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he was sure that such a change might be made in this country without violating tie rights ^ of ptoBerty . His lordship announced his intention of bringing the auction h ^
T ^ On Tuesday , July 15 , this society , which--although it has not been long in existence displays a crmsiderable aineunt of well-directed activity ^ assernbled , by permissions ^ including laUie ^ and visite Several hundreds ^ who were divided into sections and ^ p portions not shown to ordinary visitors . The White Tower > wi ^ the chapel ( said to & the n ^ specimen of Korman architecture in the country ) , and the Ooui ^ U Chah ^ chapel- ^ h ^ s for m $ tate papers , aj ^ d the walls and pillars wrere so blocked up with presses as to be qiiite obscured from all examination * We " are glady however , tp be enabled to state that these unseemlv obstructions have bee the the
$ ie huil 3 lng rendered a ^^ sihle to inspection of antiquary < ^ 6 interesting a structure should he restored , and in future treated with thes respect due to a consecrated buil & n ^ ^ ^ ^^ Council Chamber adjoins , and form nmnicatipn with the ehapel . This chamber may be termed the nipst historical room m Britain , fo inpst atrocious aet & determihecl on which the history of the country- records . Tcv this cliamfe
for naany years , and at tins nipnient it is fin ^ bther ^ containing cavalry swords . Its dimehsiPns are very la ^ ge , and the roof , which is of rough dak timber , supported by roughly-hewn pillars of the same wood , is very lofty , ^^ ether this massive timber-work is original , is doubtful , albeit its antiquity cannot be disputed . A heavy arcade , behind which is a passage , runs along one side of the room . Tapestry was over the face of the arches , and the passage used by guards and attendants .
The armouries , the Beauchamp and Wakefield towers , the walls , batteries , and regalia , were severally visited by the society , and the proceedings closed by a visit to the church , where the Bev . Mr . Boutell delivered an interesting address upon the historical events conected with that building . The company were generally much pl ^ a ^ ed with their day's amusement , and appeared to feel that they were much indebted for it to the zeal and energy of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Association , through whom the authorities had most kindly thrown open this venerable fortress for their inspection .
Summary Of News For July.
THE COURT , In connection with the court , the first thing we have this month to notice is an order in council , altering the style and title of Prince Albert , who is henceforward , in all legal instruments , to be designated the Prince Consort . On the 25 th of June , the Archduke Maximilian took his leave , on his return home ; and on the 2 # th , the Queen , the Prince Consort , Prince Frederick William of Prussia , with the elder members of the royal family , started for Wbrsley Hall , on a visit to the Earl and Countess of BUesmere , in order to visit the Manchester Exhibition , and remaineduntil the 2 nd of July .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
he was sure that such a change might be made in this country without violating tie rights ^ of ptoBerty . His lordship announced his intention of bringing the auction h ^
T ^ On Tuesday , July 15 , this society , which--although it has not been long in existence displays a crmsiderable aineunt of well-directed activity ^ assernbled , by permissions ^ including laUie ^ and visite Several hundreds ^ who were divided into sections and ^ p portions not shown to ordinary visitors . The White Tower > wi ^ the chapel ( said to & the n ^ specimen of Korman architecture in the country ) , and the Ooui ^ U Chah ^ chapel- ^ h ^ s for m $ tate papers , aj ^ d the walls and pillars wrere so blocked up with presses as to be qiiite obscured from all examination * We " are glady however , tp be enabled to state that these unseemlv obstructions have bee the the
$ ie huil 3 lng rendered a ^^ sihle to inspection of antiquary < ^ 6 interesting a structure should he restored , and in future treated with thes respect due to a consecrated buil & n ^ ^ ^ ^^ Council Chamber adjoins , and form nmnicatipn with the ehapel . This chamber may be termed the nipst historical room m Britain , fo inpst atrocious aet & determihecl on which the history of the country- records . Tcv this cliamfe
for naany years , and at tins nipnient it is fin ^ bther ^ containing cavalry swords . Its dimehsiPns are very la ^ ge , and the roof , which is of rough dak timber , supported by roughly-hewn pillars of the same wood , is very lofty , ^^ ether this massive timber-work is original , is doubtful , albeit its antiquity cannot be disputed . A heavy arcade , behind which is a passage , runs along one side of the room . Tapestry was over the face of the arches , and the passage used by guards and attendants .
The armouries , the Beauchamp and Wakefield towers , the walls , batteries , and regalia , were severally visited by the society , and the proceedings closed by a visit to the church , where the Bev . Mr . Boutell delivered an interesting address upon the historical events conected with that building . The company were generally much pl ^ a ^ ed with their day's amusement , and appeared to feel that they were much indebted for it to the zeal and energy of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Association , through whom the authorities had most kindly thrown open this venerable fortress for their inspection .
Summary Of News For July.
THE COURT , In connection with the court , the first thing we have this month to notice is an order in council , altering the style and title of Prince Albert , who is henceforward , in all legal instruments , to be designated the Prince Consort . On the 25 th of June , the Archduke Maximilian took his leave , on his return home ; and on the 2 # th , the Queen , the Prince Consort , Prince Frederick William of Prussia , with the elder members of the royal family , started for Wbrsley Hall , on a visit to the Earl and Countess of BUesmere , in order to visit the Manchester Exhibition , and remaineduntil the 2 nd of July .