Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
o , . MASONIC MEMS . The installation of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle , as Prov . Grand Master of Nottinghamshire , is fixeil to take place at Nottingham , on Friday next . The M . W . G . M ., ancl a large muster of distinguished visitors will attend .
Grand Lodge.
BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED ox AVEDXESDAY , 5 TH DECEMBER , I 860 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of tho oth Sept ., for confirmation . The M . AV . Grand Master will lay before Grand Lodge a correspondence which has taken place with the Grand Lodge of Maine .
The papers relating thereto will be in the Grand Secretary's office for the inspection of any brother who may desire tc see them . Upon the reading of that correspondence the M . AV . Grand Master will move a resolution expressive of the opinion of Grand Lodge on the claim , in respect to territorial jurisdiction , put forward by the Grand Lodge of Maine .
Nomination of M . AA . Grand . Master for the year ensuing . Election of Twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of Benevolence . The Report of the Board of Benevolence for the lust quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz : —¦ The widow of the late Bro . Charles Henty , of the Anchor and Hope Loclge , No . 281 ' , Calcutta £ 30 . Bro . Barnabas Butter , of the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 190 , Sidmouth £ 30 .
THE REIOBT or THE BOAKD or GENERAL PUIWOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have investigated a complaint involving various charges preferred by the AV . Master and Treasurer of the Crescent Lodge , No . 1090 , at Twickenhamagainst the late Secretary of that lod .
, go The first and second charges were for demanding from the lodge , for the purchase of stationery ancl furniture , larger sums than those charged by the tradesman who supplied them . In the absence of sufficient evidence to prove in what manner the order for purchase was actually given , the Board could give no decision upon these complaints , but they expressed their unanimous opinion that an officer of a lodge who has been requested to purchase any articles
for the use of such lodge is not warranted in charging the lodge more than tho amount charged for such articles by the tradesman who supplied tbem . The third charge was that the Secretary did , in the absence of the Treasurer , receive for him the sum of £ 18 10 s . for clues from members of the lodge , which he subsequently refused to pay over to the Treasurer when called upon by the AV . Master to do so , but
retained the money and applied it to the payment of his own claim against the lodge . This charge was admitted , ancl several others of a minor nature were not pressed . The Board decided that no officer of any lodge receiving the money of tho lodge in his official capacity is warranted in retaining the same in discharge of any debt tine to himself without tho authoritof the loclge for so doingancl that the late Secretary of
y , the Crescent Lodge , having acknowledged that he had so received ancl retained the sum of £ 18 10 s ., the property of the lodge , be ordered to pay over the same to the Master for the time being of such loclge , and that he be severely reprimanded . ( Signed ) JOHN HAVERS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , November 2 lst , 18 G 0 .
The Board subjoin a statement of the cash account , shewing thafc at the last meeting of the Finance Committee held on the IGth inst . there was a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1 , 933 19 s . 10 d ., and in the hands of tbe Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 ; of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence , £ 762 8 s . lOd .,- to the Fund of General Purposes , £ 708 3 s . Gd . ; and there is in unappropriated account , £ 513 7 s . Gd ., of whicli a portion belongs to the Grand Chapter .
Grand Lodge.
THE REPORT or THE COLONIAL BOAKD . To ihe United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ' of England . The Colonial Board beg to report that a complaint having been received from Bro . Abraham Sasso , of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 458 , St . Thomas , of his having been illegally removed from membership of the said lodbthe decision of the R . AV . Provincial
ge y Grand Master for Trinidad ancl other West India Islands , and praying to be reinstated , the Board investigated the case , and it appeared that tho ground of the decision was that Bro . Sasso Lad been initiated as a serving brother , ancl had subsequently been permitted to join the lodge as a member , in ivhich he hacl been so initiated ; but it also appeared that the lodge had nofc obtained any dispensation for the initiation of the said brother as a serving
brother , and had in fact returned him to Grand Lodge as an ordinary subscribing member , and his fees for registration and certificate , as such , hacl been duly paid . The Board , after attentively considering all tho papers having reference to the said brother ' s first admission into the loclge , and to the subsequent payments made by him , as certified by the Treasurer , resolved , —That inasmuch as tho said Bro . Sasso had been initiated without a dispensationwhich is
, required in the case of any person who is to be initiated as a serving brother , he must be deemed to have been initiated as a regular member , ancl was therefore entitled to be restored to membership ; but that the lodge in admitting Bro . Sasso without taking the regular fees at the time of his initiation acted in contravention of the laws laid down In the Book of Constitutions , and hacl therebyrendered themselves liable to censure .
The Board have caused their decision to be duly notified , and . have received a coinmur . ication , from ivhich it appears that , in conformity therewith , Bro . Sasso has been restored to membership . The Board have also to report that with respect to the cases of Bros . Lavergne , Moesev , and S . Benjamin , also of the said lodge , No . 458 , St .. Thomas , referred to in the Report of the Board of the : 23 rd day of May last , communications have been received , from
which it appears that the said brethren have been restored to their Masonic privileges . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS , President . Freemasons' Hall , 21 st November , 18 G 0 .
. NOTICES OP MOTIOIT . By AA . Bro . FREDERICK BIXCKES , AV . M ., No . 1090 . As an amendment to the recommendation from the Board of Benevolence with reference to the case of Mrs . Henty , to move , — "That the amount of relief be £ 50 . " By AA . Bro . FREDERICK BINCKES , AV . M ., No . 1090 . "That the of the Board of Benevolence be enlargedso
powers , as to enable it to afford immediate relief to the extent of £ 20 , and to recommend cases to fche M . AV . Grand Master for relief to the . extent of £ 50 . " And ( in the event of the latter motion being approved ) to move — "Thafc tbe alteration necessary to give effect to such motion be made in the Book of Constitutions . "
OLD Kixa ARSIS LODGE ( No . 30 ) . —Tins lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Monday , 2 Gth November . A gentleman was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry , which ceremony was ably performed by Bi-o . Marsh , P . M ., assisted by the officers of the loclge . It being the day of election , Bro . Marzotti , S . AA " ., was unanimously elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Paas , P . M ., as treasurer . The visitors were Bros . CrewP . M . No . 1 ; TootellProv . G . D . CHerts ; Glutton
, , , , , 11 ; B . Neate , 79 ; Lourie , 1 G 7 ; Richards , 109 and -172 ; AVoods , 183 ; Warwick , late 30 , and Tallcott , 83 , Connecticut . ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 1 G 4 . ) — This lodgo held its usual monthly meeting at the Globe Tavern , Greenwich , on AVednesday , Nov . 21 st , I 860 ; Bro . G . AV . Ellington , AV . M ; Bro . Collington , S . W . ; Bro . Scott , J . AV . ( pro . tem . ) There was a good attendance of the brethren , although the nig ht was very unfavourable . The
lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Lintott answered the usualquestions , and was raised to the sublime degree of a . MM ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Moore , P . M ., 161 , in bis usual impressive manner . Mr . Augustus Thomas Bonacich and Mr . Francis E . AVarcl , after a successful ballot , were regularly admitted into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The members of the lodge , with the visiting brethren , Parkis , P . M ., 25 ; Shephard , S . W ., 93 ; Orchard , 93 ; and Bristecl , retired to an excellent banquet , and the remainder of the evening was spent in a very agreeable manner .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
o , . MASONIC MEMS . The installation of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle , as Prov . Grand Master of Nottinghamshire , is fixeil to take place at Nottingham , on Friday next . The M . W . G . M ., ancl a large muster of distinguished visitors will attend .
Grand Lodge.
BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED ox AVEDXESDAY , 5 TH DECEMBER , I 860 . The Minutes of the Quarterly Communication of tho oth Sept ., for confirmation . The M . AV . Grand Master will lay before Grand Lodge a correspondence which has taken place with the Grand Lodge of Maine .
The papers relating thereto will be in the Grand Secretary's office for the inspection of any brother who may desire tc see them . Upon the reading of that correspondence the M . AV . Grand Master will move a resolution expressive of the opinion of Grand Lodge on the claim , in respect to territorial jurisdiction , put forward by the Grand Lodge of Maine .
Nomination of M . AA . Grand . Master for the year ensuing . Election of Twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of Benevolence . The Report of the Board of Benevolence for the lust quarter , in which are recommendations for the following grants , viz : —¦ The widow of the late Bro . Charles Henty , of the Anchor and Hope Loclge , No . 281 ' , Calcutta £ 30 . Bro . Barnabas Butter , of the Lodge of Perseverance , No . 190 , Sidmouth £ 30 .
THE REIOBT or THE BOAKD or GENERAL PUIWOSES . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have investigated a complaint involving various charges preferred by the AV . Master and Treasurer of the Crescent Lodge , No . 1090 , at Twickenhamagainst the late Secretary of that lod .
, go The first and second charges were for demanding from the lodge , for the purchase of stationery ancl furniture , larger sums than those charged by the tradesman who supplied them . In the absence of sufficient evidence to prove in what manner the order for purchase was actually given , the Board could give no decision upon these complaints , but they expressed their unanimous opinion that an officer of a lodge who has been requested to purchase any articles
for the use of such lodge is not warranted in charging the lodge more than tho amount charged for such articles by the tradesman who supplied tbem . The third charge was that the Secretary did , in the absence of the Treasurer , receive for him the sum of £ 18 10 s . for clues from members of the lodge , which he subsequently refused to pay over to the Treasurer when called upon by the AV . Master to do so , but
retained the money and applied it to the payment of his own claim against the lodge . This charge was admitted , ancl several others of a minor nature were not pressed . The Board decided that no officer of any lodge receiving the money of tho lodge in his official capacity is warranted in retaining the same in discharge of any debt tine to himself without tho authoritof the loclge for so doingancl that the late Secretary of
y , the Crescent Lodge , having acknowledged that he had so received ancl retained the sum of £ 18 10 s ., the property of the lodge , be ordered to pay over the same to the Master for the time being of such loclge , and that he be severely reprimanded . ( Signed ) JOHN HAVERS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , November 2 lst , 18 G 0 .
The Board subjoin a statement of the cash account , shewing thafc at the last meeting of the Finance Committee held on the IGth inst . there was a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1 , 933 19 s . 10 d ., and in the hands of tbe Grand Secretary for petty cash , £ 50 ; of these sums there belongs to the Fund of Benevolence , £ 762 8 s . lOd .,- to the Fund of General Purposes , £ 708 3 s . Gd . ; and there is in unappropriated account , £ 513 7 s . Gd ., of whicli a portion belongs to the Grand Chapter .
Grand Lodge.
THE REPORT or THE COLONIAL BOAKD . To ihe United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ' of England . The Colonial Board beg to report that a complaint having been received from Bro . Abraham Sasso , of the Harmonic Lodge , No . 458 , St . Thomas , of his having been illegally removed from membership of the said lodbthe decision of the R . AV . Provincial
ge y Grand Master for Trinidad ancl other West India Islands , and praying to be reinstated , the Board investigated the case , and it appeared that tho ground of the decision was that Bro . Sasso Lad been initiated as a serving brother , ancl had subsequently been permitted to join the lodge as a member , in ivhich he hacl been so initiated ; but it also appeared that the lodge had nofc obtained any dispensation for the initiation of the said brother as a serving
brother , and had in fact returned him to Grand Lodge as an ordinary subscribing member , and his fees for registration and certificate , as such , hacl been duly paid . The Board , after attentively considering all tho papers having reference to the said brother ' s first admission into the loclge , and to the subsequent payments made by him , as certified by the Treasurer , resolved , —That inasmuch as tho said Bro . Sasso had been initiated without a dispensationwhich is
, required in the case of any person who is to be initiated as a serving brother , he must be deemed to have been initiated as a regular member , ancl was therefore entitled to be restored to membership ; but that the lodge in admitting Bro . Sasso without taking the regular fees at the time of his initiation acted in contravention of the laws laid down In the Book of Constitutions , and hacl therebyrendered themselves liable to censure .
The Board have caused their decision to be duly notified , and . have received a coinmur . ication , from ivhich it appears that , in conformity therewith , Bro . Sasso has been restored to membership . The Board have also to report that with respect to the cases of Bros . Lavergne , Moesev , and S . Benjamin , also of the said lodge , No . 458 , St .. Thomas , referred to in the Report of the Board of the : 23 rd day of May last , communications have been received , from
which it appears that the said brethren have been restored to their Masonic privileges . ( Signed ) J . LLEWELLYN EVANS , President . Freemasons' Hall , 21 st November , 18 G 0 .
. NOTICES OP MOTIOIT . By AA . Bro . FREDERICK BIXCKES , AV . M ., No . 1090 . As an amendment to the recommendation from the Board of Benevolence with reference to the case of Mrs . Henty , to move , — "That the amount of relief be £ 50 . " By AA . Bro . FREDERICK BINCKES , AV . M ., No . 1090 . "That the of the Board of Benevolence be enlargedso
powers , as to enable it to afford immediate relief to the extent of £ 20 , and to recommend cases to fche M . AV . Grand Master for relief to the . extent of £ 50 . " And ( in the event of the latter motion being approved ) to move — "Thafc tbe alteration necessary to give effect to such motion be made in the Book of Constitutions . "
OLD Kixa ARSIS LODGE ( No . 30 ) . —Tins lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen-street , on Monday , 2 Gth November . A gentleman was initiated into the mysteries of Masonry , which ceremony was ably performed by Bi-o . Marsh , P . M ., assisted by the officers of the loclge . It being the day of election , Bro . Marzotti , S . AA " ., was unanimously elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , and Bro . Paas , P . M ., as treasurer . The visitors were Bros . CrewP . M . No . 1 ; TootellProv . G . D . CHerts ; Glutton
, , , , , 11 ; B . Neate , 79 ; Lourie , 1 G 7 ; Richards , 109 and -172 ; AVoods , 183 ; Warwick , late 30 , and Tallcott , 83 , Connecticut . ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 1 G 4 . ) — This lodgo held its usual monthly meeting at the Globe Tavern , Greenwich , on AVednesday , Nov . 21 st , I 860 ; Bro . G . AV . Ellington , AV . M ; Bro . Collington , S . W . ; Bro . Scott , J . AV . ( pro . tem . ) There was a good attendance of the brethren , although the nig ht was very unfavourable . The
lodge having been duly opened , Bro . Lintott answered the usualquestions , and was raised to the sublime degree of a . MM ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Moore , P . M ., 161 , in bis usual impressive manner . Mr . Augustus Thomas Bonacich and Mr . Francis E . AVarcl , after a successful ballot , were regularly admitted into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry . The members of the lodge , with the visiting brethren , Parkis , P . M ., 25 ; Shephard , S . W ., 93 ; Orchard , 93 ; and Bristecl , retired to an excellent banquet , and the remainder of the evening was spent in a very agreeable manner .