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by the Grand Lodge of Ireland ^ -the why is best known to those who in ^ bduced ih ^ ra . ^ '^;; sv' ^ I now change the subject to the visible ' -Symbolism of Ereemasonry "by Bro , ^ aekey > ^ uch appears in your columns ^ and which ainount of ihf ormatiom on Masonic matted Ip ^ eiWto ;^ their intelleotual &
^ he * History of the Ancient and Accepted Kte ^ Secret , * ' isingeniously wri tten and calculated to gain c what he states of RoyaVA tion to , or hot had theadito raised / and partieularl ^ Royal Arcjli M ^ Roy ^ Ajr ^ inlsiSy may be instructive to ^ m that
^ Rule 2 nd ^ -It is ^ declated and pronounced pu ^^ of yforee ^ Craft , and the Master IVfo Sch ) . ;^ Ut ^ hohiiivg a meeting M ^ tlie constitutions x > f the said Order . ' ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ;
Befb ^ tha | a Warded nO dnV should repress a Warden ^ first have heen elected ^ assembled , and presented to a Board Of installed Masters ^ and not eve
he had first taken an Obligation in LOd Lodge ^ and alter that another Obligation in the midst of a Board of installed Masters / binding him to preserye the secrets restricted to the W ^ M . 's' chair inviolate . Every Brother who has been regularly installed as W . M . of a Masonic Lodge must clearly understand what I mean , and therefore I subscribe myself a P . M . andP . Z .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE PEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sir and Brother , —In your report of Mark , Masonry , qf which a meeting took place 30 th May , presided over by Lord Leigh , my name is omitted from the list of the committee , although duly proposed and carried that it should be on , as Bro . Bassett Smith can testify , whose name is also omitted : for the omission of my name I care but little , but think it is pregnant with suspicion of want of that fair play which was so strongly argued for at the meeting . . Yours fraternally , Lee Park , July iSth , 1857 . H . J . Hinxman , M . D .
[ The name of our correspondent was , we believe , excluded by the representatives of the Bon Acord Masons at the table . Bro . Bassett Smith ' s name could only have been omitted by accident * The committee has come to nothing . —Ed . ]
«< m * m , mm w > ik < p < w < wwwww « wwp—wiw 1—i . w ^ w—W '»— ^ . m CAttONkUKY LODGE . TO THE EDITOR OlTtfftE fREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MlRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —As a mere . " personal matter" cannot be of any interest to a very large majority of your readers , t have to apologize for this intrusion on their patience , while seeking to gratify Bro . Lyons Wright and his
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' 0 ^
by the Grand Lodge of Ireland ^ -the why is best known to those who in ^ bduced ih ^ ra . ^ '^;; sv' ^ I now change the subject to the visible ' -Symbolism of Ereemasonry "by Bro , ^ aekey > ^ uch appears in your columns ^ and which ainount of ihf ormatiom on Masonic matted Ip ^ eiWto ;^ their intelleotual &
^ he * History of the Ancient and Accepted Kte ^ Secret , * ' isingeniously wri tten and calculated to gain c what he states of RoyaVA tion to , or hot had theadito raised / and partieularl ^ Royal Arcjli M ^ Roy ^ Ajr ^ inlsiSy may be instructive to ^ m that
^ Rule 2 nd ^ -It is ^ declated and pronounced pu ^^ of yforee ^ Craft , and the Master IVfo Sch ) . ;^ Ut ^ hohiiivg a meeting M ^ tlie constitutions x > f the said Order . ' ^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^ ;
Befb ^ tha | a Warded nO dnV should repress a Warden ^ first have heen elected ^ assembled , and presented to a Board Of installed Masters ^ and not eve
he had first taken an Obligation in LOd Lodge ^ and alter that another Obligation in the midst of a Board of installed Masters / binding him to preserye the secrets restricted to the W ^ M . 's' chair inviolate . Every Brother who has been regularly installed as W . M . of a Masonic Lodge must clearly understand what I mean , and therefore I subscribe myself a P . M . andP . Z .
TO THE EDITOR OF THE PEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sir and Brother , —In your report of Mark , Masonry , qf which a meeting took place 30 th May , presided over by Lord Leigh , my name is omitted from the list of the committee , although duly proposed and carried that it should be on , as Bro . Bassett Smith can testify , whose name is also omitted : for the omission of my name I care but little , but think it is pregnant with suspicion of want of that fair play which was so strongly argued for at the meeting . . Yours fraternally , Lee Park , July iSth , 1857 . H . J . Hinxman , M . D .
[ The name of our correspondent was , we believe , excluded by the representatives of the Bon Acord Masons at the table . Bro . Bassett Smith ' s name could only have been omitted by accident * The committee has come to nothing . —Ed . ]
«< m * m , mm w > ik < p < w < wwwww « wwp—wiw 1—i . w ^ w—W '»— ^ . m CAttONkUKY LODGE . TO THE EDITOR OlTtfftE fREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MlRROR . Dear Sir and Brother , —As a mere . " personal matter" cannot be of any interest to a very large majority of your readers , t have to apologize for this intrusion on their patience , while seeking to gratify Bro . Lyons Wright and his