Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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elected and was invested by the AA . M . A ballot was then taken for Mr . Robert AA ' cavcr as a candidate for initiation , and resulted unanimously in his favour . Tho chair having been taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., Bros . Douglas , Johnson , Oldham , Mann , "Weaver , Adcock , Turville , and Goodacre , were called to the pedestal , and having answered the examination questions in a very satisfactory manner , retired , after which the lodge was opened in the second
degree , and they were severally passed thereto , presented with the working-tools , and had the tracing-board of the degree explained to them . The F . C . ' s lodge having been , closed , the D . Prov . G . M . proceeded to initiate -Air . Robert Weaver , after which , the AA . A 1 . taking the chair , two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation at the next meeting , and tho lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment under the presidency of the AA . M . The usual loyal and Jfasgnic
toasts were duly honoured , including "The better Health of the highly-esteemed Provincial Grand Master , Earl Howe , " and " The Health of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , " with warm expressions of esteem on the part of the W . M ., who tendered the best thanks of the brethren for his valuable services to the lodge , and which received a cordial response from the brethren . The D . Prov . G . M . having acknowledged the comlimentgave " The Health of the Worshipful Master , and
p , Prosperity to the lodge . " The toast of "The Newly-initiated Brother , " was then duly honoured , Bro . Bithrey singing the " Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " and to which Bro . R . Weaver responded . Soon afterwards the brethren separated , after an evening of hard work and pleasure combined .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAHDIIT . —PRESENTATION TO BRO . ROBERTS OP THE TAEJ . A RAILWAY . —Ou the 22 nd ult ., a presentation of a silver tea and coffee service and salver was made at the Tail' Vale Railway Offices , Cockherbtown , Cardiff , to Bro . David Roberts , on his leaving the employ of the company . The plate was manufactured bMessrs . Cartwriht and WoodwardAtlas
y g , "Works , Birmingham , and purchased by a subscription of the officials employed by the company . Mr . AV . D . Bushell , the managing director , in the presence of the other officers aud clerks , presented the plate to Bro . Roberts , and addressed some suitable remarks expressive of the satisfaction which he had given to the directors during the somewhat long period which he had been ill their service , and he referred to the high
estimation which Bro . Roberts had achieved , as proved by the fact of his appointment to the office of secretary to the Dare Valley Railway Company , . Air . G . Fisher , the traffic manager , also made a few observations in support of what had been said hy Mr . Bushell . Pro . Roberts acknowledged the gift , which he said he should the more highly value because it came upon him cpii to unexpectedly . lie expressed his gratification at the assurance of his having given satisfaction to the directorsand added a word
, of advice to the younger men in the employ of the company , recommending to them industry , integrity , and punctuality in the discharge of their duties . He concluded by giving his warmest thanks for their presentation of such a token of the goodwill which they bore towards him . The salver bore tho following inscription : — "This salver , together with a silver tea and coll ' ee service , was presented to Mr . David Roberts by his
brother officers and friends , on resigning the situation of accountant to the Tad' A ale Railway Company , after a service twenty-two years , as a token of respect , with their good wishes for his future welfare . " Brn . D . Roberts is a P . M . of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) Cardiff , he is also a worthy member of the Provincial Grand Lodge for tho Eastern Division of South AA ' ales , and a better working Mason is not to be found .
WILTSHIRE . MEETIXG OE PROVINCIAL GH . VSB LOHGE . One of the largest gatherings of the Craft that has taken place iu Wiltshire for several years past was held at Chippenham , on the 20 th ult ., on the occasion of the holding a Pi ovincial Grand Lodge . Tiie lodge mis opened at tivo o ' clockat the new Ii .. )) bthe
, , y Provincial Grand JIaster , Bro . Lord Jlethuen , supported by tbe D . Prov . G . JI ., Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , M . P ., and a brilliant assembly of distinguished members of the Order , amongst whom we noticed Bros , the Hev . C . R . Davey , G . Chap , of England ; Hev . F . Ravenshaw , P . Prov . G . Chap . " ; S . Wittey , P . Prov . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Treas . ; E . T . Payne , Prov . G . Treas . Somerset ; Rev . J . K . Booker , Prov . G . G'iiap ; W . Biggs , P .
Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . Burt , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; R . Spencer , P . Prov . S . G . W " . ; Captain Bradford . P . Prov . J . G . W " ., and many others . The Provincial Grand Officers were appointed for the ensuing year , as follows : — Bro . Sir D . Gooch , "M . P ... D . Prov . G . M . „ AA . Read .... ' Prov . S . G . W . „ T . P . Ravenshaw ... „ J . G . W .
„ J . R . Booker „ G . Chap . ,. S . AVilley „ G . Reg . „ K . de M . Leeson ... „ G . Treas . „ H . Kinneir „ G . Sec „ J . Toomer „ S . G . D . „ S . G . Mitchell „ J . G . D . „ C . W . AVymlham ... „ G . Supt . of AVorks . „ J . Holloway , G . Dir . of Cers .
„ J . Allen „ G . Assist . Dir . of Corse . „ W . L . Dore „ G . Sword Bearer . „ C . Feaviour „ G . Purst . „ J . G . O'Reilly ~ \ „ J . G . Dicks ' ~ „ , , TT ... . .. ,- „ G . Stewards . „ H . iVestmacott ... t " „ A . L . Griffith ) „ J . Burrows „ G . Tyler .
At the meeting of the charity committee which preceded the-Provincial Grand Lodge proceedings , the following sums wore voted to our three great Masonic Charities : —_ 65 5 s to the Boys ' School , in name of Lodge of Rectitude ( No . 335 ); £ 5 5 s . in the name of the Royal Sussex Lodgo of Emulation ( No . 355 ); £ 10 " 10 s . in the name of Lodge Concord ( No . 632 ) . £ 10 10 s . to the Girls' School , in the name of Lodge Elias de Derham ( No . 586 ) ; and £ 1010 s . in the name of the Royal Sussex Lodge of -Emulation
( No . 355 ) . The last two items of £ 10 10 s . each to be applied so as to constitute the W . JI . ' s of the respective lodges named , life governors of the Girls' School . £ 10 10 s . to tbe Royal Benevolent Institution in the name of Lodge of Rectitude ( No . 335 ) . The following sums were voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge : —The annual stun of £ 21 to Charity Committee Fund ; .
£ 10 10 s . to the Boys' School , to be applied for the purpose of making the D . Prov . G . M . a life governor of that Charity . The several sums voted by the Charity Committee and Provincial Grand Lodge to the Boys' School , to be placed on the list of Bro . R . Lawson , who reported that he was going -up as-Steward of the Province of AA'ilts . for that Charity ; and those voted to the Girls' School to lie placed in the list of Bro . T , F . Ravenshawas Steward of the Girls' School .
, The circumstance of this being , ire believe , the first occasion upon which the province is to be represented at two of the festivals , augurs well for the good and prosperity of Freemasonry iu the province of Wilts . The Provincial Grand Lodge being closed , tho brethren adjourned to the Angel Hotel , and sat down to a banquet which reflected great credit upon the host , Bro . Lawcs .
The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , "The Health of the Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , " was proposed by Bro . Lord Methuen , and drunk with full Masonic honours ; his lordshipobserving that no man deserved more of his country than Bro . Sir Daniel , who had accomplished a great Work , not only for thebenefit of the present generation , but for all future time . Other toasts followed , and the brethren dispersed after spending a most enjoyable afternoon . The meeting will long bo remembered from the marked success with which it was attended .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCARBOROUGH . — Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The brethren of this prosperous lodge held their usual monthly meeting on the 21 st ult . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Godfrey Knight W . JI ., assisted by his two wardens . Bros . Symons and Crosby , Dr . Armitago , S . D . ; J . AV . D . Middleton , J . D . ; II . A . Williamson , as I . G . ; Ash , Tyler , together
with several other brethren , amongst whom were Bros . AA'illiam Foster Rooke , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; James Frederick Spun-, P . Jf . ; \ V . B . l _ . Stewart , P . M ., and two visitors ; Bros . Amos , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Gloucester ; and Salmon , W . JI . ( 278 ) , Gibraltar . The minutes of the last , meeting having been read by Bro . H . C . Martin , P . JI . and Hon . Sec , thoy were unanimously confirmed . Jlr . W . Stevenson , master mariner , who was approved at the last meeting as a candidate for initiation , was properly prepared , duly admitted , and regularly initiated into the mysteries
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elected and was invested by the AA . M . A ballot was then taken for Mr . Robert AA ' cavcr as a candidate for initiation , and resulted unanimously in his favour . Tho chair having been taken by the D . Prov . G . M ., Bros . Douglas , Johnson , Oldham , Mann , "Weaver , Adcock , Turville , and Goodacre , were called to the pedestal , and having answered the examination questions in a very satisfactory manner , retired , after which the lodge was opened in the second
degree , and they were severally passed thereto , presented with the working-tools , and had the tracing-board of the degree explained to them . The F . C . ' s lodge having been , closed , the D . Prov . G . M . proceeded to initiate -Air . Robert Weaver , after which , the AA . A 1 . taking the chair , two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for initiation at the next meeting , and tho lodge was closed . The brethren then adjourned to refreshment under the presidency of the AA . M . The usual loyal and Jfasgnic
toasts were duly honoured , including "The better Health of the highly-esteemed Provincial Grand Master , Earl Howe , " and " The Health of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , " with warm expressions of esteem on the part of the W . M ., who tendered the best thanks of the brethren for his valuable services to the lodge , and which received a cordial response from the brethren . The D . Prov . G . M . having acknowledged the comlimentgave " The Health of the Worshipful Master , and
p , Prosperity to the lodge . " The toast of "The Newly-initiated Brother , " was then duly honoured , Bro . Bithrey singing the " Entered Apprentice ' s Song , " and to which Bro . R . Weaver responded . Soon afterwards the brethren separated , after an evening of hard work and pleasure combined .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . CAHDIIT . —PRESENTATION TO BRO . ROBERTS OP THE TAEJ . A RAILWAY . —Ou the 22 nd ult ., a presentation of a silver tea and coffee service and salver was made at the Tail' Vale Railway Offices , Cockherbtown , Cardiff , to Bro . David Roberts , on his leaving the employ of the company . The plate was manufactured bMessrs . Cartwriht and WoodwardAtlas
y g , "Works , Birmingham , and purchased by a subscription of the officials employed by the company . Mr . AV . D . Bushell , the managing director , in the presence of the other officers aud clerks , presented the plate to Bro . Roberts , and addressed some suitable remarks expressive of the satisfaction which he had given to the directors during the somewhat long period which he had been ill their service , and he referred to the high
estimation which Bro . Roberts had achieved , as proved by the fact of his appointment to the office of secretary to the Dare Valley Railway Company , . Air . G . Fisher , the traffic manager , also made a few observations in support of what had been said hy Mr . Bushell . Pro . Roberts acknowledged the gift , which he said he should the more highly value because it came upon him cpii to unexpectedly . lie expressed his gratification at the assurance of his having given satisfaction to the directorsand added a word
, of advice to the younger men in the employ of the company , recommending to them industry , integrity , and punctuality in the discharge of their duties . He concluded by giving his warmest thanks for their presentation of such a token of the goodwill which they bore towards him . The salver bore tho following inscription : — "This salver , together with a silver tea and coll ' ee service , was presented to Mr . David Roberts by his
brother officers and friends , on resigning the situation of accountant to the Tad' A ale Railway Company , after a service twenty-two years , as a token of respect , with their good wishes for his future welfare . " Brn . D . Roberts is a P . M . of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) Cardiff , he is also a worthy member of the Provincial Grand Lodge for tho Eastern Division of South AA ' ales , and a better working Mason is not to be found .
WILTSHIRE . MEETIXG OE PROVINCIAL GH . VSB LOHGE . One of the largest gatherings of the Craft that has taken place iu Wiltshire for several years past was held at Chippenham , on the 20 th ult ., on the occasion of the holding a Pi ovincial Grand Lodge . Tiie lodge mis opened at tivo o ' clockat the new Ii .. )) bthe
, , y Provincial Grand JIaster , Bro . Lord Jlethuen , supported by tbe D . Prov . G . JI ., Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , M . P ., and a brilliant assembly of distinguished members of the Order , amongst whom we noticed Bros , the Hev . C . R . Davey , G . Chap , of England ; Hev . F . Ravenshaw , P . Prov . G . Chap . " ; S . Wittey , P . Prov . S . G . W . and Prov . G . Treas . ; E . T . Payne , Prov . G . Treas . Somerset ; Rev . J . K . Booker , Prov . G . G'iiap ; W . Biggs , P .
Prov . S . G . AV . ; J . Burt , P . Prov . S . G . AV . ; R . Spencer , P . Prov . S . G . W " . ; Captain Bradford . P . Prov . J . G . W " ., and many others . The Provincial Grand Officers were appointed for the ensuing year , as follows : — Bro . Sir D . Gooch , "M . P ... D . Prov . G . M . „ AA . Read .... ' Prov . S . G . W . „ T . P . Ravenshaw ... „ J . G . W .
„ J . R . Booker „ G . Chap . ,. S . AVilley „ G . Reg . „ K . de M . Leeson ... „ G . Treas . „ H . Kinneir „ G . Sec „ J . Toomer „ S . G . D . „ S . G . Mitchell „ J . G . D . „ C . W . AVymlham ... „ G . Supt . of AVorks . „ J . Holloway , G . Dir . of Cers .
„ J . Allen „ G . Assist . Dir . of Corse . „ W . L . Dore „ G . Sword Bearer . „ C . Feaviour „ G . Purst . „ J . G . O'Reilly ~ \ „ J . G . Dicks ' ~ „ , , TT ... . .. ,- „ G . Stewards . „ H . iVestmacott ... t " „ A . L . Griffith ) „ J . Burrows „ G . Tyler .
At the meeting of the charity committee which preceded the-Provincial Grand Lodge proceedings , the following sums wore voted to our three great Masonic Charities : —_ 65 5 s to the Boys ' School , in name of Lodge of Rectitude ( No . 335 ); £ 5 5 s . in the name of the Royal Sussex Lodgo of Emulation ( No . 355 ); £ 10 " 10 s . in the name of Lodge Concord ( No . 632 ) . £ 10 10 s . to the Girls' School , in the name of Lodge Elias de Derham ( No . 586 ) ; and £ 1010 s . in the name of the Royal Sussex Lodge of -Emulation
( No . 355 ) . The last two items of £ 10 10 s . each to be applied so as to constitute the W . JI . ' s of the respective lodges named , life governors of the Girls' School . £ 10 10 s . to tbe Royal Benevolent Institution in the name of Lodge of Rectitude ( No . 335 ) . The following sums were voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge : —The annual stun of £ 21 to Charity Committee Fund ; .
£ 10 10 s . to the Boys' School , to be applied for the purpose of making the D . Prov . G . M . a life governor of that Charity . The several sums voted by the Charity Committee and Provincial Grand Lodge to the Boys' School , to be placed on the list of Bro . R . Lawson , who reported that he was going -up as-Steward of the Province of AA'ilts . for that Charity ; and those voted to the Girls' School to lie placed in the list of Bro . T , F . Ravenshawas Steward of the Girls' School .
, The circumstance of this being , ire believe , the first occasion upon which the province is to be represented at two of the festivals , augurs well for the good and prosperity of Freemasonry iu the province of Wilts . The Provincial Grand Lodge being closed , tho brethren adjourned to the Angel Hotel , and sat down to a banquet which reflected great credit upon the host , Bro . Lawcs .
The customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to , "The Health of the Deputy Provincial Grand JIaster , Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , " was proposed by Bro . Lord Methuen , and drunk with full Masonic honours ; his lordshipobserving that no man deserved more of his country than Bro . Sir Daniel , who had accomplished a great Work , not only for thebenefit of the present generation , but for all future time . Other toasts followed , and the brethren dispersed after spending a most enjoyable afternoon . The meeting will long bo remembered from the marked success with which it was attended .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . SCARBOROUGH . — Old Globe Lodge ( No . 200 ) . —The brethren of this prosperous lodge held their usual monthly meeting on the 21 st ult . The lodge was opened in the first degree by Bro . Godfrey Knight W . JI ., assisted by his two wardens . Bros . Symons and Crosby , Dr . Armitago , S . D . ; J . AV . D . Middleton , J . D . ; II . A . Williamson , as I . G . ; Ash , Tyler , together
with several other brethren , amongst whom were Bros . AA'illiam Foster Rooke , P . Prov . J . G . AV . ; James Frederick Spun-, P . Jf . ; \ V . B . l _ . Stewart , P . M ., and two visitors ; Bros . Amos , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Gloucester ; and Salmon , W . JI . ( 278 ) , Gibraltar . The minutes of the last , meeting having been read by Bro . H . C . Martin , P . JI . and Hon . Sec , thoy were unanimously confirmed . Jlr . W . Stevenson , master mariner , who was approved at the last meeting as a candidate for initiation , was properly prepared , duly admitted , and regularly initiated into the mysteries