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Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
A Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers was held at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , nth January , W . Bro . Chas . E . Keyset" , M . A ., P . G . D ., Patron and Treasurer of the Institution , in the chair . In accordance with notice of motion , on the proposition of the Y . W . Bro . George EverettP . G .
TreasurerVice-, , Patron of the Institution , two boys , whose fathers were killed whilst being actively engaged in time of war , were placed ( without election ) on the list of boys maintained and educated out of the Institution under the new law adopted in January , 1900 . It was stated that the reason the boys could only be
placed on the list for out-education was because the School at Wood Green was more than full at the present time , but it was hoped that when the new Schools , now in course of erection at Bushey , were completed , these boys , along with other out-educated boys , would be received into the establishment .
One boy , named Luck , was the son of a colour-sergeant in the Northamptonshire Regiment , who was killed in the Tirah Campaign , and the father of the boy Davies was a sergeant in the Army Ordnance Corps , who died of enteric fever during the present war in South Africa . The Board of Management reported respecting the
progress in the building of the new Schools at Bushe )' , and also that they had acted on the powers conferred by the Quarterly Court of ioth April , 18 9 6 , and that the Trustees have entered upon a contract for the sale of the Wood Green Estate for the sum of £ 40 , 000 , the purchase to be completed on the 24 th June , 1903 .
Throughout the negotations the Board was guided by the advice of Mr . Bouslield of the firm of Messrs . Edwin Fox and Bousfield and the only expense incurred is . £ 352 . 10 s ., being commission paid for the introduction of the purchasers and valuers' charges .
The purchasers are the Trustees of the Home and Colonial School Society and the Board feels that the Subscribers will be glad to learn that the buildings will stand for scholastic purposes and that an advantageous sale has been effected . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to W . Bro . Stanley
J . Attenborough , P . A . G . D . C , Patron and Hon . Solicitor to the Institution , for his great services in successfully negotiating a satisfactory sale of the Wood Green property . It was resolved that twenty-three boys should be elected from an approved list of thirty-seven candidates at the election on Friday , 12 th April , 1901 .
It was announced that the Right Hon . W . W . Bramston Beach , M . P ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , Trustee of the Institution , had kindly consented to act as Chairman of the 103 rd Anniversary Festival , due to be held on 26 th June next . The Secretary reported that the income of the Institution for the past year amounted to £ " 26 , 093 19 s ., being the third highest amount , apart from the centenary year , in the history of the Institution .
Ready January 24 th , THE FEBRUARY ISSUE ( Xo . i ) Ol" THE NEW LIBERAL REVIEW . OXK SHILLIXG MONTHLY . EDITED BY CECIL B . HARMSWORTH , and HILDEBRAND A . HARMSWORTH . Editorial Office : 160 , Temple Chambers , E . G . Publishing Office ! : 33 & 34 , Temple Chambers , E . G .
Reviews .
Wi / liii ^' s Press Ciiiile for 1901 . The twenty-eight annual issue of that publication has reached us , and , although the usual enlargement in the output of papers has necessarily increased the number of pages of the many press guides published , Willing ' s remains both the handiest and cheapest , whilst we can vouch that , from past experience in the use ol il , its scope and editing leaves nothing to be desired in breadth or m accuracy .
We have received an advance copy of the first number of a new publication , The AYir Liberal lierieu ; which , judging from its appearance and contents , bids fair to maintain the large circulation which , we have gathered from the publishers , the present orders from the trade would seem to indicate for it . It is edited by two of the brothers Messrs . Cecil
and Hildebrand—Harmsworth who have shared in the control of the big business so well-known in journalism . It is an exceptional shilling ' s worth , and , more especially to those interested in the Liberal view of political matters , it should meet with ready appreciation . It is dominated throughout by a tone of dignified moderation , and , for example , the articleon the Reconstruction of the Cabinet by the Earl of Crewe is a model of what good-humoured criticism , and , moreover , well-written criticism ,
should be . Sir Edwd . Russell , the well-known editor and proprietor of the Liverpool Daily Post , Justin McCarthy , G . W . E . Russell , the Rev . Guinness Rogers , and R . W . Perks , M . P ., discuss " The Liberal Leadership , " and , in a thoroughly sporting manner , give their selections . Sir Chas . Dilke has made his only written contribution "On the Lessons of the War in South Africa" lo its pages , and the editors have secured an article from T .
M'Kinnoii Wood , ex-chairman of the L . C . C ., which article , we imagine , will prove to be the official manifesto of the Progressives . Besides other articles , Professor Dowden contributes an interesting and scholarly review of "The Poetry of Mr . Kipling . " Max Beerbohin is represented by one of his characteristic articles , "A Club in Ruins . " Another contributor discusses Mr . F . Carruthers Gould and his work , and attempts to locate
his position amongst the caricaturists of our day . There is a chatty , but too brief , article on ( he Books ol" the Month , and altogether this Review , which consists of 160 pages , with advertisements , bound in a cover in two colours , the black lettering being relieved by a design ol" yellow on a red background , strikes us as having the backbone of the other Reviews , but with a superadded brightness and veree .
Can only be obtained from Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , MARK LANE , LONDON , E . G . ORIGINAL CASES OF 12 Bottles - 66 , ' - per case I 24 Imp . Pints 104 / - per case 24 \ „ - 71- „ I 6 Magnums - 66 / - „ CARRIAGE PAID .
,AS SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY . Orders accompanied hj remittance should be sent direct to Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , Mark Lane , London , E . G Telegraphic Address "VERZENAY , London . "
High-elnss ; with or without Mouthpieces
Sample Boxes of 10 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 3 , 9 d ., 6 d ., post free
Write for uitr Illustrated Catalogue Depot for KoushnarefiTs
Cigarettesei , ^ _ . I ^ L-A-IETIEJ , E . O
. . . .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys .
A Quarterly Court of the Governors and Subscribers was held at Freemasons' Hall on Friday , nth January , W . Bro . Chas . E . Keyset" , M . A ., P . G . D ., Patron and Treasurer of the Institution , in the chair . In accordance with notice of motion , on the proposition of the Y . W . Bro . George EverettP . G .
TreasurerVice-, , Patron of the Institution , two boys , whose fathers were killed whilst being actively engaged in time of war , were placed ( without election ) on the list of boys maintained and educated out of the Institution under the new law adopted in January , 1900 . It was stated that the reason the boys could only be
placed on the list for out-education was because the School at Wood Green was more than full at the present time , but it was hoped that when the new Schools , now in course of erection at Bushey , were completed , these boys , along with other out-educated boys , would be received into the establishment .
One boy , named Luck , was the son of a colour-sergeant in the Northamptonshire Regiment , who was killed in the Tirah Campaign , and the father of the boy Davies was a sergeant in the Army Ordnance Corps , who died of enteric fever during the present war in South Africa . The Board of Management reported respecting the
progress in the building of the new Schools at Bushe )' , and also that they had acted on the powers conferred by the Quarterly Court of ioth April , 18 9 6 , and that the Trustees have entered upon a contract for the sale of the Wood Green Estate for the sum of £ 40 , 000 , the purchase to be completed on the 24 th June , 1903 .
Throughout the negotations the Board was guided by the advice of Mr . Bouslield of the firm of Messrs . Edwin Fox and Bousfield and the only expense incurred is . £ 352 . 10 s ., being commission paid for the introduction of the purchasers and valuers' charges .
The purchasers are the Trustees of the Home and Colonial School Society and the Board feels that the Subscribers will be glad to learn that the buildings will stand for scholastic purposes and that an advantageous sale has been effected . A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to W . Bro . Stanley
J . Attenborough , P . A . G . D . C , Patron and Hon . Solicitor to the Institution , for his great services in successfully negotiating a satisfactory sale of the Wood Green property . It was resolved that twenty-three boys should be elected from an approved list of thirty-seven candidates at the election on Friday , 12 th April , 1901 .
It was announced that the Right Hon . W . W . Bramston Beach , M . P ., R . W . Prov . Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , Trustee of the Institution , had kindly consented to act as Chairman of the 103 rd Anniversary Festival , due to be held on 26 th June next . The Secretary reported that the income of the Institution for the past year amounted to £ " 26 , 093 19 s ., being the third highest amount , apart from the centenary year , in the history of the Institution .
Ready January 24 th , THE FEBRUARY ISSUE ( Xo . i ) Ol" THE NEW LIBERAL REVIEW . OXK SHILLIXG MONTHLY . EDITED BY CECIL B . HARMSWORTH , and HILDEBRAND A . HARMSWORTH . Editorial Office : 160 , Temple Chambers , E . G . Publishing Office ! : 33 & 34 , Temple Chambers , E . G .
Reviews .
Wi / liii ^' s Press Ciiiile for 1901 . The twenty-eight annual issue of that publication has reached us , and , although the usual enlargement in the output of papers has necessarily increased the number of pages of the many press guides published , Willing ' s remains both the handiest and cheapest , whilst we can vouch that , from past experience in the use ol il , its scope and editing leaves nothing to be desired in breadth or m accuracy .
We have received an advance copy of the first number of a new publication , The AYir Liberal lierieu ; which , judging from its appearance and contents , bids fair to maintain the large circulation which , we have gathered from the publishers , the present orders from the trade would seem to indicate for it . It is edited by two of the brothers Messrs . Cecil
and Hildebrand—Harmsworth who have shared in the control of the big business so well-known in journalism . It is an exceptional shilling ' s worth , and , more especially to those interested in the Liberal view of political matters , it should meet with ready appreciation . It is dominated throughout by a tone of dignified moderation , and , for example , the articleon the Reconstruction of the Cabinet by the Earl of Crewe is a model of what good-humoured criticism , and , moreover , well-written criticism ,
should be . Sir Edwd . Russell , the well-known editor and proprietor of the Liverpool Daily Post , Justin McCarthy , G . W . E . Russell , the Rev . Guinness Rogers , and R . W . Perks , M . P ., discuss " The Liberal Leadership , " and , in a thoroughly sporting manner , give their selections . Sir Chas . Dilke has made his only written contribution "On the Lessons of the War in South Africa" lo its pages , and the editors have secured an article from T .
M'Kinnoii Wood , ex-chairman of the L . C . C ., which article , we imagine , will prove to be the official manifesto of the Progressives . Besides other articles , Professor Dowden contributes an interesting and scholarly review of "The Poetry of Mr . Kipling . " Max Beerbohin is represented by one of his characteristic articles , "A Club in Ruins . " Another contributor discusses Mr . F . Carruthers Gould and his work , and attempts to locate
his position amongst the caricaturists of our day . There is a chatty , but too brief , article on ( he Books ol" the Month , and altogether this Review , which consists of 160 pages , with advertisements , bound in a cover in two colours , the black lettering being relieved by a design ol" yellow on a red background , strikes us as having the backbone of the other Reviews , but with a superadded brightness and veree .
Can only be obtained from Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , MARK LANE , LONDON , E . G . ORIGINAL CASES OF 12 Bottles - 66 , ' - per case I 24 Imp . Pints 104 / - per case 24 \ „ - 71- „ I 6 Magnums - 66 / - „ CARRIAGE PAID .
,AS SUPPLIED TO ROYALTY . Orders accompanied hj remittance should be sent direct to Geo . W . SMITH , 59 , Mark Lane , London , E . G Telegraphic Address "VERZENAY , London . "
High-elnss ; with or without Mouthpieces
Sample Boxes of 10 , 1 / 9 , 1 / 3 , 9 d ., 6 d ., post free
Write for uitr Illustrated Catalogue Depot for KoushnarefiTs
Cigarettesei , ^ _ . I ^ L-A-IETIEJ , E . O
. . . .