Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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S . AA " , J . AA ., and I . P . M . Music was added on this occasion . Business being ended tho lodgo was duly closed . The brethren then partook of the usual good banquet at the Globe Tavern , lioyal-liill , Greenwich , Bro . J . Moore ' s . ROVAL OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , t ' . ic 2 Sth ult ., at the Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . A . Collington , AA ' . M ., assisted bv Bros . F . AA alters , P . M .,
Sec ; AV . Andrews , S . W . ; J . Hawker . S . D . ; G . Ellis , G . "S . Ditton , AA . Dalziel , AA . Billington , J . AV . Barrett , F . H . Carter , S . G . Cook , Truelove , and others . The only visitor was Bro . Nash , 79 . Bro . F . H . Carter was passed to the second degree in an able and efficient manner . A life governorship of the Roys' School was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to Bro . H . A . Collington , AA . M ., for his exertions as AA ' . M . for two years , as a mark of respect and gratitude , he having chosen the governorship in preference to a Past Master ' s jewel . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
INSTRUCTION . _ BEI . GI . AVE LODGE ( NO . 79 ) . —On Friday ; the 23 rd ult ., at eight p . m ., this hard working Lodgo of Instruction , lately removed from the Knightsbridge Stores , Brompton , to a more central locality , met at Bro . JNyc ' s , Hand and Racquet , Whit--combe-street , Charing-cross . Present : Bros . Potter , AV . M ., and Ough , Proud , Hunting , and Bond , P . M's . ; Bourne , Pierce , 7
• Pynini , AAattiinore , and Parsons , Sec , and about twenty of the brethren . The first ceremony was worked by Bro : Pymni , the third by Bro . Bourne , who also gave the traditionary history in a most laudable manner . Notice of motion was given to alter the time of meeting from eight to half-past seven ; three members joined , and the meeting adjourned till the 30 th ult ., "We may add that all the monies collected are devoted to the
Masonic charities , after the necessary expenses are paid . METROPOLITAN LODGE OP INSTKUCTION . —At a meeting of brethren held on the 16 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanhurj-, when twenty-three members of the Craft were present , it was resolved to form a lodge of instruction under the sanction of the Victoria Lodge ( No . 1 , 056 ) , and to be called the Metropolitan . The inauguration meeting took place on Friday , the : 23 rd inst ., when the minutes of the preliminary meeting were read and confirmed , and it was resolved to hold the lodgo of
instruction every Friday evening at seven o ' clock . Bro . Brett , P . M . 117 , occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Pendlebury , AV . M . of the parent lodge ; Wrenn , P . M . 1056 ; Turner , S , AA . 1056 ; J . Thomas , P . M . 720 ; Sisson , Penny , ¦ Quilty , Hamilton , Thompson , Levander , Nicholson , Hosgood , and Cubitt , P . M . ' s ; Potter , Hankins , Latriello , Massey , Pulsford , Lucy , AA'illiams , Walker , and others to the number of forty-three . The ceremony of installation was admirably
worked by Bro . Brett , the Master installed being Bro . Pendlebury , who then appointed his officers . Bro . Brett was elected President or Preceptor ; AV- AVrcim , Treas . ; and AV . 'Turner , Secretary . AVith three such officers the new lodge of instruction -cannot fail to prosper . The compliment of electing him an honorary member was paid to Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., a most deserved tribute to an indefatigable worker in Masonry . Bros .
Pendlebury , Hosgood , and Latreille were elected members of the committee , and Bro . Wrenn is to be the W . M . for the ensuing week . Brethren who desire to profit by the great knowledge and kind instruction of Bro . Brett , —already so well known as President of the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , —cannot do better than attend this lodge which , -though the youngest , is by no means the least of the Metropolitan lodges of instruction .
DURHAM . GATESnEAD-ON-Ti'NE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —Tho regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 2 Gth ult ., Bro . J . H . Thompson , W . M ., presiding , and amongst the very numerous brethren present were Bros . B . Hugill , "P . M . ; 11 . J . Banning , M . L ., P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . Wj ; J . Roddam , P . M . 210 and 421 , P . Prov . G . Purst .: G . Lawson , AV . M . 240 , and J . W . 1119 ; J . J . Oliver , P . M . 240 ; J . A . Hair , P . M . 4-81 ; T . Hale , S . AV . 2-1 ; 13 . Smaile , S . W . 541 ; J . Blinkinsopp , 54-1 ; G . A . Allen , S . AA . ; Jens Jensen , J . AA .: E . B . Reed , R . F . Cook
M . D ., W . L . Mackenzie , & c . The business of the evening consisted in initiating Mr . John Potts , Jan ., and Dr . Douglas , both of whom had been previously elected . The ceremony was most ably performed by the W . M . After the labours of the lodge were concluded the brethren partook of refreshments together , and toasts and songs very agreeably varied a most pleasant evening . ESSEX .
BRIGHTLIXGSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( 433 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , the 19 th nit ., at the Swan Inn . Present : Bros . Francis , AV . M . ; York , S . AA , ; AViseman , J . AV ., Sec ; Lake , I . P . M . ; Minter , S . D . ; Bragg , I . G . ; Walford , Ames , Blyth , and Bishop , P . M . ' s ; Harmer , Tyler , and several other membttvs . The lodge having been opened in the first degree and minutes
read and confirmed . The chair was now assumed hy Bro . Blyth , P . M . Tbe lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bro . Charles Randall being a candidate for advancement , aud having proved his claim , was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , when a proposition for a joining member having been taken , and other business having been disposed off , the lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AVAEKINGTOX . — Lodge of Lights ( No . 14-S ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Monday evening last . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the AV . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., S . G . AA . of England , who was supported by the following brethren , viz ., Bros . AV . Smith , S . AV . ; R . Stevenson , J . AA . ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of
Cers . ; J . Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . or Cers . ; D . Finney , J . D . ; C . Ekkert , Org . ; T . Jones , AA . Richardson , JMoses AValker , H . Syred , R , Gibbons , P . Ryiands , Dr . Spinks , AV . Savage , Dr . Pennington , Capt . Reynolds , C . Wood , J . Plinston , J . Pierpont , AV . AVoods , B . P . Coxon , C . E ., and AV . Mossop . Alsitors , Bros . AA . R . Bainbridge , AA . M . 721 ; 3 . P . Bidder , P . M . 204 ; Domville 208 ; and Dr . Cooper 758 . The lodge was opened in
, , solemn form according to ancient custom , and the minutes of the last regular lodge , and the lodge of emergency , duly confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Moses AA alker requested preferment , and having proved his claim was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree . Bro . A \ alker admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., by Bro . H . B . AVhite . The lodge was
closed down to the first degree , when the -AV . M . called upon the Secretary to read the by-laws , according to annual custom . The next business was tho election of A \ . M . for tho ensuing year . The Secretary having read a list of those brethren who were eligible , the ballot was taken and Bro . R . Stevenson , J . AV ., was unanimously elected . Bio . Stevenson , in a few well chosen sentences , thanked the brethren for the great honour conferred upon himand expressed his determination to fulfil the duties
, appertaining to the office to the best of his ability . Bro . II . B . White was re-elected Treasurer . Bro . AA . Robinson having signified his wish to be relieved from the duties of tho Tyler ' s office , Bro . J . Johnson was elected his successor . Bro . A \ . Smith , S-W . j and D . Finney , J . D ., were elected Auditors . Bro . \ A . JR . Bainbridge , AV . M . 721 , and Bro . J . Hughes , 1055 , were unanimouslelected joining members of the lodge . Bro . Bainbridge
y acknowledged his obligation to the brethren for the compliment paid him . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for tho mysteries and privileges of the Order . Communications were announced from Grand Lodge , and Bro . Binckes . There being no further business the lodgo was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren separated in harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTOX MOWBIUY . —The Hulland Lodge ( No . 1130 ) . —The second regular meeting of this newly formed lodge took place at the George Hotel , on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., under tho presidency of Bro . George Norman , J . P ., AA ' . M ., the following brethren being present , Bros . AA . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Revs . W . K . RobinsonS . W . ; A \ . LangleyJ . AA . ; MorrissP . M .
, , , 216 , and P . G . Sic , as J . D . ; Selby , I . G . ; Douglas , Johnson , Oldham , Mann , AA ' eaver , Adcock , Turvill , GJoodacre , C . Bainbridge , 279 , Tyler . The minutes of the regular meeting of the lodgo having been read and confirmed , a ballot took place for Treasurer , when Bro . II . Morriss , P . M . 216 , wns unanimously
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
S . AA " , J . AA ., and I . P . M . Music was added on this occasion . Business being ended tho lodgo was duly closed . The brethren then partook of the usual good banquet at the Globe Tavern , lioyal-liill , Greenwich , Bro . J . Moore ' s . ROVAL OAK LODGE ( No . 871 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , t ' . ic 2 Sth ult ., at the Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford . The lodge was opened by Bro . H . A . Collington , AA ' . M ., assisted bv Bros . F . AA alters , P . M .,
Sec ; AV . Andrews , S . W . ; J . Hawker . S . D . ; G . Ellis , G . "S . Ditton , AA . Dalziel , AA . Billington , J . AV . Barrett , F . H . Carter , S . G . Cook , Truelove , and others . The only visitor was Bro . Nash , 79 . Bro . F . H . Carter was passed to the second degree in an able and efficient manner . A life governorship of the Roys' School was unanimously voted from the lodge funds to Bro . H . A . Collington , AA . M ., for his exertions as AA ' . M . for two years , as a mark of respect and gratitude , he having chosen the governorship in preference to a Past Master ' s jewel . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
INSTRUCTION . _ BEI . GI . AVE LODGE ( NO . 79 ) . —On Friday ; the 23 rd ult ., at eight p . m ., this hard working Lodgo of Instruction , lately removed from the Knightsbridge Stores , Brompton , to a more central locality , met at Bro . JNyc ' s , Hand and Racquet , Whit--combe-street , Charing-cross . Present : Bros . Potter , AV . M ., and Ough , Proud , Hunting , and Bond , P . M's . ; Bourne , Pierce , 7
• Pynini , AAattiinore , and Parsons , Sec , and about twenty of the brethren . The first ceremony was worked by Bro : Pymni , the third by Bro . Bourne , who also gave the traditionary history in a most laudable manner . Notice of motion was given to alter the time of meeting from eight to half-past seven ; three members joined , and the meeting adjourned till the 30 th ult ., "We may add that all the monies collected are devoted to the
Masonic charities , after the necessary expenses are paid . METROPOLITAN LODGE OP INSTKUCTION . —At a meeting of brethren held on the 16 th ult ., at the George Hotel , Aldermanhurj-, when twenty-three members of the Craft were present , it was resolved to form a lodge of instruction under the sanction of the Victoria Lodge ( No . 1 , 056 ) , and to be called the Metropolitan . The inauguration meeting took place on Friday , the : 23 rd inst ., when the minutes of the preliminary meeting were read and confirmed , and it was resolved to hold the lodgo of
instruction every Friday evening at seven o ' clock . Bro . Brett , P . M . 117 , occupied the chair , and was supported by Bros . Pendlebury , AV . M . of the parent lodge ; Wrenn , P . M . 1056 ; Turner , S , AA . 1056 ; J . Thomas , P . M . 720 ; Sisson , Penny , ¦ Quilty , Hamilton , Thompson , Levander , Nicholson , Hosgood , and Cubitt , P . M . ' s ; Potter , Hankins , Latriello , Massey , Pulsford , Lucy , AA'illiams , Walker , and others to the number of forty-three . The ceremony of installation was admirably
worked by Bro . Brett , the Master installed being Bro . Pendlebury , who then appointed his officers . Bro . Brett was elected President or Preceptor ; AV- AVrcim , Treas . ; and AV . 'Turner , Secretary . AVith three such officers the new lodge of instruction -cannot fail to prosper . The compliment of electing him an honorary member was paid to Bro . J . Thomas , P . M ., a most deserved tribute to an indefatigable worker in Masonry . Bros .
Pendlebury , Hosgood , and Latreille were elected members of the committee , and Bro . Wrenn is to be the W . M . for the ensuing week . Brethren who desire to profit by the great knowledge and kind instruction of Bro . Brett , —already so well known as President of the Metropolitan Chapter of Instruction , —cannot do better than attend this lodge which , -though the youngest , is by no means the least of the Metropolitan lodges of instruction .
DURHAM . GATESnEAD-ON-Ti'NE . —Lodge of Industry ( No . 48 ) . —Tho regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , the 2 Gth ult ., Bro . J . H . Thompson , W . M ., presiding , and amongst the very numerous brethren present were Bros . B . Hugill , "P . M . ; 11 . J . Banning , M . L ., P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . Wj ; J . Roddam , P . M . 210 and 421 , P . Prov . G . Purst .: G . Lawson , AV . M . 240 , and J . W . 1119 ; J . J . Oliver , P . M . 240 ; J . A . Hair , P . M . 4-81 ; T . Hale , S . AV . 2-1 ; 13 . Smaile , S . W . 541 ; J . Blinkinsopp , 54-1 ; G . A . Allen , S . AA . ; Jens Jensen , J . AA .: E . B . Reed , R . F . Cook
M . D ., W . L . Mackenzie , & c . The business of the evening consisted in initiating Mr . John Potts , Jan ., and Dr . Douglas , both of whom had been previously elected . The ceremony was most ably performed by the W . M . After the labours of the lodge were concluded the brethren partook of refreshments together , and toasts and songs very agreeably varied a most pleasant evening . ESSEX .
BRIGHTLIXGSEA . —Lodge of Hope ( 433 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , the 19 th nit ., at the Swan Inn . Present : Bros . Francis , AV . M . ; York , S . AA , ; AViseman , J . AV ., Sec ; Lake , I . P . M . ; Minter , S . D . ; Bragg , I . G . ; Walford , Ames , Blyth , and Bishop , P . M . ' s ; Harmer , Tyler , and several other membttvs . The lodge having been opened in the first degree and minutes
read and confirmed . The chair was now assumed hy Bro . Blyth , P . M . Tbe lodge was then opened in the second degree . Bro . Charles Randall being a candidate for advancement , aud having proved his claim , was passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , when a proposition for a joining member having been taken , and other business having been disposed off , the lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AVAEKINGTOX . — Lodge of Lights ( No . 14-S ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , on Monday evening last . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the AV . M ., Bro . Gilbert Greenall , M . P ., S . G . AA . of England , who was supported by the following brethren , viz ., Bros . AV . Smith , S . AV . ; R . Stevenson , J . AA . ; H . B . AVhite , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . of
Cers . ; J . Bowes , P . M ., Prov . G . Dir . or Cers . ; D . Finney , J . D . ; C . Ekkert , Org . ; T . Jones , AA . Richardson , JMoses AValker , H . Syred , R , Gibbons , P . Ryiands , Dr . Spinks , AV . Savage , Dr . Pennington , Capt . Reynolds , C . Wood , J . Plinston , J . Pierpont , AV . AVoods , B . P . Coxon , C . E ., and AV . Mossop . Alsitors , Bros . AA . R . Bainbridge , AA . M . 721 ; 3 . P . Bidder , P . M . 204 ; Domville 208 ; and Dr . Cooper 758 . The lodge was opened in
, , solemn form according to ancient custom , and the minutes of the last regular lodge , and the lodge of emergency , duly confirmed . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when Bro . Moses AA alker requested preferment , and having proved his claim was entrusted and retired . The lodge was opened in the third degree . Bro . A \ alker admitted and raised to the sublime degree of a M . M ., by Bro . H . B . AVhite . The lodge was
closed down to the first degree , when the -AV . M . called upon the Secretary to read the by-laws , according to annual custom . The next business was tho election of A \ . M . for tho ensuing year . The Secretary having read a list of those brethren who were eligible , the ballot was taken and Bro . R . Stevenson , J . AV ., was unanimously elected . Bio . Stevenson , in a few well chosen sentences , thanked the brethren for the great honour conferred upon himand expressed his determination to fulfil the duties
, appertaining to the office to the best of his ability . Bro . II . B . White was re-elected Treasurer . Bro . AA . Robinson having signified his wish to be relieved from the duties of tho Tyler ' s office , Bro . J . Johnson was elected his successor . Bro . A \ . Smith , S-W . j and D . Finney , J . D ., were elected Auditors . Bro . \ A . JR . Bainbridge , AV . M . 721 , and Bro . J . Hughes , 1055 , were unanimouslelected joining members of the lodge . Bro . Bainbridge
y acknowledged his obligation to the brethren for the compliment paid him . Two gentlemen were proposed as candidates for tho mysteries and privileges of the Order . Communications were announced from Grand Lodge , and Bro . Binckes . There being no further business the lodgo was closed with the usual solemnities , and the brethren separated in harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . MELTOX MOWBIUY . —The Hulland Lodge ( No . 1130 ) . —The second regular meeting of this newly formed lodge took place at the George Hotel , on Tuesday , the 20 th inst ., under tho presidency of Bro . George Norman , J . P ., AA ' . M ., the following brethren being present , Bros . AA . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Revs . W . K . RobinsonS . W . ; A \ . LangleyJ . AA . ; MorrissP . M .
, , , 216 , and P . G . Sic , as J . D . ; Selby , I . G . ; Douglas , Johnson , Oldham , Mann , AA ' eaver , Adcock , Turvill , GJoodacre , C . Bainbridge , 279 , Tyler . The minutes of the regular meeting of the lodgo having been read and confirmed , a ballot took place for Treasurer , when Bro . II . Morriss , P . M . 216 , wns unanimously