Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTES ON MUSIC AND THE DRA. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Channel Islands.
Hall , Grove-place , St . Helier , under the presidency of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , J . J . Hammond , Esq ., the AA . M , of the Lodge . Among the brethren present ( between 70 and 80 ) , was Bro . Lord Graves ( an honorary member the lodge ) , the Masters of ( with only one exception ) , all the Island lodges , and other high Masonic functionaries . The lodge-room was superbly appointed for the occasion . The brethren assembled
at 7 o'clock , shortly after which hour the lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of a previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the following gentlemen were balloted for and unanimously admitted as candidates for the first degree : —The Rev . Lancelot John Lee , the Rev . Francois Antoni Rey , John Le Cronier , Esq ., M . D . Bro . AV . H . Carter and Bro . F . S . A . Orchard ( Lieutenant , 55 th Regiment ) , wero then raised to the third or Master Mason's degree . Ilro . T . J . Aubin ,
Bro . G . M . Evans , and Bro . W . Le . Poer French ( Lieutenant 55 th Regiment ) , were passed to the second , or Fellow Craft degree . The Rev . L . J . Lee , the Rev . F . A . Rey , aud Dr . Le Cronier , were initiated in the mysteries of the first degree ; and afterwards expressed their intention of becoming subscribing members of the lodge . The ceremony of the initiation of the two reverend gentlemen first named was ( in relief of the evening ' s heavy duties of the AA . M . ) , impressively performed hy
the noble lord who honoured the lodge with his presence on the occasion . Mark Marshall Gillies , Esq ., ( Lieutenant 55 th Regiment ) , was proposed by Bro . John Gabourel and seconded by Bro . Philip Bichard , for initiation , and accepted . The lodge was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer , the brethren all adjourning to the hospitable refreshment table of the lodge ( at which the AV . M . presided with his wonted urbanity and courtesy ) andseparating shortly after 11 o ' clock . The greatest
, success has attended this new lodge . Since its formation in November last , twenty candidates have been initiated in it ; and as many more ( including some ofthe leading gentlemen of the jsland ) , have expressed their intention of entering the Craft a nd joining its ranks , in the course of the next few weeks . JJasonry was never more prosperous in the province of Jersey ^ an at the present moment .
Obituary .
BRO . AVILLIAM FREDERICK BEADON , P . G . AV . On Saturday last Bro . Beadon , the senior magistrate at the Marlborough Police-court , died at his residence in Stratfordplace , after a painful and lingering illness . He was educated at St . John ' s College , Cambridge ; took his B . A . degree in 1829 , when he was 14 th junior optim in fche mathematical tripos . This was the year of the celebrated struggle between Cavendish
and Philpott , when Philpott ( now Bishop of AVorcester ) came out Senior Wrangler , and Cavendish ( now Duke of Devonshire and Chancellor of the University , ) Second AVrangler . Bro . Beadon was first appointed to the metropolitan bench about 15 years ago , and since 1856 has sat at the Marlhorough-stieet Court . He was distinguished for most assiduous attention to his magisterial duties , and frequently took his seat on the bench when suffering excruciating pains from the disease which at
last proved fatal . Bro . Beadon was a member of a Somersetshire family of some standing , and in addition to being a Metropolitan Police Magistrate , was in the commission of the peace for his native county . Bro . Beadon was initiated in the Scientific Lodgo ( No . 105 ) Cambridge , 12 th May , 1828 , and joined the Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) , Oxford , 26 th February , 1844 . He joined the Bedford Lodge ( No . 183 ) , London , Sth February , 1832 , and
continued a member up to the time of his death , and was AV . M . in 1842 . He joined the Prince of AVales' Lodge ( No . 324 ) , London , 20 th June , 1845 , and served as W . AI . in that lodge ; the Polish National Lodge ( So . 778 ) , London , 14 th Sept ., 1848 ; and the Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) , in November , 1853 , being one of the founders . He was a member of the Prince of Wales' Chapter ( No . 324 ) , and was one of the Principals at the formation of the Polish
National Chapter ( No . 778 ) . Bro . Beadon was appointed Junior Grand AVarden of the Grand Lodge in 1849 , and P . Soj . of the Grand Chapter in the same year . He was one of the Trustees of the Royal Freemasons School for eFmale Children , of wliich he was also a Vice-Presi-
dent , a A ice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for the sons of Indigent and Decayed Freemasons , and a A'ice-Presidenfc of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . Having had the honour of the acquaintance of Bro . Beadon we can hear testimony to his invariably amiable and charitable disposition , he being in reality what a Mason should be .
Notes On Music And The Dra.
A congress is now being held in Paris , between the principal managers and the dramatic authors , for the purpose of revising the regulations which have hitherto been in force respecting the performances of pieces which belong to the French Society of Dramatic Authors . The Opera at Madrid closes early next month . Mdme . Lagrange , Mdlle . Filipyi , and other of the best artistes are
expected in Paris and London . M . A erdi , the composer , who is now in Paris , is tho object of great attention hy the elite of musical society in the capital . It is said he proposes a brief visit to London before his return to Turin . Overtures have been made to him for a new opera , from M . Calzado , of the Italiens , and from the Grand Opera ; and also , it is understood , hy Mr . Gye . M . Grisar ' s new opera , "La Chatte Merveilleuse" is said"in
, the Gazette Musicale to have had a brilliant success at the Theatre Lyrique . Madame Schumann is playing in Paris for the first time . — Madame Petipa , who has been described to us as the best dancer now on tbe boards , is again at the Grand Opera . The sum raised in Paris in aid of the monument to Cheruhini , to be erected in Florence , amounts to 5212 francs . Some young violin-players are beginning to be talked of
abroad . Among these are MM . Monasterio , Lotto , and Auer , each of whom , so far as we ( Athenceum ) can understand , has a distinctive style of his own . The Drama ' of "The Golden Knife , " which has been written by Mr . Feebler , in conjunction with Mr . Edmund Yates , and in which the former intends to sustain the principal part , will probably be produced at the Princess's Theatre in the course of the Easter week .
Public Amusements.
ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA . The programme of the arrangements for the forthcoming season has just been issued . The company is very similar to what it was last year , but weakened by the absence of Grisi , whose name , of course , does not appear . Mdlle . Patti , it seems , is to be the leading singer par excellence . Madame Penco , Mdlle . Csillag , Madame Eudersdorff , Madame Miolan-Carvalho ,
and Madame Nantiev Didice are to be the lady associates of Mddle . Patti . Of these vocalists there is nothing to be said . They are all of good average merit . A Mdlle . Gordosa and a Mdlle . Marie Battu are promised , but what they are , or where they come from , the prospectus does not inform us . Tamberlik , Neri Baraldi , Lucchesi , Rossi , Graziani , Ronconi , Formes , Faure , Tagliafico , and Zelger are re-engaged . To them are added Delle Sediea member of Mr . Mapleson ' s L last
, yceum company year , Gardoni , and a pair of strangers , named Nanni and Capponi , of whom , as in the case of Mdlle . Gordosa and Mdlle . Battu , rumour has said nothing , either good or had . Mario is also mentioned . Mr . Costa will preside , as heretofore , over the orchestra . The only absolute novelty contemplated hy Mr . Gye is " Don Sebastian , " one of the heaviest of fche Donizetti repertoire . It is better news to he told that Meyerbeer ' s " Robert
le Diable" will he revived after so long a repose ; and also the " Dinorah" of the same master . The " Figlia del Reggimento , " " Don Pasquale , " and " L'Elisir d'Amore" are likewise specifically mentioned , wliich , with "Don Sebastian , " will give the season a peculiar Donizetti flavour . Meyerbeer's " Huguenots , " A erdi's " Ballo in Masehera , " Rossini ' s " " Guglielmo Tell , " and Mozart ' s "Don Giovanni , " are , also , to he performed , with the further revivals of Gluck ' s " Orfeo e Euridice , " and Auher's "Fra Diavolo . " Such are the contents of Mr . Gye ' s prospectus . The season thus promises to he uncharacterised by any very
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
Hall , Grove-place , St . Helier , under the presidency of the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master , J . J . Hammond , Esq ., the AA . M , of the Lodge . Among the brethren present ( between 70 and 80 ) , was Bro . Lord Graves ( an honorary member the lodge ) , the Masters of ( with only one exception ) , all the Island lodges , and other high Masonic functionaries . The lodge-room was superbly appointed for the occasion . The brethren assembled
at 7 o'clock , shortly after which hour the lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of a previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the following gentlemen were balloted for and unanimously admitted as candidates for the first degree : —The Rev . Lancelot John Lee , the Rev . Francois Antoni Rey , John Le Cronier , Esq ., M . D . Bro . AV . H . Carter and Bro . F . S . A . Orchard ( Lieutenant , 55 th Regiment ) , wero then raised to the third or Master Mason's degree . Ilro . T . J . Aubin ,
Bro . G . M . Evans , and Bro . W . Le . Poer French ( Lieutenant 55 th Regiment ) , were passed to the second , or Fellow Craft degree . The Rev . L . J . Lee , the Rev . F . A . Rey , aud Dr . Le Cronier , were initiated in the mysteries of the first degree ; and afterwards expressed their intention of becoming subscribing members of the lodge . The ceremony of the initiation of the two reverend gentlemen first named was ( in relief of the evening ' s heavy duties of the AA . M . ) , impressively performed hy
the noble lord who honoured the lodge with his presence on the occasion . Mark Marshall Gillies , Esq ., ( Lieutenant 55 th Regiment ) , was proposed by Bro . John Gabourel and seconded by Bro . Philip Bichard , for initiation , and accepted . The lodge was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer , the brethren all adjourning to the hospitable refreshment table of the lodge ( at which the AV . M . presided with his wonted urbanity and courtesy ) andseparating shortly after 11 o ' clock . The greatest
, success has attended this new lodge . Since its formation in November last , twenty candidates have been initiated in it ; and as many more ( including some ofthe leading gentlemen of the jsland ) , have expressed their intention of entering the Craft a nd joining its ranks , in the course of the next few weeks . JJasonry was never more prosperous in the province of Jersey ^ an at the present moment .
Obituary .
BRO . AVILLIAM FREDERICK BEADON , P . G . AV . On Saturday last Bro . Beadon , the senior magistrate at the Marlborough Police-court , died at his residence in Stratfordplace , after a painful and lingering illness . He was educated at St . John ' s College , Cambridge ; took his B . A . degree in 1829 , when he was 14 th junior optim in fche mathematical tripos . This was the year of the celebrated struggle between Cavendish
and Philpott , when Philpott ( now Bishop of AVorcester ) came out Senior Wrangler , and Cavendish ( now Duke of Devonshire and Chancellor of the University , ) Second AVrangler . Bro . Beadon was first appointed to the metropolitan bench about 15 years ago , and since 1856 has sat at the Marlhorough-stieet Court . He was distinguished for most assiduous attention to his magisterial duties , and frequently took his seat on the bench when suffering excruciating pains from the disease which at
last proved fatal . Bro . Beadon was a member of a Somersetshire family of some standing , and in addition to being a Metropolitan Police Magistrate , was in the commission of the peace for his native county . Bro . Beadon was initiated in the Scientific Lodgo ( No . 105 ) Cambridge , 12 th May , 1828 , and joined the Apollo University Lodge ( No . 460 ) , Oxford , 26 th February , 1844 . He joined the Bedford Lodge ( No . 183 ) , London , Sth February , 1832 , and
continued a member up to the time of his death , and was AV . M . in 1842 . He joined the Prince of AVales' Lodge ( No . 324 ) , London , 20 th June , 1845 , and served as W . AI . in that lodge ; the Polish National Lodge ( So . 778 ) , London , 14 th Sept ., 1848 ; and the Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) , in November , 1853 , being one of the founders . He was a member of the Prince of Wales' Chapter ( No . 324 ) , and was one of the Principals at the formation of the Polish
National Chapter ( No . 778 ) . Bro . Beadon was appointed Junior Grand AVarden of the Grand Lodge in 1849 , and P . Soj . of the Grand Chapter in the same year . He was one of the Trustees of the Royal Freemasons School for eFmale Children , of wliich he was also a Vice-Presi-
dent , a A ice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for the sons of Indigent and Decayed Freemasons , and a A'ice-Presidenfc of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their AVidows . Having had the honour of the acquaintance of Bro . Beadon we can hear testimony to his invariably amiable and charitable disposition , he being in reality what a Mason should be .
Notes On Music And The Dra.
A congress is now being held in Paris , between the principal managers and the dramatic authors , for the purpose of revising the regulations which have hitherto been in force respecting the performances of pieces which belong to the French Society of Dramatic Authors . The Opera at Madrid closes early next month . Mdme . Lagrange , Mdlle . Filipyi , and other of the best artistes are
expected in Paris and London . M . A erdi , the composer , who is now in Paris , is tho object of great attention hy the elite of musical society in the capital . It is said he proposes a brief visit to London before his return to Turin . Overtures have been made to him for a new opera , from M . Calzado , of the Italiens , and from the Grand Opera ; and also , it is understood , hy Mr . Gye . M . Grisar ' s new opera , "La Chatte Merveilleuse" is said"in
, the Gazette Musicale to have had a brilliant success at the Theatre Lyrique . Madame Schumann is playing in Paris for the first time . — Madame Petipa , who has been described to us as the best dancer now on tbe boards , is again at the Grand Opera . The sum raised in Paris in aid of the monument to Cheruhini , to be erected in Florence , amounts to 5212 francs . Some young violin-players are beginning to be talked of
abroad . Among these are MM . Monasterio , Lotto , and Auer , each of whom , so far as we ( Athenceum ) can understand , has a distinctive style of his own . The Drama ' of "The Golden Knife , " which has been written by Mr . Feebler , in conjunction with Mr . Edmund Yates , and in which the former intends to sustain the principal part , will probably be produced at the Princess's Theatre in the course of the Easter week .
Public Amusements.
ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA . The programme of the arrangements for the forthcoming season has just been issued . The company is very similar to what it was last year , but weakened by the absence of Grisi , whose name , of course , does not appear . Mdlle . Patti , it seems , is to be the leading singer par excellence . Madame Penco , Mdlle . Csillag , Madame Eudersdorff , Madame Miolan-Carvalho ,
and Madame Nantiev Didice are to be the lady associates of Mddle . Patti . Of these vocalists there is nothing to be said . They are all of good average merit . A Mdlle . Gordosa and a Mdlle . Marie Battu are promised , but what they are , or where they come from , the prospectus does not inform us . Tamberlik , Neri Baraldi , Lucchesi , Rossi , Graziani , Ronconi , Formes , Faure , Tagliafico , and Zelger are re-engaged . To them are added Delle Sediea member of Mr . Mapleson ' s L last
, yceum company year , Gardoni , and a pair of strangers , named Nanni and Capponi , of whom , as in the case of Mdlle . Gordosa and Mdlle . Battu , rumour has said nothing , either good or had . Mario is also mentioned . Mr . Costa will preside , as heretofore , over the orchestra . The only absolute novelty contemplated hy Mr . Gye is " Don Sebastian , " one of the heaviest of fche Donizetti repertoire . It is better news to he told that Meyerbeer ' s " Robert
le Diable" will he revived after so long a repose ; and also the " Dinorah" of the same master . The " Figlia del Reggimento , " " Don Pasquale , " and " L'Elisir d'Amore" are likewise specifically mentioned , wliich , with "Don Sebastian , " will give the season a peculiar Donizetti flavour . Meyerbeer's " Huguenots , " A erdi's " Ballo in Masehera , " Rossini ' s " " Guglielmo Tell , " and Mozart ' s "Don Giovanni , " are , also , to he performed , with the further revivals of Gluck ' s " Orfeo e Euridice , " and Auher's "Fra Diavolo . " Such are the contents of Mr . Gye ' s prospectus . The season thus promises to he uncharacterised by any very