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Masonry In The Republic Of St. Domingo.
with honours and consideration . Ho had an interview ivith the Supreme Council on the Oth inst . ; the Supremo Council of London considers those brethren as true members of the Order , ancl will entertain correspondence with them ; and as soon as the Supreme Council is formed in Sfc . Domingo , fche reciprocal Garant d'Amitie will be named on both sides . AVe expect that our Brother Noel
Henriquez will have an equal reception in Prance by the Supreme Council of Paris . Prom our knowledge of him , and the information we have received , ive believe Bro . Noel Henriquez to be a most zealous Mason , who has worked with an extraordinary exertion to establish our Order in that Eepublic ; and having fulfilled his duties by being one of tho principal founders of Lodge
Cuna . cle America , of the Eose-Croix Chapter La Reclencion , and of the Grand Chapter in the City of St . Domingo , is at present in England , transacting his own business ; as a zealous Mason , he has always visited our working when he could conveniently do so . AVe arc assured that Masonry in the Island of Sfc . Domingo , in the Spanish part , called Republiea Bominicana , is in very good hands , in the hands of old Masons , of whom Bro . Noel Henriquez , being the junior of all tho rest , has twenty-one years of being a Mason . The old Masons are : —
Pedro Santana , President of the Republic , 33 ° ; 59 years of age . Mr . Thomas Bobadilla , ex-Grand Master , 73 years of age , President of the Senate , 32 ° . J . M . Leyba Ramirez , 33 ° , merchant , very old Mason ; about 58 years . D . Leon , English Vice-Council , merchant , 32 ° ; 60 years or thereabout . . Jose Dies , 33 ° , Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice ; about 70 .
years Antonio Madrigal , 32 ° , magistrate of Tribunal of Justice ; 72 years . Manuel Dehnont , 32 ° , member of the senate , merchant ; about 58 years . Prancis Abreu , 32 ° , member of the senate ; GO years . .. T . Mateo Perdomo , 32 ° , merchant ; 50 years . Pelipe Perdomo , 32 ° , Administrator of C ' ustoin-lioiiso ; 53 years . Pedro Ortega 33 ° merchantG 6
, , ; years . Gabriel Luna , 33 ° , merchant ; 57 years . Jacinto de Castro , 32 ° , Minister of Justice ancl Public Instruction ; 46 years . . Antonio Abaci Alfan , Alee President of the Eepublic ; 32 ' , and 4-4 years of age . Esteban Mesa , 30 ° , merchant ; G 2 years . Banito A . Perez , 32 ° , merchant ; 41 years .
Pedro A alvercle , 32 ° , Governor of the City ; 44 years . Sully Dnbreuil , 30 ° , merchant ; 52 years . Pelipe D . P . de Castro , 30 ° , Minister of the Interior ; 54 years . Miguel Lavasteda , 32 ° , Minister of War ; 38 years . Antonio Delfin Madrigal , 32 ° , merchant ; 37 years . "lS oel Hem-iquez , 32 ° , merchant ; 46 years . . TuanXepo Ravello , 18 ° , Granadiniim Consul ancl merchant ; 44 years . Nicolas Henri 18 endue Master
. quez , ° , A ; G 3 years . George Primet , 18 ° , artist ; 55 years . Joaquin Delmonte , 18 ° , in government employ ; 46 years . Juan B . Cambraso , 18 ° , Sardinian Consul and merchant ; 39 years . Jose Garcia Pajarclo , 18 ° , merchant ; 44 years . A ' alentm Delgado , 18 ° , merchant ; 46 years . Lalean St . Mark , lt . A ., colonel ; 65 years . Prances Xicolas , 18 ° , merchant ; 47 years . .. Tnyme Aldal ( Master ) , merchant ; 54 years . Jose M . Reynoro , 18 ° , merchant ; 48 years .
JZX AZUA . Lucas Gibbs , 18 ° , merchant . Telefoi-o Objio , 18 ° , merchant , ¦ Franco Losa , 18 ° , General of the Frontier of Xeva . Pedro Pena , Master . Franco Sone , Master . Gei-ardo Marcliena , 18 ° , merchant . Manuel Oviedo , Master .
All these are old Masons , being those who belonged previously , and until 1814 , to the splendid Constante Union Lodge hi tlie City of Domingo , and who have since contributed by their assistance ancl their means to rc-clevatc the temple of Solomon in these districts .
TKUE GREATNESS . —The history of all the great characters in the Bible is summed up in this one sentence , —they acquainted themselves with God , and acquiesced in His will in all things . —Cec-il .
Visit To Stratford-On-Avon And Its Vicinage.
BY BEO . GEORGE MABKIIAM : TWEBDELI , Author of "Shakspere : his Times and Contemporaries , " § -c . ( Continued from page 384 . ) I was agreeably surprised to find Stratford-on-Avon as neat a little market-town as one can see in a day ' s inarch ; for I had often been tolcl thatwere it not for
, its historical associations , the p lace would be totally unworthy of notice . This , however , is not the case . There is an appeai'ance of comfort and neatness about the exterior of the houses which I have seen in few places ; how far the interior corresponds , I had no means of judging ; but for strangers , who , like myself , know no
one in Stratford , I should advise them to visit Bro . Hartley , mine host of the Golden Lion ; and , if they are lovers of the English drama , they ivill find a treat in his line collection of engraved portraits of those who have done honour to the sock and buskin—a collection which is perhaps not to be equalled in the provinces . I had just refreshed myself with a comfortable bath
—and I know of few things more delicious on a warm day—and hacl sauntered forth into those streets so often trod by the great dramatic bard , and was comparing ( as well as I coulcl ) its present appearance with that which it would then bear , when the joyous strains of a band of music greeted my ears , and anon the members of the Beecher Club appeared in procession , donned in their
holiday attire ( for they are principally working men ) , each one wearing a small rosette on his breast , and bearing in his hand a green wand , surmounted with a gilt knob . They were just returning from church , where an excellent sermon , I was tolcl , had been preached to them oy our Bro . the Eev . Granville Granville , the Vicar . I
was , however , too late for the service , else I could have wished to have reverently joined in the beautiful liturgy of our National Church iu that fine old building , where Shakspere and his family , with numbers of their friends and acquaintances , so often joined in the same " form of sound words , " and where their ashes repose until the resurrection .
Stratford-on-Avon is a place of considerable antiquity . Its name is derived from its situation on the great street- or highway leading from Loudon to Birmingham ; and from the / ore / over the river Avon , whicli then had to serve instead of a bridge . Soon after the conversion of the Saxons to Christianuy '' , a monastery was founded hereof which StEgwin * who ted third
, . , was consecra Bishop of " Worcester in the year 693 , was sometime superior . The present parish church is supposed by Belaud to have been erected upon the site of the ancient monastery . But we must off to the Town-hall , where the guests are already assembled . Before enteringlet us lance afc
, g its exterior . The first thing about it which attracts my attention is the elegant statue of Shakspere , placed in a niche at the north-west corner of the building . This statue reminded me of the one designed by Kent , and executed by Scheemaker , which now stands in the Poets ' Corner of " Westminster Abbey . The great dramatist is
represented leaning upon a pile of books ( doubtless "full of glorious things" ) , placed on a pedestal , ornamented like the "Westminster monument , with busts of Harry the Fifth , King Dick , aud Queen Bess . Upon
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonry In The Republic Of St. Domingo.
with honours and consideration . Ho had an interview ivith the Supreme Council on the Oth inst . ; the Supremo Council of London considers those brethren as true members of the Order , ancl will entertain correspondence with them ; and as soon as the Supreme Council is formed in Sfc . Domingo , fche reciprocal Garant d'Amitie will be named on both sides . AVe expect that our Brother Noel
Henriquez will have an equal reception in Prance by the Supreme Council of Paris . Prom our knowledge of him , and the information we have received , ive believe Bro . Noel Henriquez to be a most zealous Mason , who has worked with an extraordinary exertion to establish our Order in that Eepublic ; and having fulfilled his duties by being one of tho principal founders of Lodge
Cuna . cle America , of the Eose-Croix Chapter La Reclencion , and of the Grand Chapter in the City of St . Domingo , is at present in England , transacting his own business ; as a zealous Mason , he has always visited our working when he could conveniently do so . AVe arc assured that Masonry in the Island of Sfc . Domingo , in the Spanish part , called Republiea Bominicana , is in very good hands , in the hands of old Masons , of whom Bro . Noel Henriquez , being the junior of all tho rest , has twenty-one years of being a Mason . The old Masons are : —
Pedro Santana , President of the Republic , 33 ° ; 59 years of age . Mr . Thomas Bobadilla , ex-Grand Master , 73 years of age , President of the Senate , 32 ° . J . M . Leyba Ramirez , 33 ° , merchant , very old Mason ; about 58 years . D . Leon , English Vice-Council , merchant , 32 ° ; 60 years or thereabout . . Jose Dies , 33 ° , Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice ; about 70 .
years Antonio Madrigal , 32 ° , magistrate of Tribunal of Justice ; 72 years . Manuel Dehnont , 32 ° , member of the senate , merchant ; about 58 years . Prancis Abreu , 32 ° , member of the senate ; GO years . .. T . Mateo Perdomo , 32 ° , merchant ; 50 years . Pelipe Perdomo , 32 ° , Administrator of C ' ustoin-lioiiso ; 53 years . Pedro Ortega 33 ° merchantG 6
, , ; years . Gabriel Luna , 33 ° , merchant ; 57 years . Jacinto de Castro , 32 ° , Minister of Justice ancl Public Instruction ; 46 years . . Antonio Abaci Alfan , Alee President of the Eepublic ; 32 ' , and 4-4 years of age . Esteban Mesa , 30 ° , merchant ; G 2 years . Banito A . Perez , 32 ° , merchant ; 41 years .
Pedro A alvercle , 32 ° , Governor of the City ; 44 years . Sully Dnbreuil , 30 ° , merchant ; 52 years . Pelipe D . P . de Castro , 30 ° , Minister of the Interior ; 54 years . Miguel Lavasteda , 32 ° , Minister of War ; 38 years . Antonio Delfin Madrigal , 32 ° , merchant ; 37 years . "lS oel Hem-iquez , 32 ° , merchant ; 46 years . . TuanXepo Ravello , 18 ° , Granadiniim Consul ancl merchant ; 44 years . Nicolas Henri 18 endue Master
. quez , ° , A ; G 3 years . George Primet , 18 ° , artist ; 55 years . Joaquin Delmonte , 18 ° , in government employ ; 46 years . Juan B . Cambraso , 18 ° , Sardinian Consul and merchant ; 39 years . Jose Garcia Pajarclo , 18 ° , merchant ; 44 years . A ' alentm Delgado , 18 ° , merchant ; 46 years . Lalean St . Mark , lt . A ., colonel ; 65 years . Prances Xicolas , 18 ° , merchant ; 47 years . .. Tnyme Aldal ( Master ) , merchant ; 54 years . Jose M . Reynoro , 18 ° , merchant ; 48 years .
JZX AZUA . Lucas Gibbs , 18 ° , merchant . Telefoi-o Objio , 18 ° , merchant , ¦ Franco Losa , 18 ° , General of the Frontier of Xeva . Pedro Pena , Master . Franco Sone , Master . Gei-ardo Marcliena , 18 ° , merchant . Manuel Oviedo , Master .
All these are old Masons , being those who belonged previously , and until 1814 , to the splendid Constante Union Lodge hi tlie City of Domingo , and who have since contributed by their assistance ancl their means to rc-clevatc the temple of Solomon in these districts .
TKUE GREATNESS . —The history of all the great characters in the Bible is summed up in this one sentence , —they acquainted themselves with God , and acquiesced in His will in all things . —Cec-il .
Visit To Stratford-On-Avon And Its Vicinage.
BY BEO . GEORGE MABKIIAM : TWEBDELI , Author of "Shakspere : his Times and Contemporaries , " § -c . ( Continued from page 384 . ) I was agreeably surprised to find Stratford-on-Avon as neat a little market-town as one can see in a day ' s inarch ; for I had often been tolcl thatwere it not for
, its historical associations , the p lace would be totally unworthy of notice . This , however , is not the case . There is an appeai'ance of comfort and neatness about the exterior of the houses which I have seen in few places ; how far the interior corresponds , I had no means of judging ; but for strangers , who , like myself , know no
one in Stratford , I should advise them to visit Bro . Hartley , mine host of the Golden Lion ; and , if they are lovers of the English drama , they ivill find a treat in his line collection of engraved portraits of those who have done honour to the sock and buskin—a collection which is perhaps not to be equalled in the provinces . I had just refreshed myself with a comfortable bath
—and I know of few things more delicious on a warm day—and hacl sauntered forth into those streets so often trod by the great dramatic bard , and was comparing ( as well as I coulcl ) its present appearance with that which it would then bear , when the joyous strains of a band of music greeted my ears , and anon the members of the Beecher Club appeared in procession , donned in their
holiday attire ( for they are principally working men ) , each one wearing a small rosette on his breast , and bearing in his hand a green wand , surmounted with a gilt knob . They were just returning from church , where an excellent sermon , I was tolcl , had been preached to them oy our Bro . the Eev . Granville Granville , the Vicar . I
was , however , too late for the service , else I could have wished to have reverently joined in the beautiful liturgy of our National Church iu that fine old building , where Shakspere and his family , with numbers of their friends and acquaintances , so often joined in the same " form of sound words , " and where their ashes repose until the resurrection .
Stratford-on-Avon is a place of considerable antiquity . Its name is derived from its situation on the great street- or highway leading from Loudon to Birmingham ; and from the / ore / over the river Avon , whicli then had to serve instead of a bridge . Soon after the conversion of the Saxons to Christianuy '' , a monastery was founded hereof which StEgwin * who ted third
, . , was consecra Bishop of " Worcester in the year 693 , was sometime superior . The present parish church is supposed by Belaud to have been erected upon the site of the ancient monastery . But we must off to the Town-hall , where the guests are already assembled . Before enteringlet us lance afc
, g its exterior . The first thing about it which attracts my attention is the elegant statue of Shakspere , placed in a niche at the north-west corner of the building . This statue reminded me of the one designed by Kent , and executed by Scheemaker , which now stands in the Poets ' Corner of " Westminster Abbey . The great dramatist is
represented leaning upon a pile of books ( doubtless "full of glorious things" ) , placed on a pedestal , ornamented like the "Westminster monument , with busts of Harry the Fifth , King Dick , aud Queen Bess . Upon