Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
vision from tilings which are in light to those which are iu shade ; or as the degrees of the purity of the atmosphere from base to its summit . These degrees are determined by distances ; whereas degrees not continuous , but discreet , differ from each other like what is prior and what is posterior ; like cause
and effect , and like that which produces and what is produced . " We might go on for years , with such quotations , as the author wrote no less than fifty volumes , all mystically explaining one and the same subject . The extracts we have iven were first publishedin a
g , very large work , just one hundred and seven years since , but the writer lifted the veil so cautiously , and yetlike all those who have written both esoterically and exoterically—so fully that the interpretation of the middle age allegories are as nothing , taking the author for our guide . Our Woolwich querist must see his
way clear enough , and if he does not let him call to mind the lines from a Masonic song : — " For in heaven there's a lodge And St . Peter keeps the key But none shall enter there Except they be free . " ]
TWICE MADE . As instances of brethren being twice made are of very rare occurrence , we beg to supply a comparison to that related iu the paper on "Masonic Events during 1 S 64 , " which appeared in last week ' s MAGAZINE . —D . MURRAX LXON . " A 5 th Aril 1821 . —At a monthlmeeting of
yr , p , y Ayr and Eenfrew Militia St . Paul ' s ( No . 203 ) , the Worshipful Treasurer reported that Bro . itobert Bowman , who was waiting his passage to North America , had been regularly made a Master Mason in St . James ' s Lodge , Paisley ; aud in order that he might be certified as a Free and Accepted Mason , and receive the
privileges of the fraternity in any part of the globe where his lot might be cast , he went from this to Paisley , aud applied for his diploma , but , to his astonishment , found the foresaid lodge to have been declared dormant , and was , therefore , under the painful necessity of returning to Ayr without a diploma . The Worshipful Treasurer further stated that Bro . Bowman , fully sensible of the disagreeable predicament in which he is placed in regard to the
Craft , requests liberty to adopt this lodge as his mother lodge , and receive certification accordingly . The lodge having taken this case into their most serioii 3 consideration , appointed the Senior Warden , Secretary , and another brother to wait on Bro . Bowman in the adjacent , and examine him of his
angularity as a Mason , which they did , and reported Bro . Bowman to be a regular Master Mason . The lodge was unanimously of opinion that , in order to preserve the ancient landmarks , Bro . Bowman could only be made an adopted son of this lodge , on condition of being entered , passed , and raised in the
usual form , paying the customary dues , the lodge reserving the power to remit the whole , " or part of the money so paid . Bro . Bowman , having agreed to these terms , was accordingly entered an Apprentice , passed Fellow Craft , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masonpaid all dues ( which the
lodre-, ge mitted ) , aud gave five shillings as a treat to the lodge for refreshment . " —Vide "Lodge Minutes . "—[ Ayr St . Paul was the mother lodge of Burns " "Souter Johnny . " ]
The Masonic Mirror.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
PnoviifciAi , GKAND LODGE or SUFPOIK . —The Right Worshipful Bro . Colonel R . A . S . Adair , Provincial Grand Master . — The annual meeting of this lodge is appointed to be held at the Guildhall , Bury St . Edmunds , on Friday , the 7 th of July , for the transaction of the usual business . Bro . Edward Dorling is the Secretary .
Grand Lodge.
In addition to the matter contained in our report of the meeting of Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication , holden on June 7 th , the following information has been published by Grand Lodge in the official report issued since our last publication . The following are the lists of brethren elected to the Board
of General Purposes , the Colonial Board , and the Committee of Management of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows : — The official report states—This being the usual period for electing the several Boards , and not more than the requisite number having in any case been put in nomination , the following brethren were declared by the Grand Master in the Chair to constitute the respective Boards for the ensuing year , viz .:
—BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . V . W . Bro . John Llewellyn Evans , President . „ yEneas J . Mclntyre . „ William II . White . W . Bro . John S . Pullen . „ George Cox .
„ Stephen Barton Wilson . „ J . Rankin Stebbing . Albert W . Woods . „ Thomas Fenn . „ William Young . „ Joseph Smith .
„ Edward J . Fraser , W . M . 3 . George Powell , W . M . 142 . „ Octavius Hansard , W . M . 197 . Robert Grey , W . M . 222 . Frederick Mead , W . M . 227 . William Henry Warr , W . M . 8 G 2 . Edward Swift StillwellW . M . 917 .
, „ Samuel Leith Tomkins , P . M . 2 . „ John Savage , P . M . 19 . Braokstone Baker , P . M . 21 . „ James Mason , P . M . I'll . Jabez Hogg , P . M . 172 . „ John M . Clabon , P . M . 23 S . Edward Cox , P . M . 657 .
COLONIAL BOARD . W . Bro . John S . S . Hopwood , President . „ Abraham A . Lo A eau . „ Joseph Smith . „ Francis Bennoch , P . M . 1 , Vice-President . Edward J . FraserW . M . 3 .
„ , „ Frederick Adlard , P . M . 7 . „ Charles Lee , P . M . 9 . „ Morris Levinson , P . M . 19 . Jabe- / . Hogg , P . M . 172 . Edward Cox , P . M . 657 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
vision from tilings which are in light to those which are iu shade ; or as the degrees of the purity of the atmosphere from base to its summit . These degrees are determined by distances ; whereas degrees not continuous , but discreet , differ from each other like what is prior and what is posterior ; like cause
and effect , and like that which produces and what is produced . " We might go on for years , with such quotations , as the author wrote no less than fifty volumes , all mystically explaining one and the same subject . The extracts we have iven were first publishedin a
g , very large work , just one hundred and seven years since , but the writer lifted the veil so cautiously , and yetlike all those who have written both esoterically and exoterically—so fully that the interpretation of the middle age allegories are as nothing , taking the author for our guide . Our Woolwich querist must see his
way clear enough , and if he does not let him call to mind the lines from a Masonic song : — " For in heaven there's a lodge And St . Peter keeps the key But none shall enter there Except they be free . " ]
TWICE MADE . As instances of brethren being twice made are of very rare occurrence , we beg to supply a comparison to that related iu the paper on "Masonic Events during 1 S 64 , " which appeared in last week ' s MAGAZINE . —D . MURRAX LXON . " A 5 th Aril 1821 . —At a monthlmeeting of
yr , p , y Ayr and Eenfrew Militia St . Paul ' s ( No . 203 ) , the Worshipful Treasurer reported that Bro . itobert Bowman , who was waiting his passage to North America , had been regularly made a Master Mason in St . James ' s Lodge , Paisley ; aud in order that he might be certified as a Free and Accepted Mason , and receive the
privileges of the fraternity in any part of the globe where his lot might be cast , he went from this to Paisley , aud applied for his diploma , but , to his astonishment , found the foresaid lodge to have been declared dormant , and was , therefore , under the painful necessity of returning to Ayr without a diploma . The Worshipful Treasurer further stated that Bro . Bowman , fully sensible of the disagreeable predicament in which he is placed in regard to the
Craft , requests liberty to adopt this lodge as his mother lodge , and receive certification accordingly . The lodge having taken this case into their most serioii 3 consideration , appointed the Senior Warden , Secretary , and another brother to wait on Bro . Bowman in the adjacent , and examine him of his
angularity as a Mason , which they did , and reported Bro . Bowman to be a regular Master Mason . The lodge was unanimously of opinion that , in order to preserve the ancient landmarks , Bro . Bowman could only be made an adopted son of this lodge , on condition of being entered , passed , and raised in the
usual form , paying the customary dues , the lodge reserving the power to remit the whole , " or part of the money so paid . Bro . Bowman , having agreed to these terms , was accordingly entered an Apprentice , passed Fellow Craft , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masonpaid all dues ( which the
lodre-, ge mitted ) , aud gave five shillings as a treat to the lodge for refreshment . " —Vide "Lodge Minutes . "—[ Ayr St . Paul was the mother lodge of Burns " "Souter Johnny . " ]
The Masonic Mirror.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
PnoviifciAi , GKAND LODGE or SUFPOIK . —The Right Worshipful Bro . Colonel R . A . S . Adair , Provincial Grand Master . — The annual meeting of this lodge is appointed to be held at the Guildhall , Bury St . Edmunds , on Friday , the 7 th of July , for the transaction of the usual business . Bro . Edward Dorling is the Secretary .
Grand Lodge.
In addition to the matter contained in our report of the meeting of Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication , holden on June 7 th , the following information has been published by Grand Lodge in the official report issued since our last publication . The following are the lists of brethren elected to the Board
of General Purposes , the Colonial Board , and the Committee of Management of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows : — The official report states—This being the usual period for electing the several Boards , and not more than the requisite number having in any case been put in nomination , the following brethren were declared by the Grand Master in the Chair to constitute the respective Boards for the ensuing year , viz .:
—BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . V . W . Bro . John Llewellyn Evans , President . „ yEneas J . Mclntyre . „ William II . White . W . Bro . John S . Pullen . „ George Cox .
„ Stephen Barton Wilson . „ J . Rankin Stebbing . Albert W . Woods . „ Thomas Fenn . „ William Young . „ Joseph Smith .
„ Edward J . Fraser , W . M . 3 . George Powell , W . M . 142 . „ Octavius Hansard , W . M . 197 . Robert Grey , W . M . 222 . Frederick Mead , W . M . 227 . William Henry Warr , W . M . 8 G 2 . Edward Swift StillwellW . M . 917 .
, „ Samuel Leith Tomkins , P . M . 2 . „ John Savage , P . M . 19 . Braokstone Baker , P . M . 21 . „ James Mason , P . M . I'll . Jabez Hogg , P . M . 172 . „ John M . Clabon , P . M . 23 S . Edward Cox , P . M . 657 .
COLONIAL BOARD . W . Bro . John S . S . Hopwood , President . „ Abraham A . Lo A eau . „ Joseph Smith . „ Francis Bennoch , P . M . 1 , Vice-President . Edward J . FraserW . M . 3 .
„ , „ Frederick Adlard , P . M . 7 . „ Charles Lee , P . M . 9 . „ Morris Levinson , P . M . 19 . Jabe- / . Hogg , P . M . 172 . Edward Cox , P . M . 657 .