Article PEOYIHCIAL ← Page 20 of 25 →
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mkny of the members of the Lodgesi in the FroHnc ^ ^ bnght and brilliant sumtner day was Saturd bvef fifty Brethren assembled at Fromsome cause : or other the Surrey Lodge ^ been iti abeyance tor some years ^ an members last year # oke up , and % an ihfu pem set their house in order , arid were this year prepared to receive the (^ fand T & ol & j & s ^
The Provincial Grani ^ L Bro . Alexander Dc ^ ie ^ P ^^ GJVLj'Mi Bros ; J . J . Blake , P . Prov . ^& Blenlrin , Prov / G . S ^ GvSee . ; J . How , ih-ov ^ G . Dir ^ White , PrqvVG . S
G . S . B ; } George Hart , Peter ^ Holden , W . M ; ^ W . Brb ; Fred . Slight , # . M . N 6 ^^ W . H ; Lyall , P . M Gavin Pocock , Prov . & Symonds , P . M . Nb . ^ 7 ^
The Prbvincial Grand Lodge was o Grand Lodge held at Chertsey :. were rea Finance Gornn ^ :: V ^;;'/ -:: ?; : ^ '' : : ;^ ' . Hi B ^^ Bl ake propb ^ Grand Lodge funds ^ seconded , was carried uhahimbusly .
The Brov . G ^ M ; , addressing the first ti ^ under whose auspices the Surrey Lodge was form ^ that Lodgey and Surrey generally , was indebted for acts of generosity and k ness , said , as tie ( Bro . Hobie ) was present at the initiation of the noble ^ B ^ with whoni he had been on terms of , the closest intimacy and friendship , and had
many Opportunities of judging of his truly Masonic attainments ; it was but proper that he should pay a tribute to Lord Monson ' s memory in this his favoured Lodge . The Prov . G . M . next said , that , since his last meeting the Surrey Masons , the only event of importance that had occurred was the resignation of the D . G . M ., the Earl of Yarborough , whose ill health prevented his attendance , and the appointment of Lord Panmure as his successor . There had been a good deal of
discussion in Grand Lodge on the Canada Lodges , but as that matter did not much concern the Masons of Surrey , and so much had been heard on the subject , he did not consider it necessary for him to say more On that subject . The ballot was taken for Provincial Grand Treasurer , and Bro . Geo . Price was unanimously re-elected . The Prov . G . M . then called on the Officers to return their collars and badges ,
and , assisted by Bro . How , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., he appointed and invested as Officers for the year ensuing—Bros . Henry Maudsley , No . 680 , Prov . G . S . W . ; Geo . White , No , 593 , Prov . G . J . W . ; Chas . Greenwood , No . 593 , Prov . G . See . ; Lyall , No . 603 , Prov . G . S . D . ; Moates , No . 593 , Prov . G . J . D . ; Meymott , No . 593 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Bruce , No . 680 , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bentham , No . 593 , Prov . G . Org . The Eev . Bro . A . T . Wills , No . 486 , was named as Prpv . G . Chap ., but was not present to be invested .
The Brethren then adjourned for a short time , and at five re-assembled in the Town Hall , where an excellent Banquet was spread . The Prov . G . M . presided . A blessing was asked by the Eev . Bro . W . H . Lyall , P . M . No . 10 , visitor , who on the removal of the cloth returned thanks . The Prov . G . M ., in brief terms , expressive of the loyalty of the Order , gave "The Queen and the Craft ; " after this of course followed " The Grand Master . " The W . M . remarked , that considering the noble lord followed one who had all the prestige that royalty could give , the Order under his government had largely increased , and the chanties had flourished : he ( Bro . Dobie ) was therefore entitled
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mkny of the members of the Lodgesi in the FroHnc ^ ^ bnght and brilliant sumtner day was Saturd bvef fifty Brethren assembled at Fromsome cause : or other the Surrey Lodge ^ been iti abeyance tor some years ^ an members last year # oke up , and % an ihfu pem set their house in order , arid were this year prepared to receive the (^ fand T & ol & j & s ^
The Provincial Grani ^ L Bro . Alexander Dc ^ ie ^ P ^^ GJVLj'Mi Bros ; J . J . Blake , P . Prov . ^& Blenlrin , Prov / G . S ^ GvSee . ; J . How , ih-ov ^ G . Dir ^ White , PrqvVG . S
G . S . B ; } George Hart , Peter ^ Holden , W . M ; ^ W . Brb ; Fred . Slight , # . M . N 6 ^^ W . H ; Lyall , P . M Gavin Pocock , Prov . & Symonds , P . M . Nb . ^ 7 ^
The Prbvincial Grand Lodge was o Grand Lodge held at Chertsey :. were rea Finance Gornn ^ :: V ^;;'/ -:: ?; : ^ '' : : ;^ ' . Hi B ^^ Bl ake propb ^ Grand Lodge funds ^ seconded , was carried uhahimbusly .
The Brov . G ^ M ; , addressing the first ti ^ under whose auspices the Surrey Lodge was form ^ that Lodgey and Surrey generally , was indebted for acts of generosity and k ness , said , as tie ( Bro . Hobie ) was present at the initiation of the noble ^ B ^ with whoni he had been on terms of , the closest intimacy and friendship , and had
many Opportunities of judging of his truly Masonic attainments ; it was but proper that he should pay a tribute to Lord Monson ' s memory in this his favoured Lodge . The Prov . G . M . next said , that , since his last meeting the Surrey Masons , the only event of importance that had occurred was the resignation of the D . G . M ., the Earl of Yarborough , whose ill health prevented his attendance , and the appointment of Lord Panmure as his successor . There had been a good deal of
discussion in Grand Lodge on the Canada Lodges , but as that matter did not much concern the Masons of Surrey , and so much had been heard on the subject , he did not consider it necessary for him to say more On that subject . The ballot was taken for Provincial Grand Treasurer , and Bro . Geo . Price was unanimously re-elected . The Prov . G . M . then called on the Officers to return their collars and badges ,
and , assisted by Bro . How , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers ., he appointed and invested as Officers for the year ensuing—Bros . Henry Maudsley , No . 680 , Prov . G . S . W . ; Geo . White , No , 593 , Prov . G . J . W . ; Chas . Greenwood , No . 593 , Prov . G . See . ; Lyall , No . 603 , Prov . G . S . D . ; Moates , No . 593 , Prov . G . J . D . ; Meymott , No . 593 , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Bruce , No . 680 , Prov . G . S . B . ; Bentham , No . 593 , Prov . G . Org . The Eev . Bro . A . T . Wills , No . 486 , was named as Prpv . G . Chap ., but was not present to be invested .
The Brethren then adjourned for a short time , and at five re-assembled in the Town Hall , where an excellent Banquet was spread . The Prov . G . M . presided . A blessing was asked by the Eev . Bro . W . H . Lyall , P . M . No . 10 , visitor , who on the removal of the cloth returned thanks . The Prov . G . M ., in brief terms , expressive of the loyalty of the Order , gave "The Queen and the Craft ; " after this of course followed " The Grand Master . " The W . M . remarked , that considering the noble lord followed one who had all the prestige that royalty could give , the Order under his government had largely increased , and the chanties had flourished : he ( Bro . Dobie ) was therefore entitled