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Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
The Atlienamm charges Mr . E . L . Blanchard with plagiarising in his new book , Dinners and Diners , at Home aud Abroad , and instances one story as having been stolen from Bro . Dr . Doi-an's Pictures and Pannels . An Elementary Treatise on ihe Dynamics of a diigid Body , by E . J . Routh , M . A ., Fellow of St . Peter ' s College , Cambridge , has
just been published . A -new children ' s book is in the press , from the pleasant pen of Miss Meteyard ( Douglas Jen-old's Silver pen ) , entitled Give Bread —Gain Love ; in ivhich , judging by the title of the little volume , and the previous character of this lady ' s writings , we have no doubt that the Masonic virtues of " brotherly love , relief , ancl truth , " will
be inculcated . The annual full dress ball in aid of the funds of the Royal Dramatic College will take place at St . James's Hall , London , on AVednesday , December Jifcli . The Guards' monument in AA aterloo-place has been much and generally ridiculed . The crossed bayonets sculptured on the pedestal have been likened fco skewers , saltier ; and certainly the inscription , " To those who fell by their comrades " is not saying that the monument was erected by these comrades . It just as
much implies that they fell by the hands of their comrades . There should ba no ambiguity in monumental inscriptions , and more than that unnecessary and fulsome verbiage which the Guards have at least had the good taste to avoid . Sir AValter Culverley Trevelyan , Bart ., has given the sum of £ 100 to the Society of Arts , to be awarded as a prize for the best essay on the application of sea-weeds , ancl their products , as food or
medicine , or for dyeing and other manufacturing purposes . The essays , which are to be tho results of original search , must be sent in by December 31 sfc . A memoir on the Chemistry and Physiology of Bone , by M . Alphonse Milne Edwards , has been published in the Annates des Science Naturelles , in whicli he arrives at the following
conclusions : —The osseous substance is the result of the combination of osseine with calcareous salts ; gelatine may form a distinct chemical combination with phosphate of lime ; the carbonate of lime is mainly a product of the decomposition of the phosphate by the liquids of the organism , and is less in proportion in the child than in the adult and aged ; and the influence of diet Is perceptible in the composition of bone . The memoir , whicli occupies ISO pages , explains the mode adopted in experimenting on the bones of men and animals of various ages .
A new comet was discovered last month , by M . Temple , of the Marseilles Observatory . The sixty-second new planet , recently discovered at Berlin , has heen named Erato , after the muse of Love . A new story , by Thomas Adolplius Trollope , entitled Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar , is to appear next month . The third volume of the History of the Life and Times of Edmund
JBtirke , by Thomas Macknight , is on the eve of publication , and will complete the work . A History of England , for the use of schools and young persons , hy A . F . Foster , is in the press . In what it is to differ from the number of similar books ive already possess , wo know not ; fclioii" -h there is certainly an opening for a good little volume which would be a history of the country as well as of its kings ; treating of its commerce and civilization , as well as its turmoils and battles .
The Threshold of Chemistry , by C . W . Heaton , is to appear in a few days . Over the Straits is tho title of a new work just coming out , by Louisa Anne Meredith , authoress of Our Home in Tasmania . A book of fairy tales , entitled Oberon's Horn , by Henry jtforley , illustrated by C . H . Bennett , is in the press . A new novel is announced for immediate publication , under the singular title of The World ' s Furniture . The editor of the Court
Journal lauds " the ingenuity displayed in a point of authorship of no little importance—the selection of a title-page , " ancl " will look forward to a perusal of it with considerable curiosity . " AVe , with our contemporary , like a striking and appropriate title ; indeed the title-page of a book should be a sure index of its general contents , instead of being ( as is the fashion now-a-days ) a " . trap to catch woodcocks . " But , we must confess , we are too obtuse in
intellect to draw the least meaning from the title which our con . temporary considers to display so much ingenuity , and wo fear his and our readers will be in the same predicament . Indeed , he appears puzzled himself , hence his " considerable curiosity . " A new work on Italy , from the pen of Mr . R . Crichton , entitled Six Tears in Italy , is just being published .
Mr . F . 6 . Trafford lias a new novel in the press , under the title of City ancl Suburb . Old Vaiixhall is the title of a romance preparing for publication . A new work on the philosophy of civilisation is to appear In a few days , under the title of The Progress of ' Nations , or the Principles of National Development in their Halations to
Statesmanship ; a very good title , ] were it nofc stolen from that of Porter ' s Progress of the Nation . We hope the anonymous author will prove to be more honest in his book than be has been in its title , or be will be likely to be gibbeted for ever in the press for piracy . Henry Youle Hind , M . A ., F . R . G . S ., Professor of Chemistry and Geology in the University of Trinity College , Toronto , has in the press a Narrative of the Canadian Ped Miner Exploring Expedition of 1857 , and of the Assinnihoine ami Saskatchewan Exploring
Expedition of 1858 . The Assinnibone and Saskatchewan expeditions , it will be remembered , were under Professor Hind ' s own charge . The immense resourses of America—both British and the States —yet to be developed , will give great interest to the forthcoming volumes . AVho can say how soon Freemasonry may number her lodges by hundreds where now no human being has a habitation ?
Our Bro . Sir Archibald Alison , Bart ., D . C . L ., the well-known historian of Europe , has in the press Lives of Lord Casllereagh and Sir Charles Stewart , Second and Third Marquesses of Londonderry , from the original papers of the family , and from other sources . John Tulloch , D . D ., Principal ancl Professor of Theology at Sfc . Mary's College , in the University of St . Andrews , ancl one of Her
Majesty ' s Chaplains in Ordinary in Scotland , has a work preparing for publication on English Puritanism and Us Leaders . Cromwell , Milton , Baxter , ancl Banyan are the four illustrious leaders principally treated of ; men whose names will last as long as the English language . Six Tears of a Traveller's Life in Western Africa , by Francis
A aldez , with numerous illustrations , is just ready for publication . A Christmas story is just out , entitled Twelve o' Clock . A novel is just ready for publication , under the title of Magdalen Havering . Dr . Theodore Edward Canton , a medical officer , who died lately in India , has left upwards of £ 9000 , to be equally divided between AVelllngton College and the Society of Arts . The Guarantee Fund for the International Exhibition amounts
to £ 365 , 800 . A rumour Is afloat that the famous Shakspere ' s Cliff at Dover is to be lowered fifty feet for fortification purposes . AVe hope ifc is a false alarm ; but , if true , woe to the reputation of the " party " who orders the vandalism . Parson Gasti-ell , the destroyer of New Place , will find company in his eternal pillory of infamy . Some of Turner ' s water-colour drawings were sold on Monday
week , when a view of London from Battersea sold for 135 guineas . A book is in the press entitled The Brave Old English Confessors . Nofc only are AA ycliffe , Tyndale , Cranmor , Ridley , Latimer , Bunyaii , ancl Baxter amongst the " Confessors , " but Thomas Ellwood , James Nayler , Andrew Marvcll , and John Locke , are also included . A Treasury of New Favourite Tales for Young People , edited ( and partly written ) by Mary Howitt , is In the press .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
The Atlienamm charges Mr . E . L . Blanchard with plagiarising in his new book , Dinners and Diners , at Home aud Abroad , and instances one story as having been stolen from Bro . Dr . Doi-an's Pictures and Pannels . An Elementary Treatise on ihe Dynamics of a diigid Body , by E . J . Routh , M . A ., Fellow of St . Peter ' s College , Cambridge , has
just been published . A -new children ' s book is in the press , from the pleasant pen of Miss Meteyard ( Douglas Jen-old's Silver pen ) , entitled Give Bread —Gain Love ; in ivhich , judging by the title of the little volume , and the previous character of this lady ' s writings , we have no doubt that the Masonic virtues of " brotherly love , relief , ancl truth , " will
be inculcated . The annual full dress ball in aid of the funds of the Royal Dramatic College will take place at St . James's Hall , London , on AVednesday , December Jifcli . The Guards' monument in AA aterloo-place has been much and generally ridiculed . The crossed bayonets sculptured on the pedestal have been likened fco skewers , saltier ; and certainly the inscription , " To those who fell by their comrades " is not saying that the monument was erected by these comrades . It just as
much implies that they fell by the hands of their comrades . There should ba no ambiguity in monumental inscriptions , and more than that unnecessary and fulsome verbiage which the Guards have at least had the good taste to avoid . Sir AValter Culverley Trevelyan , Bart ., has given the sum of £ 100 to the Society of Arts , to be awarded as a prize for the best essay on the application of sea-weeds , ancl their products , as food or
medicine , or for dyeing and other manufacturing purposes . The essays , which are to be tho results of original search , must be sent in by December 31 sfc . A memoir on the Chemistry and Physiology of Bone , by M . Alphonse Milne Edwards , has been published in the Annates des Science Naturelles , in whicli he arrives at the following
conclusions : —The osseous substance is the result of the combination of osseine with calcareous salts ; gelatine may form a distinct chemical combination with phosphate of lime ; the carbonate of lime is mainly a product of the decomposition of the phosphate by the liquids of the organism , and is less in proportion in the child than in the adult and aged ; and the influence of diet Is perceptible in the composition of bone . The memoir , whicli occupies ISO pages , explains the mode adopted in experimenting on the bones of men and animals of various ages .
A new comet was discovered last month , by M . Temple , of the Marseilles Observatory . The sixty-second new planet , recently discovered at Berlin , has heen named Erato , after the muse of Love . A new story , by Thomas Adolplius Trollope , entitled Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar , is to appear next month . The third volume of the History of the Life and Times of Edmund
JBtirke , by Thomas Macknight , is on the eve of publication , and will complete the work . A History of England , for the use of schools and young persons , hy A . F . Foster , is in the press . In what it is to differ from the number of similar books ive already possess , wo know not ; fclioii" -h there is certainly an opening for a good little volume which would be a history of the country as well as of its kings ; treating of its commerce and civilization , as well as its turmoils and battles .
The Threshold of Chemistry , by C . W . Heaton , is to appear in a few days . Over the Straits is tho title of a new work just coming out , by Louisa Anne Meredith , authoress of Our Home in Tasmania . A book of fairy tales , entitled Oberon's Horn , by Henry jtforley , illustrated by C . H . Bennett , is in the press . A new novel is announced for immediate publication , under the singular title of The World ' s Furniture . The editor of the Court
Journal lauds " the ingenuity displayed in a point of authorship of no little importance—the selection of a title-page , " ancl " will look forward to a perusal of it with considerable curiosity . " AVe , with our contemporary , like a striking and appropriate title ; indeed the title-page of a book should be a sure index of its general contents , instead of being ( as is the fashion now-a-days ) a " . trap to catch woodcocks . " But , we must confess , we are too obtuse in
intellect to draw the least meaning from the title which our con . temporary considers to display so much ingenuity , and wo fear his and our readers will be in the same predicament . Indeed , he appears puzzled himself , hence his " considerable curiosity . " A new work on Italy , from the pen of Mr . R . Crichton , entitled Six Tears in Italy , is just being published .
Mr . F . 6 . Trafford lias a new novel in the press , under the title of City ancl Suburb . Old Vaiixhall is the title of a romance preparing for publication . A new work on the philosophy of civilisation is to appear In a few days , under the title of The Progress of ' Nations , or the Principles of National Development in their Halations to
Statesmanship ; a very good title , ] were it nofc stolen from that of Porter ' s Progress of the Nation . We hope the anonymous author will prove to be more honest in his book than be has been in its title , or be will be likely to be gibbeted for ever in the press for piracy . Henry Youle Hind , M . A ., F . R . G . S ., Professor of Chemistry and Geology in the University of Trinity College , Toronto , has in the press a Narrative of the Canadian Ped Miner Exploring Expedition of 1857 , and of the Assinnihoine ami Saskatchewan Exploring
Expedition of 1858 . The Assinnibone and Saskatchewan expeditions , it will be remembered , were under Professor Hind ' s own charge . The immense resourses of America—both British and the States —yet to be developed , will give great interest to the forthcoming volumes . AVho can say how soon Freemasonry may number her lodges by hundreds where now no human being has a habitation ?
Our Bro . Sir Archibald Alison , Bart ., D . C . L ., the well-known historian of Europe , has in the press Lives of Lord Casllereagh and Sir Charles Stewart , Second and Third Marquesses of Londonderry , from the original papers of the family , and from other sources . John Tulloch , D . D ., Principal ancl Professor of Theology at Sfc . Mary's College , in the University of St . Andrews , ancl one of Her
Majesty ' s Chaplains in Ordinary in Scotland , has a work preparing for publication on English Puritanism and Us Leaders . Cromwell , Milton , Baxter , ancl Banyan are the four illustrious leaders principally treated of ; men whose names will last as long as the English language . Six Tears of a Traveller's Life in Western Africa , by Francis
A aldez , with numerous illustrations , is just ready for publication . A Christmas story is just out , entitled Twelve o' Clock . A novel is just ready for publication , under the title of Magdalen Havering . Dr . Theodore Edward Canton , a medical officer , who died lately in India , has left upwards of £ 9000 , to be equally divided between AVelllngton College and the Society of Arts . The Guarantee Fund for the International Exhibition amounts
to £ 365 , 800 . A rumour Is afloat that the famous Shakspere ' s Cliff at Dover is to be lowered fifty feet for fortification purposes . AVe hope ifc is a false alarm ; but , if true , woe to the reputation of the " party " who orders the vandalism . Parson Gasti-ell , the destroyer of New Place , will find company in his eternal pillory of infamy . Some of Turner ' s water-colour drawings were sold on Monday
week , when a view of London from Battersea sold for 135 guineas . A book is in the press entitled The Brave Old English Confessors . Nofc only are AA ycliffe , Tyndale , Cranmor , Ridley , Latimer , Bunyaii , ancl Baxter amongst the " Confessors , " but Thomas Ellwood , James Nayler , Andrew Marvcll , and John Locke , are also included . A Treasury of New Favourite Tales for Young People , edited ( and partly written ) by Mary Howitt , is In the press .