Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
numher for the 21 th ult . that a brother , in consequence of " severe imputations upon his character , " & c ' ., was not only to be refused admittance in his lodge for the future , even as a visitor , till he had acquitted himself of the severe imputations referred to , but it was also agreed that , from the impertinence
and plain conviction , his apron should be burnt in the lodge , that no brother should defile himself by ever wearing it in the future . This incident seems a very interesting ancl striking one . It would be useful if any learned brother could quote any such occurrence ever having taken place elsewhere . —KAPPA . „ .
BRO . EDMUND KEANE . A correspondent some time since inquired if any brother could name the lodge in which Edmund Xeane was initiated . Should the inquiring brother have not yet received the information he desired , he will find the query is answered in the speech of Bro .
Donald Campbell , given last week at Glasgow on the occasion of the Centenary Festival of the Lodge of St . Mark (] N o . 102 , S . C ) . Bro . Campbell states that Edmund Keane was initiated in that lodge , which has also had the honour of claiming as its members and officers some of the brightest ornaments of society . —SIGMA .
THE CHEVALIER RAMSAY AND EREEMASONRT . The little book which a brother saw some years ago at Denton Court was a miscellaneous Masonic compilation . It disappeared from my library before I left England , probably owing to its imperfect state , for some one had wantonly torn out the title-page
and a great many of the leaves , and it looked as if destined for the waste paper basket . Fivm the remaining leaves I had made numerous extracts , now part of my collections . In compliance with my brother's request , I subjoin a copy of the only extract yet found concerning the Chevalier Eamsa ' : —
y " Un ecossais nomme Bamsay , concut au commencement du siucle dernier , le j > rojet insense decreer une nouvelle Maeonnerie . Ramsay supposa que la luiconnerie , n ' etait rien que 1 'histoire emblematique des Chevaliers du Temple ; et d ' apivs ces principes errones , il se hata de fonder une nouvelle hierarchic
a laquelle il donna le nom de son pays . jSTon content d ' avoir introduit dans le temple une race etrangere , il voulut aussi lui donner la supiematie sur les successeurs des sage , cle l'Egypte , et parvint bien tot a l ' obtenir . Ramsay etablit en Angleterre son nouveau rite dans le cours de 1 ' annee 1728 , et niourut a Saint-Get-main-en-Laye , le 6 mai 17-13 . "CHARLES PURTON COOPER .
THE INTOLERANCE AVHICH WOULD DE INCOMPATIBLE WITH TRUE PREEMASONRT . In answer to the question of " Selim , " I say that it is not difficult to imagine intolerance which would be incompatible with true Freemasonry . For instance , natural religion is the religion of Freemasonry in its and should
universality ; Christian , Mahommedan , Jewish , or Parsee Freemasonry bar the entrance of an individual into the lodge on the ground that he acknowledged no other religion except natural religion , that would , in my judgment , be intolerance mcompatible with true Freemasonry . — CHARLES PURTON COOPER ,
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * $ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
MAKE MASONRT . —The Samson and Lion Lodge , No . 86 . — This Lodga of Instruction will be opened to-day , at the Lyon ' s Inn Hotel , Newcastle-street , Stand , at seven p . m . Bro . A . JD . Loewenstark , W . M . S 7 ( Treas . 22 ) , in the chair . Bro . JFredk . Walters , P . JI . ( Sec . 22 and 871 ) , Sec . ^ ro . tern The lodge will be open from seven to nine , and will meet on the first Saturday of every month in the year .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This justly celebrated old lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Green Man-Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , November 28 th ( Bro . C . A . Cathie ' s ) . The lodge was opened punctually at six o ' clock p . m . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Frederick AA alters , P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . , T . C . Gooddy , AV . M ., caused by his being indisposed ) , he was assisted by Bros . G . MorrisS . W . ; T . Y . SabineJ . W . ; E . HarrisP . M . Treas . ;
, , , , and J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec ; F . H . Ebsworth , S . D . ; D . Rose , J . D . ; M . A . Loewenstark , I . G . ; G . Free , W . S . ; H . Moore , I . P . M . ; AA ' atkins , Chipperfiehl , Cooper , Freeman , JRetsbach , T . JN " . Moore , Gunnell , Stevens , Farness , Hide , AVatson , Marshal ] , R . Ord , Parry , Duseck , and many others . The minutes of the last meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballotswere taken for five candidates for initiation and one joining
member , all of which were declared unanimous in favour of their admission . Messrs . T . Knott , Williams , and Baker being in attendance , were duly initiated . Bro . Parry was raised to the third degree . All the ceremonies were well done . Ten pounds were unanimously voted from the lodge funds to the widows annuity fund to purchase a life governorship of that charity in the name of the treasurer of this lodge for the time being .
One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting . We noticed amongst the visitors Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 548 , < tc . PITUAGOHEAX LODGE ( SO . 79 ) . —At the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , this prosperous and flourishing lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , November 26 t ' u ult . The chair of K . S . was filled by Bro . V . AV . A \ ard , W . ' il ., , vho did the initiation
and passsmg . The Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M . and Sec . 140 , also a member of this lodge , did the raising . There were also present Bros . S . W . A'inten , S . W . ; Trill , J . AV . ; W . C . Penny , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . C . Peckham , P . JI ., Sec , ; J . H . Doughney .. S . D . ; JR . Boncey , J . D . ; T . Porridge , I . G . ; A \' . E . Orchard , P . M . ; Nash , Gordon , and very many others ; all the work was well and ably done . The brethren after the close of the lodge retired to BroTMoore ' Globe TavernEovalhill
. . s , , -, Greenwich . Visitors : Bros . A . H . Tattershall , S / W . " l 3 , J . AV . 140 ; P . AValters , P . M . 73 , 14-7 , Sec" S 71 ; AV . Noakes , S . AV . 140 ; E . AV . Pool ; , S . D . 140 ; J . Lightfoot , AA ' . M . 14-7 ; F . Durrant , P . M . 14-7 ; C . G , Delley , 14-7 ; S . G . Cook , 871 ; J . Truelove , 871 ; B . Standen , & c , & c . ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 140 ) . —On AA ednesday , the 21 sfc ult .. at the Lecture HallGreenwichthis old lodheld its
, , ge meeting . The lodge was opened by Bro . E . Hubbuck , P . M ., and there were present , Bros . W . Noak , S . AV . ; A . H . Tattershall , J . W- ; G . Edington , P . M ., Treas . ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., Sec ; E . W . Pook , S . D . ; Hudson , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; G . AV . Mounghan , P . M ., and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . F . Walters . P . M . 73 : V . W . AVard , AV . M . 79 ; AV . R . Orchard , P . M . 79 ; J . LihtfootW . M . 147 ; E . J . B . BumsteadAA . M .
g , , 54 S ; B . Standen , and many others . One brother was raised . Bro . C . J . Badger , W . M ., took the chair . Five gentlemen were initiated . The ivhole of the ceremonies were ably done , and reflected great credit on all the officers . A vote of thanks was given and recorded on the lodge minutes to Bro . AV . Noak , S . AV ., for liis kindness and generosity in presenting the lodge with a splendid set of chairs for each of the oificers , viz ., AV . M .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
numher for the 21 th ult . that a brother , in consequence of " severe imputations upon his character , " & c ' ., was not only to be refused admittance in his lodge for the future , even as a visitor , till he had acquitted himself of the severe imputations referred to , but it was also agreed that , from the impertinence
and plain conviction , his apron should be burnt in the lodge , that no brother should defile himself by ever wearing it in the future . This incident seems a very interesting ancl striking one . It would be useful if any learned brother could quote any such occurrence ever having taken place elsewhere . —KAPPA . „ .
BRO . EDMUND KEANE . A correspondent some time since inquired if any brother could name the lodge in which Edmund Xeane was initiated . Should the inquiring brother have not yet received the information he desired , he will find the query is answered in the speech of Bro .
Donald Campbell , given last week at Glasgow on the occasion of the Centenary Festival of the Lodge of St . Mark (] N o . 102 , S . C ) . Bro . Campbell states that Edmund Keane was initiated in that lodge , which has also had the honour of claiming as its members and officers some of the brightest ornaments of society . —SIGMA .
THE CHEVALIER RAMSAY AND EREEMASONRT . The little book which a brother saw some years ago at Denton Court was a miscellaneous Masonic compilation . It disappeared from my library before I left England , probably owing to its imperfect state , for some one had wantonly torn out the title-page
and a great many of the leaves , and it looked as if destined for the waste paper basket . Fivm the remaining leaves I had made numerous extracts , now part of my collections . In compliance with my brother's request , I subjoin a copy of the only extract yet found concerning the Chevalier Eamsa ' : —
y " Un ecossais nomme Bamsay , concut au commencement du siucle dernier , le j > rojet insense decreer une nouvelle Maeonnerie . Ramsay supposa que la luiconnerie , n ' etait rien que 1 'histoire emblematique des Chevaliers du Temple ; et d ' apivs ces principes errones , il se hata de fonder une nouvelle hierarchic
a laquelle il donna le nom de son pays . jSTon content d ' avoir introduit dans le temple une race etrangere , il voulut aussi lui donner la supiematie sur les successeurs des sage , cle l'Egypte , et parvint bien tot a l ' obtenir . Ramsay etablit en Angleterre son nouveau rite dans le cours de 1 ' annee 1728 , et niourut a Saint-Get-main-en-Laye , le 6 mai 17-13 . "CHARLES PURTON COOPER .
THE INTOLERANCE AVHICH WOULD DE INCOMPATIBLE WITH TRUE PREEMASONRT . In answer to the question of " Selim , " I say that it is not difficult to imagine intolerance which would be incompatible with true Freemasonry . For instance , natural religion is the religion of Freemasonry in its and should
universality ; Christian , Mahommedan , Jewish , or Parsee Freemasonry bar the entrance of an individual into the lodge on the ground that he acknowledged no other religion except natural religion , that would , in my judgment , be intolerance mcompatible with true Freemasonry . — CHARLES PURTON COOPER ,
THE MASONIC MIRROR . * $ * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
MAKE MASONRT . —The Samson and Lion Lodge , No . 86 . — This Lodga of Instruction will be opened to-day , at the Lyon ' s Inn Hotel , Newcastle-street , Stand , at seven p . m . Bro . A . JD . Loewenstark , W . M . S 7 ( Treas . 22 ) , in the chair . Bro . JFredk . Walters , P . JI . ( Sec . 22 and 871 ) , Sec . ^ ro . tern The lodge will be open from seven to nine , and will meet on the first Saturday of every month in the year .
MOUNT LEBANON LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —This justly celebrated old lodge held its usual monthly meeting at the Green Man-Tavern , Tooley-street , Southwark , on Tuesday , November 28 th ( Bro . C . A . Cathie ' s ) . The lodge was opened punctually at six o ' clock p . m . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Frederick AA alters , P . M . ( in the absence of Bro . , T . C . Gooddy , AV . M ., caused by his being indisposed ) , he was assisted by Bros . G . MorrisS . W . ; T . Y . SabineJ . W . ; E . HarrisP . M . Treas . ;
, , , , and J . Donkin , P . M ., Sec ; F . H . Ebsworth , S . D . ; D . Rose , J . D . ; M . A . Loewenstark , I . G . ; G . Free , W . S . ; H . Moore , I . P . M . ; AA ' atkins , Chipperfiehl , Cooper , Freeman , JRetsbach , T . JN " . Moore , Gunnell , Stevens , Farness , Hide , AVatson , Marshal ] , R . Ord , Parry , Duseck , and many others . The minutes of the last meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballotswere taken for five candidates for initiation and one joining
member , all of which were declared unanimous in favour of their admission . Messrs . T . Knott , Williams , and Baker being in attendance , were duly initiated . Bro . Parry was raised to the third degree . All the ceremonies were well done . Ten pounds were unanimously voted from the lodge funds to the widows annuity fund to purchase a life governorship of that charity in the name of the treasurer of this lodge for the time being .
One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting . We noticed amongst the visitors Bro . A . D . Loewenstark , P . M . 548 , < tc . PITUAGOHEAX LODGE ( SO . 79 ) . —At the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , this prosperous and flourishing lodge held its usual meeting on Monday , November 26 t ' u ult . The chair of K . S . was filled by Bro . V . AV . A \ ard , W . ' il ., , vho did the initiation
and passsmg . The Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M . and Sec . 140 , also a member of this lodge , did the raising . There were also present Bros . S . W . A'inten , S . W . ; Trill , J . AV . ; W . C . Penny , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . C . Peckham , P . JI ., Sec , ; J . H . Doughney .. S . D . ; JR . Boncey , J . D . ; T . Porridge , I . G . ; A \' . E . Orchard , P . M . ; Nash , Gordon , and very many others ; all the work was well and ably done . The brethren after the close of the lodge retired to BroTMoore ' Globe TavernEovalhill
. . s , , -, Greenwich . Visitors : Bros . A . H . Tattershall , S / W . " l 3 , J . AV . 140 ; P . AValters , P . M . 73 , 14-7 , Sec" S 71 ; AV . Noakes , S . AV . 140 ; E . AV . Pool ; , S . D . 140 ; J . Lightfoot , AA ' . M . 14-7 ; F . Durrant , P . M . 14-7 ; C . G , Delley , 14-7 ; S . G . Cook , 871 ; J . Truelove , 871 ; B . Standen , & c , & c . ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( NO . 140 ) . —On AA ednesday , the 21 sfc ult .. at the Lecture HallGreenwichthis old lodheld its
, , ge meeting . The lodge was opened by Bro . E . Hubbuck , P . M ., and there were present , Bros . W . Noak , S . AV . ; A . H . Tattershall , J . W- ; G . Edington , P . M ., Treas . ; H . A . Collington , P . M ., Sec ; E . W . Pook , S . D . ; Hudson , J . D . ; Johnson , I . G . ; G . AV . Mounghan , P . M ., and others . Amongst the visitors were Bros . F . Walters . P . M . 73 : V . W . AVard , AV . M . 79 ; AV . R . Orchard , P . M . 79 ; J . LihtfootW . M . 147 ; E . J . B . BumsteadAA . M .
g , , 54 S ; B . Standen , and many others . One brother was raised . Bro . C . J . Badger , W . M ., took the chair . Five gentlemen were initiated . The ivhole of the ceremonies were ably done , and reflected great credit on all the officers . A vote of thanks was given and recorded on the lodge minutes to Bro . AV . Noak , S . AV ., for liis kindness and generosity in presenting the lodge with a splendid set of chairs for each of the oificers , viz ., AV . M .,