Article AN OLD, OLD STORY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article AN OLD, OLD STORY. Page 3 of 3 Article ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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An Old, Old Story.
crochet needles , " Lucy , what a very promising young man is Mr . Williams \" " Ah ! " replied Lucy , burying her face in her work basket . " Yes , my clear , " continued Miss Margerison , sloAvly and solemnly , " I think ho
is a very rising young clergyman , indeed ; and , moreover , Lucy , " she added , " I believe that he admires you . " Lucy looked up from her Avork but said nothing . " You seemy dear Lucy , " her aunt
, Avent on , not heeding her silence or her looks ; " Mr . Williams will do very AVOII . Ho has a little matter of his OAVII—ho has the promise of a family living , and if his Avife brings in something , as the lawyers say , to' hotch-pot' hs will have as much as it is
, good for a clergyman to have , and he and his wife Avill be most comfortable . " Ancl hero Miss Margerison paused , but still Lucy Avas silent . " You know , my dear , '' she continued , '' I always have liked the clergy , and if
you and Mr . Williams can ' get together , to use Col . Mackintosh ' s AA'ords , I shall be ready to do my part to make your money affairs quite easy . You have a little of your OAVII , I Avill add to it , and , when I go , all that I have AA'IU be yours . " This unusually long speech for Miss
Margerison had caused Lucy ' s eyes to open wider ancl wider , and Avhen at last Miss Margorison ' s gentle voice stopped , they Avere very Avide open indeed , far-seeing ancl liiuch-knoAving British maiden as she Avas . For a moment there was a pause , and
then Lucy , bursting out into one of her silvery laughs , said , much to her good aunt ' s astonishment , " Well , my clear old woman , AA'hat have you been talking about 1 Who has put all this nonsense in your head 1 I marry Mr . Williams !
Avhy I had rather marry Mr . Walters , positively , for I do trust him , Mr . Williams !"—and here Lucy for once in her life got savage— " one of the most conceited , unintelloctual donkeys I ever met . "
Oh , Lucy ! " said , her aunt , as Lucy m her gathering indignation paused for breath . " Really , aunt , " added Lucy Avith great animation , "I ' m going to speak to you about my OAVII little affair this very morning . The truth is , that Mr , Main-
An Old, Old Story.
waring and I have agreed to ' set up shop together '" ( these Avere the very Avords she used , ) " and to have tho ' same nest , ' ancl ' all that sort of thing '" ( whatever that sort of thing is ) , — " ancl , as Colonel Mackintosh epiito approves , I want you to
give your consent , and I shall be the happiest of young women . Mr . Mainwaring is so fond of yon , and he is the very pleasantest person I know of , aunt , ancl , as Mr . Carrtithers told me yesterday , ' is the best of mates ancl tho king of good
felloAVS . ' So , aunt , " said Lucy , running to her aunt's chair and kneeling by it , " say tho word , and AVO will very soon sol tie everything quite comfortably . " Oh , ye gods and little fishes ! hero is a nice state of things . Young ladies arranging everything before hand , ancl
settling everything afterwards , and " AVO , the old birds , actually ignored ' and not consulted at all ! ' ' Dreadful dilemma ! What is coming upon Society and tho world 1 AwM impropriety !
Tho good old lady appeared thunderstruck at Lucy ' s tirade and Lucy ' s appeal , and Avas apparently on the point of " testifying " and opening out Avhat Avas on her mind , when Lucy , Avho had hoard a ring at the belljumped up as quickly as she had
, knelt cloAvn , and , almost immediately afterwards , Mr . Walters announced in sonorous tones , but Avith ill-concealed annoyance—« the Rev . Mr . Williams . "
St. Paul's Cathedral.
WE take this interesting revieAV from the Times . — As a thin octavo volume of nearly 100 pages , entitled " Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's , " Mr . Edmund Oldfield , F . S . A ., Member of the Executive Committee for
the completion of St . Paul ' s , has published a letter to the Dean , Avith suggestions for proceeding Avith the completion of Wren ' s great edifice . With above £ 40 , 000 in hand , Avhich the Committee are bound to apply to the purposes for Avhich that
money was collected , it is impossible , says the Avriter , either for the public or for those responsible for the administration of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Old, Old Story.
crochet needles , " Lucy , what a very promising young man is Mr . Williams \" " Ah ! " replied Lucy , burying her face in her work basket . " Yes , my clear , " continued Miss Margerison , sloAvly and solemnly , " I think ho
is a very rising young clergyman , indeed ; and , moreover , Lucy , " she added , " I believe that he admires you . " Lucy looked up from her Avork but said nothing . " You seemy dear Lucy , " her aunt
, Avent on , not heeding her silence or her looks ; " Mr . Williams will do very AVOII . Ho has a little matter of his OAVII—ho has the promise of a family living , and if his Avife brings in something , as the lawyers say , to' hotch-pot' hs will have as much as it is
, good for a clergyman to have , and he and his wife Avill be most comfortable . " Ancl hero Miss Margerison paused , but still Lucy Avas silent . " You know , my dear , '' she continued , '' I always have liked the clergy , and if
you and Mr . Williams can ' get together , to use Col . Mackintosh ' s AA'ords , I shall be ready to do my part to make your money affairs quite easy . You have a little of your OAVII , I Avill add to it , and , when I go , all that I have AA'IU be yours . " This unusually long speech for Miss
Margerison had caused Lucy ' s eyes to open wider ancl wider , and Avhen at last Miss Margorison ' s gentle voice stopped , they Avere very Avide open indeed , far-seeing ancl liiuch-knoAving British maiden as she Avas . For a moment there was a pause , and
then Lucy , bursting out into one of her silvery laughs , said , much to her good aunt ' s astonishment , " Well , my clear old woman , AA'hat have you been talking about 1 Who has put all this nonsense in your head 1 I marry Mr . Williams !
Avhy I had rather marry Mr . Walters , positively , for I do trust him , Mr . Williams !"—and here Lucy for once in her life got savage— " one of the most conceited , unintelloctual donkeys I ever met . "
Oh , Lucy ! " said , her aunt , as Lucy m her gathering indignation paused for breath . " Really , aunt , " added Lucy Avith great animation , "I ' m going to speak to you about my OAVII little affair this very morning . The truth is , that Mr , Main-
An Old, Old Story.
waring and I have agreed to ' set up shop together '" ( these Avere the very Avords she used , ) " and to have tho ' same nest , ' ancl ' all that sort of thing '" ( whatever that sort of thing is ) , — " ancl , as Colonel Mackintosh epiito approves , I want you to
give your consent , and I shall be the happiest of young women . Mr . Mainwaring is so fond of yon , and he is the very pleasantest person I know of , aunt , ancl , as Mr . Carrtithers told me yesterday , ' is the best of mates ancl tho king of good
felloAVS . ' So , aunt , " said Lucy , running to her aunt's chair and kneeling by it , " say tho word , and AVO will very soon sol tie everything quite comfortably . " Oh , ye gods and little fishes ! hero is a nice state of things . Young ladies arranging everything before hand , ancl
settling everything afterwards , and " AVO , the old birds , actually ignored ' and not consulted at all ! ' ' Dreadful dilemma ! What is coming upon Society and tho world 1 AwM impropriety !
Tho good old lady appeared thunderstruck at Lucy ' s tirade and Lucy ' s appeal , and Avas apparently on the point of " testifying " and opening out Avhat Avas on her mind , when Lucy , Avho had hoard a ring at the belljumped up as quickly as she had
, knelt cloAvn , and , almost immediately afterwards , Mr . Walters announced in sonorous tones , but Avith ill-concealed annoyance—« the Rev . Mr . Williams . "
St. Paul's Cathedral.
WE take this interesting revieAV from the Times . — As a thin octavo volume of nearly 100 pages , entitled " Saint Peter's and Saint Paul's , " Mr . Edmund Oldfield , F . S . A ., Member of the Executive Committee for
the completion of St . Paul ' s , has published a letter to the Dean , Avith suggestions for proceeding Avith the completion of Wren ' s great edifice . With above £ 40 , 000 in hand , Avhich the Committee are bound to apply to the purposes for Avhich that
money was collected , it is impossible , says the Avriter , either for the public or for those responsible for the administration of