Article CUMBERLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CUMBERLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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INSTALLATION 03 ? THE AV . M ., AND PRESENTATION TO THE P . M . On Tuesday , Juno 20 th , there was a large assemblage of the members of the Sun and Sector Lodge ( No . 962 ) , for the purpose of installing tbe AV . M . for the ensuing year , and appointment of other officers . The brethren assembled at half-past three o'clock , in their lodge-room , at the Green Dragon Hotel ;
AVorkington , when the lodge was opened in solemn form—Bro . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W ., in the chair ; and , after the ancient rites and ceremonies had been gone through , Bro . J . Bamber was duly proclaimed AV . M . of the lodge . The new W . M . having appointed his officers , closed the lodge in the solemn form in which it had been opened and conducted throughout , and which is so well known to all brothers in the Craft . About half-past five o ' clock the brethren sat down to an
excellent dinner , laid in Mrs . Bowman ' s well known manner , and which leflected the greatest credit on that worthy lady . Due justice having been done to the many good things—the blessing having been invoked by Bro . Curwen , S . AV . and P . Chap ., the tables were cleared , and Bro . J . Bamber , AV . M ., assumed the chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and drunk with all the respective honours , until the toast of the evening was introduced—the health of the newly made Past Master , Bro . AV . B . Gibson , P . Prov . J . G-. AV .
The CHAIRMAN , on rising , said ho had much pleasure in bringing the name of such a worthy Mason before them , and he felt it a pleasing task to pay a tribute to such true merit as was concentrated in Bro . Gibson . Ever since the formation of the lodge it had been ruled by one who is acknowledged by all to be high in Masonry—high in the esteem of the private circle in which he moves , and highly appreciated universally both within and without the pale of their honourable fraternity . AVhen
the lodge was first organised it was deemed necessary , for its future prosperity , that some brother of tried and trusty standing should be at its head ; aud this was satisfactorily accomplished by selecting him who had just been made first Past Master of the lodge , and through whose good management and gentlemanly conduct-it had risen to that state of efficiency which justly entitle it to rank amongst the first in the province . Having been so hihlfavoured during the last two yearsand
gy , at no little inconvenience to Bro . Gibson , we feel we cannot allow his great services to pass without a suitable acknowledgment—not as an equivalent for favours conferred , nor as a recompense for all his trouble , but to show that we appreciate him in the highest sense—that his future welfare is our most sincere wish—for we endeavour to bo civil and obliging to all , dutiful where God and nature command us ; but friend to one ,
and that friendship we will keep sacred , as the greatest tie upon earth , and ground it upon the purest principles of piety and virtue . AVe are all under a deep sense of obligation to Bro . Gibson , for his great kindness in imparting that knowledge of which
he is such a proficient master . He has at all times , with the greatest courtesy , and without thought of inconvenience , received the brethren of the Sun and Sector Lodge , and explained their requirements , and made them welcome in that beautiful manner which is characteristic of every good Mason ; because to bo a good Mason is to be a good man—a good Christian , a good father , and a good member of regularly organised society ; and , therefore , in the name of this lodge I now present you ( Bro . Gibson )
with this beautiful Royal Arch jewel [ here the chairman invested Bro . Gibson ] , and may you live long to wear it—long to bo with us at our meetings—long to protect and cherish those nearest and dearest to yon—and long to remember how much you are appreciated by the members of this lodge , who now part with you as their Master with the deepest regret . ( Applause . ) Bro . GIBSON feelinglrespondedHo said ho had always
very y . had much pleasure in coining to AA orkington ; instead of a trouble it had been a pleasure to him , because some of his happiest evenings as a Mason had been spent at AVorkington ( hear , hear ) , and he hoped while he lived to be able to be with them now and again at their meetings and installations . AVith respect to the beautiful jewel with which he had just been invested he thought it was entireluncalled for ( nono ) because he had been
y , , more than full y compensated previously by having been made a life member of the Boys' School in London ; but he nevertheless received it with a degree of pleasure he could not well define , and heartil y thanked them for this great mark of their approval of his services .
Several other toasts and healths were proposed and responded to . The proceedings were harmoniously interspersed with , several songs from Bros . Thompson , Douglas , Bell , Tumolty , and others in an excellent style . The greatest good feeling prevailed , and the company separated at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( AVE 3 T ) . AA AKHINGT 0 N . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 113 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this ancient lodge took place on Monday evening , June 26 th , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankoy-streot . In the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Bro . Gilbert Greenall , MP ., and the indisposition of the S . \ A . Bro . II . B . AVlute , P . M . the chair was occupied bBro . John BowesI . P . M . The
, y , lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot box was then sent round for Mr . David Finney and Mr . George AA oolf , and on its return to the east , it was unanimously in favour in each case . Bro . See . now read a dispensation from the AA . M . the Grand Master , to make Mr . James Johnson a serving brother , the ballot being in his favour . Messrs . Woolf and
Johnson being present , were initiated by Bio . James Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . AV . Richardson having given proof of proficiency in that degree , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the 3 rd degree , the candidate admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a AA' . M ., by Bro . John Bowes , who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner . Bro . Charles Pettitt , M . C ., acted as Deacon throughout the
evening . Before closing the lodge in the 3 rd degree , Bro . Bowes proposed , Bro . AV . Smith , , T . AV „ seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , " That the lodge sincerely condoles and sympathises with Bro . Maxfield , P . M ., in his recent domestic affliction , and that Bro . Sec . be requested to communicate such condolence to Bro . Maxfield . " The lodge was then closed down to the 1 st degree , when the acting AA . M . Bro . Bowes proposed , Bro . AA'bods secondedand it was unanimously resolved" That
, , the members of this lodge having heard with the greatest satis- - faetion that it has pleased the M . W . Gr . M . the Earl of Zetland , to appoint Bro . Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , M . P ., to be Prov . G . M . of AVest Lancashire , beg most respectfully to express to the R . AA . Prov . G-. M . their hearty congratulations on that appointment , and to hope that he may be spared many years in health , strength , and prosperity , to rule over the province , and that
the AV . M . be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to Bro . Sir T . G . Hesketh . " The W . M . next drew attention to the centenary warrant which had been received from the Grand Lodge , and the appointment of a centenary committee to mako the proper arrangements , and the necessity for a new lodge banner , together with other routine business . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshments .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCAKBOEOTJGII . —Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on A \ ednesday evening , June 21 st . Present—Bro . AV . B . Stewart , AV . M , j AA . F . Rooke , AV . Bean , J . F . Spurr , P . M . ' s ; C . E . Lucas , Prov . G . Sec . for Lincolnshire ; Martin , P . M . and Sec ; II . A . AVilliaui . sonS . AV . ; J . HargeavesJ . AV . ; W . PeacockS . D . ; E . Dove
, , , , J . D . ; R . H . Peacock , I . G . ; . 1 . Sanders , Tyler , and several other members of the lodge ; amongst whom wo observed Bro . Dr . Taylor , of Lodge No . 660 , Malton . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been approved and confirmed , Mr . David Fletcher was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was opened iu the second and third degrees , and Bro . J . Raper , after
undergoing a strict examination , was passed to the degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed in usual form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The remainder of the evening was spent in perfect harmony .
IN some couples you may see , by mere inspection , the number of their conflagrations and eruptions , as in A esuvius you can discover his . IT is only the useless , aimless , repining life which is an ignoble one ; a life of occupation and labour i 3 generally one of enjoyment also .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
INSTALLATION 03 ? THE AV . M ., AND PRESENTATION TO THE P . M . On Tuesday , Juno 20 th , there was a large assemblage of the members of the Sun and Sector Lodge ( No . 962 ) , for the purpose of installing tbe AV . M . for the ensuing year , and appointment of other officers . The brethren assembled at half-past three o'clock , in their lodge-room , at the Green Dragon Hotel ;
AVorkington , when the lodge was opened in solemn form—Bro . Davis , P . Prov . S . G . W ., in the chair ; and , after the ancient rites and ceremonies had been gone through , Bro . J . Bamber was duly proclaimed AV . M . of the lodge . The new W . M . having appointed his officers , closed the lodge in the solemn form in which it had been opened and conducted throughout , and which is so well known to all brothers in the Craft . About half-past five o ' clock the brethren sat down to an
excellent dinner , laid in Mrs . Bowman ' s well known manner , and which leflected the greatest credit on that worthy lady . Due justice having been done to the many good things—the blessing having been invoked by Bro . Curwen , S . AV . and P . Chap ., the tables were cleared , and Bro . J . Bamber , AV . M ., assumed the chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and drunk with all the respective honours , until the toast of the evening was introduced—the health of the newly made Past Master , Bro . AV . B . Gibson , P . Prov . J . G-. AV .
The CHAIRMAN , on rising , said ho had much pleasure in bringing the name of such a worthy Mason before them , and he felt it a pleasing task to pay a tribute to such true merit as was concentrated in Bro . Gibson . Ever since the formation of the lodge it had been ruled by one who is acknowledged by all to be high in Masonry—high in the esteem of the private circle in which he moves , and highly appreciated universally both within and without the pale of their honourable fraternity . AVhen
the lodge was first organised it was deemed necessary , for its future prosperity , that some brother of tried and trusty standing should be at its head ; aud this was satisfactorily accomplished by selecting him who had just been made first Past Master of the lodge , and through whose good management and gentlemanly conduct-it had risen to that state of efficiency which justly entitle it to rank amongst the first in the province . Having been so hihlfavoured during the last two yearsand
gy , at no little inconvenience to Bro . Gibson , we feel we cannot allow his great services to pass without a suitable acknowledgment—not as an equivalent for favours conferred , nor as a recompense for all his trouble , but to show that we appreciate him in the highest sense—that his future welfare is our most sincere wish—for we endeavour to bo civil and obliging to all , dutiful where God and nature command us ; but friend to one ,
and that friendship we will keep sacred , as the greatest tie upon earth , and ground it upon the purest principles of piety and virtue . AVe are all under a deep sense of obligation to Bro . Gibson , for his great kindness in imparting that knowledge of which
he is such a proficient master . He has at all times , with the greatest courtesy , and without thought of inconvenience , received the brethren of the Sun and Sector Lodge , and explained their requirements , and made them welcome in that beautiful manner which is characteristic of every good Mason ; because to bo a good Mason is to be a good man—a good Christian , a good father , and a good member of regularly organised society ; and , therefore , in the name of this lodge I now present you ( Bro . Gibson )
with this beautiful Royal Arch jewel [ here the chairman invested Bro . Gibson ] , and may you live long to wear it—long to bo with us at our meetings—long to protect and cherish those nearest and dearest to yon—and long to remember how much you are appreciated by the members of this lodge , who now part with you as their Master with the deepest regret . ( Applause . ) Bro . GIBSON feelinglrespondedHo said ho had always
very y . had much pleasure in coining to AA orkington ; instead of a trouble it had been a pleasure to him , because some of his happiest evenings as a Mason had been spent at AVorkington ( hear , hear ) , and he hoped while he lived to be able to be with them now and again at their meetings and installations . AVith respect to the beautiful jewel with which he had just been invested he thought it was entireluncalled for ( nono ) because he had been
y , , more than full y compensated previously by having been made a life member of the Boys' School in London ; but he nevertheless received it with a degree of pleasure he could not well define , and heartil y thanked them for this great mark of their approval of his services .
Several other toasts and healths were proposed and responded to . The proceedings were harmoniously interspersed with , several songs from Bros . Thompson , Douglas , Bell , Tumolty , and others in an excellent style . The greatest good feeling prevailed , and the company separated at an early hour .
LANCASHIRE ( AVE 3 T ) . AA AKHINGT 0 N . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 113 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this ancient lodge took place on Monday evening , June 26 th , at the Masonic Rooms , Sankoy-streot . In the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . Bro . Gilbert Greenall , MP ., and the indisposition of the S . \ A . Bro . II . B . AVlute , P . M . the chair was occupied bBro . John BowesI . P . M . The
, y , lodge was opened in due form , when the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The ballot box was then sent round for Mr . David Finney and Mr . George AA oolf , and on its return to the east , it was unanimously in favour in each case . Bro . See . now read a dispensation from the AA . M . the Grand Master , to make Mr . James Johnson a serving brother , the ballot being in his favour . Messrs . Woolf and
Johnson being present , were initiated by Bio . James Hamer , P . M ., Prov . G . Treas . The lodge was then opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . AV . Richardson having given proof of proficiency in that degree , was entrusted and retired . The lodge was then opened in the 3 rd degree , the candidate admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a AA' . M ., by Bro . John Bowes , who performed the ceremony in an impressive manner . Bro . Charles Pettitt , M . C ., acted as Deacon throughout the
evening . Before closing the lodge in the 3 rd degree , Bro . Bowes proposed , Bro . AV . Smith , , T . AV „ seconded , and it was unanimously resolved , " That the lodge sincerely condoles and sympathises with Bro . Maxfield , P . M ., in his recent domestic affliction , and that Bro . Sec . be requested to communicate such condolence to Bro . Maxfield . " The lodge was then closed down to the 1 st degree , when the acting AA . M . Bro . Bowes proposed , Bro . AA'bods secondedand it was unanimously resolved" That
, , the members of this lodge having heard with the greatest satis- - faetion that it has pleased the M . W . Gr . M . the Earl of Zetland , to appoint Bro . Sir Thos . G . Hesketh , M . P ., to be Prov . G . M . of AVest Lancashire , beg most respectfully to express to the R . AA . Prov . G-. M . their hearty congratulations on that appointment , and to hope that he may be spared many years in health , strength , and prosperity , to rule over the province , and that
the AV . M . be requested to forward a copy of this resolution to Bro . Sir T . G . Hesketh . " The W . M . next drew attention to the centenary warrant which had been received from the Grand Lodge , and the appointment of a centenary committee to mako the proper arrangements , and the necessity for a new lodge banner , together with other routine business . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshments .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCAKBOEOTJGII . —Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their usual monthly meeting on A \ ednesday evening , June 21 st . Present—Bro . AV . B . Stewart , AV . M , j AA . F . Rooke , AV . Bean , J . F . Spurr , P . M . ' s ; C . E . Lucas , Prov . G . Sec . for Lincolnshire ; Martin , P . M . and Sec ; II . A . AVilliaui . sonS . AV . ; J . HargeavesJ . AV . ; W . PeacockS . D . ; E . Dove
, , , , J . D . ; R . H . Peacock , I . G . ; . 1 . Sanders , Tyler , and several other members of the lodge ; amongst whom wo observed Bro . Dr . Taylor , of Lodge No . 660 , Malton . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been approved and confirmed , Mr . David Fletcher was initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The lodge was opened iu the second and third degrees , and Bro . J . Raper , after
undergoing a strict examination , was passed to the degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed in usual form , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The remainder of the evening was spent in perfect harmony .
IN some couples you may see , by mere inspection , the number of their conflagrations and eruptions , as in A esuvius you can discover his . IT is only the useless , aimless , repining life which is an ignoble one ; a life of occupation and labour i 3 generally one of enjoyment also .