Article A Last Century Silver Wedding. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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A Last Century Silver Wedding.
doubt thai what I am going lo say will appear to many of you a secret , or what , up lo the present , lias been a secret . You will have observed . I have no doubt , on your menu , applied lo the different courses , the words , "Ellen , " " Leontine , " "Ada , " "Dew , " "Stephens . " Many of you , 1 know , are acquainted with the name of our house , and many ol unfriends have asked me the origin of it . It lakes a little lime lo explain ,
but I feel if you will kindly bear with me I should like to do so for the information of those here to-night , to whom it is unknown , and with your permission 1 will lell you the origin of the name " Elads . " Some dozen years ago we built a little- villa in West Hampstead , to which we thought of retiring , and knowing , as I did , the extraordinary exertions which my wife had put forth in helping to place me in the position lo build it , I fell anxious in some way or other to identify the name of it with her , and I
thought of her christian names , "Kllen , " "Leontine , " and " Ada , " but neither of them seemed to me a very nice name to give a house . Then 1 thought of her maiden surname , "Dew , " but " dewdrops" sounded too much like confectionery . ( Laughter . ) I also thought of combining the initial letters of all her names in some form or other , including that of "Stephens , " which I had given her , and so could form the words , "Dales" and "Slade . " But these did not satisfy me , and liking lo be
original , then thought " why not lake the initials in order—E , L , A , D , S ? This I did . and hence the derivation of the name of our house , " Elads , " without consulting her , and , indeed , unknown to her . Well , ladies and gentlemen , Mr . Bailey has said that we have been successful . I am thankful to Providence that we have been . I can assure you from my heart that if I do not deserve it my wife does . ( Hear , hear . ) On the occasion of my jubilee birthday this year -and I may here remark , it is a
singular coincidence that in the last year of the century I should be able to celebrate both my jubilee birthday and silver wedding—we wished to mark the occasion in the form of some charity , for both my wife and I are as charitable as we can afford to be , and we gave fifty guineas to the Royal Female Orphanage in the name of my little niece , Lily Stephens . I cannot claim like my good friend , Mr . Whadcoat , whose presence we welcome to-night , to have given 1 , 000 guineas in one lump sum to a charity as he did to the Royal Masonic Institute for boys ; but my dear wife and I united can lav claim to having subscribed , at various times ,
at least 1 , 000 guineas to the three Masonic Institutions . On this occasion , as a thank-offering we have decided lo give ioo guineas in sums of twenty-five guineas to each ol" the three Masonic Charities . ( Applause . ) I don't know whether my good friend , Sir John Monckton , is a Kentish man , a man of Kent , or a Kentish Mason , but I knowthat the President at the forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School is to be the Provincial Grand Master ol" Kent ( Earl Amherst ) , and that Sir John is very anxious for a successful result . We shall
therefore be pleased to put twenty-five guineas on his list for that Institution in the name of my niece . I am also pleased to see the indefatigable-Secretary of the Masonic Boys' School , Mr . McLeod , here , and to his Institution we are also glad to give twenty-live guineas , I am also glad to see the veteran and evergreen Secretary of the Old Peoples' Institution , Mr . James Terry , who has so faithfully and zealously served that Institution for nearly forty years , and to his Institution we give twenty-five guineas ;
and as my good "governor" is acting as a Steward at the Festival in February next , we shall be pleased to place that sum on his list in filename of his son , our dear little nephew , Eric Carter , who I will also make a Steward on that occasion . ( Applause . ) We are very proud indeed to see our esteemed friend , Mr . Letch worth , present , whom many of you know as the Grand Secretary of English Freemasons , in which capacity he has endeared himself to the hearts of everyone with whom he
has come in contact . Knowing the interest which he and Sir John Monckton takes on behalf ol" the Royal Female Orphanage at Beddington , we will be pleased to send him ( Mr . Letchworlh ) twenty-live guineas for that Institution . Ladies and gentlemen , I assure you we are delighted to know that after our twenty-live years together we can number among our acquaintances the nearly 200 good friends who have honoured us with their presence to-night . We
are both grateful lo Providence that He has spared us this far , and we hope that we may yet he preserved for years to enjoy the friendship of those around us to-night . I feel that I ought to apologise to many good friends who are not here to-night , but whom we would have been glad to welcome had the accommodation of this building permitted of it . I may sav that some few months ago I had asked mv good friend , Mr . ( udah ,
the excellent manager of the Hotel Cecil , who , I am sure , would havedone his best for us , lo query his large suite for us in order that we might have invited more , and when he rang us up on the telephone some time since I appealed to the wife to decide , and she said : " We did so thoroughly enjoy ourselves at the Frascati on the last occasion , and arcso much at home there , and we know they will leave nothing undone that is possible to make the occasion a success , we had belter go there again . " I feel that I cannot finish without expressing on behalf of my good
wife and myself our warmest thanks to our dear old friend , Mr . Morrell , the managing director here , and his excellent staff , for the admirable manner in which everything has been carried out . Ladies and gentlemen , it is our good hope that you may be spared long into the new century and that God may bless you and take you in His keeping when He shall call you hence . Among the invited guests were the following : -
RAY . Bro . Sir | ohn B . Monckton ; Y . W . Bro . Kdwd . Letchworth ; Y . W . Bro . W . H ., Mis ., Master Wilfred , and Miss Bailey ; Y . W . Bro . Ll .-Col . and Mrs . Probvn ; Y . W . Bro . H . Manlield ; W . Bro . [ . H ., Mrs ., and Miss Whadcoat ; \ V . Bro . James and Mrs . Terry ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . M . McLeod ; W . Bro . J . ' [ ., Mrs ., and Miss Thomas ; W . Bro . W . J ., Mrs ., and Miss Mason ; W " . Bro . and Mrs . J . Welford ; W . Bro . W ., Mrs ., and Miss Lake ; W . Bro . and Mrs . A . Ritchie ; W . Bro . and Mrs .
James Speller : W . Bro . and Mrs . Ben Carter ; W . Bro . A ., Mrs ., and the " Misses Flatman ; W . Bro . and Mrs . G . A . Sims ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Godson ; W . Bro . E ., Mrs ., and Master Bert Gibbs ; W . Bro . C , Mrs ., and Miss Dealing ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Havlor ; W . Bro . and Mrs . G . T . Peall ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . A . Adams ; ' W . Bro . and Mis . A . Moore ; W . Bro . and Mrs . E . L . Berry ; W . Bid . and Mrs . H Turner WBroGYWood WBroAEHubert ;
. J . ; . . . . ; . . . . W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Thomas ; W . Bro . All " . Thomas ; W . Bro . H . J . Thomas ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . Willing ; W . Bro . A ., Miss , and Masters A . C . and J . Craddock ; W . Bro . and . Mrs . E . P . Moore ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Chappie ; W . Bro . W . H . G . and Miss Dolly Rudderforth : W . Bro . Col . and Mrs . I'nile ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . W . Lee ; W . Bro . the Rev . II . Hebb ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Ginger ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Drew ; W . Bro . and Mrs . F . Foxlev ; W . Bro . A . S . Ginger ; W . Bro . S . W . D .
Ball ; Bro . and Mrs . T . II . Griffiths ; Bro . and Mrs . W . Bailcv : Bro . and Mrs . H . C . Carter ; Bro . and Mrs . J . II . Chandler ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Crook : Bro . G . Andrews ; Bro . W . J . Bennison ; Bro . R . Cope ; Bro . and Mrs . F . C . Dew ; Bro . and Mrs . | . " II . Dew ; Bro . and Mrs . II . T . Dudinan : Bro . and Mrs . A . F . C . Flatman ; Bro . and Mrs . S . Hall ; the Mayor of ArundelBro . and Mrs . JX . HareBro . and Mis . E . W . Hart
, . ; ; Bro . and Mrs . W . T . Imbrev ; Bro . and Mrs . I '" . Loader ; Bro . and Mrs . C . W . Mann ; Bro . and Mrs . R . Parker ; Bro . and Mrs . W . H . Parker ; Bro . and Mrs . G . Reader ; Bro . and Mrs . T . Richards ; Bro . and Mrs . H . Taylor ; Bro . and Mrs . | . O . Schiller ; Bro . and Mrs . A . C . Stephens ; Bros . | . Finch , M . H . Foster , W . T . Haddock , W . | . Lewis , R . McLeod , and A . ' Morrell ; Bro . J . W . and the Misses Morrell ; Bro . P . Schuler ; Bro . C . E . and Miss Schuler ; Bro . H . T ., Mrs ., and Miss
Slaughter ; Bro . I-L , Mrs ., and Miss Ward ; Bro . | . Stevens ; Bro . and Mrs . W . C . Wise ; Bro . and Mrs . A . W . Yates ; Bros . C . Worley , A . Friedborig , B . Cohen , B . Fisher ; Bro . and Mrs . H . R . Grovcr ; Bro . and Mrs . E . Kalla ; Bro . and Mrs . W . J . Nightingale ; Dr . Gwynnc Bird ; Miss A . Barlle ; Mr . and Mrs . A . J . Brewer ; Mrs . A . Carter ; R . Cullum , Esq . ; Miss Davie ; Miss L . Davics ; Dr . Davies ; W . Davies , Esq . ; Miss Dear ; Miss G . Dear ; R . W . A . Dear , Esq . ; J . Quinn , Esq . ; Mrs . C . Dew ; Miss Gladys
Dew ; H . G . Finch , Esq . ; Mr . G . P . and Miss Furrell ; Miss Harnden ; the Misses Jeffreys ; Mr . and Mrs . T . B . Knott ; Miss Maskell ; Mrs . and the Misses Marx ; ' E . Marx , Esq . ; Miss G . Morrell ; Mr . W . H . and Miss Nightingale : Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Nicholls ; S . Phillips , Esq . ; Mr . and Mrs . J . Pitcher ; Mrs . C . J . F . Shannaw ; Miss Lily Stephens ; . Miss Dolly Tinnev ; Mrs . and Mi ' ss Walker ; Mr . and Mrs . J . S . Wilkes ; Miss Hall ; Lieut . C . Sims ; Mr . and Mrs . C . Beadell ; Mr . and Mrs . G . W . Creighlon ; Mrs . Davie ; Mr . and . Mrs . Dear ; Miss Kelly ; Mr . and Mrs . G . T . Knecht ; A . Waterer , Esq .
Among the list of presents , may be mentioned the following : — Pair of silver ( lower pots and salver , Cricklewood Lodge ; photograph in silver frame , R . W . Bro . Sir J . Monckton ; silver live o ' clock tea service , W . Bro . and Mrs . Whadcoat ; silver cigar cabinet , Y . W . Bro . W . H . Bailey , P . G . Treas . ; silver tea-urn and cake basket , W . Bro . and Mrs . B . Carter ; four silver candlesticks , Bro . J . W . Morrell ; silver epergne , W . Bro . and Mrs . Terry ; case of silver tea knives , W . Bro . and Mrs . Mason ; silver flower bowl on standW . Bro . and Mrs . C . Dearing :
, polar bear skin rug , W . Bro . and Mrs . G . A . Sims ; pair of silver Mower vases , W . Bro . and Mrs . Welford ; silver fruit dish , W . Bro . and Mrs . Lake ; silver mirror , W . Bro . and Mrs . Godson ; silver fruit dish and spoon , W . Bro . and Mrs . McLeod ; silver flower bowl on stand , W . Bro . and Mrs . Craddock ; silver spirit bottle , W . Bro . and Mrs . H . j . Turner ; four silver flower vases , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . Speller ; silver writing case and cabinet , W . Bro . and Mrs . Flatman ; pair of silver flower vases ,
Bro . and Mrs . T . H . Griffiths ; silver mirror , Bro . and Mrs . G . Reader ; silver tea caddv , W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Thomas ; silver salver , Mrs . and the Misses Jeffreys ; silver sugar sifter and spoon , Bro . and Mrs . Nightingale ; case ol " " silver liqueur cups , Mr . W . H . and Miss Nightingale ; silver fruit dish , Bro . and Mrs . C . W . Mann ; silver fruit dish , Bro . and Mrs . Slaughter ; silver fruit dish , Bro . Haddock ; silver bowl on stand , Bro . and Mrs . H . Ward ; silver photograph frame , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . J . Thomas ; silver photograph frame , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . A . Adams ; pair of silver photograph frames , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Havlor ; silver photograph frames , Bro . and
Mrs . S . Hall ; silver photograph frame , Bro . R . H . McLeod and Miss Maskell ; silver photograph frame , Bro . and Mrs . J . S . Crook ; silver cigarette box , Mr . H . W . Cullum ; pair of silver candlesticks , Bro . and Mrs . A . F . C . Flatman : silver match box , Mr . Quinn and Miss G . Dear ; silver match box , Miss Hall ; silver paper knife , Bro . W . Bennison ; silver clock , Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Nicholls ; silver clock , Mr . R . W . A . and Miss D . Dear ; silver sugar sifter , Bro . and Mrs . H . T . Dudman ; silver sugar sifter , W . Bro . and MrsGTPeall ; pair of silver sugar siftersW . Bro . and Mrs . H .
. . . , Taylor ; pair of silver Hower vases , Bro . and Mrs . A . W . Yates ; pair of silver jam spoons , Bro . J . Stevens ; silver flower bowl , Mr . and Mrs . G . T . Knecht ; pair of silver cake dishes , Bro . and Mrs . E . W . Hart ; silver sardine dish , Mrs . Dew ; silver biscuit box , Bro . and Mrs . F . C . Dew ; pair of silver butter dishes , Bro . and Mrs . R . Parker ; silver butter dish , W . Bio . and Mrs . E . Gibbs ; pair of antique silver spoons , Bro . and Mrs . Imbrev ; pair of silver
serviette rings , Bro . and Mrs . F . Loader ; silver preserve jar , W . Bro . and Mrs . E . P . Moore ; silver asparagus servers , W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Chappie ; mirror , Bro . and Mrs . J . O . Schuler ; silver bread platter and knife , Bro . and Mrs . W . Bailey ; pair of silver ash ( rays , Bro . Percy Schuler ; silver photograph frame , Bro . C . Schuler ; silver pie dish , Miss Lizzie Davies ; photograph in frame , Miss Annie Bartle ; silver bread bowl , staff at "Elads" ( present and past ); basket of flowers , Mrs . H . Marx ; silver smelling bottle , W . Bro . G . V . Wood ; silver button-hook and shoe lift , Bro . and Mrs . J . X . Hare ( Mayor of Arundel ) .
Bro . James Stephens , who was honoured with the appointment of Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1897 , has rendered so many varied and important services to Freemasonry , that we think that a record of his Masonic career may be of interest . He has been a member ol" the Craft for twenty-seven years , having been initiated in the Hvde Park Lodge , Xo . 1425 , on the 10 th January , 187 X , and , having filled the minor officeswas installed Worshipful Master in May
, , 1885 , and has been for years its Treasurer . In 1886 he began to look about for new worlds to conquer , and joined the Phienix Lodge , Xo . 173 , and the Domalic Lodge , Xo . 177 , which celebrated its centenary in that year , and had a hand in forming the Tivoli Lodge , No . 2150 , of which lie became Master in 1 X 80 , and is now its Secretary , and was elected a member of the Prince Frederick William Lodge , Xo . 753 , of which hewas Master in 1891 He joined the Kilburn LodgeNo . 1608 in 1888 ,
. , , and was installed in the chair on the 26 th January , 1893 . ( Mrs . Stephens was permitted to associate her first Stewardship with the name of this lodge in behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , on which occasion she took up a list going on for ^ 400 , which , at that time , was a record one for a ladv ) . In 188 9 he became a founder , and in July , 1894 , the Worshipful Master of the Viator Lodge , Xo . 2308 . In 1890 he was one of the founders , and in October , 1895 , was installed as Worshipful
Master of the Cricklewood Lodge , Xo . 2361 , and is now its Treasurer , while in 1892 he took a leading part in establishing a couple of lodges in the Province of Buckinghamshire , namely , the Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge , Xo . 2420 , Waddeslon , of which he was installed the first Master , and invested the late Baron Ferdinand tie Rothschild as Senior Warden , and subsequently installed him into the chair of Worshipful Master , and the Carrington Lodge , Xo . 2421 , Amersham . But perhaps his most successful achievement has been the founding , in concert with his friend
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A Last Century Silver Wedding.
doubt thai what I am going lo say will appear to many of you a secret , or what , up lo the present , lias been a secret . You will have observed . I have no doubt , on your menu , applied lo the different courses , the words , "Ellen , " " Leontine , " "Ada , " "Dew , " "Stephens . " Many of you , 1 know , are acquainted with the name of our house , and many ol unfriends have asked me the origin of it . It lakes a little lime lo explain ,
but I feel if you will kindly bear with me I should like to do so for the information of those here to-night , to whom it is unknown , and with your permission 1 will lell you the origin of the name " Elads . " Some dozen years ago we built a little- villa in West Hampstead , to which we thought of retiring , and knowing , as I did , the extraordinary exertions which my wife had put forth in helping to place me in the position lo build it , I fell anxious in some way or other to identify the name of it with her , and I
thought of her christian names , "Kllen , " "Leontine , " and " Ada , " but neither of them seemed to me a very nice name to give a house . Then 1 thought of her maiden surname , "Dew , " but " dewdrops" sounded too much like confectionery . ( Laughter . ) I also thought of combining the initial letters of all her names in some form or other , including that of "Stephens , " which I had given her , and so could form the words , "Dales" and "Slade . " But these did not satisfy me , and liking lo be
original , then thought " why not lake the initials in order—E , L , A , D , S ? This I did . and hence the derivation of the name of our house , " Elads , " without consulting her , and , indeed , unknown to her . Well , ladies and gentlemen , Mr . Bailey has said that we have been successful . I am thankful to Providence that we have been . I can assure you from my heart that if I do not deserve it my wife does . ( Hear , hear . ) On the occasion of my jubilee birthday this year -and I may here remark , it is a
singular coincidence that in the last year of the century I should be able to celebrate both my jubilee birthday and silver wedding—we wished to mark the occasion in the form of some charity , for both my wife and I are as charitable as we can afford to be , and we gave fifty guineas to the Royal Female Orphanage in the name of my little niece , Lily Stephens . I cannot claim like my good friend , Mr . Whadcoat , whose presence we welcome to-night , to have given 1 , 000 guineas in one lump sum to a charity as he did to the Royal Masonic Institute for boys ; but my dear wife and I united can lav claim to having subscribed , at various times ,
at least 1 , 000 guineas to the three Masonic Institutions . On this occasion , as a thank-offering we have decided lo give ioo guineas in sums of twenty-five guineas to each ol" the three Masonic Charities . ( Applause . ) I don't know whether my good friend , Sir John Monckton , is a Kentish man , a man of Kent , or a Kentish Mason , but I knowthat the President at the forthcoming Festival of the Girls' School is to be the Provincial Grand Master ol" Kent ( Earl Amherst ) , and that Sir John is very anxious for a successful result . We shall
therefore be pleased to put twenty-five guineas on his list for that Institution in the name of my niece . I am also pleased to see the indefatigable-Secretary of the Masonic Boys' School , Mr . McLeod , here , and to his Institution we are also glad to give twenty-live guineas , I am also glad to see the veteran and evergreen Secretary of the Old Peoples' Institution , Mr . James Terry , who has so faithfully and zealously served that Institution for nearly forty years , and to his Institution we give twenty-five guineas ;
and as my good "governor" is acting as a Steward at the Festival in February next , we shall be pleased to place that sum on his list in filename of his son , our dear little nephew , Eric Carter , who I will also make a Steward on that occasion . ( Applause . ) We are very proud indeed to see our esteemed friend , Mr . Letch worth , present , whom many of you know as the Grand Secretary of English Freemasons , in which capacity he has endeared himself to the hearts of everyone with whom he
has come in contact . Knowing the interest which he and Sir John Monckton takes on behalf ol" the Royal Female Orphanage at Beddington , we will be pleased to send him ( Mr . Letchworlh ) twenty-live guineas for that Institution . Ladies and gentlemen , I assure you we are delighted to know that after our twenty-live years together we can number among our acquaintances the nearly 200 good friends who have honoured us with their presence to-night . We
are both grateful lo Providence that He has spared us this far , and we hope that we may yet he preserved for years to enjoy the friendship of those around us to-night . I feel that I ought to apologise to many good friends who are not here to-night , but whom we would have been glad to welcome had the accommodation of this building permitted of it . I may sav that some few months ago I had asked mv good friend , Mr . ( udah ,
the excellent manager of the Hotel Cecil , who , I am sure , would havedone his best for us , lo query his large suite for us in order that we might have invited more , and when he rang us up on the telephone some time since I appealed to the wife to decide , and she said : " We did so thoroughly enjoy ourselves at the Frascati on the last occasion , and arcso much at home there , and we know they will leave nothing undone that is possible to make the occasion a success , we had belter go there again . " I feel that I cannot finish without expressing on behalf of my good
wife and myself our warmest thanks to our dear old friend , Mr . Morrell , the managing director here , and his excellent staff , for the admirable manner in which everything has been carried out . Ladies and gentlemen , it is our good hope that you may be spared long into the new century and that God may bless you and take you in His keeping when He shall call you hence . Among the invited guests were the following : -
RAY . Bro . Sir | ohn B . Monckton ; Y . W . Bro . Kdwd . Letchworth ; Y . W . Bro . W . H ., Mis ., Master Wilfred , and Miss Bailey ; Y . W . Bro . Ll .-Col . and Mrs . Probvn ; Y . W . Bro . H . Manlield ; W . Bro . [ . H ., Mrs ., and Miss Whadcoat ; \ V . Bro . James and Mrs . Terry ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . M . McLeod ; W . Bro . J . ' [ ., Mrs ., and Miss Thomas ; W . Bro . W . J ., Mrs ., and Miss Mason ; W " . Bro . and Mrs . J . Welford ; W . Bro . W ., Mrs ., and Miss Lake ; W . Bro . and Mrs . A . Ritchie ; W . Bro . and Mrs .
James Speller : W . Bro . and Mrs . Ben Carter ; W . Bro . A ., Mrs ., and the " Misses Flatman ; W . Bro . and Mrs . G . A . Sims ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Godson ; W . Bro . E ., Mrs ., and Master Bert Gibbs ; W . Bro . C , Mrs ., and Miss Dealing ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Havlor ; W . Bro . and Mrs . G . T . Peall ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . A . Adams ; ' W . Bro . and Mis . A . Moore ; W . Bro . and Mrs . E . L . Berry ; W . Bid . and Mrs . H Turner WBroGYWood WBroAEHubert ;
. J . ; . . . . ; . . . . W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Thomas ; W . Bro . All " . Thomas ; W . Bro . H . J . Thomas ; W . Bro . and Mrs . J . Willing ; W . Bro . A ., Miss , and Masters A . C . and J . Craddock ; W . Bro . and . Mrs . E . P . Moore ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Chappie ; W . Bro . W . H . G . and Miss Dolly Rudderforth : W . Bro . Col . and Mrs . I'nile ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . W . Lee ; W . Bro . the Rev . II . Hebb ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Ginger ; W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Drew ; W . Bro . and Mrs . F . Foxlev ; W . Bro . A . S . Ginger ; W . Bro . S . W . D .
Ball ; Bro . and Mrs . T . II . Griffiths ; Bro . and Mrs . W . Bailcv : Bro . and Mrs . H . C . Carter ; Bro . and Mrs . J . II . Chandler ; Bro . and Mrs . J . Crook : Bro . G . Andrews ; Bro . W . J . Bennison ; Bro . R . Cope ; Bro . and Mrs . F . C . Dew ; Bro . and Mrs . | . " II . Dew ; Bro . and Mrs . II . T . Dudinan : Bro . and Mrs . A . F . C . Flatman ; Bro . and Mrs . S . Hall ; the Mayor of ArundelBro . and Mrs . JX . HareBro . and Mis . E . W . Hart
, . ; ; Bro . and Mrs . W . T . Imbrev ; Bro . and Mrs . I '" . Loader ; Bro . and Mrs . C . W . Mann ; Bro . and Mrs . R . Parker ; Bro . and Mrs . W . H . Parker ; Bro . and Mrs . G . Reader ; Bro . and Mrs . T . Richards ; Bro . and Mrs . H . Taylor ; Bro . and Mrs . | . O . Schiller ; Bro . and Mrs . A . C . Stephens ; Bros . | . Finch , M . H . Foster , W . T . Haddock , W . | . Lewis , R . McLeod , and A . ' Morrell ; Bro . J . W . and the Misses Morrell ; Bro . P . Schuler ; Bro . C . E . and Miss Schuler ; Bro . H . T ., Mrs ., and Miss
Slaughter ; Bro . I-L , Mrs ., and Miss Ward ; Bro . | . Stevens ; Bro . and Mrs . W . C . Wise ; Bro . and Mrs . A . W . Yates ; Bros . C . Worley , A . Friedborig , B . Cohen , B . Fisher ; Bro . and Mrs . H . R . Grovcr ; Bro . and Mrs . E . Kalla ; Bro . and Mrs . W . J . Nightingale ; Dr . Gwynnc Bird ; Miss A . Barlle ; Mr . and Mrs . A . J . Brewer ; Mrs . A . Carter ; R . Cullum , Esq . ; Miss Davie ; Miss L . Davics ; Dr . Davies ; W . Davies , Esq . ; Miss Dear ; Miss G . Dear ; R . W . A . Dear , Esq . ; J . Quinn , Esq . ; Mrs . C . Dew ; Miss Gladys
Dew ; H . G . Finch , Esq . ; Mr . G . P . and Miss Furrell ; Miss Harnden ; the Misses Jeffreys ; Mr . and Mrs . T . B . Knott ; Miss Maskell ; Mrs . and the Misses Marx ; ' E . Marx , Esq . ; Miss G . Morrell ; Mr . W . H . and Miss Nightingale : Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Nicholls ; S . Phillips , Esq . ; Mr . and Mrs . J . Pitcher ; Mrs . C . J . F . Shannaw ; Miss Lily Stephens ; . Miss Dolly Tinnev ; Mrs . and Mi ' ss Walker ; Mr . and Mrs . J . S . Wilkes ; Miss Hall ; Lieut . C . Sims ; Mr . and Mrs . C . Beadell ; Mr . and Mrs . G . W . Creighlon ; Mrs . Davie ; Mr . and . Mrs . Dear ; Miss Kelly ; Mr . and Mrs . G . T . Knecht ; A . Waterer , Esq .
Among the list of presents , may be mentioned the following : — Pair of silver ( lower pots and salver , Cricklewood Lodge ; photograph in silver frame , R . W . Bro . Sir J . Monckton ; silver live o ' clock tea service , W . Bro . and Mrs . Whadcoat ; silver cigar cabinet , Y . W . Bro . W . H . Bailey , P . G . Treas . ; silver tea-urn and cake basket , W . Bro . and Mrs . B . Carter ; four silver candlesticks , Bro . J . W . Morrell ; silver epergne , W . Bro . and Mrs . Terry ; case of silver tea knives , W . Bro . and Mrs . Mason ; silver flower bowl on standW . Bro . and Mrs . C . Dearing :
, polar bear skin rug , W . Bro . and Mrs . G . A . Sims ; pair of silver Mower vases , W . Bro . and Mrs . Welford ; silver fruit dish , W . Bro . and Mrs . Lake ; silver mirror , W . Bro . and Mrs . Godson ; silver fruit dish and spoon , W . Bro . and Mrs . McLeod ; silver flower bowl on stand , W . Bro . and Mrs . Craddock ; silver spirit bottle , W . Bro . and Mrs . H . j . Turner ; four silver flower vases , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . Speller ; silver writing case and cabinet , W . Bro . and Mrs . Flatman ; pair of silver flower vases ,
Bro . and Mrs . T . H . Griffiths ; silver mirror , Bro . and Mrs . G . Reader ; silver tea caddv , W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Thomas ; silver salver , Mrs . and the Misses Jeffreys ; silver sugar sifter and spoon , Bro . and Mrs . Nightingale ; case ol " " silver liqueur cups , Mr . W . H . and Miss Nightingale ; silver fruit dish , Bro . and Mrs . C . W . Mann ; silver fruit dish , Bro . and Mrs . Slaughter ; silver fruit dish , Bro . Haddock ; silver bowl on stand , Bro . and Mrs . H . Ward ; silver photograph frame , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . J . Thomas ; silver photograph frame , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . A . Adams ; pair of silver photograph frames , W . Bro . and Mrs . J . H . Havlor ; silver photograph frames , Bro . and
Mrs . S . Hall ; silver photograph frame , Bro . R . H . McLeod and Miss Maskell ; silver photograph frame , Bro . and Mrs . J . S . Crook ; silver cigarette box , Mr . H . W . Cullum ; pair of silver candlesticks , Bro . and Mrs . A . F . C . Flatman : silver match box , Mr . Quinn and Miss G . Dear ; silver match box , Miss Hall ; silver paper knife , Bro . W . Bennison ; silver clock , Mr . and Mrs . E . C . Nicholls ; silver clock , Mr . R . W . A . and Miss D . Dear ; silver sugar sifter , Bro . and Mrs . H . T . Dudman ; silver sugar sifter , W . Bro . and MrsGTPeall ; pair of silver sugar siftersW . Bro . and Mrs . H .
. . . , Taylor ; pair of silver Hower vases , Bro . and Mrs . A . W . Yates ; pair of silver jam spoons , Bro . J . Stevens ; silver flower bowl , Mr . and Mrs . G . T . Knecht ; pair of silver cake dishes , Bro . and Mrs . E . W . Hart ; silver sardine dish , Mrs . Dew ; silver biscuit box , Bro . and Mrs . F . C . Dew ; pair of silver butter dishes , Bro . and Mrs . R . Parker ; silver butter dish , W . Bio . and Mrs . E . Gibbs ; pair of antique silver spoons , Bro . and Mrs . Imbrev ; pair of silver
serviette rings , Bro . and Mrs . F . Loader ; silver preserve jar , W . Bro . and Mrs . E . P . Moore ; silver asparagus servers , W . Bro . and Mrs . W . Chappie ; mirror , Bro . and Mrs . J . O . Schuler ; silver bread platter and knife , Bro . and Mrs . W . Bailey ; pair of silver ash ( rays , Bro . Percy Schuler ; silver photograph frame , Bro . C . Schuler ; silver pie dish , Miss Lizzie Davies ; photograph in frame , Miss Annie Bartle ; silver bread bowl , staff at "Elads" ( present and past ); basket of flowers , Mrs . H . Marx ; silver smelling bottle , W . Bro . G . V . Wood ; silver button-hook and shoe lift , Bro . and Mrs . J . X . Hare ( Mayor of Arundel ) .
Bro . James Stephens , who was honoured with the appointment of Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in 1897 , has rendered so many varied and important services to Freemasonry , that we think that a record of his Masonic career may be of interest . He has been a member ol" the Craft for twenty-seven years , having been initiated in the Hvde Park Lodge , Xo . 1425 , on the 10 th January , 187 X , and , having filled the minor officeswas installed Worshipful Master in May
, , 1885 , and has been for years its Treasurer . In 1886 he began to look about for new worlds to conquer , and joined the Phienix Lodge , Xo . 173 , and the Domalic Lodge , Xo . 177 , which celebrated its centenary in that year , and had a hand in forming the Tivoli Lodge , No . 2150 , of which lie became Master in 1 X 80 , and is now its Secretary , and was elected a member of the Prince Frederick William Lodge , Xo . 753 , of which hewas Master in 1891 He joined the Kilburn LodgeNo . 1608 in 1888 ,
. , , and was installed in the chair on the 26 th January , 1893 . ( Mrs . Stephens was permitted to associate her first Stewardship with the name of this lodge in behalf of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , on which occasion she took up a list going on for ^ 400 , which , at that time , was a record one for a ladv ) . In 188 9 he became a founder , and in July , 1894 , the Worshipful Master of the Viator Lodge , Xo . 2308 . In 1890 he was one of the founders , and in October , 1895 , was installed as Worshipful
Master of the Cricklewood Lodge , Xo . 2361 , and is now its Treasurer , while in 1892 he took a leading part in establishing a couple of lodges in the Province of Buckinghamshire , namely , the Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge , Xo . 2420 , Waddeslon , of which he was installed the first Master , and invested the late Baron Ferdinand tie Rothschild as Senior Warden , and subsequently installed him into the chair of Worshipful Master , and the Carrington Lodge , Xo . 2421 , Amersham . But perhaps his most successful achievement has been the founding , in concert with his friend