de / ired to take notice that the Anniverfary Grand Feaft will be heU at Free Mafon ' s H 51 I , THIS DAY , the x th inft . ST E W A R D S . Lord Yifcount Tamworfh , Picfident . George Greive , Efq . 1 reafurcr .
Mr . Tames Pearce , Secretary . Jofeph Newton , E / q . Mr . Jofeph Kewnham , Talbot Blayney , HandaCyd , Efq Mr . Jaaies Turban , ' Frtdericki Abfel , Efq . " Mi . Rowland-Minns , Mr . Annefley Shee , Mr . Andrew O'Brien , Mr . John Hemrted , Tickets to be had of the Stewards , alfo at the Thatchedhoufe TavernSt . "James ' s . ftrcet the London
Coffee-, ; houfe , Lucigate hill ; the London Tavern , Bi / hopfgateftrect ; at Free Mafon ' s Taverni Great < J « ieen-rtreet LincoIn ' s-inn-fielJs . The Grand Lodge will aflfemt ' e at two o ' clock . Dinner on table at three .
1784 . Monday was held the annual meeting of Free and Accepted Mafons , af tfcfeir Hill in Grtat C ^ jetnfircet , Where an elegant dinner , with plenty of all kinds- of French wines * as provided ; Near 300
, of the brethren attended . The Duke of Cumber land vvss re-chofen Grand Mafter , ' and the Hon . Henry Ward , ' feriior , and Meyfick , Efrj ; Juhiop , Grand "WaVdens ; Mr . Hafeltirte rtfigrjed his office of Grand Treafurer , and Mr . V / hite wHs eleftefl in his room . Admiral Sir Peter Parker wsu
in the chair , and Count Totnini , the MarqHU de Betearia . ( brother to the author of t-he celebrated Effay on Crimes and Punilhments ) and many other of the foreign Nobility were prtlent at . tjiis fphadid entertainmerrc , where every thing was condufled with a regularity and harmony that did great honour to the fraternity . 1790 .
FREE MASONS TAVERN . MICHAEL fctJHOfcD' who lately kept thp Tavn-a at Madrjfe , aid JOHN MQltARO , late a Parmer a ™ l Coolt at the Looiorj Tavern , refpeftfally infortn tbt Public , tfiat ti—y have taken ttes' Pre * Mafonj Tav « rn , in Great QijseQ-ftrset , Lincoln ' s Inn Field * , winch his bean rebuilt u ? oa an ctilarje « l / lan , ' End fitted
up in the g « ro » eleft Style ; that they h « t > . laid fn a iarge AJJbrtroent oT . itie ehcieeft Wioes , shd propofe 19 open their Hoofe oc . Thurfday tho 4115 c ^ & 5 » cb , whifl they , fplicit the Esyour oi their FrieciJj * r * i cite Publi c airing tbem ' that' no Pains will be { { Vred tr > mesit thsir Eotouragei-nent , N . B . Tin % gft-ge »|» ei «> M «? 69 ;«> rtff : C-i r ? a 2 y 1 cnsettwifd . 1794 .
t FREE MASONRY . TH HE ANNUAL PROVINCIAL -GRANJ > A Meeting for Tnh county , will I'e held at the VVxirc BrA * , WIST-MAIIINC , on Mondai the ( 9 th of Ma ; inft . at ten o ' clock in the fortnoon , \ fthere-thd ar . endance P < the refjiedti ' ve Lo'dges is pinieyUrty requeftcd . JUl . JC ' S SHEPPERD , D . i ' . G , Matter . Proccrfton to Cliurdi at Eleven o ' clock . Dinner on . table nt Tlr ^ e o ' cli'ck .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Extracts From 18th Century Newspapers.
Masonic Extracts from 18 th Century Newspapers .
1 EXTRACTS from newspapers ol" early in the eighteenth " ~< century are so rarely to be met with that on Bro . u Hughan having a few reproduced from about 1733 , great interest was taken in them , and the light they threw on the doings of the Craft in those days—in some cases the constitution of lodgesthe dates of which were previously
, unknown . Some of the following , which we have reproduced in facsimile , are of a still earlier period , and although the names of the papers are not added by the collector , they are both curious and valuable : — On 25 th April 1723 the Duke of WhartonGrand
, , , Master , proposed the Earl of Dalkeith ( subsequently the Duke of Bneeleueli ) as his successor , and the Assembly and Feast were held on Monday , 24 th June , 1723 , according to Anderson , who gives particulars , but not that a concert was held .
The long report of the observance of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist , 27 th December , 1728 , on the installation of Lord Kingston , is of an interesting character , and differs from Anderson ' s brief account in the " Constitutions" of 173 8 , the latter stating that the assembly was held at " Mercer ' s Hall . "
The " Book of Constitutions , " 1738 , was dedicated to H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , who was then Master of a Lodge , and it is quite possible that H . R . H . was invited to accept the Grand Mastership , as the report states . As a matter of fact , however , the Marquis of Carnarvon was elected G . M . on April 6 thand installed on April 27 th 173 8 .
, , It will be seen that the Grand Master agreed to a little festivity at Putney Heath , about which Anderson is silent . H . R . H . the Duke of Cumberland was installed Grand Master May 1 st , 1782 , and was succeeded in 1790 by H . R . H . the Prince of Wales .
1723 . OP Monday laft the molt ancient and hbnourable Soviet * pfFftEE or ACCEPTED MASONS held their Anniversary Feaft at Merchant-Taylors Hall in Thread needle flreetwhere there was a great Appearance of the
Nobi-; lity and Gentry of that worthy Fraternity , who unanijnoufly chofe the Right Honourable the Earl of Dalkeith their Grand Maffer for the Year enfuing , in the Room of Bis Grace the Duke of Wharton , Grand Matter for the laft . Year . The Entertaiiirnent was very fumpcuous ; and there tfas alfo a ' Qtnfort of Vocal and Instrumental Mufick .
t 724 . The Free Mafonf . ' *«& Jribreafed fo much in and ' afcou : Town for fym TiiBE paR ; that , we are aflarci there are no UlS Hiari j 1 LotfgeS df tha * Sstretf in tftefe . Cicie ? artd the Corneal * about'theaov
1729 . On Fsiday U & Week , befog Sr . John ' s Day , j cVs wan a great Appearance ofFree ' Mafons at I Stationer ' s-Hall ; where a handfijiECiEntertainrnent 8 was provided for them , by . 12 Stewards chofen for that Purpofcy . After wfiiptj . the following Officers
were chofen for the Yeajienfiiing , . vi ^ the Rt . Hon . thff Lord Kingftqn , G « and ,, Mafter in the room of the Rt . Hon , the Lorrf Colflrairie , ; Nathaniel Blackerby , E % Deputy Grand Mailer in the toom jf Alexander Choek ; Ef « j ; and Sir James JThornhiiJ and Martjn £ Conner Grand Wardens in she rpani of the laid MrBlackerbandMrJo
, y . . - seph Hi ^ hrcore ., ' " Tis rematkable that there we » e { rirtfent zh- > . Ms Ret of'fee . Lodge ai Madrjd jtj Spain , [ j and tfce Wardens belonging « $ the Lodge at . Caew a marthen in South-Wale ? ,- — And . 3 Commiflion Was j fign . ed by die Grand Mafler ,, Co cenftirme a Lodge J in . ihdJLnS-Indles ^^^ nd al the lame time taej Grapi-M ^ ei ^ nd ^ VfWdens , and raoft of theGeiK I
derfteq . ptefent . took . Tickets ts „ appear in white § BjoYesvat the . 'rii ? ke- ? lQyal . in Qrtfty-Jahe on s Mmdzy NigiZ ^ -hcre $£ <; Play of . Msnry Tjji ' 'rist . M ^ was s £ » i fqt theig Eaterfainmopr ,- and a I Prologue aiKJ , Epilogue waj . fpoken fuitil > i 6 . ao the i Qocafion ., grtd in Hoasar <> f thw ' Eoc \ ap . i ? 3 -
The Marquefs of Carnarvon is appointed Grand Mailer of the Antient and Honourable Society of FiC 2 and Accepted Mafons , for the Year enfuing .
« 73 « . We hees that the principal Members of the Society of Ftee asii Accepted Mafons intend to wait on the Prince of Wales , with an humble Requeil , 0 his Royal Highneft , to accept of the Grand Mattexflii
p of that Antient and Honourable Body for the Year enfuine . ' 73 8 . THO S E Erstbren of &* Free and Aeapted Mafias , , hat did not fubfertbe at Fijbmonger ' s-Hall the Dayef the Feajl , and inteni to wait on the Right Hon . . hi
Marquis of Carnarvon , Grand Majltr , to Dint iiui & him at the Bowling-Green-Houfe on Ptitxcy Heath , on Saturday the i % th Inflant , are defir'd to fend their Names and Subfcription to , Mr . Moody , Sacerd Cutler to the King and Prince ofjf ^ ales , near Temple-Bar or to Mr . Roger Perry ' , Mafterof the faid Houfe , et or before Thurfday thtr 1 tth , that fuitable Provijion may be made for the Fraternity .
Dinner ivi / l be on the Table at T-wo 0 'Clock . 1778 . ^ FREEMASON'S HALL ASSEMBLY" . 'JpHK Subfcribers nr ' e rssqnrrtcd to lake noticr , _ J . that thc'l ' ecoild Meecin ; will bjon Thiirfdav the io ; h ijiii . int . 1779 .
SOCIETY ot FREE-MASONS . THE Brethren are de / ired to take notice that the Anniverfary Grand Feaft will be heU at Free Mafon ' s H 51 I , THIS DAY , the x th inft . ST E W A R D S . Lord Yifcount Tamworfh , Picfident . George Greive , Efq . 1 reafurcr .
Mr . Tames Pearce , Secretary . Jofeph Newton , E / q . Mr . Jofeph Kewnham , Talbot Blayney , HandaCyd , Efq Mr . Jaaies Turban , ' Frtdericki Abfel , Efq . " Mi . Rowland-Minns , Mr . Annefley Shee , Mr . Andrew O'Brien , Mr . John Hemrted , Tickets to be had of the Stewards , alfo at the Thatchedhoufe TavernSt . "James ' s . ftrcet the London
Coffee-, ; houfe , Lucigate hill ; the London Tavern , Bi / hopfgateftrect ; at Free Mafon ' s Taverni Great < J « ieen-rtreet LincoIn ' s-inn-fielJs . The Grand Lodge will aflfemt ' e at two o ' clock . Dinner on table at three .
1784 . Monday was held the annual meeting of Free and Accepted Mafons , af tfcfeir Hill in Grtat C ^ jetnfircet , Where an elegant dinner , with plenty of all kinds- of French wines * as provided ; Near 300
, of the brethren attended . The Duke of Cumber land vvss re-chofen Grand Mafter , ' and the Hon . Henry Ward , ' feriior , and Meyfick , Efrj ; Juhiop , Grand "WaVdens ; Mr . Hafeltirte rtfigrjed his office of Grand Treafurer , and Mr . V / hite wHs eleftefl in his room . Admiral Sir Peter Parker wsu
in the chair , and Count Totnini , the MarqHU de Betearia . ( brother to the author of t-he celebrated Effay on Crimes and Punilhments ) and many other of the foreign Nobility were prtlent at . tjiis fphadid entertainmerrc , where every thing was condufled with a regularity and harmony that did great honour to the fraternity . 1790 .
FREE MASONS TAVERN . MICHAEL fctJHOfcD' who lately kept thp Tavn-a at Madrjfe , aid JOHN MQltARO , late a Parmer a ™ l Coolt at the Looiorj Tavern , refpeftfally infortn tbt Public , tfiat ti—y have taken ttes' Pre * Mafonj Tav « rn , in Great QijseQ-ftrset , Lincoln ' s Inn Field * , winch his bean rebuilt u ? oa an ctilarje « l / lan , ' End fitted
up in the g « ro » eleft Style ; that they h « t > . laid fn a iarge AJJbrtroent oT . itie ehcieeft Wioes , shd propofe 19 open their Hoofe oc . Thurfday tho 4115 c ^ & 5 » cb , whifl they , fplicit the Esyour oi their FrieciJj * r * i cite Publi c airing tbem ' that' no Pains will be { { Vred tr > mesit thsir Eotouragei-nent , N . B . Tin % gft-ge »|» ei «> M «? 69 ;«> rtff : C-i r ? a 2 y 1 cnsettwifd . 1794 .
t FREE MASONRY . TH HE ANNUAL PROVINCIAL -GRANJ > A Meeting for Tnh county , will I'e held at the VVxirc BrA * , WIST-MAIIINC , on Mondai the ( 9 th of Ma ; inft . at ten o ' clock in the fortnoon , \ fthere-thd ar . endance P < the refjiedti ' ve Lo'dges is pinieyUrty requeftcd . JUl . JC ' S SHEPPERD , D . i ' . G , Matter . Proccrfton to Cliurdi at Eleven o ' clock . Dinner on . table nt Tlr ^ e o ' cli'ck .