Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 3 →
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rose , and , in a neat speech , expressed his thanks , both on the part of himself and of his brother initiates , for the kindness and courteousness exhibited towards them , and concluded a most pleasing speech hy stating that , although only a young " apprentice , " he should use all his energies to become a " Master . " Bro . Mills was warmly applauded . The toast of "The Alsiting Brethren , " was unanimously drank and responded to . The AV . M . then proposed the health of the P . M . 's ,
coupling the name of Bro . Newall , the immediate Past Master . Tbe toast was drunk with much enthusiasm . After the applause had subsided , the AA . M . rose , and , as a mark of regard , presented to Bro . Newall the following jewels , the first being from the Lodge , with words engraved thus : —Presented Sby the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) to Bro . James B . Newall , P . M ., in testimony of its appreciation of his valuable and efficient services as AVorshipful alaster during the
year ending March , 1862 . " One from several brethren of tbe Lodge was also presented , engraved on which was the following : —Presented to Bro . J . B . Newall , P . M . 536 , hy the following brethren ( numerous names ) of the Lodge , in testimony of their appreciation ofthe felicitous manner in which he conducted its affairs , Masonically and socially , during 1 S 61-2 , and also in token of their affectionate regard for him personally . " After the abovethe W . M . on his own behalfthen made P . M . Newall
, , , a presentation of a watch-chain , with a beautiful ornament pendant to it , on which were engraved the words , " From Bro . G . T . Carter , W . M ., to Bro . J . B . Newall , P . M ., March , 1862 , in remembrance of many happy hours spent together at Uxbridge . " The centre formed a monogram oi " 536 , " beautifully executed . Bro . P . M . Newall , in returning thanks , said he was overwhelmed , and what he felt , he could hardly find words to express himself , hut nevertheless he didin a most eloquent and feeling manner .
, " The Health ot the W . M ., Bro . Carter , " was enthusiastically drunk , which he responded to in a most appropriate manner . This brought the business part to a close , and after spending a most convivial aud harmonious evening , a number of the brethren treurned to London by a special train .
STAFFORDSHIRE . TIPTON . —Sfoah ' s Arte Lodge ( No . 435 . )— This lodge was held on Friday , the 21 sfc ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Bro . Thomas AValton , AV . M ., presided , supported by Bro . W . L . Underbill , P . M ., as S . W ., and Bro . Baker , J . W . The lodge liaving been duly opened , & c , a ballot was taken for Mr . J . M . Ballenden , which being unanimous , that gentleman was duly admitted and
regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Peacock , P . M ., delivered the charge . The lodge was soon after closed , when the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) DONCASTEH . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 298 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled in tlie lodge room at the Town Hall on the evening of Friday last , and immediately after the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , proceeded to a ballot for AV . M . for the next year in the place of Bro . Lister , who now occupies the chair . The ballot liaving taken place , the AV . M .
declared it to he in favour of Bro . Smith , S . W ., who , being present , thanked the brethren for this additional mark of thenfavour . The office of Treasurer was again conferred upon Bro . Webb , and Bros . Smith and Hurst were re-appointed as Tylers of the lodge . In consequence of St . George's Day happening this year during the week when the Yeomanry Cavalry will be assembled in the town , the installation of tbe AV . M . and the annual banquet wore postponed until the 1 st of
May , when the latter will take place at the AVoolpack Hotel . At the close of the proceedings the brethren , about ten in number , partook of supper , and spent a pleasant a nd harmonious evening .
ROTIIEEIIAM . —Phcenix Lodge , ( So . 120 G . )—The regular monthly meeting of tills new lodge was held on Tuesday last , when the first ceremony , the initiation of the Rev . . Richard M . South , was ably performed by Bro . Henry Webster , the W . M ., Bro . Oxlev , the J . W ., giving the charge , and Bro . W . AVhite , P . M . 1 G 2 , A . Prov , G . D . C . West Yorkshire , with his usual ability , the lecture on the tracing board . Several brethren , on the announcement hy the AV . M ., that the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting would he held on the 23 rd inst ., intimated their intention of supporting him there by their presence , so that a
goodly show might be made by them on tins their first opportunity for appearing as members of the last enrolled lodge in the province . A lively interest was also expressed in the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School , and when the brethren shall have retrieved the expenses incident to the formation of a new lodge , there is every reason to hope they will not forget the characteristic virtue of every freemason's heart . An excellent supper was sewed after the lodge business , and after the toasts
which loyalty and masonic allegiance and respect dictate in all masonic convivial meetings , and our poor and distressed brethren had been duly honoured , the healths of Bro . P . M . AVhite , the W . M . and the AVardens of the lodge , were each received with such an ovation as fully testified the good feeling and unanimity of the brethren . " The Health of the Visitors " proposed by the AV . M . was ably responded to hy Bro . Garnett , J . D . 162 , who expressed the pleasure he had experienced in
seeing the firm footing already obtained in the new masonic territory , and hoiv happy he should , at all times , be to render any service in his power towards the prosperity of the Phcenix Lodge . Bro . AVaterhouse , S . W . in an excellent speech proposed " The Health of the Initiate , " feeling it an honour to he deputed to propose the health of the first mason made in the Lodge , and more especially as that mason was a clergyman , and feeling convinced that as the late Archbishop of York ( himself a mason )
said a clergyman would be all the more likely to discharge his clerical duties well from the lessons learned as a mason . The Rev . Bro . South , in responding , said he had long wished to be initiated , and having entered for tho race he trusted finally to win the prize , and from what he had that evening seen and heard he was satisfied the principles of the order were conducive to the highest morality . Among the brethren are some good singers , who added materially to the enjoyment of this portion of the proceedings , which were brought to a close by the railway whistle announcing fche time for the departure of the Sheffield brethren .
Channel Islands.
MASOXIC TEMPLE AT ST . HELIEK , JEESEY . Anumerous meeting of thaFreemasons ofthe province of Jersey was held at the Union Hotel on the evening of Friday , March 28 th . Bro . Manuel was unanimously chosen to take the chair . At his request , Bro . Dixon Le Couteur ( Secretary ) read the following circular , a copy of which had been forwarded to every brother in the province , hy order of the committee appointed nearly
two years ago , as agreed upon at its last meeting . " Jersey , 22 nd March , 1 SG 2 . "Sir and Brother , —I have the favour of informing you that at special meeting of the Masonic Temple Building Committee , held yesterday evening , it was unanimously resolved that the cost of the projected temple or hall should not , on any account , exceed the sum of one thousand pounds , —exclusive of ground rent . .
" It was also resolved that the sum required for the above purpose should he raised among the Masonic body only , and by means of five pound shares . " And it was further resolved that a general meeting of the Brethren in the Province should be held on Friday , 28 th insfc ., at 7 p . m ., at Bro . Prosser's , to receive the names of Shareholders and adopt a plan ofthe building , which will then he laid beforo the brethren .
" The favour ol your presence is specially requested . "I remain , Sir and Brother . For the Committee , yours fraternally . "HENRY LUCE MANUEL , " Chairman of tho Committee . " The Secretary also read a portion of the proceedings of the committee , which had especial reference to the business of the evening .
The Chairman then gave a short account fof the different steps which had been , previously taken , as follows . In June 1859 the members of lodge La Cesaree decided that a Masonic Temple should be erected , and with this view certain measures were adopted with the intention of making the building the exclusive property of that lodge , but elig ible for the use of the other lodges also . The sum of £ 50 was appropriated to the purpose from the general funds , individual members contributed about £ 60 , and a like amount was obtained from other sources .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
rose , and , in a neat speech , expressed his thanks , both on the part of himself and of his brother initiates , for the kindness and courteousness exhibited towards them , and concluded a most pleasing speech hy stating that , although only a young " apprentice , " he should use all his energies to become a " Master . " Bro . Mills was warmly applauded . The toast of "The Alsiting Brethren , " was unanimously drank and responded to . The AV . M . then proposed the health of the P . M . 's ,
coupling the name of Bro . Newall , the immediate Past Master . Tbe toast was drunk with much enthusiasm . After the applause had subsided , the AA . M . rose , and , as a mark of regard , presented to Bro . Newall the following jewels , the first being from the Lodge , with words engraved thus : —Presented Sby the Royal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) to Bro . James B . Newall , P . M ., in testimony of its appreciation of his valuable and efficient services as AVorshipful alaster during the
year ending March , 1862 . " One from several brethren of tbe Lodge was also presented , engraved on which was the following : —Presented to Bro . J . B . Newall , P . M . 536 , hy the following brethren ( numerous names ) of the Lodge , in testimony of their appreciation ofthe felicitous manner in which he conducted its affairs , Masonically and socially , during 1 S 61-2 , and also in token of their affectionate regard for him personally . " After the abovethe W . M . on his own behalfthen made P . M . Newall
, , , a presentation of a watch-chain , with a beautiful ornament pendant to it , on which were engraved the words , " From Bro . G . T . Carter , W . M ., to Bro . J . B . Newall , P . M ., March , 1862 , in remembrance of many happy hours spent together at Uxbridge . " The centre formed a monogram oi " 536 , " beautifully executed . Bro . P . M . Newall , in returning thanks , said he was overwhelmed , and what he felt , he could hardly find words to express himself , hut nevertheless he didin a most eloquent and feeling manner .
, " The Health ot the W . M ., Bro . Carter , " was enthusiastically drunk , which he responded to in a most appropriate manner . This brought the business part to a close , and after spending a most convivial aud harmonious evening , a number of the brethren treurned to London by a special train .
STAFFORDSHIRE . TIPTON . —Sfoah ' s Arte Lodge ( No . 435 . )— This lodge was held on Friday , the 21 sfc ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Bro . Thomas AValton , AV . M ., presided , supported by Bro . W . L . Underbill , P . M ., as S . W ., and Bro . Baker , J . W . The lodge liaving been duly opened , & c , a ballot was taken for Mr . J . M . Ballenden , which being unanimous , that gentleman was duly admitted and
regularly initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Freemasonry . Bro . Peacock , P . M ., delivered the charge . The lodge was soon after closed , when the brethren adjourned to the banquet .
YORKSHIRE ( WEST . ) DONCASTEH . —St . George ' s Lodge ( No . 298 . )—The brethren of this lodge assembled in tlie lodge room at the Town Hall on the evening of Friday last , and immediately after the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , proceeded to a ballot for AV . M . for the next year in the place of Bro . Lister , who now occupies the chair . The ballot liaving taken place , the AV . M .
declared it to he in favour of Bro . Smith , S . W ., who , being present , thanked the brethren for this additional mark of thenfavour . The office of Treasurer was again conferred upon Bro . Webb , and Bros . Smith and Hurst were re-appointed as Tylers of the lodge . In consequence of St . George's Day happening this year during the week when the Yeomanry Cavalry will be assembled in the town , the installation of tbe AV . M . and the annual banquet wore postponed until the 1 st of
May , when the latter will take place at the AVoolpack Hotel . At the close of the proceedings the brethren , about ten in number , partook of supper , and spent a pleasant a nd harmonious evening .
ROTIIEEIIAM . —Phcenix Lodge , ( So . 120 G . )—The regular monthly meeting of tills new lodge was held on Tuesday last , when the first ceremony , the initiation of the Rev . . Richard M . South , was ably performed by Bro . Henry Webster , the W . M ., Bro . Oxlev , the J . W ., giving the charge , and Bro . W . AVhite , P . M . 1 G 2 , A . Prov , G . D . C . West Yorkshire , with his usual ability , the lecture on the tracing board . Several brethren , on the announcement hy the AV . M ., that the Provincial Grand Lodge meeting would he held on the 23 rd inst ., intimated their intention of supporting him there by their presence , so that a
goodly show might be made by them on tins their first opportunity for appearing as members of the last enrolled lodge in the province . A lively interest was also expressed in the forthcoming festival of the Girls' School , and when the brethren shall have retrieved the expenses incident to the formation of a new lodge , there is every reason to hope they will not forget the characteristic virtue of every freemason's heart . An excellent supper was sewed after the lodge business , and after the toasts
which loyalty and masonic allegiance and respect dictate in all masonic convivial meetings , and our poor and distressed brethren had been duly honoured , the healths of Bro . P . M . AVhite , the W . M . and the AVardens of the lodge , were each received with such an ovation as fully testified the good feeling and unanimity of the brethren . " The Health of the Visitors " proposed by the AV . M . was ably responded to hy Bro . Garnett , J . D . 162 , who expressed the pleasure he had experienced in
seeing the firm footing already obtained in the new masonic territory , and hoiv happy he should , at all times , be to render any service in his power towards the prosperity of the Phcenix Lodge . Bro . AVaterhouse , S . W . in an excellent speech proposed " The Health of the Initiate , " feeling it an honour to he deputed to propose the health of the first mason made in the Lodge , and more especially as that mason was a clergyman , and feeling convinced that as the late Archbishop of York ( himself a mason )
said a clergyman would be all the more likely to discharge his clerical duties well from the lessons learned as a mason . The Rev . Bro . South , in responding , said he had long wished to be initiated , and having entered for tho race he trusted finally to win the prize , and from what he had that evening seen and heard he was satisfied the principles of the order were conducive to the highest morality . Among the brethren are some good singers , who added materially to the enjoyment of this portion of the proceedings , which were brought to a close by the railway whistle announcing fche time for the departure of the Sheffield brethren .
Channel Islands.
MASOXIC TEMPLE AT ST . HELIEK , JEESEY . Anumerous meeting of thaFreemasons ofthe province of Jersey was held at the Union Hotel on the evening of Friday , March 28 th . Bro . Manuel was unanimously chosen to take the chair . At his request , Bro . Dixon Le Couteur ( Secretary ) read the following circular , a copy of which had been forwarded to every brother in the province , hy order of the committee appointed nearly
two years ago , as agreed upon at its last meeting . " Jersey , 22 nd March , 1 SG 2 . "Sir and Brother , —I have the favour of informing you that at special meeting of the Masonic Temple Building Committee , held yesterday evening , it was unanimously resolved that the cost of the projected temple or hall should not , on any account , exceed the sum of one thousand pounds , —exclusive of ground rent . .
" It was also resolved that the sum required for the above purpose should he raised among the Masonic body only , and by means of five pound shares . " And it was further resolved that a general meeting of the Brethren in the Province should be held on Friday , 28 th insfc ., at 7 p . m ., at Bro . Prosser's , to receive the names of Shareholders and adopt a plan ofthe building , which will then he laid beforo the brethren .
" The favour ol your presence is specially requested . "I remain , Sir and Brother . For the Committee , yours fraternally . "HENRY LUCE MANUEL , " Chairman of tho Committee . " The Secretary also read a portion of the proceedings of the committee , which had especial reference to the business of the evening .
The Chairman then gave a short account fof the different steps which had been , previously taken , as follows . In June 1859 the members of lodge La Cesaree decided that a Masonic Temple should be erected , and with this view certain measures were adopted with the intention of making the building the exclusive property of that lodge , but elig ible for the use of the other lodges also . The sum of £ 50 was appropriated to the purpose from the general funds , individual members contributed about £ 60 , and a like amount was obtained from other sources .