Article MASONIC SYMBOLISM, ← Page 3 of 3 Article MASONRY IN THE REPUBLIC OF ST. DOMINGO. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Symbolism,
and to come to the crusaders ) , he would have been nearer the mark . In Halliwell ' s note to the MSS . entitled The Constitutions of Freemasonry , he quotes from Aubrey ' s Natural History of Wills , as follows : — " Sir AVm . Dugdale told me many years since that , about Henry the Eihth's timethe Pope gave a bull or patent to a
g , company of Italian Freemasons to travel up and down over all Europe to build churches . From those are derived the fraternity of adopted Masons . " St . Alban himself is said to have brought Freemasonry into Britain , and there are still extant many curious old grants to the "holy werk folk" who were a set of men to whom
, were assigned certain lands , which they held by the service of building , repairing , and defending churches and sepulchres , for ivhich the } r were also exempt from all feudal and military services . The county of Durham entertained a particular set of these " haly werk folk , " who were guards of the piatrimony and holy sepulchre of St .
Cuthbert . { Hist . Dtiuelm . apud TVartoni , Any . Sa . v . ) Hutchinson says the French word "Mason" signifies a family or particular race of people . It seems as if the name were compounded of Maa Suav , qitccro salcitm- ; and the title of Masonry no more than a corruption of Mevovpaveo , sum in medio cadi , or MafavpoO . si iia cwlcslia
( Job , xxxviii . 32 ) . Another curious etymology of " Mason" is found hi the Athcncmm , p . 578 : "It is saicl that oue of the many titles of the Druids was Maysons , or men of May—tlie May-pole having been a symbol of Druidisin . Freemasonry as derived from Druidisin has , therefore , forgotten its etymology . " Wellins Calcott , iu his work on Masonry , says , "This
art was called' lioyal , ' not only because it was originally practised by kings and princes , who were the first professors of it , but likewise on account of the superiority which so sublime a science gave its disci p les over the rest of mankind ; and the name did not arise , merely from our skill in architecture or the principles of building , but from a more comprehensive acquaintance aud
knowledge of the sublimest jn-inci p les of philosophy and moral virtues . " Bagon , Oours Fhilosopltigup , says , "Mon frere , vous eiitendrez souvent , dans les discours de nos orateurs , donner un synonyme au mot ' maconnerie , ' parce qu ' avant son emploion disait ' Tart royal . ' Quelques
, auteurs out rapporte l'origine de cette expression technique au zele que montra , pour I ' lnitiation , le roi Salomon . On aurait pu dire egahneut 'art imperial' ou 'auguste , ' quand Marc-Aurole s ' y fit admettre . L ' origine donnee par le frere Dumast est curieuse et plus vraie . D ' aussi loin que l'homme a commence a reflechir sur
luimeme , il a vu que , dans certaines circonstauces , coimaissant et approuvaut le bien , il faisait pourtant le mal . Le ' video mcliora proboque , deleriora sequor' a du lui prouver que la puissance des dosirs ctait plus forte que celle de la raison ; il ne jouissait qu ' en apparence , et non rcellement , de son libre arbitre ; qu'il fallait , par
l'habitude de la resistance , comprimer le ressort de ses passions avant d ' acquerir la liberie effective de choisir et de se determiner daus toutes les actions de la vie . Des lors , la premiere idee qu ' a fait naitre l ' aspect d ' un sao-e , a etc celle d ' un homme libre et maitre de lui meme ; et toute institution qui tendait a faire des sages est devenue un art de liberie et de royaute . " E . B . W . ( To bo Continued . )
ERRATA . —P . 3 G 1 , I . 10 , for Mesouraiies rend Jlesoiininco ; for Fraternitus read Fi-iitei-nitus ; p . 3 G 1 , line 25 , for Jfesouranes rend Alesouraueo ; for Fraternitus rend lYateniitns ; p . 3 G 2 , 1 . 29 , for artizans read citizens ; p . 3 G 3 , 1 . S , for Token lead Totem .
Masonry In The Republic Of St. Domingo.
( From a Correspondent . ) Many years since , principally between 1830 and 1841 , many lodges were established in the eastern part of Sfc . Domingo called La Fspanola , under the Grand Orient of Port anPrincer Haiti . There wore two lodges in the city of St . Domingo at the time ; the principal and moro antique was the Consfa-nle Unionwhich was one of tho most splended lod
, ges ; the other was the Indissoluble Fraternitij , a junior sister of the former . There were likewise well established lodges in the cities of Azua . of Santiago , of Seybo , Pto . Plata , Yoga , and Bani , all under the auspices of tho same grand body atthefcimo ifc existed ; also , a chapter and an encampment in tlie city of St . Domingo . The separation of the Spanish part , ivhich became the Dominican Kepublic in February 1844
, , caused tho work of Masonry to be disturbed , and it rested asleep for some years . In 1847 , there was alodge established under the auspices of the Supremo Council of Paris , under the distinct title of Logo Primaliale des Grands Elus Ecossais ^ whereof Mr . David Leon , 32 ' , English A ice-ConsuI , was Master ; General Joaquin Pucllo , SO ( dead ) , Senior AA ardon ; Mr . Joshua Naar , 30 ' Junior AVardenMr . Noel llenriquez
, , , Orator , and II . L . Pcnha , Secretary ; Mr . Ealph AA olff ,. Treasurer ; and other brethren . Tin ' s lodge had existed about two years , or little more , when political affairs again presented obstacles to such meetings , and ifc became necessary to allow Masonry again fco sleep . So it remained until 1858 , when a number of the old Masons ,
ox-members of the Lodge Constante Union , of the city of St .. Domingo , and all of high degrees , constituted themselves into a Grand Lodgo , and gave notice to the different European Grand Lodges , as well as those of the Uiiifcecl States , of their having done so . One of the members of the Grand Lodge of Sfc . Domingo , Bro . Antonio Delfin Madrigal , was commissioned in the United States to obtain recognition of the Grand Lodge . In the commencement of 1859 , he brought over full powers for our 111 . Bro . Pedro Santana ...
I President of the Eepublic , to promote and advance somo of the brethren , in order to form high bodies up to tho 32 ° ; this power came through the 111 . Bro . . Andrea Casard , of New York , acting by power from and in the name of tho Supreme Council of Charleston . In consequence , a Grand Chapter was formed , and a Grand Consistory established , in accordance with the full powers thus received .
The first lodge established was in tho residence of Brothcr Noel llenriquez , in October , 1858 . It was entitled the Cuna do America ; about ten or twelve Masons were called together by him , and there formed and established the said Cuna de-America , No . 2 . * After everything was arranged , a temple was prepared in the ehapeiof Hie Convent of Merced , to ivhich place the lod was moved on the 9 fch January 1859 Afc
ge , . this time many young gentlemen , and even fathers of families wishing to join , the work went on very rapidly , instructions were given , & c . At this present moment tho Cuna do America counts as her active members about 120 Masons of all degrees . After , the Cuna Loclge of Seybo was established , and then the Lodge of Azua , in 1859 . At the commencement of 1860 two lod were formed afc the city of
, ges Santiago , and at the city of Vega and in other places preparations are in progress to establish others . In the city of Sfc . Domingo a Eose Croix Chapter ivas formed , under tho name of La Eedencion , where the ISfch degree is given tothose worthy of ifc : there is also an intention of forming Chapters at some of the other cities . The progress of the Masonry in tho course of two years was remarkable . Bro .
Antonio Delfin Madrigal , 32 ° , ivas agahilately in the United ' States , with the object of obtaining a Charter from tho Supremo Council of Charleston to form a Supreme Council in St . Domingo , ivhich is expected to be executed forthwith . Bro . Noel llenriquez , 32 ° , a member of the Grand Consistory of St . Domingo , has been recently delegated by that Grand body to the Supreme Council of London , and to tho Supreme Council of France ( Paris ) . In London he has been received .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Symbolism,
and to come to the crusaders ) , he would have been nearer the mark . In Halliwell ' s note to the MSS . entitled The Constitutions of Freemasonry , he quotes from Aubrey ' s Natural History of Wills , as follows : — " Sir AVm . Dugdale told me many years since that , about Henry the Eihth's timethe Pope gave a bull or patent to a
g , company of Italian Freemasons to travel up and down over all Europe to build churches . From those are derived the fraternity of adopted Masons . " St . Alban himself is said to have brought Freemasonry into Britain , and there are still extant many curious old grants to the "holy werk folk" who were a set of men to whom
, were assigned certain lands , which they held by the service of building , repairing , and defending churches and sepulchres , for ivhich the } r were also exempt from all feudal and military services . The county of Durham entertained a particular set of these " haly werk folk , " who were guards of the piatrimony and holy sepulchre of St .
Cuthbert . { Hist . Dtiuelm . apud TVartoni , Any . Sa . v . ) Hutchinson says the French word "Mason" signifies a family or particular race of people . It seems as if the name were compounded of Maa Suav , qitccro salcitm- ; and the title of Masonry no more than a corruption of Mevovpaveo , sum in medio cadi , or MafavpoO . si iia cwlcslia
( Job , xxxviii . 32 ) . Another curious etymology of " Mason" is found hi the Athcncmm , p . 578 : "It is saicl that oue of the many titles of the Druids was Maysons , or men of May—tlie May-pole having been a symbol of Druidisin . Freemasonry as derived from Druidisin has , therefore , forgotten its etymology . " Wellins Calcott , iu his work on Masonry , says , "This
art was called' lioyal , ' not only because it was originally practised by kings and princes , who were the first professors of it , but likewise on account of the superiority which so sublime a science gave its disci p les over the rest of mankind ; and the name did not arise , merely from our skill in architecture or the principles of building , but from a more comprehensive acquaintance aud
knowledge of the sublimest jn-inci p les of philosophy and moral virtues . " Bagon , Oours Fhilosopltigup , says , "Mon frere , vous eiitendrez souvent , dans les discours de nos orateurs , donner un synonyme au mot ' maconnerie , ' parce qu ' avant son emploion disait ' Tart royal . ' Quelques
, auteurs out rapporte l'origine de cette expression technique au zele que montra , pour I ' lnitiation , le roi Salomon . On aurait pu dire egahneut 'art imperial' ou 'auguste , ' quand Marc-Aurole s ' y fit admettre . L ' origine donnee par le frere Dumast est curieuse et plus vraie . D ' aussi loin que l'homme a commence a reflechir sur
luimeme , il a vu que , dans certaines circonstauces , coimaissant et approuvaut le bien , il faisait pourtant le mal . Le ' video mcliora proboque , deleriora sequor' a du lui prouver que la puissance des dosirs ctait plus forte que celle de la raison ; il ne jouissait qu ' en apparence , et non rcellement , de son libre arbitre ; qu'il fallait , par
l'habitude de la resistance , comprimer le ressort de ses passions avant d ' acquerir la liberie effective de choisir et de se determiner daus toutes les actions de la vie . Des lors , la premiere idee qu ' a fait naitre l ' aspect d ' un sao-e , a etc celle d ' un homme libre et maitre de lui meme ; et toute institution qui tendait a faire des sages est devenue un art de liberie et de royaute . " E . B . W . ( To bo Continued . )
ERRATA . —P . 3 G 1 , I . 10 , for Mesouraiies rend Jlesoiininco ; for Fraternitus read Fi-iitei-nitus ; p . 3 G 1 , line 25 , for Jfesouranes rend Alesouraueo ; for Fraternitus rend lYateniitns ; p . 3 G 2 , 1 . 29 , for artizans read citizens ; p . 3 G 3 , 1 . S , for Token lead Totem .
Masonry In The Republic Of St. Domingo.
( From a Correspondent . ) Many years since , principally between 1830 and 1841 , many lodges were established in the eastern part of Sfc . Domingo called La Fspanola , under the Grand Orient of Port anPrincer Haiti . There wore two lodges in the city of St . Domingo at the time ; the principal and moro antique was the Consfa-nle Unionwhich was one of tho most splended lod
, ges ; the other was the Indissoluble Fraternitij , a junior sister of the former . There were likewise well established lodges in the cities of Azua . of Santiago , of Seybo , Pto . Plata , Yoga , and Bani , all under the auspices of tho same grand body atthefcimo ifc existed ; also , a chapter and an encampment in tlie city of St . Domingo . The separation of the Spanish part , ivhich became the Dominican Kepublic in February 1844
, , caused tho work of Masonry to be disturbed , and it rested asleep for some years . In 1847 , there was alodge established under the auspices of the Supremo Council of Paris , under the distinct title of Logo Primaliale des Grands Elus Ecossais ^ whereof Mr . David Leon , 32 ' , English A ice-ConsuI , was Master ; General Joaquin Pucllo , SO ( dead ) , Senior AA ardon ; Mr . Joshua Naar , 30 ' Junior AVardenMr . Noel llenriquez
, , , Orator , and II . L . Pcnha , Secretary ; Mr . Ealph AA olff ,. Treasurer ; and other brethren . Tin ' s lodge had existed about two years , or little more , when political affairs again presented obstacles to such meetings , and ifc became necessary to allow Masonry again fco sleep . So it remained until 1858 , when a number of the old Masons ,
ox-members of the Lodge Constante Union , of the city of St .. Domingo , and all of high degrees , constituted themselves into a Grand Lodgo , and gave notice to the different European Grand Lodges , as well as those of the Uiiifcecl States , of their having done so . One of the members of the Grand Lodge of Sfc . Domingo , Bro . Antonio Delfin Madrigal , was commissioned in the United States to obtain recognition of the Grand Lodge . In the commencement of 1859 , he brought over full powers for our 111 . Bro . Pedro Santana ...
I President of the Eepublic , to promote and advance somo of the brethren , in order to form high bodies up to tho 32 ° ; this power came through the 111 . Bro . . Andrea Casard , of New York , acting by power from and in the name of tho Supreme Council of Charleston . In consequence , a Grand Chapter was formed , and a Grand Consistory established , in accordance with the full powers thus received .
The first lodge established was in tho residence of Brothcr Noel llenriquez , in October , 1858 . It was entitled the Cuna do America ; about ten or twelve Masons were called together by him , and there formed and established the said Cuna de-America , No . 2 . * After everything was arranged , a temple was prepared in the ehapeiof Hie Convent of Merced , to ivhich place the lod was moved on the 9 fch January 1859 Afc
ge , . this time many young gentlemen , and even fathers of families wishing to join , the work went on very rapidly , instructions were given , & c . At this present moment tho Cuna do America counts as her active members about 120 Masons of all degrees . After , the Cuna Loclge of Seybo was established , and then the Lodge of Azua , in 1859 . At the commencement of 1860 two lod were formed afc the city of
, ges Santiago , and at the city of Vega and in other places preparations are in progress to establish others . In the city of Sfc . Domingo a Eose Croix Chapter ivas formed , under tho name of La Eedencion , where the ISfch degree is given tothose worthy of ifc : there is also an intention of forming Chapters at some of the other cities . The progress of the Masonry in tho course of two years was remarkable . Bro .
Antonio Delfin Madrigal , 32 ° , ivas agahilately in the United ' States , with the object of obtaining a Charter from tho Supremo Council of Charleston to form a Supreme Council in St . Domingo , ivhich is expected to be executed forthwith . Bro . Noel llenriquez , 32 ° , a member of the Grand Consistory of St . Domingo , has been recently delegated by that Grand body to the Supreme Council of London , and to tho Supreme Council of France ( Paris ) . In London he has been received .