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Centenary Festival Of Lodge St. Mark, No. 102 (S. C), Glasgow.
fellowship we have reared and the towers of Avisdom that have been built upon that book ( the Bible ) , which is the foundation of Freemasonry , and also remember that there was a nation called Great Britain , and that they were goocl Masons .
I ask you to drink to " Freemasonry all over the World / ' in a manner becoming the Lodge St . Mark . "
Bro . Miller , P . M .: The toast that falls to my lot is one that will be cordially responded to by the Lodge St . Mark . ATe have among us tonight Bro . Robert ATylie , R . AT . M . of Mother Kilwinning ancl Prov . Grand Master for Ayrshire . He
is well and honourably known to us all . I ask you to drink a bumper to "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire , coupled with the name of our Avorthy Bro . ATylie . " The toast was drank with musical honours .
The toasts of " The Provincial Grand Masters of the Middle Ward , " "Renfrewshire ( ATest ) , " " The Upper Ward of Lanarkshire , " and " Renfrewshire ( East )" , followed , and were most heartily received ancl suitably responded to by the several
Prov . Grand Masters , excepting those for the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire , both of whom were unavoidably absent . The toast of "The Officers of . the St . Mark's Lodge" having been given and responded to , Bro . Donald Campbell , in responding to the toast of "The Past Masters of St . Mark's , " referred to
those who had preceded him in office , and said he could not help cherishing feelings of regret that so many had passed away . Bro . Campbell passed in review the names of Adam Lymburner , founder of the Lodge ; Henry Monteith , Carstairs , R . AT . M . ;
Dr . James Monteith , R . AT . M . ; Lord AVm . Paget ( Marquis of Angiesea ) , R . W . AL ; Sheridan Knowles , R . AT . M . ; William Motherwell , R . AT . M . ; Sir AVilliam Miller , of Barskimming and Glenlee , R . AT . M . ; Dr . James Miller , R . AT . M . ; and AT . B .
Hnggins , R . AT . M . The Rev . Zachary Macaulay , father of Lord Macaulay , and Edmund KeanAvere both initiated in the Lodge . " The ATives and Daughters of Freemasons " was given by Brother Rennie , who remarked that
he thought as there ivere many AA'ho had not the privilege of having either wives or daughters , the toast should be "ATives , Daughters , and Sisters . " Sir Michael Shaw SteAvart , in the course of a humorous reply , said : Now , strictly speaking , if I were put on my oath in a court of justice , I Avould say that I Avas not quite sure Avhether the Avives
Centenary Festival Of Lodge St. Mark, No. 102 (S. C), Glasgow.
ancl daughters of Freemasons looked upon Masonry with quite the same ideas as they did upon some other institutions . If I Avere cross-examined and asked my reasons , I should say , because the ladies kneiv there was some secret connected with
Masonry that they could not at all get at . I should ; , at the same time , be sorry that Brother Rennie , or any other young man , was afraid of taking a wife lest she should try to worm the secrets out of him . I can assure Bro . Rennie , and all other aspirants
to be the possessors of Mason ' s wives and bairns , that any feeling or fear of that kind soon wears itself off . Therefore no Mason need be deterred
from matrimony . I think , with all respect to the ladies , that it is better they cannot be Freemasons —that their true station is at home , adorning their firesides , and taking care of the house and Aveans . The Chairman proposed " The Last Link of St .
Mark ' s , coupled with the name of Bro . AToocl . " He hoped it would be his fate to stand sponsor to him . Bro . AVood having made a suitable reply , The toast of " The Press , " responded to by Bro .
0 . Gunniss followed , and the Lodge Avas then closed according to ancient custom , ancl the proceedings , which Avere throughout of a most pleasing character , terminated .
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
By BKO . A . OXEAL HAVE , K . M ., K . Gal ., Corresponding Member of the German Society , Leipsig , Knight Templar , Scot . ; Author of" The History of the Knights Templars ;" " Vara Queer " " Gatherings in Wanderings ; " "Songs and Ballads ; " "Toemata , ; " "Legends of JMhiburgh ? & c , tjx ., L )' C . ; Poet Laureate of the Ganonc / ate , Kilwinning ; P . M . St . Stephens ; P . P . Z . of St . Andreics , B . A _
Ch ap . ; Sfc . ; S ) X . ( Continued from page 411 . ) CHAPTER XI . A TEAITOK . " A treacherous worm lias crept into ouv bed ,
And threats destruction to our every flower •' And lie whom we have cherished as a freve , Lost to all honour and the grace of Heaven , Turns like an adder , that the ploughman warms Upon his hearth , to sting us to the heart . "—A . 0 . H . AVhen Gains entered the presence of Trajan , he
found AA'ith the Emperor , Cassius , the High Priest of Capitoline Jupiter , the prefect Clodis , ancl Lycus . An angry flush Avas on the Emperor ' s broAV , and he paused in the middle of a furious sentence as Caius entered . " ATelcome , my Caius , thou comest ever to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Centenary Festival Of Lodge St. Mark, No. 102 (S. C), Glasgow.
fellowship we have reared and the towers of Avisdom that have been built upon that book ( the Bible ) , which is the foundation of Freemasonry , and also remember that there was a nation called Great Britain , and that they were goocl Masons .
I ask you to drink to " Freemasonry all over the World / ' in a manner becoming the Lodge St . Mark . "
Bro . Miller , P . M .: The toast that falls to my lot is one that will be cordially responded to by the Lodge St . Mark . ATe have among us tonight Bro . Robert ATylie , R . AT . M . of Mother Kilwinning ancl Prov . Grand Master for Ayrshire . He
is well and honourably known to us all . I ask you to drink a bumper to "The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire , coupled with the name of our Avorthy Bro . ATylie . " The toast was drank with musical honours .
The toasts of " The Provincial Grand Masters of the Middle Ward , " "Renfrewshire ( ATest ) , " " The Upper Ward of Lanarkshire , " and " Renfrewshire ( East )" , followed , and were most heartily received ancl suitably responded to by the several
Prov . Grand Masters , excepting those for the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire , both of whom were unavoidably absent . The toast of "The Officers of . the St . Mark's Lodge" having been given and responded to , Bro . Donald Campbell , in responding to the toast of "The Past Masters of St . Mark's , " referred to
those who had preceded him in office , and said he could not help cherishing feelings of regret that so many had passed away . Bro . Campbell passed in review the names of Adam Lymburner , founder of the Lodge ; Henry Monteith , Carstairs , R . AT . M . ;
Dr . James Monteith , R . AT . M . ; Lord AVm . Paget ( Marquis of Angiesea ) , R . W . AL ; Sheridan Knowles , R . AT . M . ; William Motherwell , R . AT . M . ; Sir AVilliam Miller , of Barskimming and Glenlee , R . AT . M . ; Dr . James Miller , R . AT . M . ; and AT . B .
Hnggins , R . AT . M . The Rev . Zachary Macaulay , father of Lord Macaulay , and Edmund KeanAvere both initiated in the Lodge . " The ATives and Daughters of Freemasons " was given by Brother Rennie , who remarked that
he thought as there ivere many AA'ho had not the privilege of having either wives or daughters , the toast should be "ATives , Daughters , and Sisters . " Sir Michael Shaw SteAvart , in the course of a humorous reply , said : Now , strictly speaking , if I were put on my oath in a court of justice , I Avould say that I Avas not quite sure Avhether the Avives
Centenary Festival Of Lodge St. Mark, No. 102 (S. C), Glasgow.
ancl daughters of Freemasons looked upon Masonry with quite the same ideas as they did upon some other institutions . If I Avere cross-examined and asked my reasons , I should say , because the ladies kneiv there was some secret connected with
Masonry that they could not at all get at . I should ; , at the same time , be sorry that Brother Rennie , or any other young man , was afraid of taking a wife lest she should try to worm the secrets out of him . I can assure Bro . Rennie , and all other aspirants
to be the possessors of Mason ' s wives and bairns , that any feeling or fear of that kind soon wears itself off . Therefore no Mason need be deterred
from matrimony . I think , with all respect to the ladies , that it is better they cannot be Freemasons —that their true station is at home , adorning their firesides , and taking care of the house and Aveans . The Chairman proposed " The Last Link of St .
Mark ' s , coupled with the name of Bro . AToocl . " He hoped it would be his fate to stand sponsor to him . Bro . AVood having made a suitable reply , The toast of " The Press , " responded to by Bro .
0 . Gunniss followed , and the Lodge Avas then closed according to ancient custom , ancl the proceedings , which Avere throughout of a most pleasing character , terminated .
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
By BKO . A . OXEAL HAVE , K . M ., K . Gal ., Corresponding Member of the German Society , Leipsig , Knight Templar , Scot . ; Author of" The History of the Knights Templars ;" " Vara Queer " " Gatherings in Wanderings ; " "Songs and Ballads ; " "Toemata , ; " "Legends of JMhiburgh ? & c , tjx ., L )' C . ; Poet Laureate of the Ganonc / ate , Kilwinning ; P . M . St . Stephens ; P . P . Z . of St . Andreics , B . A _
Ch ap . ; Sfc . ; S ) X . ( Continued from page 411 . ) CHAPTER XI . A TEAITOK . " A treacherous worm lias crept into ouv bed ,
And threats destruction to our every flower •' And lie whom we have cherished as a freve , Lost to all honour and the grace of Heaven , Turns like an adder , that the ploughman warms Upon his hearth , to sting us to the heart . "—A . 0 . H . AVhen Gains entered the presence of Trajan , he
found AA'ith the Emperor , Cassius , the High Priest of Capitoline Jupiter , the prefect Clodis , ancl Lycus . An angry flush Avas on the Emperor ' s broAV , and he paused in the middle of a furious sentence as Caius entered . " ATelcome , my Caius , thou comest ever to