Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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AVe sincerely hope this good example will be speedily followed . For it must he admitted that each tracing board adds a lustre to the degree it belongs . A long discussion took place relative to accepting the resignation of a brother ( who had joined only on the previous meeting ) , his resignation being finally accepted . The business being ended the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . The brethren then sat down to refreshment . Alsitors , RMooreAA . M . 198 BrownJ . W . 198 & c . [ We hear it
, , ; , , rumoured to he the intention of several brethren to establish a new lodge at the AVhite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , if the Wellington Lodge . ( No . 805 ) , is taken to the Clarendon Arms , Lewisham-road , because there is a firm determination of the brethren to have three lodges in the heart of this town , " " , which has doubled its population during the last ten years . AVe j have not heard lately any more steps being taken to open a new-Chapter in Deptford . Have our companions abandoned this
necessary work , or are they slumbering . ] TOWER HAMLETS EKOIKEEES' LODGE ( So . 1204 ) . —This lodge met at the Ship and Turtle on AVednesday the 19 th ult ., when the lodge was opened hy the AA . M ., Bro . Lieut . AV . Wigginton , who passed Bros . J . AV . Tripe ( M . D ., ) Hon . Assist . Surgeon , Lieuts . Fraser , Bringes and Coffer , and Quarter Master Serjeant Paynter . Five were accepted for initiation , and two being
present ( Serjeants Bond and Mainwaring ) the ceremony of initiation was performed in an able manner . On the motion of the AV . M . it was resolved to subscribe for one copy of the EEEEJIASONS MAGAZINE , the AV . M . stating that every lodge should be in possession ofthe periodical , so that they might make the members acquainted with what was passing in the Masonic world . It was also resolved that a committee of the officers he appointed to endeavour to arrange with Bro . Paynter for the
fourth Monday in the month for their day of meeting , instead of the third , as originally intended . Some gentlemen having been proposed for initiation , lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned . The next meeting will be held on the 4-th Monday in April .
CHESHIRE . CUESTEE . —Lodge of Lndependence ( So . 1023 ) . —On Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge held their monthlv meeting at their lodge rooms , Pied Bull Inn , The lodge was opened at 5 o ' clock p . m . with the usual forms by the veteran maso nBro . Brown , P . M . and AV . M ., the AVardens chairs being filled by Bros . AVatts and Dodd . A large number ofthe subscribing
brethren were present with several visitors . Four brethren were passed to the second degree and one raised . During the business Bro . Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., S . G . AV ., was balloted for and unanimously accepted . This lodge is prospering beyond expectation , and candidates are coming forward at each monthly meetino-. During this business it was unanimously agreed that the lodge become subscribers to the following Masonic charities : the Royal Institution for Boysthe Royal Institution for Girlsand
, , the Benevolent Institution for decayed Masons ; and it was also agreed that this lodge become subscribers to the EEEEMASONS ' MAGAZINE . Several other interesting subjects were introduced after which the lodge was finally closed and adjourned with the usual formalities . It is understood that the first stone of the new market in Chester , will be laid on the Sth of April next , by the R . AV . the Mayor , Bro . John Trevor—and should the R . AV . Field Marshal
Prov . G . M ., the Alscount Combermere , grant a dispensation—there will be a grand Masonic procession on the occasion . DERBYSHIRE . WIEKSWOETU . —Derwent Lodge , ( 1186 . )—The regular meeting of this young hut very flourishing lodge was held at the and Commercial Hotel
George , Wirksworth , on Friday , March 28 th . The following brethren were present : —Bro . Geoi-n-e Kirkland , AV . M . ; J . J . Neal , P . M . ; G . J . Smith as S . W . ( in the absence of Bro . J . Bowmer though illness ); J . Hindle , J . AV : Walter Kirkland , Hon . Sec ; B . Steel , Treas ; , T . J . Staley , S . D . ; J . Stone , Steward ; Charles Wright , W . Geo . AVheatcroft W p ' Hubbersby , J . Kinder , AV . Brooker , AV . Smith , G . Knowles ^ s ' Jepson , J . Pickard , & c . Bros . Capt . A . F . Hunt , ( No 20 ) was
admitted a joining member and Messrs . Chas . Walker , and R Nathan Hnhhersly , initiated . The lodge being closed , the members sat down to an excellent banquet . After the cloth was drawn the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and duly honoured , and a very pleasant evening was spent . This lodge , which was only opened at the latter end of November last , already numbers upwards of thirty members , comprising many of the most respectable gentlemen of the neighbourhood , and it bids fair to become one of the most flourishing lodges in . the
province . LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVEEPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 . )—At a meeting of this lodge , held Thursday , 6 th March , the W . M ., in warm and affectionate terms , presented to Bro . Peter Maddox a beautifully illuminated address on vellum , and richly framed and glazed ,
hearing the following testimony to his worth and the esteem in which he is held by the brethren of this lodge . " Mariners ' Lodge ( No . 310 ) , Liverpool , A . L ., 5862 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons . At a meeting of this lodge , held on Thursday the 5 th December , 1861 , it was unanimously resolved on the motion of Bro . John Pepper , P . M ., seconded by Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., that a testimonial of our fraternal esteem and affection be presented to Bro . Peter Maddox for the
services he rendered to this lodge when AVorshipful Master in 1855 , and for three successive years as Treasurer . This token of hrotherlv love is therefore respectfully presented to Bro . Maddox , P . M ., P . Z ., and Prov . G . S . of AA orks , by tbe W . Master , Wardens , and brethren of the Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) in acknowledgment of the many benefits we have received afc his hands , and of our high estimation of his worth , his character , and his virtues as a man and as a Mason . " Bro . Maddox replied in very feeling and appropriate terms , and the brethren were cnllpd off .
AVABEIXGTON . —Lodge of Light ( No . 173 . ) — On Monday , 31 st of March , was held the regular meeting of this lodge , present , Bros . Pilling , AA ' . M . ; H . B . AVhite , S . AV . ; Knight , J . AV .,- Fairhurst , S . D . ; Mac Michael , J . D . ; the Secretary , and several other brethren . The new hye-laws , which had been drawn up in pursuance of a motion made hy Bro . AVhite some months since , were read hy the Secretary , and unanimously confirmed , the same having been adopted at a Lodge of
emergency on the 10 th inst . Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., was again a visitor , and passed Bro . Pierpoint , who gave very satisfactory evidence of his proficiency in the 1 st degree , to the degree of a F . C . Subsequently Bro . Hamer retired , and the chair was taken by the W . M . when ( inter alici ) Bro . AVhite proposed , and it was duly seconded , and carried unanimously that Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., as a trifling recognition of his services and unremitting kindnesshe elected an
, honorary member of the lodge , with a vote in all its proceedings . ' It was resolved that this lodge he present in a body at the laying of the foundation-stone of the Town Hall at Chester , on Tuesday the Sth April . The brethren adjourned to refreshment about nine o ' eloclc .
MIDDLESEX . UXBBIDGE . —Hoyal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on Monday , the 17 th , in the commodious rooms of the Chequers' Hotel , Uxbridge . The time for meeting was two o'clock , and at that time about forty brethren assembled , many of whom were from London , having taken the train from the Paddington-station , accompanied by Bro . Carter , the W . M .
elect . As there was a large amount of business to be gone through , the lodge was opened immediately . Five gentlemen were initiated , two passed , and two raised . The installation of Bro . G . T . Carter as AV . M . then took place by Bro . Newall . Several AV . M . ' s and P . M . ' s were present . Some propositions followed , and upon business being concluded the lodge was duly closed . The brethren , after a short time , again assembled at the festive board . After the withdrawal of the cloththe AVM
, .., Bro . Carter , gave the usual loyal toasts , and they were enthusiastically responded to . The next toast was the "M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " which the Craft drank in good Freemason style . The "Health of the D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , " was duly honoured . The AV . M . then said it was with much pleasure he proposed " The Health of the Initiates , " and he had no doubt hut that they would become excellent Masons , and he called upon Bro . J . D . Mills to respond . —Bro . MILLS
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
AVe sincerely hope this good example will be speedily followed . For it must he admitted that each tracing board adds a lustre to the degree it belongs . A long discussion took place relative to accepting the resignation of a brother ( who had joined only on the previous meeting ) , his resignation being finally accepted . The business being ended the lodge was closed in perfect harmony . The brethren then sat down to refreshment . Alsitors , RMooreAA . M . 198 BrownJ . W . 198 & c . [ We hear it
, , ; , , rumoured to he the intention of several brethren to establish a new lodge at the AVhite Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford , if the Wellington Lodge . ( No . 805 ) , is taken to the Clarendon Arms , Lewisham-road , because there is a firm determination of the brethren to have three lodges in the heart of this town , " " , which has doubled its population during the last ten years . AVe j have not heard lately any more steps being taken to open a new-Chapter in Deptford . Have our companions abandoned this
necessary work , or are they slumbering . ] TOWER HAMLETS EKOIKEEES' LODGE ( So . 1204 ) . —This lodge met at the Ship and Turtle on AVednesday the 19 th ult ., when the lodge was opened hy the AA . M ., Bro . Lieut . AV . Wigginton , who passed Bros . J . AV . Tripe ( M . D ., ) Hon . Assist . Surgeon , Lieuts . Fraser , Bringes and Coffer , and Quarter Master Serjeant Paynter . Five were accepted for initiation , and two being
present ( Serjeants Bond and Mainwaring ) the ceremony of initiation was performed in an able manner . On the motion of the AV . M . it was resolved to subscribe for one copy of the EEEEJIASONS MAGAZINE , the AV . M . stating that every lodge should be in possession ofthe periodical , so that they might make the members acquainted with what was passing in the Masonic world . It was also resolved that a committee of the officers he appointed to endeavour to arrange with Bro . Paynter for the
fourth Monday in the month for their day of meeting , instead of the third , as originally intended . Some gentlemen having been proposed for initiation , lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned . The next meeting will be held on the 4-th Monday in April .
CHESHIRE . CUESTEE . —Lodge of Lndependence ( So . 1023 ) . —On Tuesday , the 25 th ult ., the brethren of this lodge held their monthlv meeting at their lodge rooms , Pied Bull Inn , The lodge was opened at 5 o ' clock p . m . with the usual forms by the veteran maso nBro . Brown , P . M . and AV . M ., the AVardens chairs being filled by Bros . AVatts and Dodd . A large number ofthe subscribing
brethren were present with several visitors . Four brethren were passed to the second degree and one raised . During the business Bro . Lord Richard Grosvenor , M . P ., S . G . AV ., was balloted for and unanimously accepted . This lodge is prospering beyond expectation , and candidates are coming forward at each monthly meetino-. During this business it was unanimously agreed that the lodge become subscribers to the following Masonic charities : the Royal Institution for Boysthe Royal Institution for Girlsand
, , the Benevolent Institution for decayed Masons ; and it was also agreed that this lodge become subscribers to the EEEEMASONS ' MAGAZINE . Several other interesting subjects were introduced after which the lodge was finally closed and adjourned with the usual formalities . It is understood that the first stone of the new market in Chester , will be laid on the Sth of April next , by the R . AV . the Mayor , Bro . John Trevor—and should the R . AV . Field Marshal
Prov . G . M ., the Alscount Combermere , grant a dispensation—there will be a grand Masonic procession on the occasion . DERBYSHIRE . WIEKSWOETU . —Derwent Lodge , ( 1186 . )—The regular meeting of this young hut very flourishing lodge was held at the and Commercial Hotel
George , Wirksworth , on Friday , March 28 th . The following brethren were present : —Bro . Geoi-n-e Kirkland , AV . M . ; J . J . Neal , P . M . ; G . J . Smith as S . W . ( in the absence of Bro . J . Bowmer though illness ); J . Hindle , J . AV : Walter Kirkland , Hon . Sec ; B . Steel , Treas ; , T . J . Staley , S . D . ; J . Stone , Steward ; Charles Wright , W . Geo . AVheatcroft W p ' Hubbersby , J . Kinder , AV . Brooker , AV . Smith , G . Knowles ^ s ' Jepson , J . Pickard , & c . Bros . Capt . A . F . Hunt , ( No 20 ) was
admitted a joining member and Messrs . Chas . Walker , and R Nathan Hnhhersly , initiated . The lodge being closed , the members sat down to an excellent banquet . After the cloth was drawn the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given and duly honoured , and a very pleasant evening was spent . This lodge , which was only opened at the latter end of November last , already numbers upwards of thirty members , comprising many of the most respectable gentlemen of the neighbourhood , and it bids fair to become one of the most flourishing lodges in . the
province . LANCASHIRE ( WEST . ) LIVEEPOOL . —Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 . )—At a meeting of this lodge , held Thursday , 6 th March , the W . M ., in warm and affectionate terms , presented to Bro . Peter Maddox a beautifully illuminated address on vellum , and richly framed and glazed ,
hearing the following testimony to his worth and the esteem in which he is held by the brethren of this lodge . " Mariners ' Lodge ( No . 310 ) , Liverpool , A . L ., 5862 , of Ancient , Free , and Accepted Masons . At a meeting of this lodge , held on Thursday the 5 th December , 1861 , it was unanimously resolved on the motion of Bro . John Pepper , P . M ., seconded by Bro . James Hamer , P . M ., that a testimonial of our fraternal esteem and affection be presented to Bro . Peter Maddox for the
services he rendered to this lodge when AVorshipful Master in 1855 , and for three successive years as Treasurer . This token of hrotherlv love is therefore respectfully presented to Bro . Maddox , P . M ., P . Z ., and Prov . G . S . of AA orks , by tbe W . Master , Wardens , and brethren of the Mariners' Lodge ( No . 310 ) in acknowledgment of the many benefits we have received afc his hands , and of our high estimation of his worth , his character , and his virtues as a man and as a Mason . " Bro . Maddox replied in very feeling and appropriate terms , and the brethren were cnllpd off .
AVABEIXGTON . —Lodge of Light ( No . 173 . ) — On Monday , 31 st of March , was held the regular meeting of this lodge , present , Bros . Pilling , AA ' . M . ; H . B . AVhite , S . AV . ; Knight , J . AV .,- Fairhurst , S . D . ; Mac Michael , J . D . ; the Secretary , and several other brethren . The new hye-laws , which had been drawn up in pursuance of a motion made hy Bro . AVhite some months since , were read hy the Secretary , and unanimously confirmed , the same having been adopted at a Lodge of
emergency on the 10 th inst . Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., was again a visitor , and passed Bro . Pierpoint , who gave very satisfactory evidence of his proficiency in the 1 st degree , to the degree of a F . C . Subsequently Bro . Hamer retired , and the chair was taken by the W . M . when ( inter alici ) Bro . AVhite proposed , and it was duly seconded , and carried unanimously that Bro . James Hamer , Prov . G . Treas ., as a trifling recognition of his services and unremitting kindnesshe elected an
, honorary member of the lodge , with a vote in all its proceedings . ' It was resolved that this lodge he present in a body at the laying of the foundation-stone of the Town Hall at Chester , on Tuesday the Sth April . The brethren adjourned to refreshment about nine o ' eloclc .
MIDDLESEX . UXBBIDGE . —Hoyal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —This lodge held a meeting on Monday , the 17 th , in the commodious rooms of the Chequers' Hotel , Uxbridge . The time for meeting was two o'clock , and at that time about forty brethren assembled , many of whom were from London , having taken the train from the Paddington-station , accompanied by Bro . Carter , the W . M .
elect . As there was a large amount of business to be gone through , the lodge was opened immediately . Five gentlemen were initiated , two passed , and two raised . The installation of Bro . G . T . Carter as AV . M . then took place by Bro . Newall . Several AV . M . ' s and P . M . ' s were present . Some propositions followed , and upon business being concluded the lodge was duly closed . The brethren , after a short time , again assembled at the festive board . After the withdrawal of the cloththe AVM
, .., Bro . Carter , gave the usual loyal toasts , and they were enthusiastically responded to . The next toast was the "M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , " which the Craft drank in good Freemason style . The "Health of the D . G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , " was duly honoured . The AV . M . then said it was with much pleasure he proposed " The Health of the Initiates , " and he had no doubt hut that they would become excellent Masons , and he called upon Bro . J . D . Mills to respond . —Bro . MILLS