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The Week.
he gave Iter , was reported . The death was so sudden , ancl the symptoms so full of suspicion , that the aid of Dr . Taylor , tbe analytical chemist , was called in , ancl he stated positively , before the magistrates , that he hacl found arsenic enough in the system to kill two persons . The magistrates decided on committing the prisoner for trial . -On Wednesday , a young lady named Crutch Avas most severely injured through her crinoline-distended dress catching fire . But small hopes are entertained of her recovery .
A young man named Searle , who heard her screams , ancl gallantly went to ber assistance , is also most severely burnt . The Dublin Corporation met on Monday , when a motion for the suspension of the standing orders for the purpose of receiving a report with reference to the local celebration of the royal wedding day was agreed to without a dissentient voice . It Avas then decided , inter alia , to present a congratulatory address to
the Prince of Wales , whose approaching marriage—judging from the accounts published in the Irish papers— -will be tbe occasion of general rejoicings throughout the sister kingdom . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The apprehensions entertained by Parisian politicians and speculators respecting tbe consequences of the Polish insurrection seem to have diminished considerably . According to the Independence , the Russian Government having learnt the ill-feeling produced at tbe Courts of London
and Paris by the terms of the convention with Prussia in reference to the Polish insurrection , has not only renounced that document , but has manifested an intention to anticipate the desires of the Western Powers in making concessions to Poland , and that an amnesty will be granted without delay , and be followed by a proclamation , granting reforms to that country . ——The committee of the Fi-3 nch Legislative Body
appointed to report on the bill for supplementary grants have sent in their report . Tbe amount asked for is upwards of 38 , 000 , 000 of francs . The committee complain of the supplementary vote ] for the Mexican war , the navy , & c . The Spanish Ambassador , Senor Isturitz , has had a favourable and cordial reception by the Emperor of the French . The prolonged debate in the Italian Chamber of Deputies on the loan proposed by the Government was brought to a close on Saturday by the bill being carried by 204 votes against 32 . Queen Isabella seems to have experienced almost insuperable difficulties
in replacing Marshal O'Donnell and his colleagues . General Concha relinquished his attempts to form a new Ministry , and Marshal Narvaez has resumed the task which he had previously failed to accomplish , with no better result . A Madrid telegram of Wednesday states that the now Ministry would be completed on Thursday , under the presidency of the Marquis de Moraflores , that the Cortes will be immediately reopened ancl permission to collect the taxes demandedand that no dissolution
, will take place The unexpected announcement has been made that Cardinal Antonelli has tendered his resignation , with the addition that the Pope has not yet made up his mind whether he shall accept or decline it . It appears that Signer Fausti , the Cardinal ' s man of business and friend , was apprehended by an officer of gendarmes , at the order of the President of the Consnltabut at the instigationas it is suspectedof the
, , , Minister of AVar , Monsignor de Merode , who has long been at variance with Cardinal Antonelli and his partisans . The Cardinal , naturally irritated by the affront put upon him by Signer Fausti ' s arrest—Avhich was made with the most ostentations publicity , and which was based on allegations of complicity with the Secret Committee of Liberals—offered to resign bis office . So Pius IX . has apparently to decide whether he will dismiss
bis Secretary of State or his Minister for War ; for it would impossible that , after this rupture , Cardinal Antonelli and Monsignor' de Merode can continue to take counsel together respecting the business of the Papal Government . The Prussian House of Deputies , by the overwhelming majority of 246 to 57 votes , has passed a resolution recommending that Prussia shall observe a strict neutrality respecting the Polish
insurrection , ancl that both Russian soldiers ancl Polish insurgents shall be disarmed if they seek refuge on Prussian territory . There is no confirmation of the report that Count Bismarck has tendered his resignation , but the Frankfort Journal asserts that the Cabinet of Berlin deems the convention framed at St . Petersburg " to be of too general a character , " and has " requested that its bearing should be more distinctly defined the that
, " — consequence being "further negotiations " have been entered upon . The Emperor of Eussia is becoming impatient , and even furious at the delay of his troops in suppressing the insurrection , ancl has issued an order commanding
The Week.
the suppression of the revolt at any price . There is a fearful import in the latter words . According to accounts the or . ganisation of the insurgents continues to improve , ancl their numbers daily augment . General Mieroslawski has issued arc order , in which he informs his countrymen that the Provisional National Government hacl appointed him commander-in-chief of the insurrectionary forces . -Impenetrable obscurity yet covers the result of the engagement between Langiewicz ' s band
of Polish insurgents and the Eussian troops . We were first assured by a journal devoted to Polish interests , that Langiewicz had defeated the Eussians after a five hours' engagement ; we were then told by the Eussian official accounts , that Langiewicz's followers had been put to flight , and that he had been wounded ; and telegrams now affirm that Langiewicz obtained a complete victory oter his Muscovite assailants . The spread of the revoltand tho audacity of the insurgentsare
, , , however , sufficiently testified by tbe singular announcement , conveyed from Warsaw , that some 70 men assembled in one of the principal streets of the Polish capital , for the purpose of setting out to join their insurgent countrymen , and that they exchanged shots with the police who assailed them . Amongst the latest accounts of the movements , there is published a proclamation of tbe Governor of Wilna , addressed principally
to the peasantry . The proclamation calls upon the peasants to render powerless the " criminal endeavours of the agitators , " by arresting the insurgents who come within their reach , and delivering them up to the Eussian authorities . The Governor announces that he will hold the communes responsible for the maintenance of the public roads , and for the safety of the military ancl civil functionaries . The issue of this proclamation confirms the accounts of the spread of the insurrection in directions where it did not at first seem likely to make any appearance . The Government of Wilna does not form part of
the kingdom of Poland . Serfdom has been finally extinguished throughout the Eussian empire—the period of transition having expired on Tuesday . " Te Deum " was sung yesterday in all tho churches of St . Petersburg , in commemoration of the day ; and we are assured by official telegrams that perfect tranquility prevails , though it is admitted that alarming rumours are current . According to Mexican advices , brought from New York by the Furopa , General Forey
has found it necessary to postpone once more his intended attack on Puebla , and to await the arrival of supplies and reinforcements . Some confirmation is afforded to these accounts , by the reports current in Paris , where it is rumoured that General Forey has urgently demanded reinforcements . AMERICA . —The news brought by the Muropa from New York to the 19 tb ult ., contains nothing of any military importance . General Hunter hacl assumed the command of the forces which
hacl arrived at Hilton Head from Beaufort , and General Foster bad returned to North Carolina . The Federal garrison , on Roanoke Island were expecting an attack from the Confederates . No fresh movement is reported from Charleston , Tennessee , or Vicksburg . The success of the canal at the latter place is said to be doubtful . The political news is again important . The Federal Senate hacl passed a bill authorising the President in all
domestic and foreign wars to issue lettois of marque ; and also a Conscription Bill , which renders all citizens between the ages of 20 and 45 years liable to perform military duty when called out by tbe President . It is supposed that both these strong measures will also pass the House of Representatives and become law . The Democratic members of the next Congress have been invited to meet in New York on the Sth inst . The resolution calling a convention at Louisville has been defeated in the Senate of the Illinois Legislature . Gold was much excited on account of the fear of French intervention , ancl the last price was 63 j prem .
To Correspondents.
P . M . —We regret we cannot publish your letter , especially as wo know you to be a good and zealous Mason . An alteration may be required in the Booh of Constitutions as regards tho power of Masters in the appointment of their officers , but intemperate letters will do no good . To speak of a brother as " a low cunning creature , " is scarcely Masonic . ANOTHER P . M . —If the senior P . M . of a loclge retires aud afterwards rejoins ( he never having lost His P . M ' s . privileges ) , we cannot see how it is possible for him to be anythirg else but the senior P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
he gave Iter , was reported . The death was so sudden , ancl the symptoms so full of suspicion , that the aid of Dr . Taylor , tbe analytical chemist , was called in , ancl he stated positively , before the magistrates , that he hacl found arsenic enough in the system to kill two persons . The magistrates decided on committing the prisoner for trial . -On Wednesday , a young lady named Crutch Avas most severely injured through her crinoline-distended dress catching fire . But small hopes are entertained of her recovery .
A young man named Searle , who heard her screams , ancl gallantly went to ber assistance , is also most severely burnt . The Dublin Corporation met on Monday , when a motion for the suspension of the standing orders for the purpose of receiving a report with reference to the local celebration of the royal wedding day was agreed to without a dissentient voice . It Avas then decided , inter alia , to present a congratulatory address to
the Prince of Wales , whose approaching marriage—judging from the accounts published in the Irish papers— -will be tbe occasion of general rejoicings throughout the sister kingdom . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The apprehensions entertained by Parisian politicians and speculators respecting tbe consequences of the Polish insurrection seem to have diminished considerably . According to the Independence , the Russian Government having learnt the ill-feeling produced at tbe Courts of London
and Paris by the terms of the convention with Prussia in reference to the Polish insurrection , has not only renounced that document , but has manifested an intention to anticipate the desires of the Western Powers in making concessions to Poland , and that an amnesty will be granted without delay , and be followed by a proclamation , granting reforms to that country . ——The committee of the Fi-3 nch Legislative Body
appointed to report on the bill for supplementary grants have sent in their report . Tbe amount asked for is upwards of 38 , 000 , 000 of francs . The committee complain of the supplementary vote ] for the Mexican war , the navy , & c . The Spanish Ambassador , Senor Isturitz , has had a favourable and cordial reception by the Emperor of the French . The prolonged debate in the Italian Chamber of Deputies on the loan proposed by the Government was brought to a close on Saturday by the bill being carried by 204 votes against 32 . Queen Isabella seems to have experienced almost insuperable difficulties
in replacing Marshal O'Donnell and his colleagues . General Concha relinquished his attempts to form a new Ministry , and Marshal Narvaez has resumed the task which he had previously failed to accomplish , with no better result . A Madrid telegram of Wednesday states that the now Ministry would be completed on Thursday , under the presidency of the Marquis de Moraflores , that the Cortes will be immediately reopened ancl permission to collect the taxes demandedand that no dissolution
, will take place The unexpected announcement has been made that Cardinal Antonelli has tendered his resignation , with the addition that the Pope has not yet made up his mind whether he shall accept or decline it . It appears that Signer Fausti , the Cardinal ' s man of business and friend , was apprehended by an officer of gendarmes , at the order of the President of the Consnltabut at the instigationas it is suspectedof the
, , , Minister of AVar , Monsignor de Merode , who has long been at variance with Cardinal Antonelli and his partisans . The Cardinal , naturally irritated by the affront put upon him by Signer Fausti ' s arrest—Avhich was made with the most ostentations publicity , and which was based on allegations of complicity with the Secret Committee of Liberals—offered to resign bis office . So Pius IX . has apparently to decide whether he will dismiss
bis Secretary of State or his Minister for War ; for it would impossible that , after this rupture , Cardinal Antonelli and Monsignor' de Merode can continue to take counsel together respecting the business of the Papal Government . The Prussian House of Deputies , by the overwhelming majority of 246 to 57 votes , has passed a resolution recommending that Prussia shall observe a strict neutrality respecting the Polish
insurrection , ancl that both Russian soldiers ancl Polish insurgents shall be disarmed if they seek refuge on Prussian territory . There is no confirmation of the report that Count Bismarck has tendered his resignation , but the Frankfort Journal asserts that the Cabinet of Berlin deems the convention framed at St . Petersburg " to be of too general a character , " and has " requested that its bearing should be more distinctly defined the that
, " — consequence being "further negotiations " have been entered upon . The Emperor of Eussia is becoming impatient , and even furious at the delay of his troops in suppressing the insurrection , ancl has issued an order commanding
The Week.
the suppression of the revolt at any price . There is a fearful import in the latter words . According to accounts the or . ganisation of the insurgents continues to improve , ancl their numbers daily augment . General Mieroslawski has issued arc order , in which he informs his countrymen that the Provisional National Government hacl appointed him commander-in-chief of the insurrectionary forces . -Impenetrable obscurity yet covers the result of the engagement between Langiewicz ' s band
of Polish insurgents and the Eussian troops . We were first assured by a journal devoted to Polish interests , that Langiewicz had defeated the Eussians after a five hours' engagement ; we were then told by the Eussian official accounts , that Langiewicz's followers had been put to flight , and that he had been wounded ; and telegrams now affirm that Langiewicz obtained a complete victory oter his Muscovite assailants . The spread of the revoltand tho audacity of the insurgentsare
, , , however , sufficiently testified by tbe singular announcement , conveyed from Warsaw , that some 70 men assembled in one of the principal streets of the Polish capital , for the purpose of setting out to join their insurgent countrymen , and that they exchanged shots with the police who assailed them . Amongst the latest accounts of the movements , there is published a proclamation of tbe Governor of Wilna , addressed principally
to the peasantry . The proclamation calls upon the peasants to render powerless the " criminal endeavours of the agitators , " by arresting the insurgents who come within their reach , and delivering them up to the Eussian authorities . The Governor announces that he will hold the communes responsible for the maintenance of the public roads , and for the safety of the military ancl civil functionaries . The issue of this proclamation confirms the accounts of the spread of the insurrection in directions where it did not at first seem likely to make any appearance . The Government of Wilna does not form part of
the kingdom of Poland . Serfdom has been finally extinguished throughout the Eussian empire—the period of transition having expired on Tuesday . " Te Deum " was sung yesterday in all tho churches of St . Petersburg , in commemoration of the day ; and we are assured by official telegrams that perfect tranquility prevails , though it is admitted that alarming rumours are current . According to Mexican advices , brought from New York by the Furopa , General Forey
has found it necessary to postpone once more his intended attack on Puebla , and to await the arrival of supplies and reinforcements . Some confirmation is afforded to these accounts , by the reports current in Paris , where it is rumoured that General Forey has urgently demanded reinforcements . AMERICA . —The news brought by the Muropa from New York to the 19 tb ult ., contains nothing of any military importance . General Hunter hacl assumed the command of the forces which
hacl arrived at Hilton Head from Beaufort , and General Foster bad returned to North Carolina . The Federal garrison , on Roanoke Island were expecting an attack from the Confederates . No fresh movement is reported from Charleston , Tennessee , or Vicksburg . The success of the canal at the latter place is said to be doubtful . The political news is again important . The Federal Senate hacl passed a bill authorising the President in all
domestic and foreign wars to issue lettois of marque ; and also a Conscription Bill , which renders all citizens between the ages of 20 and 45 years liable to perform military duty when called out by tbe President . It is supposed that both these strong measures will also pass the House of Representatives and become law . The Democratic members of the next Congress have been invited to meet in New York on the Sth inst . The resolution calling a convention at Louisville has been defeated in the Senate of the Illinois Legislature . Gold was much excited on account of the fear of French intervention , ancl the last price was 63 j prem .
To Correspondents.
P . M . —We regret we cannot publish your letter , especially as wo know you to be a good and zealous Mason . An alteration may be required in the Booh of Constitutions as regards tho power of Masters in the appointment of their officers , but intemperate letters will do no good . To speak of a brother as " a low cunning creature , " is scarcely Masonic . ANOTHER P . M . —If the senior P . M . of a loclge retires aud afterwards rejoins ( he never having lost His P . M ' s . privileges ) , we cannot see how it is possible for him to be anythirg else but the senior P . M .