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The South Metropolitan Masonic Hall, Company Limited.
might also state , that it was in contemplation to erect a hall for East London , and if they did , to proceed at onco with tho building , a groat deal of the support which they would receive ivould bo diverted to the eastern districts . It occurred to him , that if they selected a site nearer to London Bridge thoy would secure for the building a very large amount of additional support , but the great point to be observed , was to proceed with the undertaking , wherever the sito was obtained , without any unnecessary
delay , and if tho meeting were adjourned , ho hoped they would bo called together again in a week or ten days , or at all events before Christmas , so that they might be able to come to a decision with respect to tho site , and allow the necessary arrangement to bo made , to commence tho building with tho opening of tho spring . Bro . AA ' AED moved a resolution to the effect that the report of the Directors be referred back to them for reconsideration .
Neither of the sites which had been brought before the meeting was eligible for the purpose for which it was required , that in Newington Butts being too small , and that in Camberwell JNew-road being too far away . Bro . OEIEE seconded the motion . The SECRETARY thought it right to mention that Bro . Thomas , who had made a survey of the piece of ground in
Newing Butts , had written to him to apologise for not being able to attend the meeting , and concluded by expressing a hope that that site would he adopted . Bro . GREEN : It is not large enough for the purpose for which ive require it . Bro . AVARD : You are quite right , sir . The motion that the report be referred back to the Directors was then agreed to . Bro . SMITH said the next point to he considered , was the best way to carry out the object which they had in view . He
believed that useful as advertising might he in bringing a matter before the public , it was not the best plan that could be adopted in dealing with a question of this kind . He would suggest that a committee of the Board , to consist of practical men , well acquainted with the value of property , be appointed to go and matte inquiries in the district for a site such as was required . As he had already said , lie did not think there would be much difficulty in finding a suitable lace at the back of a street in
p some central position . He did not agree with Bro , Stevens that it was necessary that they should have a handsome frontage . He believed that if they had a respectable entrance , even through an archway , it would not in the slightest degree affect the establishment , or prevent any persons from going there . THE CHAIRMAN : It would be of great assistance to the directors if brethren who were acquainted with property in this
district , ivould make inquiries as to a site , and it they found a place likely to answer our purposes , to communicate with the Secretary , who would immediately call a meeting and submit it / or approval , I fully agree with Bro . Smith , that we are more likely to get a site by making inquires personally in the district , than if we published fifty advertisements . I am also disposed to agree with him that it is not
advisable that we should pay a large amount for the sake of frontage . If we have only a doorway it ivould be quite sufficient in front , provided we have ample room behind . It is good accommodation we want , not ornament , a desire for which has brought ruin on many undertakings , Bro . LEVANDER said lie and Bro . AA'orthington had spent a great portion of a day ou going through Newington looking for
a site , and they had called upon several agents , but they had been able to get no information that proved of any service to them . They had heard of no sites save those which had been broucrlifc before the meetinc ..
Bro . STEVENS said tltat if the question were referred back to the directors without specific instructions , it would bo allowed to remain in its present position . Bro . GREEN : We have already agreed - . hat it is to be referred back . Bro . STEVENS said he was afraid unless the directors received instructions to do something specifically , nothing would be done in the matterand the project would be allowed to fall to the
, ground . It was not the first time that a project of this kind was started , hut every attempt had failed , and ' as one who felt a deep interest in the success of the undertaking he was anxious that it should not be allowed to fall through again . He therefore begged to suggest that something definite should be agreed upon with regaul to what was to be done towards currying out the objects they had in view . He would
The South Metropolitan Masonic Hall, Company Limited.
he g lad to form one of a committee with Bros . AA'ard , Dresser , and Rodgers in the borough to go through the district in search of a site . The CHAIRMAN : I think tiie suggestion of Bro . Stevens is a very practical one . It puts the suggestion of Bro . Smith into practical shape , and 1 think it is the best thing that could be done under the circumstances . Bro . WARD said he should decline to act on the committee .
He was satisfied that no site could be found in the parish with which he was connected . Bro . SMITH said that so far as building-land was concerned he believed Bro . AVard was quite correct , but then inquiries should also be directed to house property , which would be equally suitable . Bro . LEVANDER said that as the question had been referred
hack to the directors it would be better to leave the matter in their hands , and he had no doubt that they would take all the steps that were necessary to bring about a realisation of the project . It was then agreed that the matter should be left with the Directors to deal with . BroSMITH said he fullendorsed the opinion of Bro . Stevens
. y that no time should be lost in the matter , and he trusted that if an eligible site were found they ivould he . called together ivithout delay , in order that it might he adopted , and the necessary steps taken to carry out the undertaking . The CICAIBMAN said that while he agreed with the opinions which had been expressed with regard to the importance of the proceeding with the undertaking with every possible
exdition , he believed , nevertheless , that it would he better to ait for three months than to erect a building upon a site not suitable , and that mig ht be a cause of regret at some future period . Au announcement was made by Mr . SMITH that as soon as a site was found he had instructions to take ten or fifteen shares in the company . On tho motion of Bro . II . Smith , seconded by Bro . Oswin , a vote of thanks was passed to the chairman , and was cordially acknowledged by that gentlemen , and the brethren dispersed .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE HIGH GRADES , < SC . " Will some -well-informed brother kindly , through the medium of the pages of the FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , give me replies to the following queries ? 1 . Is ahrother who is made Chev . K . D . S . Ecossais 30 ° in a conclave in France entitled to be admitted
in an encampment of Knights Templar held under the Grand Conclave of England and "Wales ? 2 . Can a brother wear the jewels of all the degrees he has taken in a properly constituted lodge , chapter and conclave , in a Craft lodge , or can the "W . M . oblige such brother to wear only tbe jewels of the
degrees recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England ? 3 . Is a brother who has taken the 30 ° , hut never occupied the Master ' s chair in a blue lodge , entitled to sit in the east in a lodge under the English and Irish Constitutionsthe same as is the custom in
, Italian and French lodges when of that degree ? I . If the son of a Master 3 fason wishes to join the Order under the English or Irish Constitution , is there no allowance made instead of having to pay the full fee ? In the Italian lodges , I believe , they have only to pay one-third of the fee . —INQUIRER .
BURNING THE APRON . In Bro . Hughan ' s very interesting "History of Freemasonry in Cornwall , " now appearing in the FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , it is recorded in the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The South Metropolitan Masonic Hall, Company Limited.
might also state , that it was in contemplation to erect a hall for East London , and if they did , to proceed at onco with tho building , a groat deal of the support which they would receive ivould bo diverted to the eastern districts . It occurred to him , that if they selected a site nearer to London Bridge thoy would secure for the building a very large amount of additional support , but the great point to be observed , was to proceed with the undertaking , wherever the sito was obtained , without any unnecessary
delay , and if tho meeting were adjourned , ho hoped they would bo called together again in a week or ten days , or at all events before Christmas , so that they might be able to come to a decision with respect to tho site , and allow the necessary arrangement to bo made , to commence tho building with tho opening of tho spring . Bro . AA ' AED moved a resolution to the effect that the report of the Directors be referred back to them for reconsideration .
Neither of the sites which had been brought before the meeting was eligible for the purpose for which it was required , that in Newington Butts being too small , and that in Camberwell JNew-road being too far away . Bro . OEIEE seconded the motion . The SECRETARY thought it right to mention that Bro . Thomas , who had made a survey of the piece of ground in
Newing Butts , had written to him to apologise for not being able to attend the meeting , and concluded by expressing a hope that that site would he adopted . Bro . GREEN : It is not large enough for the purpose for which ive require it . Bro . AVARD : You are quite right , sir . The motion that the report be referred back to the Directors was then agreed to . Bro . SMITH said the next point to he considered , was the best way to carry out the object which they had in view . He
believed that useful as advertising might he in bringing a matter before the public , it was not the best plan that could be adopted in dealing with a question of this kind . He would suggest that a committee of the Board , to consist of practical men , well acquainted with the value of property , be appointed to go and matte inquiries in the district for a site such as was required . As he had already said , lie did not think there would be much difficulty in finding a suitable lace at the back of a street in
p some central position . He did not agree with Bro , Stevens that it was necessary that they should have a handsome frontage . He believed that if they had a respectable entrance , even through an archway , it would not in the slightest degree affect the establishment , or prevent any persons from going there . THE CHAIRMAN : It would be of great assistance to the directors if brethren who were acquainted with property in this
district , ivould make inquiries as to a site , and it they found a place likely to answer our purposes , to communicate with the Secretary , who would immediately call a meeting and submit it / or approval , I fully agree with Bro . Smith , that we are more likely to get a site by making inquires personally in the district , than if we published fifty advertisements . I am also disposed to agree with him that it is not
advisable that we should pay a large amount for the sake of frontage . If we have only a doorway it ivould be quite sufficient in front , provided we have ample room behind . It is good accommodation we want , not ornament , a desire for which has brought ruin on many undertakings , Bro . LEVANDER said lie and Bro . AA'orthington had spent a great portion of a day ou going through Newington looking for
a site , and they had called upon several agents , but they had been able to get no information that proved of any service to them . They had heard of no sites save those which had been broucrlifc before the meetinc ..
Bro . STEVENS said tltat if the question were referred back to the directors without specific instructions , it would bo allowed to remain in its present position . Bro . GREEN : We have already agreed - . hat it is to be referred back . Bro . STEVENS said he was afraid unless the directors received instructions to do something specifically , nothing would be done in the matterand the project would be allowed to fall to the
, ground . It was not the first time that a project of this kind was started , hut every attempt had failed , and ' as one who felt a deep interest in the success of the undertaking he was anxious that it should not be allowed to fall through again . He therefore begged to suggest that something definite should be agreed upon with regaul to what was to be done towards currying out the objects they had in view . He would
The South Metropolitan Masonic Hall, Company Limited.
he g lad to form one of a committee with Bros . AA'ard , Dresser , and Rodgers in the borough to go through the district in search of a site . The CHAIRMAN : I think tiie suggestion of Bro . Stevens is a very practical one . It puts the suggestion of Bro . Smith into practical shape , and 1 think it is the best thing that could be done under the circumstances . Bro . WARD said he should decline to act on the committee .
He was satisfied that no site could be found in the parish with which he was connected . Bro . SMITH said that so far as building-land was concerned he believed Bro . AVard was quite correct , but then inquiries should also be directed to house property , which would be equally suitable . Bro . LEVANDER said that as the question had been referred
hack to the directors it would be better to leave the matter in their hands , and he had no doubt that they would take all the steps that were necessary to bring about a realisation of the project . It was then agreed that the matter should be left with the Directors to deal with . BroSMITH said he fullendorsed the opinion of Bro . Stevens
. y that no time should be lost in the matter , and he trusted that if an eligible site were found they ivould he . called together ivithout delay , in order that it might he adopted , and the necessary steps taken to carry out the undertaking . The CICAIBMAN said that while he agreed with the opinions which had been expressed with regard to the importance of the proceeding with the undertaking with every possible
exdition , he believed , nevertheless , that it would he better to ait for three months than to erect a building upon a site not suitable , and that mig ht be a cause of regret at some future period . Au announcement was made by Mr . SMITH that as soon as a site was found he had instructions to take ten or fifteen shares in the company . On tho motion of Bro . II . Smith , seconded by Bro . Oswin , a vote of thanks was passed to the chairman , and was cordially acknowledged by that gentlemen , and the brethren dispersed .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE HIGH GRADES , < SC . " Will some -well-informed brother kindly , through the medium of the pages of the FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE , give me replies to the following queries ? 1 . Is ahrother who is made Chev . K . D . S . Ecossais 30 ° in a conclave in France entitled to be admitted
in an encampment of Knights Templar held under the Grand Conclave of England and "Wales ? 2 . Can a brother wear the jewels of all the degrees he has taken in a properly constituted lodge , chapter and conclave , in a Craft lodge , or can the "W . M . oblige such brother to wear only tbe jewels of the
degrees recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England ? 3 . Is a brother who has taken the 30 ° , hut never occupied the Master ' s chair in a blue lodge , entitled to sit in the east in a lodge under the English and Irish Constitutionsthe same as is the custom in
, Italian and French lodges when of that degree ? I . If the son of a Master 3 fason wishes to join the Order under the English or Irish Constitution , is there no allowance made instead of having to pay the full fee ? In the Italian lodges , I believe , they have only to pay one-third of the fee . —INQUIRER .
BURNING THE APRON . In Bro . Hughan ' s very interesting "History of Freemasonry in Cornwall , " now appearing in the FBEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , it is recorded in the