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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will be holden at Huddersfield by the Earl de Grey and Bipon , Prov . G . Master , on the 23 rd inst . A correspondent , writing from Quebec , says : — " I avail myself
of the occasion to convey what must he gratifying intelligence to you , that the Order in this district , under the judicious and popular rule of R . W . Bro . James Dean , jun ., is hi a highly satisfactory and progressive condition . " We could have wished that pur correspondent had given us a little more information . The Stewards of the recent Festival of the Royal Benevolent
Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows , liaving a surplus of their deposits in hand , after paying all expenses , of £ 37 2 s ., directed it to be placed in the hands of the Committee of Management in aid of the sustentation fund of the Asylum building . The Eoyal Albert Lodge ( No . 1209 ) is to he consecrated in
the Board Room of the Royal Westminster Dispensary , Gerrard Street , Soho , on AVednesday next . The consecration is to be performed at three o'clock , by Bro . AVilliam Watson , P . G . Steward , the musical portion of the ceremony being entrusted to Bro . Matthew Cooke . Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purs , will he installed as the first AV . M . At the conclusion of the business
the brethren are to adjourn to the Ereemasons' Tavern to dinner . AVe understand that a new lodge is about to ho opened at the Ereemasons' Tavern , Plumstead , Kent , under the title of the Pattison Lodge , in compliment to Bro . Pattison , P . G . AV ., whose property is situated in the district .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
Before this meets the eye of our readers , the subscribers to the above institution and the various Lodges and Chapters throughout the kingdom will have received their balloting papers for the election on the 16 th of May next , when ten male annuitants out of thirty-nine candidates ,., and four female annuitants out of eighteen candidates are to he selected for the
benefits of the institution . As a rule , we abstain from taking any part in the elections of our Charities in the columns of the EREEMASONS' MAGAZINEthe exception being when a poor creature appears to have been forgotten hy the world , and has unsuccessfully struggled for election for seven or eight years . Such a case we undertook
to champion last year , and , thanks to the support and liberality of the brethren ,- we were successful in our endeavours to place Mrs . AVeymouth on the list of annuitants . Once more we are compelled to appeal to the brethren to support us in securing the election of Mrs . Elizabeth Piper , of Rochford , Essex , who now , in her 77 th year , stands as candidate
for the eighth time—liaving been approved by the Committee so long since as December , 1854 Her late husband , Bro . Stephen Piper , was initiated at Rochford in 1812 , and continued a subscribing member for thirty-three years—in fact , almost to the time of his death , which took place in 184-6 ; and it is only to the circumstance of his having been dead so long , as apparently to he forgotten by the brethren , can we attribute that his widow
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
has had to appeal so many times unsuccessfully for that aid which others , whose friends exei-t themselves , often receive on then- first application . Mrs . Piper , it appears , is wholl y dependent on her widowed daughter , who supports herself and mother by needlework . How poor a dependence must this be ! To such Lodges , Chapters , and Brethren , who have not
already promised their votes , we confidently appeal to forward their proxies to Bro . Henry G . AVarren , at the office of this Magazine , 19 , Salisbury Street , Strand , or 6 , Red Lion Square , Bloomsbury , W . C . Male annuitants' proxies will he thankfully received , as they may be exchanged for those of females .
Such of the brethren who are not already subscribers to the Institution , we would observe , can secure four votes for every 5 s . subscribed . Brethren , remember the EIGHTH APPLICATION . LET IT BE THE LAST !
PEACE ASD HAEMOXY LODOE ( NO . 72 . )—The usual meeting of this lodge took place at the London Tavern , on Thursday , 27 th inst ., Bro . T . Parker , W . M ., presiding , conducting the business of the evening in his usual lucid style . By a strange coincidence , two interesting ceremonies took place on the occasion ; the first was thepresentationof ' . iijeweltoan oldP . M ., Bro . J . Long , who expressed his gratitude to the Lodge in thus
acknowledging his humble services . The second was the presentation hy the W . M ., iu a neat and appropriate speech , of a very handsome , elaborately finished silver snuff-box , with the following inscription : — " To Bro . Isidor Levinson , the immediate P . M . Presented hy the members of the Lodge of Peace and Harmony , ( No . 72 ) , to Bro . Isidor Levinson , P . M ., in testimony of their approbation of his efficient services while presiding over them as AVorshipful Master . January , 1862 . "
ROYAL ALEEED LODGE ( No . 1082 ) . —On Friday the 28 th ult ., a meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Racksfcraw's , the Star and Garter , Kew-bridge . Present : —Bros . Pry , AV . M . ; Sutton , S . W . ; Hale , J . W .,- J . Smith , P . G . Purst ., P . M ., and Treasurer ; Buss , Sec ; AV . Watson , P . G . Steward ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; and about 27 other brethren . The visitors were Bros . Matthew Cooke , S . W . 29 ; Stead and Mayo , 237 ; and Fisher , of 276 . The business consisted of initiating Mr . Thomas F . Green ,
passing Bro . T . P . Smith , and raising Bros . Littlewood and AVebb . It being election night Bro . Sutton , S . AV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . andP . M ., unanimouslyre-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Hammett , Tyler . A letter was read from Miss Iron—daughter of the late Bro . Mark Oliver Iron , who acted as the AVarden of the Asylum for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows , at Croydon , from the foundation of that Institution—expressing her grateful
acknowledgement to the Royal Alfred Lodge for having recommended her petition to the Board of Benevolence , and begging the AA . M . to convey her heartfelt thanks to that Board and to the Grand Lodge for the munificent grant made to her of £ 30 . The work was all that could he desired by the most fastidious the officers all in their places , and the banquet , like all that , Bro . Rackstraw provides , excellent , the brotherly feeling and social intercourse happy and unruffled .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 . )—This select and prosperous lodge held its usual monthly meeting on AVednesday , March 26 th , at Bro . Stevens's , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . The AA . M ., Bro . AV . Scott , assisted by his officers , G . Wilton , C . Stahr , J . Stevens , F . AValter , J . AV . AA eir , J . H . Pembroke , and R . 31111 s , in an able and efficient manner passed Bros . E . G . Kelsey , D . Masson , D . O'Dwyer and P . Kavanagh , to the degree of a Fellow CraftEach brother was introduced
. separately and the whole of the ceremony was performed in a superior style . The AV . M . gave an explanation of the tracing hoard in such a superior manner as to elicit the unanimous approbation of the lodge . This is the first time for many a year since we have had any AV . M . in this or the immediate towns give an explanation of the tracing : hoard in this degree .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will be holden at Huddersfield by the Earl de Grey and Bipon , Prov . G . Master , on the 23 rd inst . A correspondent , writing from Quebec , says : — " I avail myself
of the occasion to convey what must he gratifying intelligence to you , that the Order in this district , under the judicious and popular rule of R . W . Bro . James Dean , jun ., is hi a highly satisfactory and progressive condition . " We could have wished that pur correspondent had given us a little more information . The Stewards of the recent Festival of the Royal Benevolent
Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows , liaving a surplus of their deposits in hand , after paying all expenses , of £ 37 2 s ., directed it to be placed in the hands of the Committee of Management in aid of the sustentation fund of the Asylum building . The Eoyal Albert Lodge ( No . 1209 ) is to he consecrated in
the Board Room of the Royal Westminster Dispensary , Gerrard Street , Soho , on AVednesday next . The consecration is to be performed at three o'clock , by Bro . AVilliam Watson , P . G . Steward , the musical portion of the ceremony being entrusted to Bro . Matthew Cooke . Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purs , will he installed as the first AV . M . At the conclusion of the business
the brethren are to adjourn to the Ereemasons' Tavern to dinner . AVe understand that a new lodge is about to ho opened at the Ereemasons' Tavern , Plumstead , Kent , under the title of the Pattison Lodge , in compliment to Bro . Pattison , P . G . AV ., whose property is situated in the district .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
Before this meets the eye of our readers , the subscribers to the above institution and the various Lodges and Chapters throughout the kingdom will have received their balloting papers for the election on the 16 th of May next , when ten male annuitants out of thirty-nine candidates ,., and four female annuitants out of eighteen candidates are to he selected for the
benefits of the institution . As a rule , we abstain from taking any part in the elections of our Charities in the columns of the EREEMASONS' MAGAZINEthe exception being when a poor creature appears to have been forgotten hy the world , and has unsuccessfully struggled for election for seven or eight years . Such a case we undertook
to champion last year , and , thanks to the support and liberality of the brethren ,- we were successful in our endeavours to place Mrs . AVeymouth on the list of annuitants . Once more we are compelled to appeal to the brethren to support us in securing the election of Mrs . Elizabeth Piper , of Rochford , Essex , who now , in her 77 th year , stands as candidate
for the eighth time—liaving been approved by the Committee so long since as December , 1854 Her late husband , Bro . Stephen Piper , was initiated at Rochford in 1812 , and continued a subscribing member for thirty-three years—in fact , almost to the time of his death , which took place in 184-6 ; and it is only to the circumstance of his having been dead so long , as apparently to he forgotten by the brethren , can we attribute that his widow
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
has had to appeal so many times unsuccessfully for that aid which others , whose friends exei-t themselves , often receive on then- first application . Mrs . Piper , it appears , is wholl y dependent on her widowed daughter , who supports herself and mother by needlework . How poor a dependence must this be ! To such Lodges , Chapters , and Brethren , who have not
already promised their votes , we confidently appeal to forward their proxies to Bro . Henry G . AVarren , at the office of this Magazine , 19 , Salisbury Street , Strand , or 6 , Red Lion Square , Bloomsbury , W . C . Male annuitants' proxies will he thankfully received , as they may be exchanged for those of females .
Such of the brethren who are not already subscribers to the Institution , we would observe , can secure four votes for every 5 s . subscribed . Brethren , remember the EIGHTH APPLICATION . LET IT BE THE LAST !
PEACE ASD HAEMOXY LODOE ( NO . 72 . )—The usual meeting of this lodge took place at the London Tavern , on Thursday , 27 th inst ., Bro . T . Parker , W . M ., presiding , conducting the business of the evening in his usual lucid style . By a strange coincidence , two interesting ceremonies took place on the occasion ; the first was thepresentationof ' . iijeweltoan oldP . M ., Bro . J . Long , who expressed his gratitude to the Lodge in thus
acknowledging his humble services . The second was the presentation hy the W . M ., iu a neat and appropriate speech , of a very handsome , elaborately finished silver snuff-box , with the following inscription : — " To Bro . Isidor Levinson , the immediate P . M . Presented hy the members of the Lodge of Peace and Harmony , ( No . 72 ) , to Bro . Isidor Levinson , P . M ., in testimony of their approbation of his efficient services while presiding over them as AVorshipful Master . January , 1862 . "
ROYAL ALEEED LODGE ( No . 1082 ) . —On Friday the 28 th ult ., a meeting of this lodge was held at Bro . Racksfcraw's , the Star and Garter , Kew-bridge . Present : —Bros . Pry , AV . M . ; Sutton , S . W . ; Hale , J . W .,- J . Smith , P . G . Purst ., P . M ., and Treasurer ; Buss , Sec ; AV . Watson , P . G . Steward ; H . Potter , P . M . 11 ; and about 27 other brethren . The visitors were Bros . Matthew Cooke , S . W . 29 ; Stead and Mayo , 237 ; and Fisher , of 276 . The business consisted of initiating Mr . Thomas F . Green ,
passing Bro . T . P . Smith , and raising Bros . Littlewood and AVebb . It being election night Bro . Sutton , S . AV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . Purst . andP . M ., unanimouslyre-elected Treasurer , and Bro . Hammett , Tyler . A letter was read from Miss Iron—daughter of the late Bro . Mark Oliver Iron , who acted as the AVarden of the Asylum for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows , at Croydon , from the foundation of that Institution—expressing her grateful
acknowledgement to the Royal Alfred Lodge for having recommended her petition to the Board of Benevolence , and begging the AA . M . to convey her heartfelt thanks to that Board and to the Grand Lodge for the munificent grant made to her of £ 30 . The work was all that could he desired by the most fastidious the officers all in their places , and the banquet , like all that , Bro . Rackstraw provides , excellent , the brotherly feeling and social intercourse happy and unruffled .
ROYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 . )—This select and prosperous lodge held its usual monthly meeting on AVednesday , March 26 th , at Bro . Stevens's , Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , Kent . The AA . M ., Bro . AV . Scott , assisted by his officers , G . Wilton , C . Stahr , J . Stevens , F . AValter , J . AV . AA eir , J . H . Pembroke , and R . 31111 s , in an able and efficient manner passed Bros . E . G . Kelsey , D . Masson , D . O'Dwyer and P . Kavanagh , to the degree of a Fellow CraftEach brother was introduced
. separately and the whole of the ceremony was performed in a superior style . The AV . M . gave an explanation of the tracing hoard in such a superior manner as to elicit the unanimous approbation of the lodge . This is the first time for many a year since we have had any AV . M . in this or the immediate towns give an explanation of the tracing : hoard in this degree .