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m for the Brethren rf Ms ov ^ F ^ AH latter worked utidei * a dsfferjent ju ^ looked ftip to Bengal as to a foster ^ mp & er | and the reception which they give # 6 * ney ^ aitt ^ Was vividly in his reeplleet ^ feeling which had pervaded , that meeting had never been surpassed . The Brother wK had presided on that bpcasioa was knowii to most o ^ the Calcutta Brethreh , If He
not personally ^ , at least by n ^ me . meant B * . tfanrnes Karnes ; whose cwtf vifli to the City of Palacess had made Such , / a , hri ^ t sp ^ t in the Masonic history of this i ^ rovlnpe . It was grai ^ r ^ ing to > witness the meeting of those titfo excellent men ahd congenial spirits , © ros , C ^ aiht and Burnes , Eef ^^ ^ a ^ fully to his p # ft ftatern ^ reception in Calcu ^ lor a short time m June last , he had ^^ Brietlrreri there the compHnieht # hieh had been paid to ^ ifeem ^ in bwpersp ^ . not
Ine Proyy < 3 r-M . : ^? Brethren ; 1 I have invited ypp . here this eveibirig to listen to long seeches frpm me . They are beyond my line , I have sihlpiy desired to acknowledge the kindness of the inception with which you henoureii m ^ ite think thisi to be a fitting opportunity form inehts which : I have sfetchp ^ o ^^ ajbsence ; It was at first my intehtipn to si ™ feov . Grahd
Lodgei . $ but it bccutred to ^ me aftef wards , that I would be givirig you unnec ^ ssaiey triple ; as > to you from the ^ aee which I atn now occupying . To prevent a ^ staTwlihg pi ^ miscpnlstr ^ ction ^ which might arise from a verbals I h & ve 1 & M down the general plan of administration in a written dpcuhfi ^ n % v ^ i ^ shall he placed on recordv ^ patent , the It . W ; 3 Bro > Hoff has been appointed Lfep ; Proy . G . M ; of the Province of Bengal , and that he has been invested with all and every the requisite powers
and functions described in that behalf in the Book of Constitutions ; and that I have delegated to him my duties as Prov . G . M ., to be discharged by him ( in my absence ) in m registered in the Grand Lodge of England . I believe that you aU , as well as myself have every confidence that Bro . Hoff will exercise the authority with which he has been invested , with sound judgment and discretion ( applause ); and which his long connection with the Craft , and experience in the various
offices he has held eminently quahfy therefore , to say more than to repeat , that I feel assured that the Lodges throughout the Prpyince , will , during my absence , ' continue to give to Bro . Hoff that cordial support and ready obedience which have heretofore enabled him to conduct so satisfactorily the arduous and responsible duties of his high ofiSce ;'
( Applause . ) Permit me , Brethren , to add the words of Bro . Preston , in his ' Illustrations of Freemasonry : '— - ' Such is the nature of our Constitution , that as some must , of necessity , rule , so others must , of course , learn to submit and obey . ' The due observance of this injunction , must conduce to the preservation of order , which is so essential in a society constituted as is that of Freemasonry . I take the opportunity of tendering my sincere and cordial thanks to all the
Prov . Grand Officers , past and present , and to all the Lodges throughout the Province , for the kind support which they have at all times afforded me in the discharge of my duties . It is gratifying to me to know that I leave the Craft in a highly flourishing state . Since I assumed the Hiram of the Province , ten new Lodges have been established , * and not one has fallen in abeyance , while two more are about to come into existence . It further affords me satisfaction to
know that I shall leave with you all a Brother of high rank , who , lately the ruler of another Province , is now as one of us . I trust that Bro . LeCreyt will ever give his support to the Craft . If it should be the will of the Most High that I should
* Rangoon , Darjeeling , Ferozepore , Jullundur , Arrakan , Thayetmyo , Mussoorie , Rawul Pindee , Subathoo , Delhi .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
m for the Brethren rf Ms ov ^ F ^ AH latter worked utidei * a dsfferjent ju ^ looked ftip to Bengal as to a foster ^ mp & er | and the reception which they give # 6 * ney ^ aitt ^ Was vividly in his reeplleet ^ feeling which had pervaded , that meeting had never been surpassed . The Brother wK had presided on that bpcasioa was knowii to most o ^ the Calcutta Brethreh , If He
not personally ^ , at least by n ^ me . meant B * . tfanrnes Karnes ; whose cwtf vifli to the City of Palacess had made Such , / a , hri ^ t sp ^ t in the Masonic history of this i ^ rovlnpe . It was grai ^ r ^ ing to > witness the meeting of those titfo excellent men ahd congenial spirits , © ros , C ^ aiht and Burnes , Eef ^^ ^ a ^ fully to his p # ft ftatern ^ reception in Calcu ^ lor a short time m June last , he had ^^ Brietlrreri there the compHnieht # hieh had been paid to ^ ifeem ^ in bwpersp ^ . not
Ine Proyy < 3 r-M . : ^? Brethren ; 1 I have invited ypp . here this eveibirig to listen to long seeches frpm me . They are beyond my line , I have sihlpiy desired to acknowledge the kindness of the inception with which you henoureii m ^ ite think thisi to be a fitting opportunity form inehts which : I have sfetchp ^ o ^^ ajbsence ; It was at first my intehtipn to si ™ feov . Grahd
Lodgei . $ but it bccutred to ^ me aftef wards , that I would be givirig you unnec ^ ssaiey triple ; as > to you from the ^ aee which I atn now occupying . To prevent a ^ staTwlihg pi ^ miscpnlstr ^ ction ^ which might arise from a verbals I h & ve 1 & M down the general plan of administration in a written dpcuhfi ^ n % v ^ i ^ shall he placed on recordv ^ patent , the It . W ; 3 Bro > Hoff has been appointed Lfep ; Proy . G . M ; of the Province of Bengal , and that he has been invested with all and every the requisite powers
and functions described in that behalf in the Book of Constitutions ; and that I have delegated to him my duties as Prov . G . M ., to be discharged by him ( in my absence ) in m registered in the Grand Lodge of England . I believe that you aU , as well as myself have every confidence that Bro . Hoff will exercise the authority with which he has been invested , with sound judgment and discretion ( applause ); and which his long connection with the Craft , and experience in the various
offices he has held eminently quahfy therefore , to say more than to repeat , that I feel assured that the Lodges throughout the Prpyince , will , during my absence , ' continue to give to Bro . Hoff that cordial support and ready obedience which have heretofore enabled him to conduct so satisfactorily the arduous and responsible duties of his high ofiSce ;'
( Applause . ) Permit me , Brethren , to add the words of Bro . Preston , in his ' Illustrations of Freemasonry : '— - ' Such is the nature of our Constitution , that as some must , of necessity , rule , so others must , of course , learn to submit and obey . ' The due observance of this injunction , must conduce to the preservation of order , which is so essential in a society constituted as is that of Freemasonry . I take the opportunity of tendering my sincere and cordial thanks to all the
Prov . Grand Officers , past and present , and to all the Lodges throughout the Province , for the kind support which they have at all times afforded me in the discharge of my duties . It is gratifying to me to know that I leave the Craft in a highly flourishing state . Since I assumed the Hiram of the Province , ten new Lodges have been established , * and not one has fallen in abeyance , while two more are about to come into existence . It further affords me satisfaction to
know that I shall leave with you all a Brother of high rank , who , lately the ruler of another Province , is now as one of us . I trust that Bro . LeCreyt will ever give his support to the Craft . If it should be the will of the Most High that I should
* Rangoon , Darjeeling , Ferozepore , Jullundur , Arrakan , Thayetmyo , Mussoorie , Rawul Pindee , Subathoo , Delhi .