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Auxiliaries To Our Great Masonic Charities.
upon the last Tuesday in January of each year , at such time aud p lace as the committee shall direct , when a full statement of the affairs of the society , also a balance-sheet , shall be submitted to the members .
4 . That every member shall have seven clear clays' notice of the time and place of all meetings . 5 . That the secretary shall call a special meeting at any time , upon receiving a requisition in writing , signed by not less than seven members ,
stating the object for Aidiich such meeting is requested . 6 . That the subscription be ten shillings per annum , or two shillings and sixpence per quarter , payable on the usual quarter-days in March , June , September , and December . 7 . That when the funds in the hands of the
treasurer shall amount to £ 15 , a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic Charities shall be ballotted for by those members who have ten shillings or more fully paid up . 8 . That on the evening- of a ballot ( due notice
having been sent to all members ) , in the absence of the president , a majority of the members present shall elect a chairman , when the method of ballot or appropriation shall be fixed , and shall be such as shall be legal ; the ballot shall then
take place in the manner determined upon . More than one life governorship may be ballotted for the same evening , if the funds permit and it is deemed expedient . 9 . That no member shall subscribe more than
forty shillings—each ten shillings to represent one chance , except the donation fee ( see Rule 11 ) . 10 . That the successful member or members shall select to which of the Royal Masonic Charities the treasurer shall pay the amount , - or
a life membership in two of the Masonic Institutions , at five guineas each , may be selected , if preferred .
11 . That the successful member or members shall , upon the receipt of the voucher from the secretary of the selected institution , pay to this society a subscription of one guinea annually , for five years , for every life governorship , towards the
funds accumulating for the next appropriationsuch annual subscription to give no right or privilege of participation iu any ballot . 12 . That tbe successful member or members be permitted to transfer his life governorship to any brother belonging to this society , who is about to become a steward at either of the ensnine- fesiivals .
Auxiliaries To Our Great Masonic Charities.
lo . That any member in arrear of subscription on any ballotting night , shall be ineligible to participate in any drawing or ballot , er to vote at the annual meeting . 14 . That members of this society shall not be
exclusively members of the Craft ; but any lady or gentlemen shall be eligible upon payment of the subscription , but shall not be entitled to any voice in its management , or serve upon the committee . 15 . That all communications be addressed to the
honorary secretary , C . H . AToodward , 30 , Georgestreet , Croydon , or 32 , Nicholas-lane , Lombardstreet , E . C . ¦ AVe understand the society has already some forty members on its books .
Centenary Festival Of Lodge St. Mark, No. 102 (S. C), Glasgow.
ATe gave in our last a brief announcement , stating this Centenary Festival had been celebrated , Avith great eclat , on the 19 th ult . AA e now give the promised report of the proceedings . The R . AT . M . Bro . Major R . D . Barbor occupied
the chair , and was supported on the right by Bro . J . AThite Melville , Grand Master Mason of Scotland ; Bro . Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Prov . G-M ,, Renfrewshire ATest ; Bro . Dick ; Bro . ATm- Merry Gilmour , S . P-G , M . Middle Ward ; Bro . G . K .
Flindt , Chaplain ; D . H . Miller , P . M . ; AT . A . Baillie , Treasurer . On the left Avere Bro . Robert ATyllie , R . AT . M . of Mother Kilwinning , and Prov .
G . M . for Ayrshire ; Col . Campbell , Prov . G . M . Renfrew East ; Lieut . Barrington Campbell ; Bro . Capt- M'Casland ; Bros . Alexander SteAvart , Grand Clerk ; Thomas Halkett , Sec . ; Barradale , S , W . ; J . 0 . Smith , J . AT . ; J . M . Allan , Grand Steward ;
James Leith , P . G . D . C . ; ancl Bro . James Campbell , P . G . S . B ., were also present . The guests numbered over 100 , and among them ivere deputations from all the lodges in the province , from some lodges out of the province , and a deputation
from the young lodge at Millport , the Kelburne , 459 , consisting of Bro . the Rev . H . H . Richardson , R . AT . M . ; A . M'Kay , S . D . ; Alex . Hunter , J . D . ; S . H . Miller ; R , P . Rees ; A . Houston .
Bro . Major Barbor , addressing the Grand Master , said : I have much pleasure in requesting you to take the mall and chair of St . Mark ' s Lodge . The Grand Master , having taken the chair , said : Right ATorshipful Sir and Brethren , you are all no doubt aware that it is the prerogative of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Auxiliaries To Our Great Masonic Charities.
upon the last Tuesday in January of each year , at such time aud p lace as the committee shall direct , when a full statement of the affairs of the society , also a balance-sheet , shall be submitted to the members .
4 . That every member shall have seven clear clays' notice of the time and place of all meetings . 5 . That the secretary shall call a special meeting at any time , upon receiving a requisition in writing , signed by not less than seven members ,
stating the object for Aidiich such meeting is requested . 6 . That the subscription be ten shillings per annum , or two shillings and sixpence per quarter , payable on the usual quarter-days in March , June , September , and December . 7 . That when the funds in the hands of the
treasurer shall amount to £ 15 , a life governorship in one of the Royal Masonic Charities shall be ballotted for by those members who have ten shillings or more fully paid up . 8 . That on the evening- of a ballot ( due notice
having been sent to all members ) , in the absence of the president , a majority of the members present shall elect a chairman , when the method of ballot or appropriation shall be fixed , and shall be such as shall be legal ; the ballot shall then
take place in the manner determined upon . More than one life governorship may be ballotted for the same evening , if the funds permit and it is deemed expedient . 9 . That no member shall subscribe more than
forty shillings—each ten shillings to represent one chance , except the donation fee ( see Rule 11 ) . 10 . That the successful member or members shall select to which of the Royal Masonic Charities the treasurer shall pay the amount , - or
a life membership in two of the Masonic Institutions , at five guineas each , may be selected , if preferred .
11 . That the successful member or members shall , upon the receipt of the voucher from the secretary of the selected institution , pay to this society a subscription of one guinea annually , for five years , for every life governorship , towards the
funds accumulating for the next appropriationsuch annual subscription to give no right or privilege of participation iu any ballot . 12 . That tbe successful member or members be permitted to transfer his life governorship to any brother belonging to this society , who is about to become a steward at either of the ensnine- fesiivals .
Auxiliaries To Our Great Masonic Charities.
lo . That any member in arrear of subscription on any ballotting night , shall be ineligible to participate in any drawing or ballot , er to vote at the annual meeting . 14 . That members of this society shall not be
exclusively members of the Craft ; but any lady or gentlemen shall be eligible upon payment of the subscription , but shall not be entitled to any voice in its management , or serve upon the committee . 15 . That all communications be addressed to the
honorary secretary , C . H . AToodward , 30 , Georgestreet , Croydon , or 32 , Nicholas-lane , Lombardstreet , E . C . ¦ AVe understand the society has already some forty members on its books .
Centenary Festival Of Lodge St. Mark, No. 102 (S. C), Glasgow.
ATe gave in our last a brief announcement , stating this Centenary Festival had been celebrated , Avith great eclat , on the 19 th ult . AA e now give the promised report of the proceedings . The R . AT . M . Bro . Major R . D . Barbor occupied
the chair , and was supported on the right by Bro . J . AThite Melville , Grand Master Mason of Scotland ; Bro . Sir Michael Shaw Stewart , Prov . G-M ,, Renfrewshire ATest ; Bro . Dick ; Bro . ATm- Merry Gilmour , S . P-G , M . Middle Ward ; Bro . G . K .
Flindt , Chaplain ; D . H . Miller , P . M . ; AT . A . Baillie , Treasurer . On the left Avere Bro . Robert ATyllie , R . AT . M . of Mother Kilwinning , and Prov .
G . M . for Ayrshire ; Col . Campbell , Prov . G . M . Renfrew East ; Lieut . Barrington Campbell ; Bro . Capt- M'Casland ; Bros . Alexander SteAvart , Grand Clerk ; Thomas Halkett , Sec . ; Barradale , S , W . ; J . 0 . Smith , J . AT . ; J . M . Allan , Grand Steward ;
James Leith , P . G . D . C . ; ancl Bro . James Campbell , P . G . S . B ., were also present . The guests numbered over 100 , and among them ivere deputations from all the lodges in the province , from some lodges out of the province , and a deputation
from the young lodge at Millport , the Kelburne , 459 , consisting of Bro . the Rev . H . H . Richardson , R . AT . M . ; A . M'Kay , S . D . ; Alex . Hunter , J . D . ; S . H . Miller ; R , P . Rees ; A . Houston .
Bro . Major Barbor , addressing the Grand Master , said : I have much pleasure in requesting you to take the mall and chair of St . Mark ' s Lodge . The Grand Master , having taken the chair , said : Right ATorshipful Sir and Brethren , you are all no doubt aware that it is the prerogative of the