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W . M . of Lodge Emulation to surrender its warrant , while the AA . M . of Lodge Rock would be instructed to show cause why a similar course should not be adopted with reference to this lodge , if his returns were not forthcoming in the present month . The D . G . Master explained that he had postponed to the latest possible period this assembly of the District Grand Lodge , as he had been in expectation , every month , of hearing from
the G . S ., who had thought proper to criticise the proceedings of this District Grand Lodge and to object to some of its longestablished customs . The points to which exception had been taken , wore the following : — ^ 1 . The adoption of the designation Southern India instead of Madras . 2 . The appointment of a Dep . P . G . S ., which was declared to be illegal , though a similar office exists in the Grand Lodge .
3 . The non-registration of the Dep . P . G . M ., Bro . Macdonald-Ritchie ' s name , however , had since been registered as Dep . G . M . of the district . 4 . The admission of representatives from up-country lodges , stated to have been disallowed more than once by the Grand Lodge . 5 . The non-receipt of the application for the appointment of a Superintendant of Royal Arch Masonry for this district . Of
this a duplicate had been sent , the original having been forwarded through a well-known Masonic agent , who was positive as to its delivery . All these objections , the D . G . M . remarked , had been fully met . The reply had long beeen expected , but comes not . It was but fair to presume , therefore , that the designation the District Grand Lodge had for some years assumed was sanctioned , and the other point succeeded .
3 . The minutes of the last regular communication of tho District Grand Lodge , and of the subsequent emergent one , were read . Before putting tho former for confirmation , the D . G . M . stated that it had been pointed out to him that Bro . Dickinson , who was there declared to have been once AV . M . of Lodge Victoria in Burmah ( No . 832 ) , had never risen to that office in that lodge , of which , however , ho had been S . AY . With this exception the minutes of "both meetings were
confirmed . 4 . The D . G . Sec . next read a letter of apology from Bro . Coleman , D . G . Treas ., who was unavoidably absent through illness . Bro . Coleman , however , has sent his books and accounts . These last were read shewing a balance in favour of the District Grand Lodge amounting to Rupees 654-13-1 , and of the Charity Fund , exclusive of investments , of Rupees 1 , 585-9-6 . 5 . The D . G . Sec . further reported that since the last meeting
of the District Grand Lodge , a grant of 100 Rupees from the charity Fund had been made to Bro , Marcus de Goldberg , a respectable German , under instructions from the D . G . M ., there being no Committee of Charity ; also that the AV . M . of Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 500 ) , had intimated the exclusion of Bro . De Lang from that lodge for non-payment of dues . These several proceedings were confirmed . 6 . Bro . Greenlaw ' s scheme for tbe establishment of a-Masonic
Orphan Fund for Southern India was next submitted for consideration . It was proposed by Bro . Scott and seconded by Bro . Joyes and carried unanimous ^' , that it be referred to a committee , consisting of tho three Senior Members of the District Grand Lodge resident at Madras , viz ., Bros . Macdonald Ritchie and Scharlieb and Miller , with the D . G . Treas . and D . G . Sec . acting ex-ojjicio . The same brethren were also requested to report ou tue finances of the District Grand Lodge ,
as also to revise the by-laws , the present edition being nearly out of print . 7 . The D . G . Master having represented that considerable inconvenience had arisen from tbe want of a committee to manage the affairs of the charity fund , the above brethren were entrusted with this duty also . 8 . A otes of thanks were then passed to Bro . Rev . E . S . Goodhart , B . A ., for his excellent sermon preached on St . John ' s
Eve , as also to Bro . A . De Cruz , Jr ., of Calcutta for his presentation of a copy of his " History of Freemasonry in Bengal" to the District Grand Lodge 9 . Tho D . G . Secretary produced two applications ; the first from tho AV . M . of tho Bangalore Lodge ( No . 1 , 043 ) , for the grant of a pension to Mrs . Atkinson , the widow of a member of the lato Cantonment Lodge ( No . 710 ) , at that station , and the second from the W . M . of Lodge Victoria iu Burmah ( No . 832 ) , for a donation to Mrs . Gresrorv , the widow of a member of that
lodge . It was proposed by the R . AA . D . G . M ., and seconded by the B . AA . Dep . D . G . M . aud carried unanimously , that these applications be referred to the Committee of Charity for disposal . 10 . It was further proposed by the lt . AV . D G . M ., seconded by 11 . W . Dep . D . G . M . and carried unanimously , that in con-. scquence of the enhanced price of provisions , all pensions from the charity fund be raised 25 per cent .
11 . The D . G . Secretary suggested that agreeably with the practice in other District Grand Lodges , the Grand Officers of this district be furnished with letters of appointment , certifyino ' to the rank held by each in the District Grand Lodge . It was resolved that tho suggestion be adopted . 12 . AAlth reference to the Grand Masonic Charity Fund , the D . G . Sec reported that nothing of importance had transpired in its affairs since the last communication of the District Grand
Lodge , with the exception that one of the pensioners , Mrs . Kelly , had died during the interval , and that , as already mentioned , a grant of 100 Rupees had been given to Bro . De Goldberg , a distressed Freemason . The D . G . Sec . suggested that as there was a balance of upwards of 1 , 500 Rupees to the credit of the Fund , 1 , 000 Rupees be invested in Government
securities as soon as a favourable opportunity occurred . The proposition wa 3 supported by Bro . Joyes , and unanimously carried . 13 . An election next took place for the office of D . G . Treas ., which again resulted in favour of Bro . Coleman . The D . G . M ., in announcing the appointment , expressed himself highly gratified with the care and trouble always taken by Bro . Coleman in the discharge of his onerous and responsible dutiesHe
. did not think that the brethren could have made a better selection . The election of a D . G . Tyler was deferred for the present . The undermentioned brethren were then appointed District Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . Capt . Aubrey Saunders , 434 and 465 , D . S . G . W . ; Stag Surg . H . T . Shaw , 273 and 926 , D . J . G . AV . ; Rev . AV . Hickey ,
273 , D . G . Chap . ; J . G . Coleman 273 , D . G . Treas . elected ; John Miller , 150 and 273 , D . G . Regist . ; Charles Scott , 273 , 926 , and 1 , 043 , D . G . Sec ; W . Fraser , C . E ., 150 , D . S . G . D . ; Capt . H . T . Duncan , 832 , D . J . G . D . ; Capt . H . T . Rogers , R . E . 926 , D . G . S . W .-N . Morison , 150 , D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . H . Buchan , 273 and 1 , 043 , D . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Joyes , 273 , D . G . Sword Bear . ; Clement Tate , 273 , D . G . Org . ; J . II . AValker , 1 , 043 , D . G . Purst .
The nomination of the following brethren by the presidency lodges as District Grand Stewards was at the same time confirmed . Bros , P . Stevens and XV . F . Hooper , Lodge Perfect Unanimity ( No . 150 ); John C . Berlie and N . Surg . S . Jesudasen Pillay , Lodge Universal Charity ( No . 273 ); Capt . B . II . AV Magrath and Beresford Anderson , Mount Lodge ( No . 926 ) . 14 . Bro . Miller brought to tbe notice of the District Grand
Lodge the great distress to which Mrs . Maddox , widow of the lato D . G . Tyler , was reduced by her husband ' s death . His addressing the District Grand Lodge on the subject , he said , might be deemed irregular , as her case was not entered on the Agenda paper for consideration . But taking into account the circumstance that Bro . Maddox's decease had taken place after the issue of the summons calling this meeting , be trusted ha mi
ght be pardoned for introducing the subject , and urging upon the District Grand Lodge to bestow upon her a pension from the Charity Fund . After some conversation it was proposed by Bro . Miller , and seconded hy Bro . Greatorex , and unanimously carried , that the case of Mrs . Maddox bo referred to the Committee of Charity for their favourable consideration . 15 . Bro . Hooper represented that at tho last meeting of Lodge
Perfect Unanimity , an application was made to that lodge by Bros . Bonnycastle and Baruett , contractors for the erection of tho now Presidency College building , to lay tho foundation stone of that edifice with Masonic honours . He explained that this proposition did not appear as a part of the business of the communication , inasmuch as the last meeting of Lodge Perfect Unanimity bad been held since the preparation of the list of agenda . Taking into considerationhoweverthat the body of
, , Freemasons working under the Constitution of England , had invariably shown themselves desirous , of marking- their sense of the great value of education , and looking at tho important benefits which will accrue to the whole of Southern India by the erection of the Presidency College , ho urged that the application of Bros . Barnett and Bonnycastle should bo considered .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
W . M . of Lodge Emulation to surrender its warrant , while the AA . M . of Lodge Rock would be instructed to show cause why a similar course should not be adopted with reference to this lodge , if his returns were not forthcoming in the present month . The D . G . Master explained that he had postponed to the latest possible period this assembly of the District Grand Lodge , as he had been in expectation , every month , of hearing from
the G . S ., who had thought proper to criticise the proceedings of this District Grand Lodge and to object to some of its longestablished customs . The points to which exception had been taken , wore the following : — ^ 1 . The adoption of the designation Southern India instead of Madras . 2 . The appointment of a Dep . P . G . S ., which was declared to be illegal , though a similar office exists in the Grand Lodge .
3 . The non-registration of the Dep . P . G . M ., Bro . Macdonald-Ritchie ' s name , however , had since been registered as Dep . G . M . of the district . 4 . The admission of representatives from up-country lodges , stated to have been disallowed more than once by the Grand Lodge . 5 . The non-receipt of the application for the appointment of a Superintendant of Royal Arch Masonry for this district . Of
this a duplicate had been sent , the original having been forwarded through a well-known Masonic agent , who was positive as to its delivery . All these objections , the D . G . M . remarked , had been fully met . The reply had long beeen expected , but comes not . It was but fair to presume , therefore , that the designation the District Grand Lodge had for some years assumed was sanctioned , and the other point succeeded .
3 . The minutes of the last regular communication of tho District Grand Lodge , and of the subsequent emergent one , were read . Before putting tho former for confirmation , the D . G . M . stated that it had been pointed out to him that Bro . Dickinson , who was there declared to have been once AV . M . of Lodge Victoria in Burmah ( No . 832 ) , had never risen to that office in that lodge , of which , however , ho had been S . AY . With this exception the minutes of "both meetings were
confirmed . 4 . The D . G . Sec . next read a letter of apology from Bro . Coleman , D . G . Treas ., who was unavoidably absent through illness . Bro . Coleman , however , has sent his books and accounts . These last were read shewing a balance in favour of the District Grand Lodge amounting to Rupees 654-13-1 , and of the Charity Fund , exclusive of investments , of Rupees 1 , 585-9-6 . 5 . The D . G . Sec . further reported that since the last meeting
of the District Grand Lodge , a grant of 100 Rupees from the charity Fund had been made to Bro , Marcus de Goldberg , a respectable German , under instructions from the D . G . M ., there being no Committee of Charity ; also that the AV . M . of Lodge St . Andrew ( No . 500 ) , had intimated the exclusion of Bro . De Lang from that lodge for non-payment of dues . These several proceedings were confirmed . 6 . Bro . Greenlaw ' s scheme for tbe establishment of a-Masonic
Orphan Fund for Southern India was next submitted for consideration . It was proposed by Bro . Scott and seconded by Bro . Joyes and carried unanimous ^' , that it be referred to a committee , consisting of tho three Senior Members of the District Grand Lodge resident at Madras , viz ., Bros . Macdonald Ritchie and Scharlieb and Miller , with the D . G . Treas . and D . G . Sec . acting ex-ojjicio . The same brethren were also requested to report ou tue finances of the District Grand Lodge ,
as also to revise the by-laws , the present edition being nearly out of print . 7 . The D . G . Master having represented that considerable inconvenience had arisen from tbe want of a committee to manage the affairs of the charity fund , the above brethren were entrusted with this duty also . 8 . A otes of thanks were then passed to Bro . Rev . E . S . Goodhart , B . A ., for his excellent sermon preached on St . John ' s
Eve , as also to Bro . A . De Cruz , Jr ., of Calcutta for his presentation of a copy of his " History of Freemasonry in Bengal" to the District Grand Lodge 9 . Tho D . G . Secretary produced two applications ; the first from tho AV . M . of tho Bangalore Lodge ( No . 1 , 043 ) , for the grant of a pension to Mrs . Atkinson , the widow of a member of the lato Cantonment Lodge ( No . 710 ) , at that station , and the second from the W . M . of Lodge Victoria iu Burmah ( No . 832 ) , for a donation to Mrs . Gresrorv , the widow of a member of that
lodge . It was proposed by the R . AA . D . G . M ., and seconded by the B . AA . Dep . D . G . M . aud carried unanimously , that these applications be referred to the Committee of Charity for disposal . 10 . It was further proposed by the lt . AV . D G . M ., seconded by 11 . W . Dep . D . G . M . and carried unanimously , that in con-. scquence of the enhanced price of provisions , all pensions from the charity fund be raised 25 per cent .
11 . The D . G . Secretary suggested that agreeably with the practice in other District Grand Lodges , the Grand Officers of this district be furnished with letters of appointment , certifyino ' to the rank held by each in the District Grand Lodge . It was resolved that tho suggestion be adopted . 12 . AAlth reference to the Grand Masonic Charity Fund , the D . G . Sec reported that nothing of importance had transpired in its affairs since the last communication of the District Grand
Lodge , with the exception that one of the pensioners , Mrs . Kelly , had died during the interval , and that , as already mentioned , a grant of 100 Rupees had been given to Bro . De Goldberg , a distressed Freemason . The D . G . Sec . suggested that as there was a balance of upwards of 1 , 500 Rupees to the credit of the Fund , 1 , 000 Rupees be invested in Government
securities as soon as a favourable opportunity occurred . The proposition wa 3 supported by Bro . Joyes , and unanimously carried . 13 . An election next took place for the office of D . G . Treas ., which again resulted in favour of Bro . Coleman . The D . G . M ., in announcing the appointment , expressed himself highly gratified with the care and trouble always taken by Bro . Coleman in the discharge of his onerous and responsible dutiesHe
. did not think that the brethren could have made a better selection . The election of a D . G . Tyler was deferred for the present . The undermentioned brethren were then appointed District Grand Officers for the ensuing year : — Bros . Capt . Aubrey Saunders , 434 and 465 , D . S . G . W . ; Stag Surg . H . T . Shaw , 273 and 926 , D . J . G . AV . ; Rev . AV . Hickey ,
273 , D . G . Chap . ; J . G . Coleman 273 , D . G . Treas . elected ; John Miller , 150 and 273 , D . G . Regist . ; Charles Scott , 273 , 926 , and 1 , 043 , D . G . Sec ; W . Fraser , C . E ., 150 , D . S . G . D . ; Capt . H . T . Duncan , 832 , D . J . G . D . ; Capt . H . T . Rogers , R . E . 926 , D . G . S . W .-N . Morison , 150 , D . G . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . H . Buchan , 273 and 1 , 043 , D . G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . ; AV . Joyes , 273 , D . G . Sword Bear . ; Clement Tate , 273 , D . G . Org . ; J . II . AValker , 1 , 043 , D . G . Purst .
The nomination of the following brethren by the presidency lodges as District Grand Stewards was at the same time confirmed . Bros , P . Stevens and XV . F . Hooper , Lodge Perfect Unanimity ( No . 150 ); John C . Berlie and N . Surg . S . Jesudasen Pillay , Lodge Universal Charity ( No . 273 ); Capt . B . II . AV Magrath and Beresford Anderson , Mount Lodge ( No . 926 ) . 14 . Bro . Miller brought to tbe notice of the District Grand
Lodge the great distress to which Mrs . Maddox , widow of the lato D . G . Tyler , was reduced by her husband ' s death . His addressing the District Grand Lodge on the subject , he said , might be deemed irregular , as her case was not entered on the Agenda paper for consideration . But taking into account the circumstance that Bro . Maddox's decease had taken place after the issue of the summons calling this meeting , be trusted ha mi
ght be pardoned for introducing the subject , and urging upon the District Grand Lodge to bestow upon her a pension from the Charity Fund . After some conversation it was proposed by Bro . Miller , and seconded hy Bro . Greatorex , and unanimously carried , that the case of Mrs . Maddox bo referred to the Committee of Charity for their favourable consideration . 15 . Bro . Hooper represented that at tho last meeting of Lodge
Perfect Unanimity , an application was made to that lodge by Bros . Bonnycastle and Baruett , contractors for the erection of tho now Presidency College building , to lay tho foundation stone of that edifice with Masonic honours . He explained that this proposition did not appear as a part of the business of the communication , inasmuch as the last meeting of Lodge Perfect Unanimity bad been held since the preparation of the list of agenda . Taking into considerationhoweverthat the body of
, , Freemasons working under the Constitution of England , had invariably shown themselves desirous , of marking- their sense of the great value of education , and looking at tho important benefits which will accrue to the whole of Southern India by the erection of the Presidency College , ho urged that the application of Bros . Barnett and Bonnycastle should bo considered .