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Notes By Father Foy On His Second Lecture.
the cause of their affliction ; but the grand object of it is evident by the first ansAvers AA'hicli is made to tho question Avith which all lodges are generally opened . " The master asks the senior Avardon ' Avhat o ' clock it is ' ? The ansAver varies
according to tho different degrees . In this it is as folloAvs : ' It is tho first hour of the day , tho time when the ved of the temple was rent asunder ; Avhen darkness and consternation AVUS spread OA er the earth ; when the implements of masonry were broken ; when tho flaming star disappeared ; when tho cubic stone Avas broken ; when the word was lost . ' "
Ihe adept requires no further lessons to understand the meaning of this lesson . He hereby learns that the clay on which the word Jehovah , that is mere natural religion Avas destroyed , is precisely that on which the son of God—dying on tho cross for the salvation of mankind—consumated
tho grand mystery of our redemption . Neither is this word , AA'hicli he has already found , any longer tho object of his researches : his hatred has further views . He must seek for a IICAV Avord AA'hicli shall perpetuate in his OAVII mind , and that of his brethren , their blasphemous hatred for the God of Christianity , and for this they adopt the inscription of the cross .
"Every Christian knows the signification of I . N . R . I : Jesus of Nazareth , King of JOAVS . The Rosicrucian is taught the folioAA'ing interpretation : — 'The Jew of Nazareth . , led by Raphael into Judea 'an interpretation AA'hich , divesting Christ
of His divinity , assimilates Hi in to a common man , Avhoni tho JOAA ' , Raphael , conducts to Jerusalem , there to suffer condign punishment for his crimes . As soon as the candidate has proved that he understands the masonic meaning of this
inscription , I . N . R . I .- , the master exclaims : 'My dear brethren , the Avord is found again ! ' and all present applaud the luminous discovery . They repeat this word to each other , Avhen they meet , aud I . N . R . I is to perpetuate their spite against
Him who loved them to the death of the cross . "—Ibid . p . 311 . ( To be Continued . )
Lindisfarne Abbey.
BY BRO . SIR AVALTER SCOTT . From the "Keystone . " [ Lindisfarne Abbey , England , is situated on the coast of Northumberlandshire , ten miles from Bei'Avick-on-TAveed . It is an exteush'e and splendid ruinof unknown
, antiquity . The venerable Bode calls it " a storied spot . " It stands on the mainland opposite to Holy Island , so called from having been formerly inhabited by the monks of Lindisfarne . It Avas first built in Saxon times . St . Cuthbert was
its Bishop in A . D . 685 . Eadbert in AD . 688 removed its thatch roof and covered both roof and Avails Avith plates of lead . The famous Grace Darling often periled her life to save shipwrecked mariners in this vicinity , and there is a monument to
her memory near by . She died of consumption at an early age . —EDITOR KEYSTONE . ] As to the Port the galley fleAV , Higher ancl higher rose to view The castle Avith its battled Avails
, The ancient Monastery ' s halls—A solemn , huge ancl dark red pile , Placed on the margin of the isle . In Saxon strength that Abbey froAvned , With massive arches broad and road
That rose alternate , row on row , On ponderous columns , short and IOAV , Built ere the art Avas known , By pointed aisle and shafted stalk , The arcades of an alleyed Avalk To emulate in stone . On the deep walls the heathen Dane
Had poured his impious rage in vain ; And needful Avas such strength to these Exposed to the tempestuous seas , Scourged by the Av ' mds' eternal sway , Open to rovers fierce as they , Which could tAvelve hundred years
Avithstand Winds , waves , aud Northern pirates' hand Not but that portions of the pile , Rebuilded in a later style , ShoAved where the spoiler ' s band had been Not but the wasting sea-breeze keen
Had worn the pillar ' s carving quaint , And mouldered in his niche the saint , And rounded , Avith consummate poAver , The pointed angles of each toAver ; Yet still entire the Abbey stood , Like veteran , Avorn , but unsubdued .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes By Father Foy On His Second Lecture.
the cause of their affliction ; but the grand object of it is evident by the first ansAvers AA'hicli is made to tho question Avith which all lodges are generally opened . " The master asks the senior Avardon ' Avhat o ' clock it is ' ? The ansAver varies
according to tho different degrees . In this it is as folloAvs : ' It is tho first hour of the day , tho time when the ved of the temple was rent asunder ; Avhen darkness and consternation AVUS spread OA er the earth ; when the implements of masonry were broken ; when tho flaming star disappeared ; when tho cubic stone Avas broken ; when the word was lost . ' "
Ihe adept requires no further lessons to understand the meaning of this lesson . He hereby learns that the clay on which the word Jehovah , that is mere natural religion Avas destroyed , is precisely that on which the son of God—dying on tho cross for the salvation of mankind—consumated
tho grand mystery of our redemption . Neither is this word , AA'hicli he has already found , any longer tho object of his researches : his hatred has further views . He must seek for a IICAV Avord AA'hicli shall perpetuate in his OAVII mind , and that of his brethren , their blasphemous hatred for the God of Christianity , and for this they adopt the inscription of the cross .
"Every Christian knows the signification of I . N . R . I : Jesus of Nazareth , King of JOAVS . The Rosicrucian is taught the folioAA'ing interpretation : — 'The Jew of Nazareth . , led by Raphael into Judea 'an interpretation AA'hich , divesting Christ
of His divinity , assimilates Hi in to a common man , Avhoni tho JOAA ' , Raphael , conducts to Jerusalem , there to suffer condign punishment for his crimes . As soon as the candidate has proved that he understands the masonic meaning of this
inscription , I . N . R . I .- , the master exclaims : 'My dear brethren , the Avord is found again ! ' and all present applaud the luminous discovery . They repeat this word to each other , Avhen they meet , aud I . N . R . I is to perpetuate their spite against
Him who loved them to the death of the cross . "—Ibid . p . 311 . ( To be Continued . )
Lindisfarne Abbey.
BY BRO . SIR AVALTER SCOTT . From the "Keystone . " [ Lindisfarne Abbey , England , is situated on the coast of Northumberlandshire , ten miles from Bei'Avick-on-TAveed . It is an exteush'e and splendid ruinof unknown
, antiquity . The venerable Bode calls it " a storied spot . " It stands on the mainland opposite to Holy Island , so called from having been formerly inhabited by the monks of Lindisfarne . It Avas first built in Saxon times . St . Cuthbert was
its Bishop in A . D . 685 . Eadbert in AD . 688 removed its thatch roof and covered both roof and Avails Avith plates of lead . The famous Grace Darling often periled her life to save shipwrecked mariners in this vicinity , and there is a monument to
her memory near by . She died of consumption at an early age . —EDITOR KEYSTONE . ] As to the Port the galley fleAV , Higher ancl higher rose to view The castle Avith its battled Avails
, The ancient Monastery ' s halls—A solemn , huge ancl dark red pile , Placed on the margin of the isle . In Saxon strength that Abbey froAvned , With massive arches broad and road
That rose alternate , row on row , On ponderous columns , short and IOAV , Built ere the art Avas known , By pointed aisle and shafted stalk , The arcades of an alleyed Avalk To emulate in stone . On the deep walls the heathen Dane
Had poured his impious rage in vain ; And needful Avas such strength to these Exposed to the tempestuous seas , Scourged by the Av ' mds' eternal sway , Open to rovers fierce as they , Which could tAvelve hundred years
Avithstand Winds , waves , aud Northern pirates' hand Not but that portions of the pile , Rebuilded in a later style , ShoAved where the spoiler ' s band had been Not but the wasting sea-breeze keen
Had worn the pillar ' s carving quaint , And mouldered in his niche the saint , And rounded , Avith consummate poAver , The pointed angles of each toAver ; Yet still entire the Abbey stood , Like veteran , Avorn , but unsubdued .