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Notes By Father Foy On His Second Lecture.
they kept his feast precisely at the tune Avhen the Christians celebrated the death ancl resurrection of Christ . The Christians frequently reproached them Avith this , ancl in our days the same reproach is made to the Rosicrueians of renoAving their funeral ceremonies at the same time , that ison
, the Thursday of Holy Aveek . " 9 . In tho masonic games Mac Benac are the tAvo Avords lvhich comprehend the secret meaning of this mystery . The literal signification of these words , Ave are told by the masonsis' the flesh parts
, , from the bone . ' This very interpretation remains a mystery , which only disappears when Ave reflect on the execution of Manes . Manes had promised by his prayers to cure the King of Persia ' s child . The young prince died , and Manes fled , but he was
flayed alive myth the points of reeds . Such is the clear explanation of Mae Benac , the flesh leaves the bones—he Avas flayed alive . " The very reeds bear testimony to the fact . People are surprised at seeing the Eosicrucians begin their ceremonies by
seating themselves sorroAvfully ancl in silence upon the ground , then raising themselves up , ancl Avalking each with a long reed in his hand . All this is easily explained Avhen Ave reflect that it was precisel y in this posture that the Manichajans
wore used to put themselves , affecting to sit or lay themselves CIOAVU on mats made of reeds , to perpetuate tho memory of the manner in Avhich their Master Avas put to death . Ancl it AA'as for this reason that they were called Matarii . "
REAL SECRETS . From " Barruel , " Vol . III ., p . 171 . "In the first degree of Scotch Knighthood , the adopt is informed that he has been elevated to the dignity of High
Priest . In this degree he receives the raasonic science only as descending from Solomon and Hiram , ancl revived by the Kni ghts Templars . But in the second degree he learns that it is to be traced to Adam himselfancl that it has been handed
, doAvn by Noah , Nimrod , Solomon , Hugh , the founder of the Templars , and James Molay their last Grand Master , Avho , each in their tmns , are styled the masonic Sages .
At length , in the third degree , it is revealed to him that the celebrated word , lost by the death of Hiram , AA'as this name of Jehovah . It Avas found , he is told , by the Knight Templars , at the time Avhen the Christians Avere building a Church at Jerusalem . This Avas the famous Avord
lost by Adoniram . The Knights Templars of Scotland took that word there , and transformed themselves into Knights of St . AndreAv . Their successors aro entrusted Avith this secret , and are at this clay , perfect masters of freemasonry , high priests
of Jehovah . "This secret , however , cannot be difficult to understand . It is only to vieAv the Scotch Master in his HBAV character of high priest of Jehovah , or of that Avorship —that pretended Deism—Avhich we have
been told Avas necessarily the religion of Adam , Noah , Nimrod , Solomon , Hugh , the Grand Master , Molay , of the Templars , ancl Avhich to day is to constitute the religion of the complete mason . " These mysteries ridded them of all the mysteries of the gospel ancl of all religiom But , AVIIO is the person Avho wrested the famous word , and who Avas the real assassin
of Adoniram , against whom the hatred of and the vengeance of the sect Avas to be directed 1 To grasp this , AVO ascend to a IIOAV degree , called the Knights Roses Crucis , or the Roscicrucians . Christ , himself , in their eyes is the destroyer of the unity of Godhe is the great enemy of
, Jehovah ; and to infuse the hatred of the sect into the minds of the new adepts , constitutes the grand mystery of the new degree , Avhich they have called Rosicrucian . " " Herethenwe shall see everything
re-, , lates only to the author of Christianity . The ornaments of the lodge appear to be solely intended to recall to the candidate the solemn mystery of Mount Calvary . The Avhole is hung in black , an altar is to be seen at the bottom , and over tho
altar is a transparent representation of three crosses , the middle one bearing the ordinary inscription . The brethren in sacerdotal vestments are seated on the ground , in the most profound silence , sorroAvful and afflicted , resting their heads
on their arms to represent their grief . It is not , liOAvever , the death of the son of God , AVIIO died victim for our sins , that is
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes By Father Foy On His Second Lecture.
they kept his feast precisely at the tune Avhen the Christians celebrated the death ancl resurrection of Christ . The Christians frequently reproached them Avith this , ancl in our days the same reproach is made to the Rosicrueians of renoAving their funeral ceremonies at the same time , that ison
, the Thursday of Holy Aveek . " 9 . In tho masonic games Mac Benac are the tAvo Avords lvhich comprehend the secret meaning of this mystery . The literal signification of these words , Ave are told by the masonsis' the flesh parts
, , from the bone . ' This very interpretation remains a mystery , which only disappears when Ave reflect on the execution of Manes . Manes had promised by his prayers to cure the King of Persia ' s child . The young prince died , and Manes fled , but he was
flayed alive myth the points of reeds . Such is the clear explanation of Mae Benac , the flesh leaves the bones—he Avas flayed alive . " The very reeds bear testimony to the fact . People are surprised at seeing the Eosicrucians begin their ceremonies by
seating themselves sorroAvfully ancl in silence upon the ground , then raising themselves up , ancl Avalking each with a long reed in his hand . All this is easily explained Avhen Ave reflect that it was precisel y in this posture that the Manichajans
wore used to put themselves , affecting to sit or lay themselves CIOAVU on mats made of reeds , to perpetuate tho memory of the manner in Avhich their Master Avas put to death . Ancl it AA'as for this reason that they were called Matarii . "
REAL SECRETS . From " Barruel , " Vol . III ., p . 171 . "In the first degree of Scotch Knighthood , the adopt is informed that he has been elevated to the dignity of High
Priest . In this degree he receives the raasonic science only as descending from Solomon and Hiram , ancl revived by the Kni ghts Templars . But in the second degree he learns that it is to be traced to Adam himselfancl that it has been handed
, doAvn by Noah , Nimrod , Solomon , Hugh , the founder of the Templars , and James Molay their last Grand Master , Avho , each in their tmns , are styled the masonic Sages .
At length , in the third degree , it is revealed to him that the celebrated word , lost by the death of Hiram , AA'as this name of Jehovah . It Avas found , he is told , by the Knight Templars , at the time Avhen the Christians Avere building a Church at Jerusalem . This Avas the famous Avord
lost by Adoniram . The Knights Templars of Scotland took that word there , and transformed themselves into Knights of St . AndreAv . Their successors aro entrusted Avith this secret , and are at this clay , perfect masters of freemasonry , high priests
of Jehovah . "This secret , however , cannot be difficult to understand . It is only to vieAv the Scotch Master in his HBAV character of high priest of Jehovah , or of that Avorship —that pretended Deism—Avhich we have
been told Avas necessarily the religion of Adam , Noah , Nimrod , Solomon , Hugh , the Grand Master , Molay , of the Templars , ancl Avhich to day is to constitute the religion of the complete mason . " These mysteries ridded them of all the mysteries of the gospel ancl of all religiom But , AVIIO is the person Avho wrested the famous word , and who Avas the real assassin
of Adoniram , against whom the hatred of and the vengeance of the sect Avas to be directed 1 To grasp this , AVO ascend to a IIOAV degree , called the Knights Roses Crucis , or the Roscicrucians . Christ , himself , in their eyes is the destroyer of the unity of Godhe is the great enemy of
, Jehovah ; and to infuse the hatred of the sect into the minds of the new adepts , constitutes the grand mystery of the new degree , Avhich they have called Rosicrucian . " " Herethenwe shall see everything
re-, , lates only to the author of Christianity . The ornaments of the lodge appear to be solely intended to recall to the candidate the solemn mystery of Mount Calvary . The Avhole is hung in black , an altar is to be seen at the bottom , and over tho
altar is a transparent representation of three crosses , the middle one bearing the ordinary inscription . The brethren in sacerdotal vestments are seated on the ground , in the most profound silence , sorroAvful and afflicted , resting their heads
on their arms to represent their grief . It is not , liOAvever , the death of the son of God , AVIIO died victim for our sins , that is