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The Ancient Mysteries And Modern Freemasonry; Their Analogies Considered.
tion by water . In the Christian system , ¦ where the rite was borrowed directly from the 0 eAvish religion , it is called " Baptism , " and the same Avord has recently been appropriated by certain ritualists , to the ceremony of lustration in the higher degrees
of Masonry . But such an application of the word is , I think , inexpedient ancl improper , because it may lead to a misconception , ancl needlessly give offence to some who think that the Avord " baptism " should be confined to a strictly religious
use . I prefer , therefore , the term " lustration , " Avhich AA'as always used in the Ancient Mysteries . It must , hovrever , be admitted that the ceremony of baptism under the name of lustration is very much older than Christianity . It Avas practised , as everybody knows , by the HebreAVs , AVIIO , by its use , introduced and consecrated
their proselytes or new converts . It Avas in use as a ceremony of purification in all tho Ancient Mysteries from India to E gypt and Greece , ancl even in Gaul , in Britain , aud in Scandinavia very long before the solemn day Avhen St . John consecrated Christ to His life-work by the same sacred
sign . Lustration was , in the Ancient Mysteries , the symbol of purification , and hence it was the preparatory step previous to initiation . Water , from its natural cleansing quality , has , in all ages and in all countries , been deemed a symbol of
purity . It was undoubtedly with respect to this quality that it was adopted by Christianity as a sign of entrance into the church . It is true that to this Avas also added , by the ceremony of total immersion , as practised in the primitive church , the symbolism of a burial ancl a resurrection in Christ . But the first idea was that of
symbolic purification suggested by the purifying or cleansing virtue of the element used in the ceremony . This Avas surely the predominating thought in the mind of St . John the Baptist Avhen he said on the hanks of the Jordan , " I indeed baptize
you with water , but He that comes after me is mi ghtier than I , and he Avill baptize you with the Holy Spirit . " I indeed give you the symbol of purification , I teach you "y this washing of the body the necessity that the soul should be washed clean from * u sin , but He Avho comes after me will , "Y his mightier power , go beyond the a ymbol , and will , not Avith water , but Avith
the power of the Spirit of God , purify and cleanse your hearts . With the same original idea of purification , the ceremony of the bath Avas practised on the introduction of the Orders of Chivalry . The neAV knight Avas required to bathe , and special
reference AVUS made in its explanation to the Christian sacrament , for , as Sir Hugh of Tiberias says , in the medieval poem which bears his name , that " as the infant comes out of the baptismal font pure from sin , so should the UOAV knight come out of the bath without any villainy or impurity . " ( To be Continued . )
Lines To The Craft.
BY BRO . FBANK B . COVEIi , From the ¦ "Keystone . " [ A member of Yienna Lodge , N , 440 , F . ancl A . M ., Vienna , Oneida County , N . Y . Composed Avhile in Camp , U . S . Army , at Standing Rock , Dakotah Territory , Sunday , Oct . 1 st , A . D . 1876 . ]
Hail ! members of the votive throng , Linked to Truth by virtue ' s chain , NOAV the Avelcome notes prolong — Proudly sound the Craft ' s great name . For each other ' s weal we
seek—To pure affection strive to rise ; To cheer the brave and help the Aveak , We ' re bound by strong fraternal ties . We here our Brethren all invest With secret rites ancl mystic signs , By Avhich , when Avronged , or sore distressed ,
Each , one another ' s Avoe divines . Within our Temple all agree—Men of every creed and clime ; From selfishness and passion free , All meet in harmony sublime . Unmoved by time , our Order stands , By Avisdom , strength ancl beauty crown'd ; Our union , of both hearts and hands , } Extends to earth ' s remotest bound .
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The Ancient Mysteries And Modern Freemasonry; Their Analogies Considered.
tion by water . In the Christian system , ¦ where the rite was borrowed directly from the 0 eAvish religion , it is called " Baptism , " and the same Avord has recently been appropriated by certain ritualists , to the ceremony of lustration in the higher degrees
of Masonry . But such an application of the word is , I think , inexpedient ancl improper , because it may lead to a misconception , ancl needlessly give offence to some who think that the Avord " baptism " should be confined to a strictly religious
use . I prefer , therefore , the term " lustration , " Avhich AA'as always used in the Ancient Mysteries . It must , hovrever , be admitted that the ceremony of baptism under the name of lustration is very much older than Christianity . It Avas practised , as everybody knows , by the HebreAVs , AVIIO , by its use , introduced and consecrated
their proselytes or new converts . It Avas in use as a ceremony of purification in all tho Ancient Mysteries from India to E gypt and Greece , ancl even in Gaul , in Britain , aud in Scandinavia very long before the solemn day Avhen St . John consecrated Christ to His life-work by the same sacred
sign . Lustration was , in the Ancient Mysteries , the symbol of purification , and hence it was the preparatory step previous to initiation . Water , from its natural cleansing quality , has , in all ages and in all countries , been deemed a symbol of
purity . It was undoubtedly with respect to this quality that it was adopted by Christianity as a sign of entrance into the church . It is true that to this Avas also added , by the ceremony of total immersion , as practised in the primitive church , the symbolism of a burial ancl a resurrection in Christ . But the first idea was that of
symbolic purification suggested by the purifying or cleansing virtue of the element used in the ceremony . This Avas surely the predominating thought in the mind of St . John the Baptist Avhen he said on the hanks of the Jordan , " I indeed baptize
you with water , but He that comes after me is mi ghtier than I , and he Avill baptize you with the Holy Spirit . " I indeed give you the symbol of purification , I teach you "y this washing of the body the necessity that the soul should be washed clean from * u sin , but He Avho comes after me will , "Y his mightier power , go beyond the a ymbol , and will , not Avith water , but Avith
the power of the Spirit of God , purify and cleanse your hearts . With the same original idea of purification , the ceremony of the bath Avas practised on the introduction of the Orders of Chivalry . The neAV knight Avas required to bathe , and special
reference AVUS made in its explanation to the Christian sacrament , for , as Sir Hugh of Tiberias says , in the medieval poem which bears his name , that " as the infant comes out of the baptismal font pure from sin , so should the UOAV knight come out of the bath without any villainy or impurity . " ( To be Continued . )
Lines To The Craft.
BY BRO . FBANK B . COVEIi , From the ¦ "Keystone . " [ A member of Yienna Lodge , N , 440 , F . ancl A . M ., Vienna , Oneida County , N . Y . Composed Avhile in Camp , U . S . Army , at Standing Rock , Dakotah Territory , Sunday , Oct . 1 st , A . D . 1876 . ]
Hail ! members of the votive throng , Linked to Truth by virtue ' s chain , NOAV the Avelcome notes prolong — Proudly sound the Craft ' s great name . For each other ' s weal we
seek—To pure affection strive to rise ; To cheer the brave and help the Aveak , We ' re bound by strong fraternal ties . We here our Brethren all invest With secret rites ancl mystic signs , By Avhich , when Avronged , or sore distressed ,
Each , one another ' s Avoe divines . Within our Temple all agree—Men of every creed and clime ; From selfishness and passion free , All meet in harmony sublime . Unmoved by time , our Order stands , By Avisdom , strength ancl beauty crown'd ; Our union , of both hearts and hands , } Extends to earth ' s remotest bound .