Article PEOYIHCIAL ← Page 17 of 25 →
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T ^ Higlimtbre , ^ to whielr t ^ The next toast was -f . ^ ev- ^ i ^^ a ^ dt : Brethren of the Lodge of Loves , "No . 41 % , and than ^ ffi was the absence of Brp . € ane through J If the Brethren were satisfied with their reception , the Brethren of the Yepvil Lodge had their reward . They
regretted , as all naust , that their venerate could huf hope he ^ in his lamp of lifo might be burnt out m benefit would result botli to th ^ day . $ he wb ^ associated with & e most subhme and rlghteousne ^ ^ to / rehdeita ^
thanks for the tise of ^ ^ I ^ evY Br ^ tter replied that he was always ready to show his goodwill to the Institu ^ ipnv whenever an pppprtunity a ^ atOxf ord some t ^ the command of the Brethren whenever needed . ^ f ^ e health of \ vlth " j ? lai ^
Bro . Ealcpner , in acknowledgment , said he ende fidelity the trust reposed in hi ^ ; ^ e p . Prfe especially referred to one who charged the onerous duties which the office of Secreta ^ alluded to Bro . Browne . '¦ ¦^¦ ¦ ''
¦ The Prov , G , Sec . then rose , and , in a brief rep ly ^ directed to discharge the duties of his ofhce MthM business proved that he had given Satisfaction . He was sure that every Ofiicer was equally zealous , and as some allusion had been made to Bro . Mitchell , the G . Purs ., he ( the Sec ) could say with confidence that to deserved the thanks of every Brother in the province . ( Cheers . ) The health of Bro . Montague , and the Lodge recently established in Bridport , which bears his name / v / as briefly responded to by the worthy Brother , who said , that having seen the vast benefits derived from Masonry in the colonies , he was desirous of spreading its influence by every means in his power .
Bro . Cosens , with the consent of the B . Prov . G . M ., proposed " The Press , " and especially that well-conducted organ of the Order , the Freemasons- ' Magazine . He was sure that the publication Conferred great benefits on the Institution , and he thought it but right to acknowledge those services . '\ The Town and Trade of Yeovil , and thanks to the Mayor for the use of the Hall , " and the usual last toast , closed a most satisfactory day ' s proceedings . Many of the Brethren departed by the train at ten o'clock .
, Such an assemblage of the Brethren , and the procession , drew a goodly muster of visitors into the town , and the appearance of the streets on the following day at noon , when we took our departure , was startling for the contrast : the only sign of life , save the diminutive 'bus in which we were with two other passengers , being a yokel cheapening a ha ' portb of cherries , in the market-place , with a fair trader .
Highbridge . —Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) , —The installation of the W . M . of this Lodge took place at the Lodge-room , on Priday , July 2 , in presence of a large gathering of members of the Lodge and "Brethren from the other Lodges of the province , among whom were several distinguished Past and Present Prov . Grand Officers . The ceremony of installing the new W . M ., Bro . T . W . Bankin , was done in that masterly style which at all times characterizes the working of the worthy P . M ., Bro . Henry Brydges . The newly-installed Master having
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
T ^ Higlimtbre , ^ to whielr t ^ The next toast was -f . ^ ev- ^ i ^^ a ^ dt : Brethren of the Lodge of Loves , "No . 41 % , and than ^ ffi was the absence of Brp . € ane through J If the Brethren were satisfied with their reception , the Brethren of the Yepvil Lodge had their reward . They
regretted , as all naust , that their venerate could huf hope he ^ in his lamp of lifo might be burnt out m benefit would result botli to th ^ day . $ he wb ^ associated with & e most subhme and rlghteousne ^ ^ to / rehdeita ^
thanks for the tise of ^ ^ I ^ evY Br ^ tter replied that he was always ready to show his goodwill to the Institu ^ ipnv whenever an pppprtunity a ^ atOxf ord some t ^ the command of the Brethren whenever needed . ^ f ^ e health of \ vlth " j ? lai ^
Bro . Ealcpner , in acknowledgment , said he ende fidelity the trust reposed in hi ^ ; ^ e p . Prfe especially referred to one who charged the onerous duties which the office of Secreta ^ alluded to Bro . Browne . '¦ ¦^¦ ¦ ''
¦ The Prov , G , Sec . then rose , and , in a brief rep ly ^ directed to discharge the duties of his ofhce MthM business proved that he had given Satisfaction . He was sure that every Ofiicer was equally zealous , and as some allusion had been made to Bro . Mitchell , the G . Purs ., he ( the Sec ) could say with confidence that to deserved the thanks of every Brother in the province . ( Cheers . ) The health of Bro . Montague , and the Lodge recently established in Bridport , which bears his name / v / as briefly responded to by the worthy Brother , who said , that having seen the vast benefits derived from Masonry in the colonies , he was desirous of spreading its influence by every means in his power .
Bro . Cosens , with the consent of the B . Prov . G . M ., proposed " The Press , " and especially that well-conducted organ of the Order , the Freemasons- ' Magazine . He was sure that the publication Conferred great benefits on the Institution , and he thought it but right to acknowledge those services . '\ The Town and Trade of Yeovil , and thanks to the Mayor for the use of the Hall , " and the usual last toast , closed a most satisfactory day ' s proceedings . Many of the Brethren departed by the train at ten o'clock .
, Such an assemblage of the Brethren , and the procession , drew a goodly muster of visitors into the town , and the appearance of the streets on the following day at noon , when we took our departure , was startling for the contrast : the only sign of life , save the diminutive 'bus in which we were with two other passengers , being a yokel cheapening a ha ' portb of cherries , in the market-place , with a fair trader .
Highbridge . —Rural Philanthropic Lodge ( No . 367 ) , —The installation of the W . M . of this Lodge took place at the Lodge-room , on Priday , July 2 , in presence of a large gathering of members of the Lodge and "Brethren from the other Lodges of the province , among whom were several distinguished Past and Present Prov . Grand Officers . The ceremony of installing the new W . M ., Bro . T . W . Bankin , was done in that masterly style which at all times characterizes the working of the worthy P . M ., Bro . Henry Brydges . The newly-installed Master having