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A Lay Of Modern Durham.
Ancl , Avhen upon the portal The filial list Avas seen , And eager scores of goAvnsmen Came thronging o ' er the Green , The name of Cuthbert Cosins Emblazoned high appears , Leading the class Avhich got a pass ; While loud resound the cheers .
Membership Of Lodges In England And Ireland.
AVILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN . WE think the following worthy of reproducing from the Voice of Masonry for September . The interesting communication from
Brother Gouley in the Voice for July on the " Status of English Masons Sojourning in the United States , " has led me to Avrite the following , respecting membership of lodges under the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland ; and I have given the
laAvs on the subject , so that it may be at once seen that the statements made are authoritative . I have considered the question under the eight divisions of Bro . Gouley ' s article , so that my addition may be the complement of his condensed facts , and be as his , for the information of all concerned . I have purposely left out the
Grand Lodge of Scotland in the enquiry , as unfortunately membership in that body is on quite a different footing to the other two Grand Lodges , ancl indeed almost unique in the experience of Freemasonry , for many lodges require no annual subscriptions from members AA'hatever ; neither
is there any annual fee payable for each member to the Grand Lodge , as there should be . It is to be hoped an improvement Avill ere long be inaugurated in this respect , for under present circumstances , the income of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland is quite a paltry sum , and its present liabilities ought long ago to have been met , and Avould easily have been , under the system of management prevalent in England , Ireland , ancl elsewhere . Those Avho want the benefits and privileges of Freemasonry for nothing , should never be
admitted into the Order , for whether they are unable to pay , or have not the inclination , their circumstances are clearly such as to constitute them unfit material for reception into our Masonic Lodges . 1 st . The Grand Lodge Certificate has to be applied for on behalf of every new
member , by the Lodge authorities , and the fees so payable are compulsory . No lodges under England or Ireland have the poAver to issue certificates , excepting of a purely formal character , such as a climit , etc ., and not in anyAvise of the nature of a
certificate of the brother having legall y taken certain degrees . The Grand Lodge certificate is simply an evidence of Avhat is stated thereon , and nothing more . Tho holder thereof may subsequently be unfit to visit or join a lodgeaud soas Bro .
, , Gouley states , " such evidence must be obtained by subsequent enquiry , " and concluding Avith the Tyler ' s O . B . 2 nd . Whenever a brother desires to join a lodge under the Grand Lodge of England , he cannot be accepted " without
a regular proposition in open lodge , nor until his name , occupation , ancl place of abode , as Avell as the name and number of the lodge of Avhich he is , or Avas last a member , or in Avhich he Avas initiated , shall have been sent to all the members in
the summons for the next regular lodge meeting , at which meeting the Brother ' s Grand Lodge certificate , and also tlie certificate of his former lodge are to be produced , ancl the decision of the brethren ascertained by ballot . When a lodge has ceased to meetany former member thereof
, shall be eligible to be proposed ancl admitted a member of another lodge , on producing a certificate from the Grand Secretary , stating the fact , and specify ing Avhether the brother has been registered , ancl bis quarterage duly paid . "
Under the Grand Lodge of Ireland the laAV is , " nor shall a brother be affiliated until he has produced his Grand Lodge certificate , and also when possible , tt clearance certificate from the lodge ivitli which he had been last connected . "
There is no limit as to the number of lodges a brother may be a member of , neither has there been for about a century ancl a half . The same regulations , hoAvever , have to be observed each time a brother seeks to join a lodge .
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A Lay Of Modern Durham.
Ancl , Avhen upon the portal The filial list Avas seen , And eager scores of goAvnsmen Came thronging o ' er the Green , The name of Cuthbert Cosins Emblazoned high appears , Leading the class Avhich got a pass ; While loud resound the cheers .
Membership Of Lodges In England And Ireland.
AVILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN . WE think the following worthy of reproducing from the Voice of Masonry for September . The interesting communication from
Brother Gouley in the Voice for July on the " Status of English Masons Sojourning in the United States , " has led me to Avrite the following , respecting membership of lodges under the Grand Lodges of England and Ireland ; and I have given the
laAvs on the subject , so that it may be at once seen that the statements made are authoritative . I have considered the question under the eight divisions of Bro . Gouley ' s article , so that my addition may be the complement of his condensed facts , and be as his , for the information of all concerned . I have purposely left out the
Grand Lodge of Scotland in the enquiry , as unfortunately membership in that body is on quite a different footing to the other two Grand Lodges , ancl indeed almost unique in the experience of Freemasonry , for many lodges require no annual subscriptions from members AA'hatever ; neither
is there any annual fee payable for each member to the Grand Lodge , as there should be . It is to be hoped an improvement Avill ere long be inaugurated in this respect , for under present circumstances , the income of the Grand Lodge of
Scotland is quite a paltry sum , and its present liabilities ought long ago to have been met , and Avould easily have been , under the system of management prevalent in England , Ireland , ancl elsewhere . Those Avho want the benefits and privileges of Freemasonry for nothing , should never be
admitted into the Order , for whether they are unable to pay , or have not the inclination , their circumstances are clearly such as to constitute them unfit material for reception into our Masonic Lodges . 1 st . The Grand Lodge Certificate has to be applied for on behalf of every new
member , by the Lodge authorities , and the fees so payable are compulsory . No lodges under England or Ireland have the poAver to issue certificates , excepting of a purely formal character , such as a climit , etc ., and not in anyAvise of the nature of a
certificate of the brother having legall y taken certain degrees . The Grand Lodge certificate is simply an evidence of Avhat is stated thereon , and nothing more . Tho holder thereof may subsequently be unfit to visit or join a lodgeaud soas Bro .
, , Gouley states , " such evidence must be obtained by subsequent enquiry , " and concluding Avith the Tyler ' s O . B . 2 nd . Whenever a brother desires to join a lodge under the Grand Lodge of England , he cannot be accepted " without
a regular proposition in open lodge , nor until his name , occupation , ancl place of abode , as Avell as the name and number of the lodge of Avhich he is , or Avas last a member , or in Avhich he Avas initiated , shall have been sent to all the members in
the summons for the next regular lodge meeting , at which meeting the Brother ' s Grand Lodge certificate , and also tlie certificate of his former lodge are to be produced , ancl the decision of the brethren ascertained by ballot . When a lodge has ceased to meetany former member thereof
, shall be eligible to be proposed ancl admitted a member of another lodge , on producing a certificate from the Grand Secretary , stating the fact , and specify ing Avhether the brother has been registered , ancl bis quarterage duly paid . "
Under the Grand Lodge of Ireland the laAV is , " nor shall a brother be affiliated until he has produced his Grand Lodge certificate , and also when possible , tt clearance certificate from the lodge ivitli which he had been last connected . "
There is no limit as to the number of lodges a brother may be a member of , neither has there been for about a century ancl a half . The same regulations , hoAvever , have to be observed each time a brother seeks to join a lodge .