Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
120 hands , all of whom providentially were rescued , although the estimated loss was £ 150 , 000 . The Road murder case was brought under the notice of the Court of Queen ' s Bench on Saturday , by the Attorney General , who made an application that the inquisition returned by the coroner , as made ou the 2 nd July last , might be quashed , and that a rule be granted for the issuing of a special commission , in the nature of a writ of melius inquirendum , to be directed to special commissioners to be named therein , to proceed
to make , by the examination of witnesses , all such inquiries touching the death of the deceased child as the coroner ought to have made ou the view of tho body of the deceased ; ancl that all the usual and proper directions might be given in that behalf . The learned gentleman pointed out several omissions and irregularities on . the part of the coroner at the inquisition , which , he said , made the inquiry a mere mockery , and concluded hy asking- for a rule absolute . The Court , however , would only grant a rule nisicalling
, on the coroner to show cause why the inquisition should not be quashed , in order to afford him the opportunity of answering the statements which had been made , by some of which his judicial conduct had been called into serious question . -The adjourned coroner ' s investigation into the cause of the accident on the Trent Valley Railway , by whicli so many cattle owners were killed , on the 17 th inst . was resumed on Saturdaybefore Mr . Carterin tlie Corn
, , , Exchange , Atherstone . After a four hours' consultation , the jury returned their verdict to the effect that the deaths were caused by accident , but coupled ivith a censure on several of the officials who had been on duty at tho time , and sundry suggestions to the directors of the railway by which the line , under certain circumstances , might be worked ivith greater safety . Another accident to a cattle train occurred on Saturday nightnear AVatfordon the
, , North AVestern Railway , through the breaking of the engine-axle . Twenty cattle were killed , besides considerable damage to railway property , ancl the stoppage of the traffic for several hours ; but , we are very happy to say , no personal injury was sustained . The sittings of the Central Criminal Court were resumed on Monday , being opened by the Lord Mayor . There are eighty-two cases
on the list for trial , sixty-six males and sixteen females , a less number than usual , and none of them presenting any peculiar feature . Robert Ernest Graham pleaded guilty to a great many charges of stealing watches and articles of jewellery , the property of Mr . Nathan , in whose service he hacl been as clerk . Ifc was calculated that the total value of the property so stolon amounted to nearly £ 2000 . Sentence deferred . —A private in the Royal Artillery , named Edward Collins , pleaded guilty to wilfully setting
fire to a stack of hay . He was sentenced to be kept in penal servitude for ten years . —A young woman named Anna Padfield was indicted for the wilful murder of her illegitimate child . On the 27 th of August the child was last seen alive , at which time the prisoner left the house at Hackney , where she resided , and returned without the child . About three weeks after , the body was found , but much decomposed—so much so , indeed , that It was considered to be a question for the jury whether its identity was established .
After a long investigation a verdict of guilty was returned by the jury , with a strong recommendation to mercy . Sentence of death was then passed upon the prisoner as her shrieks for mercy ran through the court . —In the New Court , Michael Lloyd Hume , a sorter iu the Pimlico branch of the Post-office , was convicted of stealing a money letter , and sentenced to four years' penal servitude . —Application was made to extend the bail till next session for a woman named Elliott , charged with child stealing :, who hacl
absconded . As there was reason to believe she would be apprehended shortly , the extension was granted . —Robert Henry Ashton , a labourer , residing at Lower Norwood , was convicted of a criminal assault on bis daughter , ancl sentenced to penal servitude for life . A woman named Ellen Archer has been charged at Clerkenwell Police-court with bigamy . Defendant is the same person who figured in an action for tho recovery of a diamond ring in one of the courts at Westminster some time agothe
, circumstances attending which excited considerable interest . A \ ith regard to the first marriage it Is alleged that the man had embarked for Australia , but the ship putting back through stress of weather he met with and married the prisoner . Once more embarked on his voyage , accompanied this time by bis partner , the ship had again to put into a port , where the new wife eloped with another man , the forsaken husband proceeding
to Australia alone . After this , one morning early , she encountered Mr . Archer in the Ilnyiimrket , ancl subsequently they were married . She was committed for trial . A photographic artist having premises in the City appeared before the Police Committee last week , Alderman AVilson and Salomons sitting in petty sessions , charged with carrying on bis ordinary business on Sunday . Evidence for the prosecution was obtained b y the police to ascertain what was going on . A penalty of Is . and costs was inflicted by the magistrates , while at the same time their worships repudiated the right of the police to take the
measures they had for procuring evidence in this case . The aggregate n umber of patients relieved at the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Deyonshire-square , City , during the week ending Nov . 24 th , was : —Medical , 1238 ; surgical , 552 ; total , 1790 ; of which 513 ivere new cases .
FOREION INTELLIGENCE . —A letter from Paris , contained in the Cologne Gazette , states that a complete understanding exists between France and England based on Lord J . Russell's note of the 27 th of October , and that this agreement will be exhibited by the nomination of Ambassadors Extraordinary to Victor Emmanuel ' s Court as soon as tlie new kingdom is proclaimed . France also will work with England in bringing about a diplomatic arrangement respecting A enetia . Victor Emmanuel has by this time most
probably sailed from Naples for Palermo / General Pinelli has succeeded in pacifying the district round Avezzano , and tranquillity has been restored throughout the kingdom . There is nothing new from Gaeta . If the King has not left , he is daily expected to do so , and , with this result in view , the besiegers are not likely to push matters to extremity . Tlie uneasy state of affairs in Hungary is continually made apparent by the alacrity with which the peopie seize
on any occasion to show their yearning for nationality ancl their antagonism to Austrian rule . An instance occurred on the 26 th ult . Count Caroly ivas passing through Debrecsin , ancl immediately a torchlight procession , accompanied by bands of music , was formed in his honour , ancl in the excitement some disturbances arose , and the military interfered , ancl some twenty or thirty persons were arrested . ——In Rome there is much political strife and dissension .
The majority of the Cardinals are opposed to the policy of Cardinal Antonelli , and dissension is asserted to exist between the Cardinal and M . de Merode . It is said to be the general conviction at Rome that the Pope will remain some time without temporal power . The announcement that Sardinian custom-houses will be established round Rome on the 1 st December has had the effect of raising the price of all merchandise . That liberal ideas are rapidly
gaining ground in Prussia is evidenced from the circumstance that the elections for the municipal council of Berlin have just resulted in the choice , by large majorities , of all the more advanced candidates . The Government , also , alarmed at the opposition threatened in the approaching session , have adopted several conciliatory measures with the view of averting it . ——The Official Gazette of Venice contains a decree commanding all fathers of families to recall their sons from abroad , even if absent for their education , and subjecting the parents who shall persist hi leaving their children in foreign countries to a fine of from twenty to 200 florins . So great is the scarcity of specie in Austria , ancl so low the resources
of the Treasury , that a decree has been issued for creating notes for the low sum of ten kreutzers , a sum somewhat less than a halfpenny . According to all accounts , the preparations of Austria in A enctia are of the most formidable nature . Besides an immense artillery of rifled cannon , she has a force of 130 , 000 men , divided into four corps , which are placed on the most favourable strategic points in Upper Italy , besides another army of 150 , 000 men stationed Iu an extended line along the Adriatic . In all , Austria has
for the defence of Upper Italy and the Adriatic an army of 300 , 000 men . From Spain we learn that the marriage of the Infante Don Sebastian and the Infanta Donna Christina wascelebrated with much pomp in the Royal Palace , in presence of the Queen and King . On Saturday the Paris Monilei' . r published the resignation of M . Fould , and tho appointment of Count AValewski as Minister of State in his place ; and on Monday the same journal contained a decree making several alterations in the constitution of the Senate
and Legislative Body , with the view of affording ( so runs the decree ) to those bodies more direct participation in the general policy of the Government . Count Persigny is to be Minister of the Interior ; M . Billault and M . Magne , ministers without portfolios ; M . Forcade Laroquettc , Minister of Finance ; ancl M . Benedetto , Councillor of State for Extraordinary Service . Count Flahaut has been appointed ambassador to the Court of St . James's . The Emperor visited the Grand Opera on Monday eveningand experienced a most
enthu-, siastic [ reception , which is attributed in the French papers to the satisfaction of the public at the alterations in the Government and policy of the Emperor . ——In a seminary at Parma a few days ago , the dormitory having been newly-whitewashed , a stove was lighted in the apartment for the purpose of drying it . At night its occupants , 10 in number , retired to rest , and in the morning the whole of the unfortunate pupils were found suffocated .
CHINA . —The news from China Is highly important , and would bo as satisfactory as important were it not clashed with the misfortune that several of our countrymen have been taken prisoners by the Chinese while engaged in choosing camping ground , vix . -. — Mr . Parkes , Mr . Loch , secretary to Lord Elgin ; Messrs . De Norman and Anderson , of Fane ' s Horse ; Captain Brabazon , and Mr . Boulby , the Times correspondent . As Lord Elgin has refused to treat with the Chinese till the prisoners are released , we hope their captivity will be of short duration . The satisfactory portion of the intelli-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
120 hands , all of whom providentially were rescued , although the estimated loss was £ 150 , 000 . The Road murder case was brought under the notice of the Court of Queen ' s Bench on Saturday , by the Attorney General , who made an application that the inquisition returned by the coroner , as made ou the 2 nd July last , might be quashed , and that a rule be granted for the issuing of a special commission , in the nature of a writ of melius inquirendum , to be directed to special commissioners to be named therein , to proceed
to make , by the examination of witnesses , all such inquiries touching the death of the deceased child as the coroner ought to have made ou the view of tho body of the deceased ; ancl that all the usual and proper directions might be given in that behalf . The learned gentleman pointed out several omissions and irregularities on . the part of the coroner at the inquisition , which , he said , made the inquiry a mere mockery , and concluded hy asking- for a rule absolute . The Court , however , would only grant a rule nisicalling
, on the coroner to show cause why the inquisition should not be quashed , in order to afford him the opportunity of answering the statements which had been made , by some of which his judicial conduct had been called into serious question . -The adjourned coroner ' s investigation into the cause of the accident on the Trent Valley Railway , by whicli so many cattle owners were killed , on the 17 th inst . was resumed on Saturdaybefore Mr . Carterin tlie Corn
, , , Exchange , Atherstone . After a four hours' consultation , the jury returned their verdict to the effect that the deaths were caused by accident , but coupled ivith a censure on several of the officials who had been on duty at tho time , and sundry suggestions to the directors of the railway by which the line , under certain circumstances , might be worked ivith greater safety . Another accident to a cattle train occurred on Saturday nightnear AVatfordon the
, , North AVestern Railway , through the breaking of the engine-axle . Twenty cattle were killed , besides considerable damage to railway property , ancl the stoppage of the traffic for several hours ; but , we are very happy to say , no personal injury was sustained . The sittings of the Central Criminal Court were resumed on Monday , being opened by the Lord Mayor . There are eighty-two cases
on the list for trial , sixty-six males and sixteen females , a less number than usual , and none of them presenting any peculiar feature . Robert Ernest Graham pleaded guilty to a great many charges of stealing watches and articles of jewellery , the property of Mr . Nathan , in whose service he hacl been as clerk . Ifc was calculated that the total value of the property so stolon amounted to nearly £ 2000 . Sentence deferred . —A private in the Royal Artillery , named Edward Collins , pleaded guilty to wilfully setting
fire to a stack of hay . He was sentenced to be kept in penal servitude for ten years . —A young woman named Anna Padfield was indicted for the wilful murder of her illegitimate child . On the 27 th of August the child was last seen alive , at which time the prisoner left the house at Hackney , where she resided , and returned without the child . About three weeks after , the body was found , but much decomposed—so much so , indeed , that It was considered to be a question for the jury whether its identity was established .
After a long investigation a verdict of guilty was returned by the jury , with a strong recommendation to mercy . Sentence of death was then passed upon the prisoner as her shrieks for mercy ran through the court . —In the New Court , Michael Lloyd Hume , a sorter iu the Pimlico branch of the Post-office , was convicted of stealing a money letter , and sentenced to four years' penal servitude . —Application was made to extend the bail till next session for a woman named Elliott , charged with child stealing :, who hacl
absconded . As there was reason to believe she would be apprehended shortly , the extension was granted . —Robert Henry Ashton , a labourer , residing at Lower Norwood , was convicted of a criminal assault on bis daughter , ancl sentenced to penal servitude for life . A woman named Ellen Archer has been charged at Clerkenwell Police-court with bigamy . Defendant is the same person who figured in an action for tho recovery of a diamond ring in one of the courts at Westminster some time agothe
, circumstances attending which excited considerable interest . A \ ith regard to the first marriage it Is alleged that the man had embarked for Australia , but the ship putting back through stress of weather he met with and married the prisoner . Once more embarked on his voyage , accompanied this time by bis partner , the ship had again to put into a port , where the new wife eloped with another man , the forsaken husband proceeding
to Australia alone . After this , one morning early , she encountered Mr . Archer in the Ilnyiimrket , ancl subsequently they were married . She was committed for trial . A photographic artist having premises in the City appeared before the Police Committee last week , Alderman AVilson and Salomons sitting in petty sessions , charged with carrying on bis ordinary business on Sunday . Evidence for the prosecution was obtained b y the police to ascertain what was going on . A penalty of Is . and costs was inflicted by the magistrates , while at the same time their worships repudiated the right of the police to take the
measures they had for procuring evidence in this case . The aggregate n umber of patients relieved at the Metropolitan Free Hospital , Deyonshire-square , City , during the week ending Nov . 24 th , was : —Medical , 1238 ; surgical , 552 ; total , 1790 ; of which 513 ivere new cases .
FOREION INTELLIGENCE . —A letter from Paris , contained in the Cologne Gazette , states that a complete understanding exists between France and England based on Lord J . Russell's note of the 27 th of October , and that this agreement will be exhibited by the nomination of Ambassadors Extraordinary to Victor Emmanuel ' s Court as soon as tlie new kingdom is proclaimed . France also will work with England in bringing about a diplomatic arrangement respecting A enetia . Victor Emmanuel has by this time most
probably sailed from Naples for Palermo / General Pinelli has succeeded in pacifying the district round Avezzano , and tranquillity has been restored throughout the kingdom . There is nothing new from Gaeta . If the King has not left , he is daily expected to do so , and , with this result in view , the besiegers are not likely to push matters to extremity . Tlie uneasy state of affairs in Hungary is continually made apparent by the alacrity with which the peopie seize
on any occasion to show their yearning for nationality ancl their antagonism to Austrian rule . An instance occurred on the 26 th ult . Count Caroly ivas passing through Debrecsin , ancl immediately a torchlight procession , accompanied by bands of music , was formed in his honour , ancl in the excitement some disturbances arose , and the military interfered , ancl some twenty or thirty persons were arrested . ——In Rome there is much political strife and dissension .
The majority of the Cardinals are opposed to the policy of Cardinal Antonelli , and dissension is asserted to exist between the Cardinal and M . de Merode . It is said to be the general conviction at Rome that the Pope will remain some time without temporal power . The announcement that Sardinian custom-houses will be established round Rome on the 1 st December has had the effect of raising the price of all merchandise . That liberal ideas are rapidly
gaining ground in Prussia is evidenced from the circumstance that the elections for the municipal council of Berlin have just resulted in the choice , by large majorities , of all the more advanced candidates . The Government , also , alarmed at the opposition threatened in the approaching session , have adopted several conciliatory measures with the view of averting it . ——The Official Gazette of Venice contains a decree commanding all fathers of families to recall their sons from abroad , even if absent for their education , and subjecting the parents who shall persist hi leaving their children in foreign countries to a fine of from twenty to 200 florins . So great is the scarcity of specie in Austria , ancl so low the resources
of the Treasury , that a decree has been issued for creating notes for the low sum of ten kreutzers , a sum somewhat less than a halfpenny . According to all accounts , the preparations of Austria in A enctia are of the most formidable nature . Besides an immense artillery of rifled cannon , she has a force of 130 , 000 men , divided into four corps , which are placed on the most favourable strategic points in Upper Italy , besides another army of 150 , 000 men stationed Iu an extended line along the Adriatic . In all , Austria has
for the defence of Upper Italy and the Adriatic an army of 300 , 000 men . From Spain we learn that the marriage of the Infante Don Sebastian and the Infanta Donna Christina wascelebrated with much pomp in the Royal Palace , in presence of the Queen and King . On Saturday the Paris Monilei' . r published the resignation of M . Fould , and tho appointment of Count AValewski as Minister of State in his place ; and on Monday the same journal contained a decree making several alterations in the constitution of the Senate
and Legislative Body , with the view of affording ( so runs the decree ) to those bodies more direct participation in the general policy of the Government . Count Persigny is to be Minister of the Interior ; M . Billault and M . Magne , ministers without portfolios ; M . Forcade Laroquettc , Minister of Finance ; ancl M . Benedetto , Councillor of State for Extraordinary Service . Count Flahaut has been appointed ambassador to the Court of St . James's . The Emperor visited the Grand Opera on Monday eveningand experienced a most
enthu-, siastic [ reception , which is attributed in the French papers to the satisfaction of the public at the alterations in the Government and policy of the Emperor . ——In a seminary at Parma a few days ago , the dormitory having been newly-whitewashed , a stove was lighted in the apartment for the purpose of drying it . At night its occupants , 10 in number , retired to rest , and in the morning the whole of the unfortunate pupils were found suffocated .
CHINA . —The news from China Is highly important , and would bo as satisfactory as important were it not clashed with the misfortune that several of our countrymen have been taken prisoners by the Chinese while engaged in choosing camping ground , vix . -. — Mr . Parkes , Mr . Loch , secretary to Lord Elgin ; Messrs . De Norman and Anderson , of Fane ' s Horse ; Captain Brabazon , and Mr . Boulby , the Times correspondent . As Lord Elgin has refused to treat with the Chinese till the prisoners are released , we hope their captivity will be of short duration . The satisfactory portion of the intelli-