Article THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE ← Page 3 of 3 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Ancient And Accepted Rite
^ atlsfactpriiy . He h being greatly impressed with the beneficial effe ^ exist ^ -were evanescent ; and he conceived that Masonry alone possessed the true principleof ¦ fraternal love , and that , save ^ Wa , s no hohd by which hian ^
he convinced of this sentifhen % that he Would endeavour thf oughout life to follow itsbehests . Inine rite of that day th ^ inculcated in the earlier Degrees fully carried out , and the more the knowledge of this Sublime Degree was promulgated ^ he was satisfied , the number < rf admissions would increase ; B by the twx > Principal Officers , Drs . Jon es and Kent , who so well assisted in the business . ^ - " :: ' " M- ; - '
Bro ; Dr . Jones asked the Brethren to accept the thanks of himself and the 2 nd General ; being each of them earnest in their service . Th sentiment ^ " That if 'twere done > 'twere well 'twere well done . " { Brp . Cole proposed their " Illus ^ A ^ Michae l Furnell . " The III . Bro . Michael Purnell , as one well acquaintedwith the M . W . Sov . V who had served the cause of Masonry in two hemispheres , had much pleasure in , being present . He had travelled 700 m hours with greater satisfaction , or bett
Bro ; Hyde Pullen craved perniission to say a few words ; and in reference to the remarks of BrO , Purnell on t ^ said , let the great man be whom he might ) there was no one individual who was desirous of furthering the cause of Freemasonry who did not in himsel f to sonie extent ^ po ssess the power to assist in that gre at work , and also of raising himself to the highest position in the Ordefc ; He was himself circumscribed in his sphere
of usefulness , but , as far as his bounds extended , the utmost that any Mason could do he would achieve . He might also remark , that he was convinced ; as their principles became more freely promulgated , so would their Institution increase in numbers . By means of the press they had the power of diffusing a better knowledge of Masonry . He sincerely hoped arid believed ^ that ere long the sublime principles of these high Degrees would one and all be acknowledged throughout the world .
The Brethren separated highly pleased with the proceedings , Birmingham . --- Vernon Chapter , S : P . R . C . of H . R . D M . —A . meeting of the Brethren of this Degree was held at the Royal Hotel , on Friday , July 10 th , when a good muster of the Brethren were present . Several Brethren were admitted as joining members . The M . W . Sov . and Officers were elected for the ensuing two years , the installation and investment will take place at the next meeting . The Chapter was ably presided over by M . W . Sov . Dee , and was honoured by the presence of two of its members , who have attained the rank of 111 . Sov . S . G . I . G . 33 rd Degree , besides many other illustrious Brethren ,
Knights Templar.
Kent . —The second meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave was held on Wednesday , the 15 th of July , at the Railway Tavern , Blackheath , when the V . E . Prov . G . Commander , Sir Knt . H J , Hinxman , M . D ., proceeded to invest the following Bras . Officers of the Prov . Grand Conclave : —Capt . Henry Clerk , jR . il ., Prov . G . 1 st Capt . ; James Merry weather , Surgeon , 2 nd Captain ; Dr . Harcourt , Prelate ; P . Laird , Chancellor ; H . F , Holt , Expert ; Dr . Dickson , Reg . Richard Taylor , Treas . ; James Moore , 1 st Standard-bearer ; Lieut Alderson , R . A ., 2 nd Standard-bearer ; W . Jackson , 1 st Herald ; S , W . Figg , 2 nd IJerald , * G , P , Phipps , Organist ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Ancient And Accepted Rite
^ atlsfactpriiy . He h being greatly impressed with the beneficial effe ^ exist ^ -were evanescent ; and he conceived that Masonry alone possessed the true principleof ¦ fraternal love , and that , save ^ Wa , s no hohd by which hian ^
he convinced of this sentifhen % that he Would endeavour thf oughout life to follow itsbehests . Inine rite of that day th ^ inculcated in the earlier Degrees fully carried out , and the more the knowledge of this Sublime Degree was promulgated ^ he was satisfied , the number < rf admissions would increase ; B by the twx > Principal Officers , Drs . Jon es and Kent , who so well assisted in the business . ^ - " :: ' " M- ; - '
Bro ; Dr . Jones asked the Brethren to accept the thanks of himself and the 2 nd General ; being each of them earnest in their service . Th sentiment ^ " That if 'twere done > 'twere well 'twere well done . " { Brp . Cole proposed their " Illus ^ A ^ Michae l Furnell . " The III . Bro . Michael Purnell , as one well acquaintedwith the M . W . Sov . V who had served the cause of Masonry in two hemispheres , had much pleasure in , being present . He had travelled 700 m hours with greater satisfaction , or bett
Bro ; Hyde Pullen craved perniission to say a few words ; and in reference to the remarks of BrO , Purnell on t ^ said , let the great man be whom he might ) there was no one individual who was desirous of furthering the cause of Freemasonry who did not in himsel f to sonie extent ^ po ssess the power to assist in that gre at work , and also of raising himself to the highest position in the Ordefc ; He was himself circumscribed in his sphere
of usefulness , but , as far as his bounds extended , the utmost that any Mason could do he would achieve . He might also remark , that he was convinced ; as their principles became more freely promulgated , so would their Institution increase in numbers . By means of the press they had the power of diffusing a better knowledge of Masonry . He sincerely hoped arid believed ^ that ere long the sublime principles of these high Degrees would one and all be acknowledged throughout the world .
The Brethren separated highly pleased with the proceedings , Birmingham . --- Vernon Chapter , S : P . R . C . of H . R . D M . —A . meeting of the Brethren of this Degree was held at the Royal Hotel , on Friday , July 10 th , when a good muster of the Brethren were present . Several Brethren were admitted as joining members . The M . W . Sov . and Officers were elected for the ensuing two years , the installation and investment will take place at the next meeting . The Chapter was ably presided over by M . W . Sov . Dee , and was honoured by the presence of two of its members , who have attained the rank of 111 . Sov . S . G . I . G . 33 rd Degree , besides many other illustrious Brethren ,
Knights Templar.
Kent . —The second meeting of the Provincial Grand Conclave was held on Wednesday , the 15 th of July , at the Railway Tavern , Blackheath , when the V . E . Prov . G . Commander , Sir Knt . H J , Hinxman , M . D ., proceeded to invest the following Bras . Officers of the Prov . Grand Conclave : —Capt . Henry Clerk , jR . il ., Prov . G . 1 st Capt . ; James Merry weather , Surgeon , 2 nd Captain ; Dr . Harcourt , Prelate ; P . Laird , Chancellor ; H . F , Holt , Expert ; Dr . Dickson , Reg . Richard Taylor , Treas . ; James Moore , 1 st Standard-bearer ; Lieut Alderson , R . A ., 2 nd Standard-bearer ; W . Jackson , 1 st Herald ; S , W . Figg , 2 nd IJerald , * G , P , Phipps , Organist ,