Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Channel Islands.
Matters however did not progress so rapidly as had been anticipated , and it was afterwards thought desirable that the other lodges of the island should be invited to take part in the undertaking . AVith this view several general meetings were held , which were attended by many members of the whole masonic community . On these occasions different opinions were expressed as to the scale of expense which should be incurred , and tiie amount of accommodation that should be provided .
The majority thought that the sum of £ 3000 might he raised , and an extensive building he erected , a portion of which might occasionally be let for public purposes . Attempts bad been made f , Vry out this project , but they had proved unsuccessful . ( asequently a more limited plan was now proposed , ancLit was thought that by an expenditure of £ 1000 on the building alone , provision might be made for every thing essential to meet the wants and conveniences of the Order . The object of the
present meeting was therefore to consider this amended proposition , and to ascertain and determine hy what means ifc could he carried out . Land had already been purchased for the intended erection at a cost of £ 300 , and ifc was thought thafc , in addition to this amount , and the £ 1000 before named , another £ 100 should he provided in order to meet all contingencies . Thus , hy the issue of 280 shares at £ 5 each , under the new Limited LiabilitActhe considered that would
y , every purpose he answered , and that so moderate a demand could not fail of meeting a read and hearty response . He proposed the following as the order of the evening ' s proceedings . First . An examination of the plans drawn up by the three architects who were present . Second . The appointment of a Building Committee , composed of the architects and some other hretheren . Third . The selection of another committee to manage the allotment of shares , the finances and funds , and the general business
connected therewith , the members of which should he deputed to act as representatives of the Several lodges . The Chairman then called on the architects to lay the different plans on the table , when some time was spent in the examination and discussion of them , the result of which appeared on the whole satisfactory , though the drawings were by no means in a finished state , being rather suggestive than complete . It was proposed by Bro . John Durell , seconded hy Bro . Binet ,
and carried unanimously , thafc the sum of £ 1500 be raised by the issue of 300 shares , for a hall or temple , to be devoted exclusively to Masonic purposes , under the Limited Liability Act . That a deposit of £ 1 per share he paid on demand for an allotment . That in case the applications be more numerous than the number required , preference should be given according to priority of application ; Proposed bBro . Binefcseconded bBvoLe Sueurand
cary , y . , ried unanimously , that the Building Committee consist of Bros . Ph . Le Sueur , Gallichan , and Le Gros ( the architects ); John Durell , Thos . Dorey , John Gibaut , Dr . Hopkins , AVilliam Adams , and Chas . Hocquard , provided they be shareholders , whose special duties shall be to decide on the plans of the building , and to superintend the erection thereof . Proposed by Bro . Dixon Le Couteur , seconded by Bro . Schmitt , and carried
unanimously , that the Secretary be directed to address the Worshipful Masters of the several lodges in the province , requesting them to call meetings of their members for the purpose of appointing two representatives ( being shareholders ) from each , to form a general Committee , whose duties shall be to act as a board of management of the finances for the proposed temple , one half the number to form a quorum . Proposed h y Bro . AVm . Adams , seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Philip Binet be appointed Treasurer , and Bros . Dixon de Couteur and Schmitt , joint Secretaries .
Proposed by Bro . J . Durell , seconded by Bro . Binefc , and carried unanimously , that fche General Committee be directed to call a meeting of shareholders , when 200 shares shall have been disposed of , and the plans decided upon , the immediate object being to fix the time when the first stone shall be laid . Proposed by Bro . Moss , seconded by Bro . Durell , aud carried unanimously , that printed circular containing a copy of the resolutions and proceedings of the evening he communicated to
t . ie AV . M . ofthe several lodges , and also to resident Freemasons not members of lodges . Of course , on each of the above questions considerable discussion took place , the details of which it is unnecessary to give . A list was then made by the Secretaries of the names of the brethren present , who were willing to join actively in tbe
movement , with the number of shares each desired to take , the result of which was , that , including 22 shares for which Lodge La Cesaree had applied as a body , entries were made of applications for more than 100 shares . Bro . Adams expressed his belief that in addition the Royal Sussex Lodge would take 10 shares , the subject having been already to some extent discussed by the members , but not finally decided upon . The Chairman briefly addressed the meeting , expressing the
satisfaction all must feel at the unanimity which had prevailed during the evening , the successful result of the proceedings , and the prospect of a realization of their long cherished hopes . He doubted not that before the close of the present year the Freemasons might be able to congratulate themselves on possessing a Temple worthy of this , the most ancient of all societies , in which they might suitably and reverently carry out their rites and ceremoniesfor he hesitated not to say that they tended
, to unite in common bonds of love and harmony those who entertained every variety of creed . Bro . Dr . Hopkins proposed , Bro . Schmitt seconded , and it was carried unanimously , that the best thanks of the brethren be offered to Bro . Manuel , the Chairman , not only for the able manner in which he had conducted the business of the evening , but for the interest he had evinced in the undertaking from the time when it was first proposed .
Bro . Manuel briefly acknowledged the compliment , and the proceedings were brought to a happy termination . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 . )—At the ordinary monthly reunion , which took place on Thursday , March 27 fch , about fifty brethren assembled , among whom were several visitors from distant lodges , and also from those in the province . In the absence of the W . M . from indisposition , the President ' s chair was occupied bBro . SchmittP . M . ; Bro . John Durell
y , acted as S . W ., and Bro . Le Sueur was in his place as J . W . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and also of the emergency meeting held on the 19 th were read and confirmed . The Rev . F . De La Mare , who had been balloted for on a previous occasion , was introduced , properly prepared , and having been duly initiated into the Order , the usual charge was impressively delivered to him hy the acting W . M . Bro . Bridgeman , of the Sussex Lodge ,
kindly presided at the organ during the ceremony . Bro . Manuel , having been called upon for some statements respecting the projected Masonic Temple , took a short review of the proceedings on the subject during the course of the last two years , of which the following is the substance . He observed that several plans had at different periods been proposed , but that for various reasons each had been found impracticable , the tbe principal of which werefirst the purchase and adaptation of
, a chapel , and secondly , the erection of a building at a cost of about £ 3000 , containing the requisite accommodation for Masonic purposes , and also rooms to be let for other uses unconnected wifch Freemasony , such as as halls , concerts , lectures , & c . ; that at one time it was intended to limit the proprietary to the Cesaree Lodge , but that it had been determined by the committee , in whose hands the matter had been placed , to throw
it open to all the lodges in the island , as more in accordance with Masonic sentiments and mutual good feeling ; that a fund of upwards of £ 160 had been accumulated towards the object , and a plot of ground purchased on which to erect to building ; that it was now proposed to provide a temple at a cost of £ 1000 , in addition to the expense ofthe land ; that ifc was intended to raise the whole amount required hy an issue of shares at £ 5 each ; and that a meeting of all the Masons in the Province had
been called , to be held on the next day , in order to make final arrangements for carrying out the proposed plan . The W . M ., in the course of a few remarks , urged the members of Lodge La Cesaree to attend on this occasion , and to be prepared with a statement of the number of shares each would take . A short discussion ensued , which was terminated by a proposition of Bro . Durell , to the effect that the lodge should collectively take
twenty-two shares , and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the amount required for them , part of which had already been advanced . This having been duly seconded , was carried unanimously . Four brethren were afterwards proposed as joining members , and two gentlemen for initiation , at tbe next meeting . The Lodge was then closed with the usual solemnities at about nine o'clock , and the brethren adjourned for
refreshment . Moyal Alfred Lodge ( No . 1179 . )—A numerous attendance of the members of this new lodge , and their visiting brethren , took place on Tuesday evening , the 25 th ult ., at the Masonic
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
Matters however did not progress so rapidly as had been anticipated , and it was afterwards thought desirable that the other lodges of the island should be invited to take part in the undertaking . AVith this view several general meetings were held , which were attended by many members of the whole masonic community . On these occasions different opinions were expressed as to the scale of expense which should be incurred , and tiie amount of accommodation that should be provided .
The majority thought that the sum of £ 3000 might he raised , and an extensive building he erected , a portion of which might occasionally be let for public purposes . Attempts bad been made f , Vry out this project , but they had proved unsuccessful . ( asequently a more limited plan was now proposed , ancLit was thought that by an expenditure of £ 1000 on the building alone , provision might be made for every thing essential to meet the wants and conveniences of the Order . The object of the
present meeting was therefore to consider this amended proposition , and to ascertain and determine hy what means ifc could he carried out . Land had already been purchased for the intended erection at a cost of £ 300 , and ifc was thought thafc , in addition to this amount , and the £ 1000 before named , another £ 100 should he provided in order to meet all contingencies . Thus , hy the issue of 280 shares at £ 5 each , under the new Limited LiabilitActhe considered that would
y , every purpose he answered , and that so moderate a demand could not fail of meeting a read and hearty response . He proposed the following as the order of the evening ' s proceedings . First . An examination of the plans drawn up by the three architects who were present . Second . The appointment of a Building Committee , composed of the architects and some other hretheren . Third . The selection of another committee to manage the allotment of shares , the finances and funds , and the general business
connected therewith , the members of which should he deputed to act as representatives of the Several lodges . The Chairman then called on the architects to lay the different plans on the table , when some time was spent in the examination and discussion of them , the result of which appeared on the whole satisfactory , though the drawings were by no means in a finished state , being rather suggestive than complete . It was proposed by Bro . John Durell , seconded hy Bro . Binet ,
and carried unanimously , thafc the sum of £ 1500 be raised by the issue of 300 shares , for a hall or temple , to be devoted exclusively to Masonic purposes , under the Limited Liability Act . That a deposit of £ 1 per share he paid on demand for an allotment . That in case the applications be more numerous than the number required , preference should be given according to priority of application ; Proposed bBro . Binefcseconded bBvoLe Sueurand
cary , y . , ried unanimously , that the Building Committee consist of Bros . Ph . Le Sueur , Gallichan , and Le Gros ( the architects ); John Durell , Thos . Dorey , John Gibaut , Dr . Hopkins , AVilliam Adams , and Chas . Hocquard , provided they be shareholders , whose special duties shall be to decide on the plans of the building , and to superintend the erection thereof . Proposed by Bro . Dixon Le Couteur , seconded by Bro . Schmitt , and carried
unanimously , that the Secretary be directed to address the Worshipful Masters of the several lodges in the province , requesting them to call meetings of their members for the purpose of appointing two representatives ( being shareholders ) from each , to form a general Committee , whose duties shall be to act as a board of management of the finances for the proposed temple , one half the number to form a quorum . Proposed h y Bro . AVm . Adams , seconded by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , and carried unanimously , that Bro . Philip Binet be appointed Treasurer , and Bros . Dixon de Couteur and Schmitt , joint Secretaries .
Proposed by Bro . J . Durell , seconded by Bro . Binefc , and carried unanimously , that fche General Committee be directed to call a meeting of shareholders , when 200 shares shall have been disposed of , and the plans decided upon , the immediate object being to fix the time when the first stone shall be laid . Proposed by Bro . Moss , seconded by Bro . Durell , aud carried unanimously , that printed circular containing a copy of the resolutions and proceedings of the evening he communicated to
t . ie AV . M . ofthe several lodges , and also to resident Freemasons not members of lodges . Of course , on each of the above questions considerable discussion took place , the details of which it is unnecessary to give . A list was then made by the Secretaries of the names of the brethren present , who were willing to join actively in tbe
movement , with the number of shares each desired to take , the result of which was , that , including 22 shares for which Lodge La Cesaree had applied as a body , entries were made of applications for more than 100 shares . Bro . Adams expressed his belief that in addition the Royal Sussex Lodge would take 10 shares , the subject having been already to some extent discussed by the members , but not finally decided upon . The Chairman briefly addressed the meeting , expressing the
satisfaction all must feel at the unanimity which had prevailed during the evening , the successful result of the proceedings , and the prospect of a realization of their long cherished hopes . He doubted not that before the close of the present year the Freemasons might be able to congratulate themselves on possessing a Temple worthy of this , the most ancient of all societies , in which they might suitably and reverently carry out their rites and ceremoniesfor he hesitated not to say that they tended
, to unite in common bonds of love and harmony those who entertained every variety of creed . Bro . Dr . Hopkins proposed , Bro . Schmitt seconded , and it was carried unanimously , that the best thanks of the brethren be offered to Bro . Manuel , the Chairman , not only for the able manner in which he had conducted the business of the evening , but for the interest he had evinced in the undertaking from the time when it was first proposed .
Bro . Manuel briefly acknowledged the compliment , and the proceedings were brought to a happy termination . JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 . )—At the ordinary monthly reunion , which took place on Thursday , March 27 fch , about fifty brethren assembled , among whom were several visitors from distant lodges , and also from those in the province . In the absence of the W . M . from indisposition , the President ' s chair was occupied bBro . SchmittP . M . ; Bro . John Durell
y , acted as S . W ., and Bro . Le Sueur was in his place as J . W . The lodge was opened in the first degree . The minutes of the last regular meeting , and also of the emergency meeting held on the 19 th were read and confirmed . The Rev . F . De La Mare , who had been balloted for on a previous occasion , was introduced , properly prepared , and having been duly initiated into the Order , the usual charge was impressively delivered to him hy the acting W . M . Bro . Bridgeman , of the Sussex Lodge ,
kindly presided at the organ during the ceremony . Bro . Manuel , having been called upon for some statements respecting the projected Masonic Temple , took a short review of the proceedings on the subject during the course of the last two years , of which the following is the substance . He observed that several plans had at different periods been proposed , but that for various reasons each had been found impracticable , the tbe principal of which werefirst the purchase and adaptation of
, a chapel , and secondly , the erection of a building at a cost of about £ 3000 , containing the requisite accommodation for Masonic purposes , and also rooms to be let for other uses unconnected wifch Freemasony , such as as halls , concerts , lectures , & c . ; that at one time it was intended to limit the proprietary to the Cesaree Lodge , but that it had been determined by the committee , in whose hands the matter had been placed , to throw
it open to all the lodges in the island , as more in accordance with Masonic sentiments and mutual good feeling ; that a fund of upwards of £ 160 had been accumulated towards the object , and a plot of ground purchased on which to erect to building ; that it was now proposed to provide a temple at a cost of £ 1000 , in addition to the expense ofthe land ; that ifc was intended to raise the whole amount required hy an issue of shares at £ 5 each ; and that a meeting of all the Masons in the Province had
been called , to be held on the next day , in order to make final arrangements for carrying out the proposed plan . The W . M ., in the course of a few remarks , urged the members of Lodge La Cesaree to attend on this occasion , and to be prepared with a statement of the number of shares each would take . A short discussion ensued , which was terminated by a proposition of Bro . Durell , to the effect that the lodge should collectively take
twenty-two shares , and that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the amount required for them , part of which had already been advanced . This having been duly seconded , was carried unanimously . Four brethren were afterwards proposed as joining members , and two gentlemen for initiation , at tbe next meeting . The Lodge was then closed with the usual solemnities at about nine o'clock , and the brethren adjourned for
refreshment . Moyal Alfred Lodge ( No . 1179 . )—A numerous attendance of the members of this new lodge , and their visiting brethren , took place on Tuesday evening , the 25 th ult ., at the Masonic