Article THE ENCHANTED ISLE OF THE SEA. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
The Avhales , that sported m the basin AVicle , Sow fairy boats brought to the lake ' s broad side , And these , by beauteous beings , soon were fill'd , To glide about and shoAv their swan-like
build ; Whilst streaming rays of particolour'd light , Illum'd each nook , and cave , ancl grotto ' s site . Each one their partwith pleasureAvell
, , performed , Ancl Love supreme , in fairy fun Avas stormed ; The boats then came unto the basin ' s brim , And Love embark'd o'er beauty ' s lake to skim ,
And Mirth and Joy soon followed in the wake , To mimic war , well fought for honours sake , The snorting Avhales impetuous dash'd about , And rolling billoAvs made with tail and snout ; Within the lake a boisterous sea arose
As rough and wild as when a cyclone MOAA ' . The Avaves Avith fury raged , the fairy boats , Piode over all , and buoyantly as floats The noble life-boat o ' er the surging sea , To aid the ship distress'd—a service free , By courage promptedand by stout hearts
, given , In danger ' s hour to those Avho tempest driven In their life ' s struggle are so nearly done , Until the rescue ' s made — the victory ' s Avon !
To trumpets sound the entertaining war Soon ceased , the boats becalm'd lay par and par , ihe monster mammals close to them drew nigh , And swimming gently , passed them idly by .
% currents made the boats Avere borne along , AMI to the brink , Avith shouts of joy and song ; *« e blithesome actors g leefully debarked , And Amphitrite her sense of leasure
p marked , then from the croAvd three nymphs reuoAvned advanced , And beaut y , by their presence , Avas enhanced .
They claimed the child for an especial care , "To show her every cave and sea-beast lair , And secret haunt in grove and deep sea dell ; Beneath the sway of her they lov'd so Avell . Each one this Avish'd , and Neptune Avill'd
it too , His Ocean home , and snug retreats to sheAv . " 'Twas Doris foremost of the three that spoke , Her Avords the silence of the court just
broke ; The sister nymph , the sailor ' s friend , Panope , In Avinniiig Avay endorsed her sister ' s hope , Ancl Adeona , with her accents mild , A promise gave to guard the favour'd child .
The Queen consented , and the maiden bade , Accompany the nymphs through cop ' se and glade . They Avent , and passed the coral arches through , The sea ' s fair sylvan scenes , and springs to
vieAv . Some lively sprites came tripping by that Avay , To lead , to folioAV , ancl the nymphs obey . Then through the caves , Avhere sparkling jewels shone , And gardens by sea-oaks , and moss o ' er
groAvn , The child Avas led , ancl still her Avonder grew , At each fresh sig ht shoAvn b y the retinue . Here grottos crowned Avith Algce grandly stood , With Fuci groAvn to be an ocean Avood
, Ancl fountains streaming close to rippling rills , Enchantment gave to adamantine hills ; These miles away Avere most distinctly seen , By jasper fringed , and beryl tipped made green .
Around , above , the sea , pellucid , made A Avell , a dome , of crystal fixed and stay'd ; The Ocean's denizens Avent sporting by , A sig ht sublime to the accustomed eye . The nymphs the marvelling child escorted back To brightest Ballet Halls symposiac .
The Queen addressed her courtiers and the Maid , Her voice , a touch of sadness just betrayed .
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The Enchanted Isle Of The Sea.
The Avhales , that sported m the basin AVicle , Sow fairy boats brought to the lake ' s broad side , And these , by beauteous beings , soon were fill'd , To glide about and shoAv their swan-like
build ; Whilst streaming rays of particolour'd light , Illum'd each nook , and cave , ancl grotto ' s site . Each one their partwith pleasureAvell
, , performed , Ancl Love supreme , in fairy fun Avas stormed ; The boats then came unto the basin ' s brim , And Love embark'd o'er beauty ' s lake to skim ,
And Mirth and Joy soon followed in the wake , To mimic war , well fought for honours sake , The snorting Avhales impetuous dash'd about , And rolling billoAvs made with tail and snout ; Within the lake a boisterous sea arose
As rough and wild as when a cyclone MOAA ' . The Avaves Avith fury raged , the fairy boats , Piode over all , and buoyantly as floats The noble life-boat o ' er the surging sea , To aid the ship distress'd—a service free , By courage promptedand by stout hearts
, given , In danger ' s hour to those Avho tempest driven In their life ' s struggle are so nearly done , Until the rescue ' s made — the victory ' s Avon !
To trumpets sound the entertaining war Soon ceased , the boats becalm'd lay par and par , ihe monster mammals close to them drew nigh , And swimming gently , passed them idly by .
% currents made the boats Avere borne along , AMI to the brink , Avith shouts of joy and song ; *« e blithesome actors g leefully debarked , And Amphitrite her sense of leasure
p marked , then from the croAvd three nymphs reuoAvned advanced , And beaut y , by their presence , Avas enhanced .
They claimed the child for an especial care , "To show her every cave and sea-beast lair , And secret haunt in grove and deep sea dell ; Beneath the sway of her they lov'd so Avell . Each one this Avish'd , and Neptune Avill'd
it too , His Ocean home , and snug retreats to sheAv . " 'Twas Doris foremost of the three that spoke , Her Avords the silence of the court just
broke ; The sister nymph , the sailor ' s friend , Panope , In Avinniiig Avay endorsed her sister ' s hope , Ancl Adeona , with her accents mild , A promise gave to guard the favour'd child .
The Queen consented , and the maiden bade , Accompany the nymphs through cop ' se and glade . They Avent , and passed the coral arches through , The sea ' s fair sylvan scenes , and springs to
vieAv . Some lively sprites came tripping by that Avay , To lead , to folioAV , ancl the nymphs obey . Then through the caves , Avhere sparkling jewels shone , And gardens by sea-oaks , and moss o ' er
groAvn , The child Avas led , ancl still her Avonder grew , At each fresh sig ht shoAvn b y the retinue . Here grottos crowned Avith Algce grandly stood , With Fuci groAvn to be an ocean Avood
, Ancl fountains streaming close to rippling rills , Enchantment gave to adamantine hills ; These miles away Avere most distinctly seen , By jasper fringed , and beryl tipped made green .
Around , above , the sea , pellucid , made A Avell , a dome , of crystal fixed and stay'd ; The Ocean's denizens Avent sporting by , A sig ht sublime to the accustomed eye . The nymphs the marvelling child escorted back To brightest Ballet Halls symposiac .
The Queen addressed her courtiers and the Maid , Her voice , a touch of sadness just betrayed .