Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
not fully understood and appreciated , that the influenceof Masonic principles has a most powerful effect in preventing crime , and in controlling the passions , even in cases of alienation of mind and a diseased brain , whether arising from bad habits or from natural causes . The following are the main circumstances , briefly narrated , without going into all the horrible details : — In passing along a road Bro . AA ' akley was addressed by three females—a lady and two servants—in a state of great
excitement and alarm , who entreated him to enter a house in which they said that a gentleman had fainted , or was in a fit ; adding that a medical man had been sent for . Supposing it to be au ordinary case of sudden illness , without sufficient help , he complied , entered the house , deposited his hat in the hall , and , ivithout preparing for anything extraordinary , was hurried up stairs into a chamber , where he saw a gentleman in a state of madnesswhom some females were endeavouring to
, tranquillize , but without effect . Bro . \ A akley was immediately violently assailed by him as an intruder , and found a doublebarrelled gun presented to him , accompanied with threats to shoot him . The females screamed out , saying that it was loaded , and fled , leaving the two men alone . Bro . AA akley seized the gentleman ' s hand , and afterwards the gun by both barrel and stock , to prevent mischief . A death struggle ensued ,
in which the two were surging and swaying about the room for upwards of ten minutes , in the course of which Bro . AVakley contrived to discharge one of the barrels , the contents of which passed through the window . This increased the fury of the gentleman , who contrived to get the muzzle against his own breast , and dared Bro . AA akley to pull tbe trigger . Before Bro . AVakley could find an opportunity of discharging the other barrel lie was overpowered , thrown down , and the knees of the maniac
were on his breast , still continuing his threats and imprecations . Meanwhile his young son entered , and seeing the danger of our brother , endeavoured to induce his father to relax his hold , and release his opponent ; hut he was peremptorily ordered off . Happily Bro . AVakley retained his hold of the gun , hut feeling his strength failing , for his assailant was a powerful man in the prime of lite , twenty-six years his junior , he saw nothing but death before bim . A thought suddenly struck him as a last resource , aud a colloquy ensued , which may be thus epitomised .
JBro . AVakley said , " Are you a brother mason ? " "lam ; are you ? " was the reply . " AA ould you kill your brother ? " said JBro . AVakley . " No ; then give me a sign , " said the maniac . Bro . Wakley thereupon gave a well-known ancl most appropriate sign of the third degree . Another was returned , the hold was relaxed , the passions were instaiitaneonsly calmed , he embraced the brother whom he had just attempted to destroy , uttering thanksgivings that he had thus providentially been
prevented from committing so great a crime . By this time help had arrived , and those entering were about to seize the madman , who told them that he was overjoyed at having found a brother . Bro . AV . ordered them leave tbe room , for that he was quite safe alone with one between whom and himself close bonds of union had been found , at the same time handing to them the gun , the immediate discharge of which outside was a most welcome sound to him . He adopted this course , fearing a return
of the excitement if coercion were resorted to , which indeed subsequently occurred , but it is unnecessary to narrate the circumstances , as they were unconnected with Bro . AA akley , who had prudently escaped at the first opportunity . His presence of mind under circumstances so sudden and horrifying cannot be too highly praised . He has since received a note , of which the following is a copy , from the unfortunate gentleman . For obvious reasons the name and address are withheld .
" Dear Sir and Brother , —I take this opportunity of thanking you most sincerely for your kind interference for my good the other day . I hope and trust that yon sustained no hurt or damage during your efforts for my benefit . I anticipate the pleasure soon of thanking you personally , and remain , dear Sir and Brother , your faithful and much obliged Brother . " It may not be inapproriate to add , that though some members of the family of Bro . A \ akley have been strong prejudiced
against the Craft , they now hold very different sentiments , under the knowledge that hut for it their relative must have met with a violent death . The preceding is but a slight sketch of what occurred , given here at the request of several brethren , and perused by JBro . AA akley before being forwarded to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The account of the minute details , as he gives them , can alone enable anyone fully to estimate his horrible position . The writer has often heard persons remark that they would become JIasons if they were called upon to
Channel Islands.
visit foreign countries , as in that case only could it be of any use to them ; hut that , as quiet , stay-at-home citizens , they could derive no benefit from joining the institution . While repudiating any such false notions , wrong motives , and low grounds of estimation of the Craft , the writer cannot hut remark that the case now mentioned proves that no such conclusions can fairly be formed .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . HOAA'E . On Sunday morning tho 11 th ulto , Bro . Howe , of Edon Jlount , Stanwix , died after a short illness , having caught a . severe cold some five or six weeks ago , and not attending to its earliest symptoms , thoy developed in pleurisy . Our highly respected aud much ostoomod Bro . Howe , was a solicitor in partnership with Jlr . AA annop ; ho was a justice of tho poaco for Carlisle , an ox-mayor , and a town councillor for tho Rickorgato AA ard from
1850 to 18 G 3 , and . for the last year or so was constantly on the magistrate ' s bench . He was also a zealous officer in the Carlisle Volunteers . Bro . Howe was initiated a member of our Honourable Order in tho Freemason ' s Lodgo ( 310 ) , Carlisle , on December 27 th , I 860 , and was installed JIaster of it December 27 th , 18 G 3 . JfTo was advanced to tho degree of JIark JIastor on June 24 th , 1863 . Installed JIaster of tho JIark Lodgo on May 1 st , 18 G 6 . Ho was exalted to tho sublime degree of a Royal
Arch JIason , June 27 th , IS 64 . and appointed P . S . on June 25 th , I 860 . Ho departed this life at tho early ago of 46 years . The Lodgo ( 310 ) already fools tho loss it has sustained , for a hotter member could not bo found ; ho was interred in Stanwix Church . Tho funeral , at tho request of the relatives , was private , but nevertheless it was attended by a number of volunteers , both officers and privates , also by members of tho local magistracy of
this city ancl neighbourhood , and a few members of the Carlisle Lodge . * Tho Rov . Bro . W . Crockett , AA . JI . ( 310 ) P . Prov . G . Chap ., at tho request of Mrs . Hoivo , officiated as clergyman at tho funeral . At a Lodgo of Instruction hold on Tuesday , November 20 th , Bro . AA . Johnston , and Bro . AA oodhouso , seconded a motion , that a suitable miuuto bo entered in tho Lodgo books that a vote of condolence bo communicated to tho widow of tho late lamented Bro
. Howo . At the usual report after tho duties of tho lodge , tho memory of Bro . Howo was drank in solemn silence , tho Brethren present chanting "In tho Grand Lodgo above . " DEATH OF BRO . DR . MURDOCH . Bro . Dr . Murdoch , a very old member of tho Temperance Lodge , ( 169 ) , Rothorhitho , expired on the Oth ult ., aud was buried on
the 13 th ult . Tho deceased Brother was highly respected amongst tho Craft , and a numerous circle of non-masonic friends who lament tho loss of him who has been called by tho will of tho G . A . O . T . U . to the Grand Lodgo above .
The Lover ' s Watch : a Serenade . Written and composed by E . iiRA HOLME ; adapted and arranged by CHRISTOPHER HOGGETI . London : Hopivood and Crew , 4-2 , New- Bond-street . Hartlepool and West Hartlepool : Hoggett ' s Music Warehouse . THIS is a welcome addition to the productions of Mi-. Holme which have alread y been noticed in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The music of the Lover ' s "Watch is very good , but we think the wording iu some of the eleven verses mi ght be improved .
Poetry .
THE DYING STUDENT . Open the lattice wide . Amy , that once more I may see The deep blue sky above , and hear once more the sigh of the sea—
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
not fully understood and appreciated , that the influenceof Masonic principles has a most powerful effect in preventing crime , and in controlling the passions , even in cases of alienation of mind and a diseased brain , whether arising from bad habits or from natural causes . The following are the main circumstances , briefly narrated , without going into all the horrible details : — In passing along a road Bro . AA ' akley was addressed by three females—a lady and two servants—in a state of great
excitement and alarm , who entreated him to enter a house in which they said that a gentleman had fainted , or was in a fit ; adding that a medical man had been sent for . Supposing it to be au ordinary case of sudden illness , without sufficient help , he complied , entered the house , deposited his hat in the hall , and , ivithout preparing for anything extraordinary , was hurried up stairs into a chamber , where he saw a gentleman in a state of madnesswhom some females were endeavouring to
, tranquillize , but without effect . Bro . \ A akley was immediately violently assailed by him as an intruder , and found a doublebarrelled gun presented to him , accompanied with threats to shoot him . The females screamed out , saying that it was loaded , and fled , leaving the two men alone . Bro . AA akley seized the gentleman ' s hand , and afterwards the gun by both barrel and stock , to prevent mischief . A death struggle ensued ,
in which the two were surging and swaying about the room for upwards of ten minutes , in the course of which Bro . AVakley contrived to discharge one of the barrels , the contents of which passed through the window . This increased the fury of the gentleman , who contrived to get the muzzle against his own breast , and dared Bro . AA akley to pull tbe trigger . Before Bro . AVakley could find an opportunity of discharging the other barrel lie was overpowered , thrown down , and the knees of the maniac
were on his breast , still continuing his threats and imprecations . Meanwhile his young son entered , and seeing the danger of our brother , endeavoured to induce his father to relax his hold , and release his opponent ; hut he was peremptorily ordered off . Happily Bro . AVakley retained his hold of the gun , hut feeling his strength failing , for his assailant was a powerful man in the prime of lite , twenty-six years his junior , he saw nothing but death before bim . A thought suddenly struck him as a last resource , aud a colloquy ensued , which may be thus epitomised .
JBro . AVakley said , " Are you a brother mason ? " "lam ; are you ? " was the reply . " AA ould you kill your brother ? " said JBro . AVakley . " No ; then give me a sign , " said the maniac . Bro . Wakley thereupon gave a well-known ancl most appropriate sign of the third degree . Another was returned , the hold was relaxed , the passions were instaiitaneonsly calmed , he embraced the brother whom he had just attempted to destroy , uttering thanksgivings that he had thus providentially been
prevented from committing so great a crime . By this time help had arrived , and those entering were about to seize the madman , who told them that he was overjoyed at having found a brother . Bro . AV . ordered them leave tbe room , for that he was quite safe alone with one between whom and himself close bonds of union had been found , at the same time handing to them the gun , the immediate discharge of which outside was a most welcome sound to him . He adopted this course , fearing a return
of the excitement if coercion were resorted to , which indeed subsequently occurred , but it is unnecessary to narrate the circumstances , as they were unconnected with Bro . AA akley , who had prudently escaped at the first opportunity . His presence of mind under circumstances so sudden and horrifying cannot be too highly praised . He has since received a note , of which the following is a copy , from the unfortunate gentleman . For obvious reasons the name and address are withheld .
" Dear Sir and Brother , —I take this opportunity of thanking you most sincerely for your kind interference for my good the other day . I hope and trust that yon sustained no hurt or damage during your efforts for my benefit . I anticipate the pleasure soon of thanking you personally , and remain , dear Sir and Brother , your faithful and much obliged Brother . " It may not be inapproriate to add , that though some members of the family of Bro . A \ akley have been strong prejudiced
against the Craft , they now hold very different sentiments , under the knowledge that hut for it their relative must have met with a violent death . The preceding is but a slight sketch of what occurred , given here at the request of several brethren , and perused by JBro . AA akley before being forwarded to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . The account of the minute details , as he gives them , can alone enable anyone fully to estimate his horrible position . The writer has often heard persons remark that they would become JIasons if they were called upon to
Channel Islands.
visit foreign countries , as in that case only could it be of any use to them ; hut that , as quiet , stay-at-home citizens , they could derive no benefit from joining the institution . While repudiating any such false notions , wrong motives , and low grounds of estimation of the Craft , the writer cannot hut remark that the case now mentioned proves that no such conclusions can fairly be formed .
Obituary .
DEATH OF BRO . HOAA'E . On Sunday morning tho 11 th ulto , Bro . Howe , of Edon Jlount , Stanwix , died after a short illness , having caught a . severe cold some five or six weeks ago , and not attending to its earliest symptoms , thoy developed in pleurisy . Our highly respected aud much ostoomod Bro . Howe , was a solicitor in partnership with Jlr . AA annop ; ho was a justice of tho poaco for Carlisle , an ox-mayor , and a town councillor for tho Rickorgato AA ard from
1850 to 18 G 3 , and . for the last year or so was constantly on the magistrate ' s bench . He was also a zealous officer in the Carlisle Volunteers . Bro . Howe was initiated a member of our Honourable Order in tho Freemason ' s Lodgo ( 310 ) , Carlisle , on December 27 th , I 860 , and was installed JIaster of it December 27 th , 18 G 3 . JfTo was advanced to tho degree of JIark JIastor on June 24 th , 1863 . Installed JIaster of tho JIark Lodgo on May 1 st , 18 G 6 . Ho was exalted to tho sublime degree of a Royal
Arch JIason , June 27 th , IS 64 . and appointed P . S . on June 25 th , I 860 . Ho departed this life at tho early ago of 46 years . The Lodgo ( 310 ) already fools tho loss it has sustained , for a hotter member could not bo found ; ho was interred in Stanwix Church . Tho funeral , at tho request of the relatives , was private , but nevertheless it was attended by a number of volunteers , both officers and privates , also by members of tho local magistracy of
this city ancl neighbourhood , and a few members of the Carlisle Lodge . * Tho Rov . Bro . W . Crockett , AA . JI . ( 310 ) P . Prov . G . Chap ., at tho request of Mrs . Hoivo , officiated as clergyman at tho funeral . At a Lodgo of Instruction hold on Tuesday , November 20 th , Bro . AA . Johnston , and Bro . AA oodhouso , seconded a motion , that a suitable miuuto bo entered in tho Lodgo books that a vote of condolence bo communicated to tho widow of tho late lamented Bro
. Howo . At the usual report after tho duties of tho lodge , tho memory of Bro . Howo was drank in solemn silence , tho Brethren present chanting "In tho Grand Lodgo above . " DEATH OF BRO . DR . MURDOCH . Bro . Dr . Murdoch , a very old member of tho Temperance Lodge , ( 169 ) , Rothorhitho , expired on the Oth ult ., aud was buried on
the 13 th ult . Tho deceased Brother was highly respected amongst tho Craft , and a numerous circle of non-masonic friends who lament tho loss of him who has been called by tho will of tho G . A . O . T . U . to the Grand Lodgo above .
The Lover ' s Watch : a Serenade . Written and composed by E . iiRA HOLME ; adapted and arranged by CHRISTOPHER HOGGETI . London : Hopivood and Crew , 4-2 , New- Bond-street . Hartlepool and West Hartlepool : Hoggett ' s Music Warehouse . THIS is a welcome addition to the productions of Mi-. Holme which have alread y been noticed in the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . The music of the Lover ' s "Watch is very good , but we think the wording iu some of the eleven verses mi ght be improved .
Poetry .
THE DYING STUDENT . Open the lattice wide . Amy , that once more I may see The deep blue sky above , and hear once more the sigh of the sea—