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mously adopted : —Resolved , " That this meeting desire to eonvey to Lieut .-Col . Charles John Kemys-Tyute , Prov . G . M ., Monmouthshire , to Col , Charles Kemys Kemys-Tynte , Prov . G . M . of Eastern Division of South Wales , and the surviving relatives of the late Prov . G . M . of Somerset , their respectful condolences on the death of Colonel Charles Kemys Kemys-Tynte , F . S . A ., feeling that both personal regard ancl Masonic duty require a ready and full expression of sympathy with the relatives of one to whom the
Masonic Brethren of the Province have been for an unusually long period indebted for numerous acts of fraternal esteem and affection . " Bro . Ashley then also proposed , and Bro . Peach seconded , the following resolution , whicli also was unanimously adopted : — Resolved , " That a copy of the above resolutions be forwarded to Lieut .-Col . Charles John Kemys Tynte ; and also thafc they be recorded in the minutes of the several lodges represented on the present occasion . " The lodge was then closed in solemn prayer and in perfect harmony .
YORKSHIRE AVEST . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 . )—A regular lodge meeting was held on Monday , Nov . 26 th , which was fully attended . Amongst the officers were the W . M . J . T . Robinson , Thomas Hill , as P . M ., AVilliam Bollans , S . AV ., George Snowden , as J . W ., Henry Smith , P . M ., 543 , as Secretary ; Rev . AA m . Fearnsides , Chaplain ; AA m . Mawson , Treas ., & c— together with J . A . Unna , P . M . ; M . RogersonP . M . J . H . BuckleyP . M . ; Henry FarrarP . Prov . J . G . AV . ;
, ; , , David Salmond , P . M . ; Prov . " S . G . AV . ; Joshua Brigg , and others . These were called for six , ancl at a quarter past business was commenced . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed . Apologies were received from Bros . AVm . Gath , P . M ., ancl P . Prov . J . G . AV ., L . C Hill , J . AV ., and G . R . Mossman , Secretary . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . Keighley , Armitage , and Ibbetson , ivhich proved favourable , when they were severally
initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The AV . M . then called upon Bro . M . Rogerson to give the ancient charge , ancl Bro . Henry Smith to give the working tools . Bro . D . Salmond then called attention to the distressed state of the widow of the late Bro . Charles Ingham , and proposed that the sum of £ 5 be presented to her for immediate wants , which was seconded by Bro . J . A . Unna , and carried . Dr . Taylor , P . M ., then stated that the funds placed in his hands for the relief of a poor brother voted some months
ago were exhausted ; it was then decided thst the sum of 2 s . 6 c ? . weekly be paid to him , in conjunction with the Lodge of Harmony , 874 . Bro . D . Salmond then placed in the hands of the Secretary a letter from Bro . R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . S ., requesting names for Stewards for the next festival of the Royal Masonic Annuity Fund foraged Freemasons ; he stated that there were ten names down
from this Province , and Bradford was not amongst them ; it is to be hoped that the brothers of the Lodge of Hope will not be behind on the occasion . A reply from the Midland Railway Company was received , stating that they could not grant excursion tickets to Nottingham and back on Dec . 7 th , in consequence of their agreement with the Great Northern Company ; — it may be asked , where is the advantage , then , of competing lines ? The AA' . M . then ordered the distribution of slips of paperand afterwards read a
, list of names of those eligible to -serve as W . M ., and the bye-law relating to it , when the ballot was taken , and the choice fell upon Bro . James Lumb , a worthy member of the lodge , who had justly earned the high position , not only by bis regular and constant attendance , but by his efficiency in every capacity which he has served , the result was received with marks of approbation ; and it is to be hoped that his choice of officers will be equallfortunate .
y The AV . M . elect then rose and expressed his gratification at the high honour conferred upon him , and his determination to endeavour , by the assistance of the P . M . ' s and brothers , to do his duty ¦ faithfully . The next duty was the election of Treasurer ; it was proposed that Bro . William Mawson should retain the office ; he , however , owing to professional business , was obliged to decline the . honour- the unanimous choice then fell upon Bro . George
Bean-, land , a worthy choice , indeed . Bro . J . J . Holmes was then reelected Tyler , ancl Bro . P . M . Buckley , Curator , for the ensuing year . After the Chaplain had officiated " the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to refreshment ; the room was full , but owing to the exertion of the Stewards , ancl the order and regularity of the brethren , not the slightest confusion occurred . Thus ended one of the most animated and numerous nxeetinors of the year .
BOIIBAT . —Concord Lodge ( No . 1059 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held ut its lodge rooms on Saturday , the 20 th October , I 860 ; Bro . John Sandford , S . W . presiding , in the absence of the W . M ., from indisposition . AV .
Bro . G . S . Judge , as Past Master ; Bro . J . H . Irvine , as Senior AVarden ; Bro . Alfred King , as J . AA . ; Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , Chaplain ; Bro . J . Firth , Treasurer ; Bro . G . D . Shepherd , Sec . ; Bro . J . 0 , Smith , S . D . ; Bro . R . Farrow , J . D . ; Bro . AV . Abraham , J . G . ; and Bro . A . Gibson , Tyler . The following members were also present , viz . —Bros . AVatson , Ritchie , Robinson , AA'hite , Burchani , Moosa Khan , Mirza AH Mahomed , McPherson , Rowlands , PensouTowersBallistierAVilkinsonCabralMurrayRoberts
, , , , , , , Lachlan , AVilkes , Reading , Blake , AValker , Russell , Lawson , AAllkinson , junior , Richmond , Dawson , Gumming , Newman , Gray , Mac-Kenzie , Man ; A isitors—Bros . AA . AA . Palmer , Orion in the AA'est , 598 ; G . F . Laity , St . George , S 07 ; James , Marshall , McGroch , AA ' right , Carpenter , Reynolds , Neilson , Jamieson , Slynn , and Eton , Perseverance ( Scotland ) 343 ; H . J . Hill , St . Andrew's in the East ( Scotland ) 343 . After prayer by the Rev . Chaplain , the lodge was
opened in the first degree , ancl the minutes of the previous regular meeting read and confirmed . Bros . McGroch and Reynolds , of Perseverance Lodge , No . 351 ( G . L . S . ) , were balloted for ancl unanimously elected , ancl greeted as joining members . Bros . Walker , Towers , ancl Russell , having been subjected to a strict and searching examination as to their proficiency in the entered apprentices' degree and found duly qualified , were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro .
Sandford , ancl the greatest praise is clue to fche AVardens and Deacons for the very perfect manner in which their part of the ceremony was rendered . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree . The following gentlemen , Messrs . B . Robinson , J . T . Bell , and Thomas Rodel , proposed for initiation to be balloted for at the next regular meeting ; and Bro . Sandford having announced , in a fraternally kind and feeling speech , the cause of the absence
of the AV . M ., which he was sure was regretted by all , there being no other work , the lodge closed in peace and harmony , at 8 . 30 p . m . ; the brethren retiring to the baiiquetting room to a sumptuous supper ; and those who know Bro . Shepherd are aware how
excellent it was . . Grace having been said by the Chaplain , cloth was removed , . when Bro . Sandford called upon his AVardens to see that the brethren were prepared to do honour to the first toast— " The Queen and the Craft ; " in responding to which the brethren displayed their loyalty in an enthusiastic manner . The health of the M . W . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master , was then proposed , followed by that of the Right Hon . Lord Panmurethe R . AA . the Deputy G . M . and the rest of the
, , Grand Officers ; each toast having been vociferously responded to . The next toast was one which Bro . Sandford said he found it difficult to do justice to by any words he could offer ; bufc as the brother whose health he was now about to propose had gained the good-will and lasting gratitude of every member of the lodge , the duties of which he had discharged with great credit fco himself and signal benefit to the lodge , ivhich , opening in the latter end of
February , 1859 , with some thirteen members , had now the proud satisfaction of bearing on its rolls some sixty or seventy members ( cheers ) , he was sure it was only necessary for him to allude to the brother to insure a hearty response to the toast . It was , he said , a gratifying pleasure to him to have it in his power from the Chair of the lodge to propose the health of the AV . M ., who having nearly completed his second year of office—and they were aware that under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England he
could not bold it for a third—would shortly pass to the chair of the immediate Past Master , carrying with him the kindly wishes ancl good-will of the brethren ; he begged , therefore , that they would charge their glasses and join him in a bmnber to the healtli of our AVorshipful Master Bro . D . Hepworth , which was received ancl responded to with loud ancl hearty applause . The evening ' s entertainment having been enlivened by many excellent songsbut
, especially by Bro . Alfred King ' s " 0 , AVillie , we have miss'd you ;" and "The Health of the A'isitors " having been proposed and responded to in appropriate terms , followed by the usual toast to " All Poor and Distressed Masons , " the lodge closed in peace and harnionv at 10 . 30 p . m .
PERSEVERANCE . —All the performances of human art , at which we look with praise or wonder , are instances of the resistless force of perseverance . It is by this that the quarry becomes a pyramid , and that tlistant countries are united with canals . If a man was to compare the effect of a single stroke of the pickaxe , or of one impression of the spade , with the general design and last result , he
would be overwhelmed with a sense of their disproportion ; yet those petty operations , incessantly continued , in time surmount the greatest difficulties , and mountains are levelled , and oceans bounded , by the slender force of human beings . Johnson .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
mously adopted : —Resolved , " That this meeting desire to eonvey to Lieut .-Col . Charles John Kemys-Tyute , Prov . G . M ., Monmouthshire , to Col , Charles Kemys Kemys-Tynte , Prov . G . M . of Eastern Division of South Wales , and the surviving relatives of the late Prov . G . M . of Somerset , their respectful condolences on the death of Colonel Charles Kemys Kemys-Tynte , F . S . A ., feeling that both personal regard ancl Masonic duty require a ready and full expression of sympathy with the relatives of one to whom the
Masonic Brethren of the Province have been for an unusually long period indebted for numerous acts of fraternal esteem and affection . " Bro . Ashley then also proposed , and Bro . Peach seconded , the following resolution , whicli also was unanimously adopted : — Resolved , " That a copy of the above resolutions be forwarded to Lieut .-Col . Charles John Kemys Tynte ; and also thafc they be recorded in the minutes of the several lodges represented on the present occasion . " The lodge was then closed in solemn prayer and in perfect harmony .
YORKSHIRE AVEST . BRADFORD . —Lodge of Hope ( No . 379 . )—A regular lodge meeting was held on Monday , Nov . 26 th , which was fully attended . Amongst the officers were the W . M . J . T . Robinson , Thomas Hill , as P . M ., AVilliam Bollans , S . AV ., George Snowden , as J . W ., Henry Smith , P . M ., 543 , as Secretary ; Rev . AA m . Fearnsides , Chaplain ; AA m . Mawson , Treas ., & c— together with J . A . Unna , P . M . ; M . RogersonP . M . J . H . BuckleyP . M . ; Henry FarrarP . Prov . J . G . AV . ;
, ; , , David Salmond , P . M . ; Prov . " S . G . AV . ; Joshua Brigg , and others . These were called for six , ancl at a quarter past business was commenced . The minutes of the previous meeting were read ancl confirmed . Apologies were received from Bros . AVm . Gath , P . M ., ancl P . Prov . J . G . AV ., L . C Hill , J . AV ., and G . R . Mossman , Secretary . The ballot was then taken for Messrs . Keighley , Armitage , and Ibbetson , ivhich proved favourable , when they were severally
initiated into the mysteries of Freemasonry . The AV . M . then called upon Bro . M . Rogerson to give the ancient charge , ancl Bro . Henry Smith to give the working tools . Bro . D . Salmond then called attention to the distressed state of the widow of the late Bro . Charles Ingham , and proposed that the sum of £ 5 be presented to her for immediate wants , which was seconded by Bro . J . A . Unna , and carried . Dr . Taylor , P . M ., then stated that the funds placed in his hands for the relief of a poor brother voted some months
ago were exhausted ; it was then decided thst the sum of 2 s . 6 c ? . weekly be paid to him , in conjunction with the Lodge of Harmony , 874 . Bro . D . Salmond then placed in the hands of the Secretary a letter from Bro . R . R . Nelson , Prov . G . S ., requesting names for Stewards for the next festival of the Royal Masonic Annuity Fund foraged Freemasons ; he stated that there were ten names down
from this Province , and Bradford was not amongst them ; it is to be hoped that the brothers of the Lodge of Hope will not be behind on the occasion . A reply from the Midland Railway Company was received , stating that they could not grant excursion tickets to Nottingham and back on Dec . 7 th , in consequence of their agreement with the Great Northern Company ; — it may be asked , where is the advantage , then , of competing lines ? The AA' . M . then ordered the distribution of slips of paperand afterwards read a
, list of names of those eligible to -serve as W . M ., and the bye-law relating to it , when the ballot was taken , and the choice fell upon Bro . James Lumb , a worthy member of the lodge , who had justly earned the high position , not only by bis regular and constant attendance , but by his efficiency in every capacity which he has served , the result was received with marks of approbation ; and it is to be hoped that his choice of officers will be equallfortunate .
y The AV . M . elect then rose and expressed his gratification at the high honour conferred upon him , and his determination to endeavour , by the assistance of the P . M . ' s and brothers , to do his duty ¦ faithfully . The next duty was the election of Treasurer ; it was proposed that Bro . William Mawson should retain the office ; he , however , owing to professional business , was obliged to decline the . honour- the unanimous choice then fell upon Bro . George
Bean-, land , a worthy choice , indeed . Bro . J . J . Holmes was then reelected Tyler , ancl Bro . P . M . Buckley , Curator , for the ensuing year . After the Chaplain had officiated " the lodge was closed , and the brethren retired to refreshment ; the room was full , but owing to the exertion of the Stewards , ancl the order and regularity of the brethren , not the slightest confusion occurred . Thus ended one of the most animated and numerous nxeetinors of the year .
BOIIBAT . —Concord Lodge ( No . 1059 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this flourishing lodge was held ut its lodge rooms on Saturday , the 20 th October , I 860 ; Bro . John Sandford , S . W . presiding , in the absence of the W . M ., from indisposition . AV .
Bro . G . S . Judge , as Past Master ; Bro . J . H . Irvine , as Senior AVarden ; Bro . Alfred King , as J . AA . ; Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnham , Chaplain ; Bro . J . Firth , Treasurer ; Bro . G . D . Shepherd , Sec . ; Bro . J . 0 , Smith , S . D . ; Bro . R . Farrow , J . D . ; Bro . AV . Abraham , J . G . ; and Bro . A . Gibson , Tyler . The following members were also present , viz . —Bros . AVatson , Ritchie , Robinson , AA'hite , Burchani , Moosa Khan , Mirza AH Mahomed , McPherson , Rowlands , PensouTowersBallistierAVilkinsonCabralMurrayRoberts
, , , , , , , Lachlan , AVilkes , Reading , Blake , AValker , Russell , Lawson , AAllkinson , junior , Richmond , Dawson , Gumming , Newman , Gray , Mac-Kenzie , Man ; A isitors—Bros . AA . AA . Palmer , Orion in the AA'est , 598 ; G . F . Laity , St . George , S 07 ; James , Marshall , McGroch , AA ' right , Carpenter , Reynolds , Neilson , Jamieson , Slynn , and Eton , Perseverance ( Scotland ) 343 ; H . J . Hill , St . Andrew's in the East ( Scotland ) 343 . After prayer by the Rev . Chaplain , the lodge was
opened in the first degree , ancl the minutes of the previous regular meeting read and confirmed . Bros . McGroch and Reynolds , of Perseverance Lodge , No . 351 ( G . L . S . ) , were balloted for ancl unanimously elected , ancl greeted as joining members . Bros . Walker , Towers , ancl Russell , having been subjected to a strict and searching examination as to their proficiency in the entered apprentices' degree and found duly qualified , were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The ceremony was most impressively performed by Bro .
Sandford , ancl the greatest praise is clue to fche AVardens and Deacons for the very perfect manner in which their part of the ceremony was rendered . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree . The following gentlemen , Messrs . B . Robinson , J . T . Bell , and Thomas Rodel , proposed for initiation to be balloted for at the next regular meeting ; and Bro . Sandford having announced , in a fraternally kind and feeling speech , the cause of the absence
of the AV . M ., which he was sure was regretted by all , there being no other work , the lodge closed in peace and harmony , at 8 . 30 p . m . ; the brethren retiring to the baiiquetting room to a sumptuous supper ; and those who know Bro . Shepherd are aware how
excellent it was . . Grace having been said by the Chaplain , cloth was removed , . when Bro . Sandford called upon his AVardens to see that the brethren were prepared to do honour to the first toast— " The Queen and the Craft ; " in responding to which the brethren displayed their loyalty in an enthusiastic manner . The health of the M . W . the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Grand Master , was then proposed , followed by that of the Right Hon . Lord Panmurethe R . AA . the Deputy G . M . and the rest of the
, , Grand Officers ; each toast having been vociferously responded to . The next toast was one which Bro . Sandford said he found it difficult to do justice to by any words he could offer ; bufc as the brother whose health he was now about to propose had gained the good-will and lasting gratitude of every member of the lodge , the duties of which he had discharged with great credit fco himself and signal benefit to the lodge , ivhich , opening in the latter end of
February , 1859 , with some thirteen members , had now the proud satisfaction of bearing on its rolls some sixty or seventy members ( cheers ) , he was sure it was only necessary for him to allude to the brother to insure a hearty response to the toast . It was , he said , a gratifying pleasure to him to have it in his power from the Chair of the lodge to propose the health of the AV . M ., who having nearly completed his second year of office—and they were aware that under the constitution of the Grand Lodge of England he
could not bold it for a third—would shortly pass to the chair of the immediate Past Master , carrying with him the kindly wishes ancl good-will of the brethren ; he begged , therefore , that they would charge their glasses and join him in a bmnber to the healtli of our AVorshipful Master Bro . D . Hepworth , which was received ancl responded to with loud ancl hearty applause . The evening ' s entertainment having been enlivened by many excellent songsbut
, especially by Bro . Alfred King ' s " 0 , AVillie , we have miss'd you ;" and "The Health of the A'isitors " having been proposed and responded to in appropriate terms , followed by the usual toast to " All Poor and Distressed Masons , " the lodge closed in peace and harnionv at 10 . 30 p . m .
PERSEVERANCE . —All the performances of human art , at which we look with praise or wonder , are instances of the resistless force of perseverance . It is by this that the quarry becomes a pyramid , and that tlistant countries are united with canals . If a man was to compare the effect of a single stroke of the pickaxe , or of one impression of the spade , with the general design and last result , he
would be overwhelmed with a sense of their disproportion ; yet those petty operations , incessantly continued , in time surmount the greatest difficulties , and mountains are levelled , and oceans bounded , by the slender force of human beings . Johnson .