Article ADDRESS TO OUR READERS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Address To Our Readers.
In addressing a few words to our Readers , as , " according to ancient custom , " lias been done on the- occasion of the completion of each succeeding half-yearly volume of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR , we feel it to be a pleasurable duty upon the present occasion—the completion of the thirteenth volume , arid at the termination of our labours for the year 1865—to record our satisfaction at the * increased- support accorded to us in our endeavours to advance the FREEMASONS '
MAGAZINE in such a manner as to be most useful to our subscribers and friends , and the fair and open channel of intercommunication amongst Freemasons in every part of the world , and , as far as possible , a faithful record of the proceedings of various Masonic bodies within Great Britain and her Colonies and Dependencies . For the additional support received from new " subscribers in vaiious parts o £ the world , and for the increased and still increasing aid afforded by old friends , contributors , and
subscribers , we are grateful , and trust that the marked improvements effected in the Magazine during the last few months , for which we have received so many congratulations and complimentary communications , will be still further developed , as it is our intention they shall be henceforward so as to justify
the kindly-expressed compliments and well-intentioned praises of our friends . One thing at least we can promise them—that nothing shall be wanting on our part to extend still more widely the sphere of its usefulness , and make THE FREEMASONS" MAGAZINE all that its best friends and well-wishers can desire . We have during the year received increased support from both lodges and individual members of the Craft , and so added to our means of doing better ; and we have received an increased number of
reports of lodge meetings , and other contributions to the general stock of knowledge of Masonic progress throughout the world . We have been enabled by the support thus , and in various ways , brought in aid of our purpose , to give each week a considerably larger quantity of original matter , and have translated from the French , German , Italian , and Spanish many original articles , and very much , that has proved of interest to our English readers ; and as it is therefore by these means we have been
enabled to do so much dining the last few months , we say to our friends—whilst thanking them again most sincerely for past favours—continue to use your influence in our behalf , and , by every means which we may fairly invite ] you to exercise , to ] aid us in advocating the good cause , and we will in return continue to perform our part to the utmost of our zeal and ability .
Upon the present occasion , beyond a passing allusion to one topic outside of Freemasonry—the happy termination of the sad fratricidal warfare which so long ravaged the Continent of "North America—for which we all as Freemasons are truly rejoiced—we shall confine our observations to Masonic events , and topics connected more immediately therewith ; although we do not purpose to do more than treat of them very briefly , for the pages of the FREEMASONS" MAGAZINE , more particularly
during the past six months , are the best possible medium through which all that relates to Masonry may be studied . ! The United Grand Lodge of England , at the Quarterly Communication on the 6 th December , unanimousl y re-elected the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., & c , as the Grand Master for another year , this being the twenty-second time our most worthy brother has been called to presick
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Address To Our Readers.
In addressing a few words to our Readers , as , " according to ancient custom , " lias been done on the- occasion of the completion of each succeeding half-yearly volume of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR , we feel it to be a pleasurable duty upon the present occasion—the completion of the thirteenth volume , arid at the termination of our labours for the year 1865—to record our satisfaction at the * increased- support accorded to us in our endeavours to advance the FREEMASONS '
MAGAZINE in such a manner as to be most useful to our subscribers and friends , and the fair and open channel of intercommunication amongst Freemasons in every part of the world , and , as far as possible , a faithful record of the proceedings of various Masonic bodies within Great Britain and her Colonies and Dependencies . For the additional support received from new " subscribers in vaiious parts o £ the world , and for the increased and still increasing aid afforded by old friends , contributors , and
subscribers , we are grateful , and trust that the marked improvements effected in the Magazine during the last few months , for which we have received so many congratulations and complimentary communications , will be still further developed , as it is our intention they shall be henceforward so as to justify
the kindly-expressed compliments and well-intentioned praises of our friends . One thing at least we can promise them—that nothing shall be wanting on our part to extend still more widely the sphere of its usefulness , and make THE FREEMASONS" MAGAZINE all that its best friends and well-wishers can desire . We have during the year received increased support from both lodges and individual members of the Craft , and so added to our means of doing better ; and we have received an increased number of
reports of lodge meetings , and other contributions to the general stock of knowledge of Masonic progress throughout the world . We have been enabled by the support thus , and in various ways , brought in aid of our purpose , to give each week a considerably larger quantity of original matter , and have translated from the French , German , Italian , and Spanish many original articles , and very much , that has proved of interest to our English readers ; and as it is therefore by these means we have been
enabled to do so much dining the last few months , we say to our friends—whilst thanking them again most sincerely for past favours—continue to use your influence in our behalf , and , by every means which we may fairly invite ] you to exercise , to ] aid us in advocating the good cause , and we will in return continue to perform our part to the utmost of our zeal and ability .
Upon the present occasion , beyond a passing allusion to one topic outside of Freemasonry—the happy termination of the sad fratricidal warfare which so long ravaged the Continent of "North America—for which we all as Freemasons are truly rejoiced—we shall confine our observations to Masonic events , and topics connected more immediately therewith ; although we do not purpose to do more than treat of them very briefly , for the pages of the FREEMASONS" MAGAZINE , more particularly
during the past six months , are the best possible medium through which all that relates to Masonry may be studied . ! The United Grand Lodge of England , at the Quarterly Communication on the 6 th December , unanimousl y re-elected the Right Honourable the Earl of Zetland , K . T ., & c , as the Grand Master for another year , this being the twenty-second time our most worthy brother has been called to presick