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The Week.
ward to move resolutions against the candidates . Their eloquence was effectually stopped , but the noise and uproar they occasioned made the meeting for a considerable time a scene of confusion . FOEEIGN INTELLIGENCE . —On Friday , the 23 rd ult ., the French Corps Legislatif witnessed the rare occurrence of a Government defeat . Tho carriage tax for 1 S 64 was rejected ;
the article imposing the tax , however , was but weakly supported by the Government , no doubt owing to its comparative unimportance . Althongh drivers in sufficient numbers have been found to take the place of the Paris cabmen who were on strike , it appears that the newly appointed Jehus labour under the disqualification of showing a tendency to smash panels and
splinter carriage polls , arising from the novelty of their occupation . At the meeting of Congress on the 23 rd ult ., Marshall O'Donnell , the new Spanish Prime Minister , announced that as regarded foreign countries the policy of the Administration would be to preserve amicable relations with all foreign powers , and that they had decided on recognising the kingdom
of Italy . At home they would adopt a liberal course . There would be a general amnesty for all offences against the press law ; anew and liberal law for the regulation of the press , and an electoral law diminishing tho qualification of the suffrages , would be immediately brought forward . Other liberal measures are also expected . Tho Moniteur of Monday evening
is careful to announce that the Emperor and the Empress of the French drove on the same day in an open carriage through the Bois do Alnconnes , and were enthusiastically cheered there and on their way thither in the Faubourg St . Antoine , the turbulent seat of old revolution . Correspondents from Italy rejoice in general over the supposed failure of the negociations with Rome . On the other hand a writer of some mark , addressing
from Naples a Paris paper , insists that the negociations have not failed , and that tbe Pope and tbe King are alike pressed by the Emperor of the French to that extent that neither can possibly allow them to fail . A ictor Emmanuel , however , we think , will never attempt to force upon Italy any compromise to which she shows a positive disinclination . The full
programme of tho new Spanish ministry is given in a speech by Marshall O'Donnell addressed to the Congress . Tho policy announced is a highly liberal one . The French Government has received another electoral defeat . At Clermont tho opposition candidate for the Corps Legislatif has been returned b y a majority of nearly 2 , 000 votes over tbe Government nominee .
It is rumoured in Paris that Prince Napoleon is abont entirety to break up his household and retire altogether into private life ; it is thought , however , that the Prince's regard for his Imperial cousin will prevent his pursuing such a course . As was anticipated , the Italian Government has rejected the conditions proposed by the Pope for tbe settlement of tbe question
of the bishops ; and , accordingly Signor A ' egrczzi has had a private audience of bis Holiness in order to take his leave , and his mission is at an end . The news by the AA est India mail is generally favourable as to the growth of the crops in the islands . In Grenada the excessive rains had put a stop to sugar making , and severely interfered with the cotton and cocoa
planters . The difficulties between Spain and Chili were still unsettled . In Peru the revolutionary party continued to show a bold front , and General Pi-ado was advancing on Lima , and as the Government forces were marching to meet him a battle was expected , which would in all probability decide the contest . The defeat of the Government candidate at Clermont . Ferrand
is regarded in Paris as an event of unusual significance . Two years ago the Duke de Moray was elected for this constituency by a majority so overwhelming that it left the minority really
The Week.
not worth counting or considering . Now , after every possible effort made by the authorities to secure the return of the Government candidate , thtt personage has been defeated by a majority of nearly 2 , 000 . Something like a reconciliation was the result of the interview between the Emperor and Prince Napoleon . The latter intends to pay a visit to the
Dublin Exhibition , and to spend some days in surveying some of the most attractive points of the scenery surrounding the Irish capital . Prince Napoleon visited Ireland some years ago , and there is a joke still in preservation there a propos of the visit . The story goes that the mayor of a certain Munster city , anxious to display bis accomplishments before his fellow
citizens , waited with a deputation on the Prince and delivered an address of welcome in carefully studied French . To his horror tbe Prince , replying in the most fluent and idiomatic English , expressed bis great regret that ignorance of the Irish language prevented him from being able to appreciate the no doubt flattering and kindly sentiments which had just been expressed by
the chief magistrate . Signor A egezzi has returned to Florence after his bootless Roman mission . AMERICA . —The arrival of the Persia put 3 us in possession of intelligence from New York to the 14 th inst . The amount of suffering in the South , from destitution and other causes , is represented to be most deplorable . At Chattanooga , great destruction of Government property had occurred , being , as
was believed , the work of an incendiary . Proceedings , xireliminary , are still going on iu reference to the prosecution o Generals Lee and Longstreet , and other Confederates . Terrible scenes of violence and outrage are frequent from the hospitality to the freed negroes , even ill the City of Washington itself , Gold was quoted 142 J ; exchange on London , 156 J .
Three steamers arrived on Tuesday from New York , by which -we have intelligence from that city to the 17 tU instant . General Lee and Mr . Stephens are said to have applied to President Johnson for a special pardon . John Mitchell , who was once tried in Ireland for sedition , is now to be tried in tbe land of his adoption
for treason , on which charge he has been arrested and committed to prison . The difficulty in which the AA ashington Government finds itself involved through the altered legal position of tho negro is increasing . He was ever the irrepressible element in the state while in his condition of forced servitude ; now he is more so than ever . A mutiny had
broken out amongst a body of coloured troops who were embarked for Texas . They refused to proceed to their destination , and threatened to shoot their officers . Ultimately they were landed , disarmed , and re-shipped . Gold was quoted 145 § -. Exchange on London , 15 SJ-. The AA est India and Pacific mails arrived on AVednesday . The news from South America is of the usual character—war and revolution in almost every State .
To Correspondents.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C J , B . —Your letter will receive attention in our next . S . J . —Your view is correct . Consult tbe " Book of Constitutions , " and refer the dissentient brethren to what is therein said upon the points raised . J . AV . —Yes ; the reports will be received and inserted .
J . D . —Your article—" Freemasonry in Poland "—shall appear next week . J . R . S . —You may have hoard so ; but it is entirely false , as you will see by this issue .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
ward to move resolutions against the candidates . Their eloquence was effectually stopped , but the noise and uproar they occasioned made the meeting for a considerable time a scene of confusion . FOEEIGN INTELLIGENCE . —On Friday , the 23 rd ult ., the French Corps Legislatif witnessed the rare occurrence of a Government defeat . Tho carriage tax for 1 S 64 was rejected ;
the article imposing the tax , however , was but weakly supported by the Government , no doubt owing to its comparative unimportance . Althongh drivers in sufficient numbers have been found to take the place of the Paris cabmen who were on strike , it appears that the newly appointed Jehus labour under the disqualification of showing a tendency to smash panels and
splinter carriage polls , arising from the novelty of their occupation . At the meeting of Congress on the 23 rd ult ., Marshall O'Donnell , the new Spanish Prime Minister , announced that as regarded foreign countries the policy of the Administration would be to preserve amicable relations with all foreign powers , and that they had decided on recognising the kingdom
of Italy . At home they would adopt a liberal course . There would be a general amnesty for all offences against the press law ; anew and liberal law for the regulation of the press , and an electoral law diminishing tho qualification of the suffrages , would be immediately brought forward . Other liberal measures are also expected . Tho Moniteur of Monday evening
is careful to announce that the Emperor and the Empress of the French drove on the same day in an open carriage through the Bois do Alnconnes , and were enthusiastically cheered there and on their way thither in the Faubourg St . Antoine , the turbulent seat of old revolution . Correspondents from Italy rejoice in general over the supposed failure of the negociations with Rome . On the other hand a writer of some mark , addressing
from Naples a Paris paper , insists that the negociations have not failed , and that tbe Pope and tbe King are alike pressed by the Emperor of the French to that extent that neither can possibly allow them to fail . A ictor Emmanuel , however , we think , will never attempt to force upon Italy any compromise to which she shows a positive disinclination . The full
programme of tho new Spanish ministry is given in a speech by Marshall O'Donnell addressed to the Congress . Tho policy announced is a highly liberal one . The French Government has received another electoral defeat . At Clermont tho opposition candidate for the Corps Legislatif has been returned b y a majority of nearly 2 , 000 votes over tbe Government nominee .
It is rumoured in Paris that Prince Napoleon is abont entirety to break up his household and retire altogether into private life ; it is thought , however , that the Prince's regard for his Imperial cousin will prevent his pursuing such a course . As was anticipated , the Italian Government has rejected the conditions proposed by the Pope for tbe settlement of tbe question
of the bishops ; and , accordingly Signor A ' egrczzi has had a private audience of bis Holiness in order to take his leave , and his mission is at an end . The news by the AA est India mail is generally favourable as to the growth of the crops in the islands . In Grenada the excessive rains had put a stop to sugar making , and severely interfered with the cotton and cocoa
planters . The difficulties between Spain and Chili were still unsettled . In Peru the revolutionary party continued to show a bold front , and General Pi-ado was advancing on Lima , and as the Government forces were marching to meet him a battle was expected , which would in all probability decide the contest . The defeat of the Government candidate at Clermont . Ferrand
is regarded in Paris as an event of unusual significance . Two years ago the Duke de Moray was elected for this constituency by a majority so overwhelming that it left the minority really
The Week.
not worth counting or considering . Now , after every possible effort made by the authorities to secure the return of the Government candidate , thtt personage has been defeated by a majority of nearly 2 , 000 . Something like a reconciliation was the result of the interview between the Emperor and Prince Napoleon . The latter intends to pay a visit to the
Dublin Exhibition , and to spend some days in surveying some of the most attractive points of the scenery surrounding the Irish capital . Prince Napoleon visited Ireland some years ago , and there is a joke still in preservation there a propos of the visit . The story goes that the mayor of a certain Munster city , anxious to display bis accomplishments before his fellow
citizens , waited with a deputation on the Prince and delivered an address of welcome in carefully studied French . To his horror tbe Prince , replying in the most fluent and idiomatic English , expressed bis great regret that ignorance of the Irish language prevented him from being able to appreciate the no doubt flattering and kindly sentiments which had just been expressed by
the chief magistrate . Signor A egezzi has returned to Florence after his bootless Roman mission . AMERICA . —The arrival of the Persia put 3 us in possession of intelligence from New York to the 14 th inst . The amount of suffering in the South , from destitution and other causes , is represented to be most deplorable . At Chattanooga , great destruction of Government property had occurred , being , as
was believed , the work of an incendiary . Proceedings , xireliminary , are still going on iu reference to the prosecution o Generals Lee and Longstreet , and other Confederates . Terrible scenes of violence and outrage are frequent from the hospitality to the freed negroes , even ill the City of Washington itself , Gold was quoted 142 J ; exchange on London , 156 J .
Three steamers arrived on Tuesday from New York , by which -we have intelligence from that city to the 17 tU instant . General Lee and Mr . Stephens are said to have applied to President Johnson for a special pardon . John Mitchell , who was once tried in Ireland for sedition , is now to be tried in tbe land of his adoption
for treason , on which charge he has been arrested and committed to prison . The difficulty in which the AA ashington Government finds itself involved through the altered legal position of tho negro is increasing . He was ever the irrepressible element in the state while in his condition of forced servitude ; now he is more so than ever . A mutiny had
broken out amongst a body of coloured troops who were embarked for Texas . They refused to proceed to their destination , and threatened to shoot their officers . Ultimately they were landed , disarmed , and re-shipped . Gold was quoted 145 § -. Exchange on London , 15 SJ-. The AA est India and Pacific mails arrived on AVednesday . The news from South America is of the usual character—war and revolution in almost every State .
To Correspondents.
* # * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , AV . C J , B . —Your letter will receive attention in our next . S . J . —Your view is correct . Consult tbe " Book of Constitutions , " and refer the dissentient brethren to what is therein said upon the points raised . J . AV . —Yes ; the reports will be received and inserted .
J . D . —Your article—" Freemasonry in Poland "—shall appear next week . J . R . S . —You may have hoard so ; but it is entirely false , as you will see by this issue .