Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 3 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1
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Grand Lodge.
31 . Messrs . Shrewsbury & Co ., One Quarters' Rent Freemasons' Tavern to Christmas , 1864 ... £ 200 0 0 Deduct Property Tax 5 0 0 195 0 0 „ Sale of "Books of Constitutions " during the Quarter 6111 3 „ Contributions of Lodges to Date ... 2 , 036 13 0
£ g 977 23 0 FUND OF GENERAL PURPOSES . ' Cr . 1865 . £ s . d .
Jan . 4 . By Mr . Thomas Rider , Builder , on account of work done 1 , 000 0 0 5 . Brother Frederick P . Cockcrell , Grand Superintendent of Works , Commission on £ 2 , 000 paid to Mr . Thomas Rider , Builder 100 0 0 16 . Mr . Carter , Expenses at Portland in selecting Stone for the New
Buildings 30 17 3 17 . Mr . George Dudley , Ten AVeeks ' Salary as Clerk of the AVorks 31 10 0 21 . Messrs . Norris and Son , for Printing , One Quarter 48 17 0 2 . 6 . Messrs . AVarrington and Co ., for Parchment , and Printing CertificatesOne Year 250 0 0
, 27 . Mr . AA . Brooks , for framing Four Votes of Thanks 4 0 0 „ Mr . A . AV . Mills , for writing AA arrants , & c 32 5 0 31 . Messrs . Holland and Son , for Fittings in Temple , One Year 12 0 „ Messrs . Rowsell and Co ., for
Stationcry and Books 2114 0 Feb . 10 . Messrs . Shrewsbury mid Co ., for excess of Gas used in the progress of the New AVorks 17 8 3 20 . Brother It . P . Harding , for Auditing Grand Lodge Accounts for the . yearlS 64 21 0 0 Messrs . Parkinson and Co . for AA ax
„ , Lights , & e 1111 0 24 . Gas , One Quarter to Christmas , 1 SG 4 4 11 0 „ Mr . Thomas Eider , Builder , on Account of work done 1 , 500 0 0 27 . Messrs . Gray and Davidson , tuning Organ , One Year , 1864 10 10 0 28 . AVater Rate , Two Quarters 2 1 0 Mar . 3 . AA estminster Fire Office , Premium
and Duty , One Year 17 11 6 4 . Mrs . Miller , One Quarter's Pension ... 5 0 0 0 . Brother Frederick P . Cockcrell , Grand Superintendent of AVorks , Commission on £ . 1 , 500 paid to Mr . Thomas Rider , Builder 75 0 0 11 . Messrs . AV . II . Burke and Co ., on account of Four Marble Columns and a portion of the Chimney
pieces ... 200 0 0 13 . Mr . Charles J . Shoppee , for Surveying Dilapidations of Premises in Middle Yard G 6 0 14 . Mr . George Dudley , Seven AA eeks ' Salary , as Clerk of the Works ... 22 1 0 25 . Mr . E . A . Mitchener , for Printing ... 2 10 0 28 . Property Tax D , due 20 th September ,
1 S 64 15 3 9 31 . Messrs . Shrewsbury and Co ., for Meeting of Grand Lodge ' 12 12 0 „ Ditto for Cleaning Chandeliers , One Year 6 6 0 „ Royal Freemasons' School for Girls , One Quarter 37 10 0 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys
„ , ditto 37 10 0 „ William Gray Clarke , Grand Secretary , One Quarter's Salary 100 O 0 „ William Henry AVhite , Past Grand Secretary , One Quarter ' s Annuity 100 0 0
Grand Lodge.
„ AA ' m . Farnfield , Assistant Grand Secretary , One Quarter ' s Salary £ 37 10 0 „ Ditto ditto Gratuity ... 37 10 0 75 0 0 „ Henry G . Buss , One Quarter ' s Salary 37 10 0 „ Robert AA ' entworth Little , One Quarter's Salary 27 G' 0
„ Alfred A . Pendlebury , One Quarter's Salary 25 0 0 „ Charles B . Payne , One Quarter ' s Salary 21 0 0 „ Postage 45 9 9 „ Petty Disbursements 7 17 7 3 , 904 0 1 By Balance 5 , 013 12 11 £ S , 977 13 0
PAXMCRE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Loughborough Hotel , Brixton , on the 26 th June , when a considerable number of brethren attended . There were two passings ( Bros . R . W . Huntley and George AAliite ) and three initiations , the candidates being Messrs . II . F . Huntley , Geo . Lilley , and Abel Perrot , the whole of the ceremonies of the evening being ably performed by Bro . Thomas , the W . M .
Presentation jewels were delivered to Bros . Farmer and Stevens , P . M . ' s , in recognition of their services as Treasurer and Secretary . A worthy brother ( Bro . Grant ) having presented the sum of £ 5 to the lodge , a further sum of £ 5 lO . s . was voted , unanimously to enable the lodge to award ten guineas to the building fund of the Boys' School . After the lodge had partaken of refreshmentthe usual Masonic toasts were proposed
, by the W . M ., and in the course of the evening , in allusion to the toast of success to our Masonic Charities , a hope was expressed and warmly cheered , that both the W . M . and Bro . Hodges , P . Prov . G-. Sec . ( one of the Stewards for the Inauguration Festival , and a member of this lodge ) , would be well supported on the occasion of the official opening of the new . Boys' School on the 8 th inst . Among the visitors , wo observed Bros . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Meggie , & c .
BERKS AND BUCKS . AYEESnritY . — Buckingham Lodge ( No . 591 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 20 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aylesbury , when there were present—Bros . Herbert A . P . Cooper , AV . M . ; W . . 1 . Beauehamp , P . M . ; Henry Lovell , S . W . ; J . Williams , Sec ; T . Horwood , S . D . ; J . King , " J . D . ; C . Hooper , I . G . ; G . II . Verney , 413 ; G .
Shrimpton , W . M . 948 ; and other members and visitors . The lodge being opened , and the preliminary business over , Bro . Lovell , W . M . elect , was presented by the AV . M . for the benefit of installation . A board of installed Masters was then formed , consisting of Bros . T . Horwood , J . AA'illiams , H . A . P . Cooper , F . Gotto , P . M . 948 ; G . Shrimpton , W . iM . DIS ; and B . Dixon , AV . M . 840 ; and the ceremony of installation was undertaken by Bro . Gottowho performed it in a most able and efficient
, manner . The brethren below the Chair wore admitted , and saluted the AA . M . iu the various degrees . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . II . A . P . Cooper , P . M . ; AV . II . Baker , S . W . ; J . King , J . W . ; Rev . 0 . J . Grace , Chap . ; J . James , Treas ; J . AVilliams , Sec ; T . Horwood , S . D . ; A . L . Taylor , J . D . ; J . Terry , I . G . ; J . Wall , Tyler . Mr . W . J . Marshall having been duly elected , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the AV . M . in a manner which
, promised well for the future efficient working of the lodge . All business being ended , the lodge was closed in the usual form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment ., and passed a pleasant and agreeable evening , which was greatly enhanced by the singing of some of the musical members and visitors .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
31 . Messrs . Shrewsbury & Co ., One Quarters' Rent Freemasons' Tavern to Christmas , 1864 ... £ 200 0 0 Deduct Property Tax 5 0 0 195 0 0 „ Sale of "Books of Constitutions " during the Quarter 6111 3 „ Contributions of Lodges to Date ... 2 , 036 13 0
£ g 977 23 0 FUND OF GENERAL PURPOSES . ' Cr . 1865 . £ s . d .
Jan . 4 . By Mr . Thomas Rider , Builder , on account of work done 1 , 000 0 0 5 . Brother Frederick P . Cockcrell , Grand Superintendent of Works , Commission on £ 2 , 000 paid to Mr . Thomas Rider , Builder 100 0 0 16 . Mr . Carter , Expenses at Portland in selecting Stone for the New
Buildings 30 17 3 17 . Mr . George Dudley , Ten AVeeks ' Salary as Clerk of the AVorks 31 10 0 21 . Messrs . Norris and Son , for Printing , One Quarter 48 17 0 2 . 6 . Messrs . AVarrington and Co ., for Parchment , and Printing CertificatesOne Year 250 0 0
, 27 . Mr . AA . Brooks , for framing Four Votes of Thanks 4 0 0 „ Mr . A . AV . Mills , for writing AA arrants , & c 32 5 0 31 . Messrs . Holland and Son , for Fittings in Temple , One Year 12 0 „ Messrs . Rowsell and Co ., for
Stationcry and Books 2114 0 Feb . 10 . Messrs . Shrewsbury mid Co ., for excess of Gas used in the progress of the New AVorks 17 8 3 20 . Brother It . P . Harding , for Auditing Grand Lodge Accounts for the . yearlS 64 21 0 0 Messrs . Parkinson and Co . for AA ax
„ , Lights , & e 1111 0 24 . Gas , One Quarter to Christmas , 1 SG 4 4 11 0 „ Mr . Thomas Eider , Builder , on Account of work done 1 , 500 0 0 27 . Messrs . Gray and Davidson , tuning Organ , One Year , 1864 10 10 0 28 . AVater Rate , Two Quarters 2 1 0 Mar . 3 . AA estminster Fire Office , Premium
and Duty , One Year 17 11 6 4 . Mrs . Miller , One Quarter's Pension ... 5 0 0 0 . Brother Frederick P . Cockcrell , Grand Superintendent of AVorks , Commission on £ . 1 , 500 paid to Mr . Thomas Rider , Builder 75 0 0 11 . Messrs . AV . II . Burke and Co ., on account of Four Marble Columns and a portion of the Chimney
pieces ... 200 0 0 13 . Mr . Charles J . Shoppee , for Surveying Dilapidations of Premises in Middle Yard G 6 0 14 . Mr . George Dudley , Seven AA eeks ' Salary , as Clerk of the Works ... 22 1 0 25 . Mr . E . A . Mitchener , for Printing ... 2 10 0 28 . Property Tax D , due 20 th September ,
1 S 64 15 3 9 31 . Messrs . Shrewsbury and Co ., for Meeting of Grand Lodge ' 12 12 0 „ Ditto for Cleaning Chandeliers , One Year 6 6 0 „ Royal Freemasons' School for Girls , One Quarter 37 10 0 Royal Masonic Institution for Boys
„ , ditto 37 10 0 „ William Gray Clarke , Grand Secretary , One Quarter's Salary 100 O 0 „ William Henry AVhite , Past Grand Secretary , One Quarter ' s Annuity 100 0 0
Grand Lodge.
„ AA ' m . Farnfield , Assistant Grand Secretary , One Quarter ' s Salary £ 37 10 0 „ Ditto ditto Gratuity ... 37 10 0 75 0 0 „ Henry G . Buss , One Quarter ' s Salary 37 10 0 „ Robert AA ' entworth Little , One Quarter's Salary 27 G' 0
„ Alfred A . Pendlebury , One Quarter's Salary 25 0 0 „ Charles B . Payne , One Quarter ' s Salary 21 0 0 „ Postage 45 9 9 „ Petty Disbursements 7 17 7 3 , 904 0 1 By Balance 5 , 013 12 11 £ S , 977 13 0
PAXMCRE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) . —A lodge of emergency was held at the Loughborough Hotel , Brixton , on the 26 th June , when a considerable number of brethren attended . There were two passings ( Bros . R . W . Huntley and George AAliite ) and three initiations , the candidates being Messrs . II . F . Huntley , Geo . Lilley , and Abel Perrot , the whole of the ceremonies of the evening being ably performed by Bro . Thomas , the W . M .
Presentation jewels were delivered to Bros . Farmer and Stevens , P . M . ' s , in recognition of their services as Treasurer and Secretary . A worthy brother ( Bro . Grant ) having presented the sum of £ 5 to the lodge , a further sum of £ 5 lO . s . was voted , unanimously to enable the lodge to award ten guineas to the building fund of the Boys' School . After the lodge had partaken of refreshmentthe usual Masonic toasts were proposed
, by the W . M ., and in the course of the evening , in allusion to the toast of success to our Masonic Charities , a hope was expressed and warmly cheered , that both the W . M . and Bro . Hodges , P . Prov . G-. Sec . ( one of the Stewards for the Inauguration Festival , and a member of this lodge ) , would be well supported on the occasion of the official opening of the new . Boys' School on the 8 th inst . Among the visitors , wo observed Bros . Patten , P . G . S . B ., Meggie , & c .
BERKS AND BUCKS . AYEESnritY . — Buckingham Lodge ( No . 591 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 20 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aylesbury , when there were present—Bros . Herbert A . P . Cooper , AV . M . ; W . . 1 . Beauehamp , P . M . ; Henry Lovell , S . W . ; J . Williams , Sec ; T . Horwood , S . D . ; J . King , " J . D . ; C . Hooper , I . G . ; G . II . Verney , 413 ; G .
Shrimpton , W . M . 948 ; and other members and visitors . The lodge being opened , and the preliminary business over , Bro . Lovell , W . M . elect , was presented by the AV . M . for the benefit of installation . A board of installed Masters was then formed , consisting of Bros . T . Horwood , J . AA'illiams , H . A . P . Cooper , F . Gotto , P . M . 948 ; G . Shrimpton , W . iM . DIS ; and B . Dixon , AV . M . 840 ; and the ceremony of installation was undertaken by Bro . Gottowho performed it in a most able and efficient
, manner . The brethren below the Chair wore admitted , and saluted the AA . M . iu the various degrees . The W . M . then invested his officers as follows : —Bros . II . A . P . Cooper , P . M . ; AV . II . Baker , S . W . ; J . King , J . W . ; Rev . 0 . J . Grace , Chap . ; J . James , Treas ; J . AVilliams , Sec ; T . Horwood , S . D . ; A . L . Taylor , J . D . ; J . Terry , I . G . ; J . Wall , Tyler . Mr . W . J . Marshall having been duly elected , was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry by the AV . M . in a manner which
, promised well for the future efficient working of the lodge . All business being ended , the lodge was closed in the usual form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment ., and passed a pleasant and agreeable evening , which was greatly enhanced by the singing of some of the musical members and visitors .