Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . J IThe brethren of the towns of Plymouth , Stonehouse , and Devonport , bave obtained a dispensation to patronise the theatre at Plymouth iu Masonic clothing , to benefit Bro . Newcombe , the lessee , who some four months since hacl the misfortune to have a
large portion of his theatrical property burnt at the fire , which so nearly destroyed both theatre and tbe adjoining Boyal Hotel . Tbe benefit , we believe , is fixed for the 18 th inst . A Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will take place at Huddersfield on the Sth of April , under the presidency of the E . W . Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , Prov . G . M .
Bro . Jabez Hogg , M . D ., W . M . of No . 201 , having kindly volunteered his services to the Boys' and Girls' Schools , has been appointed by tbe committee as Honorary Surgeon Oculist to the respective Institutions . We are sure thafc the brethren Avill duly estimate the kindness of Bro . Hogg in taking upon himself so important an appointment .
The brethren of Manchester are to celebrate the wedding of the Prince of Wales by a grand ball , on Wednesday next , the llth inst ., at which no gentlemen will be admitted excepting members of tbe Order . We remind tbe brethren that the Boys' School Festival takes place on Wednesday next , when a bumper attendance is anticipated . Every lady and brother attending is invited to wear a wedding favour in compliment to the Prince of AVales and bis bride .
Grand Lodge.
QUARTERLY COMAIUNICATION , The Quarterly Communication of Grand Loclge was held in Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last , tho M . W . G . M . the Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland presiding , supported by the Earl de Grey and Eipon , D . G . M . ; Earl Dalhonsie , P . D . G . M . ; Bros . F . Dundas , M . P . as S . G . W . ; J . Havers , J . G . W . ;
Eev . W . IC . E . Bedford ancl Rev . John Huyshe , Grand Chaps .- ; S . Tomkins , G . Treas . ; . / Eneas J . Mclntyre , G . Beg .,- J . LI . Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; W . G . Clarke , G . See . ; Capt . Creatonand J . J . Blake , J . G . D . s ; S . W . Daukes , G . Supt . of Works ; A . W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; N . S . Bradford , Assist G . Dir . of Cars . ; H . Empsbn , G . S . B . ; W .
Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec . ; J . Stimson , G . Org . ; D . E . Farmer , G . Purst . ; T . G . Dickie , Assist . G . Purst . ; G . Hugeman , representative of Grand Lodge of Switzerland ; T . H . Hall , Prov . G . M . Cambridgeshire ; A . Dobie , Prov . G . M . Surrey . There were also present the following P . G . Officers : —Bros , the Eight Hon . Lord de 'JJabley , Lord Richard Grosvenor , and A . Perkins ,
P . G . W . s ; Bros . "Jdall , Potter , Ifopwood , Crombio , Hervey , Savage , Scott , AVilson , Lloyd , J . N . Tomkins , ancl Nelson , P . G . D . s ; Bros . Le Veau , Hyde Pullen , Spiers , Bridges , P . G . S . B . s ; Bros . Symonds , P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Smith and Adams , P . G . Pursts . ; a large number of Grand Stewards , the W . M ., P . M . s , and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and
various other lodges . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form and Avith solemn prayer , The GRAND SECRETARY read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business . THE QUARTERLY COAIAIUNICATION . The GRAND SECRETARY read the minutes of the quarterly communication of the 3 rd of December , 1862 . These minutes ,
amongst other matters , referred to the grant of Grand Lod ge of £ 1000 towards the relief of the suffering operatives in the North of England , upon which occasion Bro . Tomkins , the Grand Treasurer , most kindly undertook to pay the money at once , without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes three months' hence . The GRAND MASTER put the question that the minutes of lust Grand Lodge be confirmed , which was unanimousl y agreed to .
ELECTION or GRAND MASTER . Bro . tho Eev . A . F . A . WOODEORD said , at the last Grand Lod ge he had tho privilege of nominating the Grand Master , and it was with great pleasure that he then rose to propose the re-election of tbe Eight Hon . tbe Earl of Zetland as Grand Master for the year ensuing . With regard to the past services of their Grand Master lie would not dilate upon them , as he believed that from the princiles be had enunciated every brother of the Craft was
p actuated by a feeling of respect towards him , for bis wise , temperate , and judicious administration ; and he need only to refer to the fact that within the last few years their Order had so greatly progressed . He would not add a word in regard to his lordship to that which be had expressed on a former occasion , as he believed that it would now find an echo in the heart of every brother . ( Cheers . ) He felt sure that every brother present would share with him in tbe hope that tbe Gre ; it Architect of the Universe
would continue to preserve the Order by cementing and adorning it with every moral and social virtue , and that with health and strength they might long hail his lordship as Grand Master of English Freemasons . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . BARNARD said it was with much pleasure he rose to second the proposition made by their Eev . Bro . Woodford . HeAvell knew that at the nomination of tlie Earl of Zetland that every brother echoed the sentiments of Bro . Woodtord , and all there
desired to join in the sentiments' he had just expressed . He felt pleasure in seconding the motion , believing that the election of of their G . M . would be more for the advantage of the Craft , than the honour it would confer upon his lordship . The M . W . D . G . M . then put the motion , which was carried unanimously , with great cheering . The M . W . G . M . said .- "Brethren , I assure you I feel that it is quite out of my power to express to you ray feelings upon
this occasion . Having been so often elected by you to the proud position of G . M ., I can assure you that it is my constant desire to be of service to the Craft . 1 have now grown old in your service , but my zeal is increased by the years I have served you . ( Cheers . ) I have always had the fear that I have retained the office too long , so as to incapacitate me for the duties which it is my anxious desire to perforin to your satisfaction ; but I am encouraged by the kindly feeling shown
towards me in every part of England , that I really entertain an idea that I am acceptable to the Craft , and that I perform my duties to your satisfaction . In growing old , I trust I shall have sense enough when I am unable to go through them , to lead me to relinquish into your hands those duties which it is now my greatest pleasure to perform . " ( Cheers . ) His Lordship was then proclaimed its G . M ., anH saluted in the usual manner .
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER . Bro . HOBTON SMITH rose to propose the re-election of Bro , Tomkins as G . Treas . for the year ensuing . He said the brethren knew how he had discharged his duties , and they had seen at the last Grand Lodge how he had come forward ou the grant being made for the relief of tho cotton districts , and consented at once to pay the grant , without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes .
Bro . RAYMOND STUART seconded the resolution . The GRAND MASTER then put the motion that Bro . Samuel Tomkins be elected G . Treas . for the year , which was carried unanimous !}' .
AUDITOR or GRAND LODGE ACCOUNTS . The GRAND MASTER said as Bro . Harding had so satisfactorily performed his duties , he should re-appoint him as Auditor of the Grand Lodge accounts for the ensuing year . THE BOARD OE BENEVOLENCE . The report of the Board ofBeuevolence was presented , which stated what had been done during the last quarter , with recommendations for the following grants by Grand Lodge :
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . J IThe brethren of the towns of Plymouth , Stonehouse , and Devonport , bave obtained a dispensation to patronise the theatre at Plymouth iu Masonic clothing , to benefit Bro . Newcombe , the lessee , who some four months since hacl the misfortune to have a
large portion of his theatrical property burnt at the fire , which so nearly destroyed both theatre and tbe adjoining Boyal Hotel . Tbe benefit , we believe , is fixed for the 18 th inst . A Provincial Grand Lodge of West Yorkshire will take place at Huddersfield on the Sth of April , under the presidency of the E . W . Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , Prov . G . M .
Bro . Jabez Hogg , M . D ., W . M . of No . 201 , having kindly volunteered his services to the Boys' and Girls' Schools , has been appointed by tbe committee as Honorary Surgeon Oculist to the respective Institutions . We are sure thafc the brethren Avill duly estimate the kindness of Bro . Hogg in taking upon himself so important an appointment .
The brethren of Manchester are to celebrate the wedding of the Prince of Wales by a grand ball , on Wednesday next , the llth inst ., at which no gentlemen will be admitted excepting members of tbe Order . We remind tbe brethren that the Boys' School Festival takes place on Wednesday next , when a bumper attendance is anticipated . Every lady and brother attending is invited to wear a wedding favour in compliment to the Prince of AVales and bis bride .
Grand Lodge.
QUARTERLY COMAIUNICATION , The Quarterly Communication of Grand Loclge was held in Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday last , tho M . W . G . M . the Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland presiding , supported by the Earl de Grey and Eipon , D . G . M . ; Earl Dalhonsie , P . D . G . M . ; Bros . F . Dundas , M . P . as S . G . W . ; J . Havers , J . G . W . ;
Eev . W . IC . E . Bedford ancl Rev . John Huyshe , Grand Chaps .- ; S . Tomkins , G . Treas . ; . / Eneas J . Mclntyre , G . Beg .,- J . LI . Evans , President of the Board of General Purposes ; W . G . Clarke , G . See . ; Capt . Creatonand J . J . Blake , J . G . D . s ; S . W . Daukes , G . Supt . of Works ; A . W . Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; N . S . Bradford , Assist G . Dir . of Cars . ; H . Empsbn , G . S . B . ; W .
Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec . ; J . Stimson , G . Org . ; D . E . Farmer , G . Purst . ; T . G . Dickie , Assist . G . Purst . ; G . Hugeman , representative of Grand Lodge of Switzerland ; T . H . Hall , Prov . G . M . Cambridgeshire ; A . Dobie , Prov . G . M . Surrey . There were also present the following P . G . Officers : —Bros , the Eight Hon . Lord de 'JJabley , Lord Richard Grosvenor , and A . Perkins ,
P . G . W . s ; Bros . "Jdall , Potter , Ifopwood , Crombio , Hervey , Savage , Scott , AVilson , Lloyd , J . N . Tomkins , ancl Nelson , P . G . D . s ; Bros . Le Veau , Hyde Pullen , Spiers , Bridges , P . G . S . B . s ; Bros . Symonds , P . Assist . G . Dir . of Cers . ; Smith and Adams , P . G . Pursts . ; a large number of Grand Stewards , the W . M ., P . M . s , and Wardens of the Grand Stewards' Lodge , and
various other lodges . Grand Lodge having been opened in ample form and Avith solemn prayer , The GRAND SECRETARY read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business . THE QUARTERLY COAIAIUNICATION . The GRAND SECRETARY read the minutes of the quarterly communication of the 3 rd of December , 1862 . These minutes ,
amongst other matters , referred to the grant of Grand Lod ge of £ 1000 towards the relief of the suffering operatives in the North of England , upon which occasion Bro . Tomkins , the Grand Treasurer , most kindly undertook to pay the money at once , without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes three months' hence . The GRAND MASTER put the question that the minutes of lust Grand Lodge be confirmed , which was unanimousl y agreed to .
ELECTION or GRAND MASTER . Bro . tho Eev . A . F . A . WOODEORD said , at the last Grand Lod ge he had tho privilege of nominating the Grand Master , and it was with great pleasure that he then rose to propose the re-election of tbe Eight Hon . tbe Earl of Zetland as Grand Master for the year ensuing . With regard to the past services of their Grand Master lie would not dilate upon them , as he believed that from the princiles be had enunciated every brother of the Craft was
p actuated by a feeling of respect towards him , for bis wise , temperate , and judicious administration ; and he need only to refer to the fact that within the last few years their Order had so greatly progressed . He would not add a word in regard to his lordship to that which be had expressed on a former occasion , as he believed that it would now find an echo in the heart of every brother . ( Cheers . ) He felt sure that every brother present would share with him in tbe hope that tbe Gre ; it Architect of the Universe
would continue to preserve the Order by cementing and adorning it with every moral and social virtue , and that with health and strength they might long hail his lordship as Grand Master of English Freemasons . ( Loud cheers . ) Bro . BARNARD said it was with much pleasure he rose to second the proposition made by their Eev . Bro . Woodford . HeAvell knew that at the nomination of tlie Earl of Zetland that every brother echoed the sentiments of Bro . Woodtord , and all there
desired to join in the sentiments' he had just expressed . He felt pleasure in seconding the motion , believing that the election of of their G . M . would be more for the advantage of the Craft , than the honour it would confer upon his lordship . The M . W . D . G . M . then put the motion , which was carried unanimously , with great cheering . The M . W . G . M . said .- "Brethren , I assure you I feel that it is quite out of my power to express to you ray feelings upon
this occasion . Having been so often elected by you to the proud position of G . M ., I can assure you that it is my constant desire to be of service to the Craft . 1 have now grown old in your service , but my zeal is increased by the years I have served you . ( Cheers . ) I have always had the fear that I have retained the office too long , so as to incapacitate me for the duties which it is my anxious desire to perforin to your satisfaction ; but I am encouraged by the kindly feeling shown
towards me in every part of England , that I really entertain an idea that I am acceptable to the Craft , and that I perform my duties to your satisfaction . In growing old , I trust I shall have sense enough when I am unable to go through them , to lead me to relinquish into your hands those duties which it is now my greatest pleasure to perform . " ( Cheers . ) His Lordship was then proclaimed its G . M ., anH saluted in the usual manner .
ELECTION OF GRAND TREASURER . Bro . HOBTON SMITH rose to propose the re-election of Bro , Tomkins as G . Treas . for the year ensuing . He said the brethren knew how he had discharged his duties , and they had seen at the last Grand Lodge how he had come forward ou the grant being made for the relief of tho cotton districts , and consented at once to pay the grant , without waiting for the confirmation of the minutes .
Bro . RAYMOND STUART seconded the resolution . The GRAND MASTER then put the motion that Bro . Samuel Tomkins be elected G . Treas . for the year , which was carried unanimous !}' .
AUDITOR or GRAND LODGE ACCOUNTS . The GRAND MASTER said as Bro . Harding had so satisfactorily performed his duties , he should re-appoint him as Auditor of the Grand Lodge accounts for the ensuing year . THE BOARD OE BENEVOLENCE . The report of the Board ofBeuevolence was presented , which stated what had been done during the last quarter , with recommendations for the following grants by Grand Lodge :