Article THE MASONIC ANGEL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Masonic Angel.
"That is right , daughter , ' said the doctor with a smile , " let your light shine in rays of humanity , in sympathy for the unfortunate , and you'll never dishonour yourself or any one else . " Long after her father Avas gone Stella aat looking out of the Avindow at the
passing throng of humanity , still wondering in her mind IIOAV it Avas that so many suffer and die in want , and are so soon forgotten , Avhile the Avhole land is so full of churches and societies and beneA'olent institutions . The thought was painful to
her young heart , and deeply did she feel the necessity of a careful guardianship OA'er the pride and selfishness of her own nature . Grey ' s lines came to her memory ;
" Let not ambition mock their useful toil , Their homely joys and destiny obscure ; For grandeur hear Avith a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor , " Late in the evening , after the family had taken tea , Stella Avas leaning over the
banisters of the front porch , gazing Avith devout abstraction upon the glittering of the stars . The night was beautiful , and the very heavens seemed to look down upon the world beneath with complacent sympathy . It was a night for the
acknoAvledgement of the goodness of the Maker of All Things , as Avell as for the exercise of gentle pity for such as could not enjoy the splendour of the scene . Just then the front gates opened , and a tall and spare Avoman leading a little girl ,
came up the Avalk and asked , " is Dr . Gregg at home . " " He is not ; he is at the office , if he is not out visiting a patient , " responded Stella .
"Do you wish to see him ? ' she enquired . " Well , yes , " ausAvered the lady . " Yet I fear , " she said , " it will all be in vain . " " 0 , my dear , I can scarcely tell you , " the lady responded , " for fear I shall fail with the doctor , just as I have Avith several others . "
" Wh y , if there is anything , " said Stella , "that pa can ever do for you , it will be done cheerfully , I've no doubt . " " I hope so , I hope so , " tho vroman repeated , "for I feel that death itself will be a relief to me if I cannot save my son . " " ^ I'i ' j where is he ? What has he
done V asked Stella as she grew excited as Avell as interested in the case of the new patient of her father before her . The woman seemed to hesitate in giving the story of her distress to the daughter Avhich she intended for her fatherand she Avas about to turn away to
, find the doctor ' s office . ' ¦ My dear son is in trouble , " said she , " and I Avant to see the doctor , I think he Avill be Avilling to protect me in this persecution . " The woman ' s voice trembled as she spokeshe Avas evidently in deep
, distress , and the tears coursed CIOAVU her cheeks , as Avas visible even in the starli ght . " I must see the doctor to ni ght , for my son is in jail , and if it is possible I will have him out to-morroAV . 0 , it is terriblemissfor an innocent young man
, , to be treated in this way . " " I knoAV he is not guilty , " she again defiantly affirmed . " I Avill go with you to the oflice , " said Stella , confidingly , for she saw before her one of the very cases which could but
call out her spirit . A soul Avas in trouble , and her own heart was touched , and she could but feel that Avrong should be righted , and she was ready to do Avhat she could to accomplish the purpose .
"Who is he ? What is he ? She stopt not to ask . Lift him up , care for him , This was her task . " In a few moments she had her mother ' s consent , and was on her Avay Avith the
heart-stricken Avoman to the rescue of the son . "Pa , " said she , as they entered the office , " here is a good lady in trouble , will you hear her story ?" " Of course , daughter , I'll listen to any
trouble she may have . " Mrs . Robinson looked at him through her tears as she said , "Doctor , lam perhaps a stranger to you , and yet I come to youAvith some assurances of your sympath y , in my present affliction . My son George
has been book-keeper for the firm of Wood , Jones & Co ., for a year and more , and today they had him arrested under the charge of embezzlement . There is a great wrong in the matter somewhere , Doctor , " said she . "What do you Avant clone , madam ?" asked the doctor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Angel.
"That is right , daughter , ' said the doctor with a smile , " let your light shine in rays of humanity , in sympathy for the unfortunate , and you'll never dishonour yourself or any one else . " Long after her father Avas gone Stella aat looking out of the Avindow at the
passing throng of humanity , still wondering in her mind IIOAV it Avas that so many suffer and die in want , and are so soon forgotten , Avhile the Avhole land is so full of churches and societies and beneA'olent institutions . The thought was painful to
her young heart , and deeply did she feel the necessity of a careful guardianship OA'er the pride and selfishness of her own nature . Grey ' s lines came to her memory ;
" Let not ambition mock their useful toil , Their homely joys and destiny obscure ; For grandeur hear Avith a disdainful smile The short and simple annals of the poor , " Late in the evening , after the family had taken tea , Stella Avas leaning over the
banisters of the front porch , gazing Avith devout abstraction upon the glittering of the stars . The night was beautiful , and the very heavens seemed to look down upon the world beneath with complacent sympathy . It was a night for the
acknoAvledgement of the goodness of the Maker of All Things , as Avell as for the exercise of gentle pity for such as could not enjoy the splendour of the scene . Just then the front gates opened , and a tall and spare Avoman leading a little girl ,
came up the Avalk and asked , " is Dr . Gregg at home . " " He is not ; he is at the office , if he is not out visiting a patient , " responded Stella .
"Do you wish to see him ? ' she enquired . " Well , yes , " ausAvered the lady . " Yet I fear , " she said , " it will all be in vain . " " 0 , my dear , I can scarcely tell you , " the lady responded , " for fear I shall fail with the doctor , just as I have Avith several others . "
" Wh y , if there is anything , " said Stella , "that pa can ever do for you , it will be done cheerfully , I've no doubt . " " I hope so , I hope so , " tho vroman repeated , "for I feel that death itself will be a relief to me if I cannot save my son . " " ^ I'i ' j where is he ? What has he
done V asked Stella as she grew excited as Avell as interested in the case of the new patient of her father before her . The woman seemed to hesitate in giving the story of her distress to the daughter Avhich she intended for her fatherand she Avas about to turn away to
, find the doctor ' s office . ' ¦ My dear son is in trouble , " said she , " and I Avant to see the doctor , I think he Avill be Avilling to protect me in this persecution . " The woman ' s voice trembled as she spokeshe Avas evidently in deep
, distress , and the tears coursed CIOAVU her cheeks , as Avas visible even in the starli ght . " I must see the doctor to ni ght , for my son is in jail , and if it is possible I will have him out to-morroAV . 0 , it is terriblemissfor an innocent young man
, , to be treated in this way . " " I knoAV he is not guilty , " she again defiantly affirmed . " I Avill go with you to the oflice , " said Stella , confidingly , for she saw before her one of the very cases which could but
call out her spirit . A soul Avas in trouble , and her own heart was touched , and she could but feel that Avrong should be righted , and she was ready to do Avhat she could to accomplish the purpose .
"Who is he ? What is he ? She stopt not to ask . Lift him up , care for him , This was her task . " In a few moments she had her mother ' s consent , and was on her Avay Avith the
heart-stricken Avoman to the rescue of the son . "Pa , " said she , as they entered the office , " here is a good lady in trouble , will you hear her story ?" " Of course , daughter , I'll listen to any
trouble she may have . " Mrs . Robinson looked at him through her tears as she said , "Doctor , lam perhaps a stranger to you , and yet I come to youAvith some assurances of your sympath y , in my present affliction . My son George
has been book-keeper for the firm of Wood , Jones & Co ., for a year and more , and today they had him arrested under the charge of embezzlement . There is a great wrong in the matter somewhere , Doctor , " said she . "What do you Avant clone , madam ?" asked the doctor .