Article PEOYIHCIAL ← Page 9 of 25 →
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Masonic relief i ^ assurance Amongst the Brethren ^ the directors of a life assurancp company had Mnclljr agreed to give the first ^ l ^ ar ' s pretnium on all / policies efected with them / towards their relief fa ^ ^ s present , and toast he had proposed .
i & P . Sherida ^ , ^ J ? reema , spnry ^ a ^ Cpmj & ny wp ^ to- q / uicMy b ^ firM initiated into the Craft . to
Th £ company then separated and ao ^ otirhed grounds , whpre the Marine banol ^ which , under the direction of ^ r ^ Earle , h ^ tfe d ^ great spirit tintil the sptt ^ their honies . ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ilip oppp ^ < Bnjoymg social converse with their B ^ arid made all regret tb "¦ good / l $ e ^ gpQd ; m ^
/// / ;/ : ;> - ^ ^ G ^ The annual festival ^^ ^ W ^ ates' Hotel . The menders of No . 91 met ab B P ; M *> and Bro . Eobert Spencer ^ P . M . > presided , initiating Mr . J . Q . Proud and ]^ wards ram ^
2 sFetlingham . The Lodge was then resumed in the 2 nd Degree , and Bro ; WiHiahi Hills ^ B . W . and W , M . elect of iSTo . p elect of JSfo . 709 , were presented for installation , and they were obligated as Masters of the respective Lodges | and afterwards , in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters , duly installed ^ into the chair ; the ceremonial , as well as all the other business ^ being performed in that able and correct nianner for wjiich Bro . Spencer has long been fa
Bro . Hills appointed and invested , as his officers for No / 91 , Bros . Ladder , S . W . } Stratford , J . W . L . Brivean . Sec .: Pottinger , S . D .: Briveau , J . D . Eyeritt , D . C . ; E . Hills , LG . Bro . Martin appointed and invested , as his ofl & cers for No . 709 , Bros . A . C . Francis , S . W . , v Edward Wates , J . W . ; Briveau , Sec . ; W . Evans , S . D . ; Sharland , I . G . Bro . Bobson , who had been unanimously reelected Treasurer of both Lodges , was-also invested .
The arrival of the Prov . G . M . having been announced , the Grand Officers present went out to receive him , and he was conducted into the Lodge , and presented to the W . M . The Lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .,. ' The Brethren then adjourned to banquet , Bro . Hills presiding , having on his right the B . W . Bro . Cooper , Prov . G . M . ; Y . W . Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson ,
G . S . D . ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; W . Bros . Southgate , Prov , G . S . W . ; Briveau , Prov . G . Purs . ; How , P . Prov . G . D . C ., Surrey ; T . A . Stephenson , of the Grand Lodge of Scotland : on the left Bro . Martin , W . M . 709 ; the W . Bros . Dobson , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Gore , Prov . A . G . D . C . ; Spencer , and other Brethren , to the number of thirty-five . On the removal of the cloth , the W , M . No . 91 gave " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The M . W . the G . M , the Earl of Zetland : " then followed , " The B . W . Lord Panmure ,
* It would appear , from the advertisements , that the Times has ceased to exist as an independent company ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic relief i ^ assurance Amongst the Brethren ^ the directors of a life assurancp company had Mnclljr agreed to give the first ^ l ^ ar ' s pretnium on all / policies efected with them / towards their relief fa ^ ^ s present , and toast he had proposed .
i & P . Sherida ^ , ^ J ? reema , spnry ^ a ^ Cpmj & ny wp ^ to- q / uicMy b ^ firM initiated into the Craft . to
Th £ company then separated and ao ^ otirhed grounds , whpre the Marine banol ^ which , under the direction of ^ r ^ Earle , h ^ tfe d ^ great spirit tintil the sptt ^ their honies . ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ilip oppp ^ < Bnjoymg social converse with their B ^ arid made all regret tb "¦ good / l $ e ^ gpQd ; m ^
/// / ;/ : ;> - ^ ^ G ^ The annual festival ^^ ^ W ^ ates' Hotel . The menders of No . 91 met ab B P ; M *> and Bro . Eobert Spencer ^ P . M . > presided , initiating Mr . J . Q . Proud and ]^ wards ram ^
2 sFetlingham . The Lodge was then resumed in the 2 nd Degree , and Bro ; WiHiahi Hills ^ B . W . and W , M . elect of iSTo . p elect of JSfo . 709 , were presented for installation , and they were obligated as Masters of the respective Lodges | and afterwards , in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters , duly installed ^ into the chair ; the ceremonial , as well as all the other business ^ being performed in that able and correct nianner for wjiich Bro . Spencer has long been fa
Bro . Hills appointed and invested , as his officers for No / 91 , Bros . Ladder , S . W . } Stratford , J . W . L . Brivean . Sec .: Pottinger , S . D .: Briveau , J . D . Eyeritt , D . C . ; E . Hills , LG . Bro . Martin appointed and invested , as his ofl & cers for No . 709 , Bros . A . C . Francis , S . W . , v Edward Wates , J . W . ; Briveau , Sec . ; W . Evans , S . D . ; Sharland , I . G . Bro . Bobson , who had been unanimously reelected Treasurer of both Lodges , was-also invested .
The arrival of the Prov . G . M . having been announced , the Grand Officers present went out to receive him , and he was conducted into the Lodge , and presented to the W . M . The Lodge was closed in peace , harmony , and brotherly love .,. ' The Brethren then adjourned to banquet , Bro . Hills presiding , having on his right the B . W . Bro . Cooper , Prov . G . M . ; Y . W . Bros . Stephen Barton Wilson ,
G . S . D . ; Hyde Pullen , D . Prov . G . M ., Isle of Wight ; W . Bros . Southgate , Prov , G . S . W . ; Briveau , Prov . G . Purs . ; How , P . Prov . G . D . C ., Surrey ; T . A . Stephenson , of the Grand Lodge of Scotland : on the left Bro . Martin , W . M . 709 ; the W . Bros . Dobson , P . Prov . G . S . W . ; Gore , Prov . A . G . D . C . ; Spencer , and other Brethren , to the number of thirty-five . On the removal of the cloth , the W , M . No . 91 gave " The Queen and the Craft , " and " The M . W . the G . M , the Earl of Zetland : " then followed , " The B . W . Lord Panmure ,
* It would appear , from the advertisements , that the Times has ceased to exist as an independent company ,