Article CHURCH GARDENS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE ENCHANTED ISLE OF THE SEA. Page 1 of 4 →
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Church Gardens.
sional needful disturbance of the ground would interfere Avith these plants , but once well established they would not mind this jn the least . Groups of daffodils of various kinds would look exceedingly well in the turf ; they perhaps would require
watching , but they Avould repay it by their noble blossoms , which seem quite regardless of harsh weather in spring .
The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
kst > Amphitrite arose , Avith grace and mien , In look , and form , and step , a very queen . Fair sister to Victoria , Queen of Earth And Empress of the Sea , aboA'e Avhose birth
Superior Planets most benignly shone , And Her Ascendant Star ruled England ' s throne , For many years Britannia ' s FJow ' r and Pride , And many more may the Blest Reign
abide . The gay Sea-Queen to smiling courtiers bowed , 'Midst joyful acclamations long and loud ; Across the dazzling Hall of Stalactite , Far at the end , Avere arches red and white ,
Of coral made , and of the gothic form , B y massive Astreans built secure from storm . These zones of wondrous groAvth , for ages groAvn , In rugged masses p iled , and cone on cone , The grandest columns made , and fair to
view ; In serried length they formed an avenue , That lab ' rinthine led to the Ballet Hall , Where Tragic scenes would oft the senses thrall . The Queen and company soon enter'd here , "Hd fairy sport provided mental cheer .
The Throne on noble cutis grandly stood , A thing of beauty , costly , rare , and good ; The floor diaphanous appeared inlaid , Mosaicly , with tints that never facie . The steps Avere gems , eiichantingly arranged , Prismatic and camelion-like , that changed ; Above a silken canopy Avell gilt , On cedar wood , and golden tridants built , A charm , a grace , shed o ' er the . glowing
scene , Superlative , and yet 'twas sub-terrene : And like the glory of a Northern sky , Where brilliant tints in loveliness outvie The rose ' s beauty , with its boreal lig ht , And all is perfect , vast , and infinite ! Andnow the musicof that heavenly
sphere—The zone of melody—smote on the ear ; Sweet floAvers exotic , balmy odours breathed , Inspiring , as they fairy columns wreathed . And Neptime led th' enchanted child along ,
When nigh the throne they met a fairy throng : The King Avas asked for grace , and to permit The child to see his haunts so exquisite . In regal form the King issued a decree , To all the things and subjects in the sea ; He will'd that to the child they homage
PV , Whene ' er they met , doAvn here , or far aAvay . 'Twas now the purport in the merry court , To Avitness play , and revelry , and sport . The nymphs and sprites , in character Avell
dressed , Around the throne and through the Hall now pressed ; With floAvers link'd and loop'd the roof Avas hung , Anemones tentacular all strung ,
In living garlands of Actinias —• Self-wrought , and wreathed , and Avonderful to see . A lake within the centre of the place TAVO Avhales contained , and these in turn
apace , Ejected jets beyond the dizzy height , And trackless to the wandering sense and sig ht . At the Hall ' s end Avhere g littering caverns stood , The sea appeared restrained by arts that could , 2 E 2
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Church Gardens.
sional needful disturbance of the ground would interfere Avith these plants , but once well established they would not mind this jn the least . Groups of daffodils of various kinds would look exceedingly well in the turf ; they perhaps would require
watching , but they Avould repay it by their noble blossoms , which seem quite regardless of harsh weather in spring .
The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
kst > Amphitrite arose , Avith grace and mien , In look , and form , and step , a very queen . Fair sister to Victoria , Queen of Earth And Empress of the Sea , aboA'e Avhose birth
Superior Planets most benignly shone , And Her Ascendant Star ruled England ' s throne , For many years Britannia ' s FJow ' r and Pride , And many more may the Blest Reign
abide . The gay Sea-Queen to smiling courtiers bowed , 'Midst joyful acclamations long and loud ; Across the dazzling Hall of Stalactite , Far at the end , Avere arches red and white ,
Of coral made , and of the gothic form , B y massive Astreans built secure from storm . These zones of wondrous groAvth , for ages groAvn , In rugged masses p iled , and cone on cone , The grandest columns made , and fair to
view ; In serried length they formed an avenue , That lab ' rinthine led to the Ballet Hall , Where Tragic scenes would oft the senses thrall . The Queen and company soon enter'd here , "Hd fairy sport provided mental cheer .
The Throne on noble cutis grandly stood , A thing of beauty , costly , rare , and good ; The floor diaphanous appeared inlaid , Mosaicly , with tints that never facie . The steps Avere gems , eiichantingly arranged , Prismatic and camelion-like , that changed ; Above a silken canopy Avell gilt , On cedar wood , and golden tridants built , A charm , a grace , shed o ' er the . glowing
scene , Superlative , and yet 'twas sub-terrene : And like the glory of a Northern sky , Where brilliant tints in loveliness outvie The rose ' s beauty , with its boreal lig ht , And all is perfect , vast , and infinite ! Andnow the musicof that heavenly
sphere—The zone of melody—smote on the ear ; Sweet floAvers exotic , balmy odours breathed , Inspiring , as they fairy columns wreathed . And Neptime led th' enchanted child along ,
When nigh the throne they met a fairy throng : The King Avas asked for grace , and to permit The child to see his haunts so exquisite . In regal form the King issued a decree , To all the things and subjects in the sea ; He will'd that to the child they homage
PV , Whene ' er they met , doAvn here , or far aAvay . 'Twas now the purport in the merry court , To Avitness play , and revelry , and sport . The nymphs and sprites , in character Avell
dressed , Around the throne and through the Hall now pressed ; With floAvers link'd and loop'd the roof Avas hung , Anemones tentacular all strung ,
In living garlands of Actinias —• Self-wrought , and wreathed , and Avonderful to see . A lake within the centre of the place TAVO Avhales contained , and these in turn
apace , Ejected jets beyond the dizzy height , And trackless to the wandering sense and sig ht . At the Hall ' s end Avhere g littering caverns stood , The sea appeared restrained by arts that could , 2 E 2