Article GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE. Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grand Lodge.
Bro . E . C . of tbe Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 402 ) , Mottram , Cheshire £ 40 The widow of the late Bro . S . C . H ., of the Eoyal Union Lodge ( No . 307 ) , Cheltenham £ 30 Bro . W . L . of the Lodge of Light ( No . 689 ) , Birmingham £ 105 Bro . the Eev . C . A . of the St . George and Corner Stone Lodge ( No . 5 ) , London £ 50
The first three recommendations were agreed to without observation . On tbe fourth veeomvaendationbeing-proposed for confirmation . Bro . E . STUART wished to know upon what principle it was that the Board of Benevolence had made in this case , a recommendation for so small a sum . Bro . BLAKE , J . G . D ., rose to order . It was not competent for any brother to inquire the reason which induced the Board of Benevolence to make any particular recommendation .
Bro . STUART said—looking at tins case he should move that the grant be doubled . Their unfortunate brother was now a maniac , but he was a Life Governor to all the Masonic Charities , Vice-President of the Boys' School , and a past Grand Steward . Such services he thought Avould be a sufficient recommedation that the proposed grant should be doubled , for during the short time he was a Mason , he had carried out the true principles of Masonry . He moved that the grant be £ 100 .
The GRAND MASTER said he regretted that , as the question at present stood , ifc was not competent for their worthy brother to move a larger amount . He regretted that his proposition could not be entertained by Grand Lodge , as notice of tbe amendment ought to have been previously given to tho Board of Masters . Bro . UDALL wished to ask tho Grand Master if it was competent for him to move that this subject be referred back to the
Board of Benevolenee to reconsider the question . The GRAND MASTER replied that , of course , there could be no objection to that , but it would be for their brother to consider the time that must elapse , aud that the £ 50 should be paid at once . If the matter was referred back to the Board of Benevolence , the grant of £ 50 must be postponed for three months .
Bro . STUART said , as this matter came on after the Board of Masters , it was impossible for any brother to give notice of an amendment . Bro . J . SMITH , P . G . P ., advised that the £ 50 should betaken on account , and then another application could be made . Bro . HAA ERS , J . G . W ., said he knew more of tins case than perhaps any brocher then in the Hall , and he might say that Bro . A . was a member of his own lodge , No . 5 , who had . never
recommended any brother to tho Board of Benevolence for nearly half a century , but relieved them from their own benevolent fund . This case , however , being of so peculiar a nature , they felt that it was their duty to make an appeal to the general benevolence of the Craft . He knew Bro . A . when he came to London , then in the possession of an ample fortune . He was a man of learning , and subsequently entered the Church , ah his life having borne a good characterbut now he hacl
; , unfortunately , become a maniac . Bro . Havers then , at some length , described the facts he had detailed to the Board of Benevolence , in reference to' the claims of their poor brother , adding that , although he had subscribed but for three years Mel three quarters , during that short time he hacl done more tor the true principles of Freemasonry than many others had m a lifetime , and yet the result was the recommendation of a grant half the sum to that awarded to a brother who had
, during the twenty-five years he was a member , never given a Penny to their Charities in his life . He mentioned that not in disparagement to Bro . L ., but to show tlie wrong done to their afflicted Bro . A . It was clear that the time was come whan "here must be a great change in the constitution of the Board ° f Benevolence , for , by the way in which four-fifths of the Money was voted , it might as well be thrown into , the gutter , helod
" ges to which Bro . A . had belonged had voted him £ 25 , " rod £ 20 respectively , and it was now proposed to give him * 30 , ivliich was hardly the interest of his own money . Ero . BEDEORD , G . Chap ., begged cordially to echo the sentiments of Bro . Havers , but bore testimony to- the great value of 'he services of and in the province of which he was a member . After some further discussion , the recommendation was agreed l ° . with an understanding that further steps would be taken in Terence to the subject .
Grand Lodge.
AUDIT COJIJIITTEE . The report of the annual Audit Committee on the Grand Lodge accounts for the year 1862 was read by the Grand Secretary and received .
BOARD OI * GENERAL PURPOSES . The report of the Board of General Purposes was presented , and , on the motion of Bro . Llewellyn Evans , the President , is was taken as received . The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of GENERAL PURPOSES said as the report contained no special matter for consideration , he should move that the report be received anil entered on theminutes .
The GRAND MASEEE put the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . To the Report was subjoined a statement of the Grand Loclge accounts at . the last meeting- of the Finance Committee , held on the 13 th February instant , showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1567 16 s . !) d ., and in tho hands of the-Grand Secretary for petty cash £ 50 . Of these sums therebelongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 3-13 7 * . 5 d . ; to the Fund
of General Purposes £ 708 Os . Sd . ; and there is in the unappropriated account , £ 566 Ss . Sd ., a portion of which belongs , to the Grand Chapter . THE GRAND LODGE PROPERTY . The report of the Special Committee on the Grand Loclge property was presented . Bro . HAYEKS , J . G . W ., said , as the report w .-is in the bands of every member he should move that it be taken as read .
The motion was seconded by Bro . the Eev . J . Huyshe , and agreed to . Bro . HAVERS saicl it then became his duty to move that the report be entered on the minutes ; and in doing so , he would remind tbe brethren , that by receiving tlie report , and allowing it to be entered on the minutes , ifc bound them to nothing ; and the only thing in it which could bind them was contained iu the last paragraph which would be made the subject of a separate
resolution . On the part of the committee he was ready to answer any question , but he trusted that no questions would heput which might prove prejudicial to the interests of the Institution . Bro . MASON said the unanimity and wise decision of the committee , arid tbe industry they bad displayed in dealing with all inttiters committed to their charge , must giYe the Craft great , satisfaction ; and he hacl no doubt that the work would be carried out with success . He hacl great pleas-are in . seconding theresolution .
Some questions were put by Bro . Herbert Lloyd , m reference to various matters contained in tbe " report , which were answered by Bro . Havers and tbe Grand Superintendent of Works ; but the G . J . i . having suggested that tho discussion should not be published as likely to prove detrimental , we of course abstain from publication . The motion was then put and agreed to . A resolution was then proposed bBro . EAA'EI ' . Sas suggested
y , in the report . The PRESIDENT of ths BOARD of GENERAL PUZ-POSES seconded the motion . The GRAND MASTER put the question , and it was carried unanimously . There being no further business , Grand Lodgo was closed in ample form and with solemn prayer , and adjourned at an early hour .
EOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on Wednesday , February 25 th , at tho Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Steven ' s ) . The W . M ., Bro . Dr . Scott , assisted by his officers , Wilton , Stahr , Weir , Stevens , Walters , and Mills , opened the lodge at three o'clock p . m . He then ably raised Bra . H . Finnin , to the sublime degree of a M . M . ; Bro . F . AValters , Sec , W . M . 87 , by request of the W . M . then took the chairand in an efficient style passed
, , Bros . C . A . Beesley and W . Jeffery , to the degree of F . C . Bro . Dr . Scott resumed the chair , ancl ascertaining the candidates for initiation were not present , he at once proceeded to the installation of Bro . G . Wilton , S . W . and W . M . elect , who was presented to him for that ceremony by Bro . F . Walters . Bro . Dr . Scott went through the ceremony of installation in such a superior manner , as to call forth the unanimous approbation of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Lodge.
Bro . E . C . of tbe Lodge of Loyalty ( No . 402 ) , Mottram , Cheshire £ 40 The widow of the late Bro . S . C . H ., of the Eoyal Union Lodge ( No . 307 ) , Cheltenham £ 30 Bro . W . L . of the Lodge of Light ( No . 689 ) , Birmingham £ 105 Bro . the Eev . C . A . of the St . George and Corner Stone Lodge ( No . 5 ) , London £ 50
The first three recommendations were agreed to without observation . On tbe fourth veeomvaendationbeing-proposed for confirmation . Bro . E . STUART wished to know upon what principle it was that the Board of Benevolence had made in this case , a recommendation for so small a sum . Bro . BLAKE , J . G . D ., rose to order . It was not competent for any brother to inquire the reason which induced the Board of Benevolence to make any particular recommendation .
Bro . STUART said—looking at tins case he should move that the grant be doubled . Their unfortunate brother was now a maniac , but he was a Life Governor to all the Masonic Charities , Vice-President of the Boys' School , and a past Grand Steward . Such services he thought Avould be a sufficient recommedation that the proposed grant should be doubled , for during the short time he was a Mason , he had carried out the true principles of Masonry . He moved that the grant be £ 100 .
The GRAND MASTER said he regretted that , as the question at present stood , ifc was not competent for their worthy brother to move a larger amount . He regretted that his proposition could not be entertained by Grand Lodge , as notice of tbe amendment ought to have been previously given to tho Board of Masters . Bro . UDALL wished to ask tho Grand Master if it was competent for him to move that this subject be referred back to the
Board of Benevolenee to reconsider the question . The GRAND MASTER replied that , of course , there could be no objection to that , but it would be for their brother to consider the time that must elapse , aud that the £ 50 should be paid at once . If the matter was referred back to the Board of Benevolence , the grant of £ 50 must be postponed for three months .
Bro . STUART said , as this matter came on after the Board of Masters , it was impossible for any brother to give notice of an amendment . Bro . J . SMITH , P . G . P ., advised that the £ 50 should betaken on account , and then another application could be made . Bro . HAA ERS , J . G . W ., said he knew more of tins case than perhaps any brocher then in the Hall , and he might say that Bro . A . was a member of his own lodge , No . 5 , who had . never
recommended any brother to tho Board of Benevolence for nearly half a century , but relieved them from their own benevolent fund . This case , however , being of so peculiar a nature , they felt that it was their duty to make an appeal to the general benevolence of the Craft . He knew Bro . A . when he came to London , then in the possession of an ample fortune . He was a man of learning , and subsequently entered the Church , ah his life having borne a good characterbut now he hacl
; , unfortunately , become a maniac . Bro . Havers then , at some length , described the facts he had detailed to the Board of Benevolence , in reference to' the claims of their poor brother , adding that , although he had subscribed but for three years Mel three quarters , during that short time he hacl done more tor the true principles of Freemasonry than many others had m a lifetime , and yet the result was the recommendation of a grant half the sum to that awarded to a brother who had
, during the twenty-five years he was a member , never given a Penny to their Charities in his life . He mentioned that not in disparagement to Bro . L ., but to show tlie wrong done to their afflicted Bro . A . It was clear that the time was come whan "here must be a great change in the constitution of the Board ° f Benevolence , for , by the way in which four-fifths of the Money was voted , it might as well be thrown into , the gutter , helod
" ges to which Bro . A . had belonged had voted him £ 25 , " rod £ 20 respectively , and it was now proposed to give him * 30 , ivliich was hardly the interest of his own money . Ero . BEDEORD , G . Chap ., begged cordially to echo the sentiments of Bro . Havers , but bore testimony to- the great value of 'he services of and in the province of which he was a member . After some further discussion , the recommendation was agreed l ° . with an understanding that further steps would be taken in Terence to the subject .
Grand Lodge.
AUDIT COJIJIITTEE . The report of the annual Audit Committee on the Grand Lodge accounts for the year 1862 was read by the Grand Secretary and received .
BOARD OI * GENERAL PURPOSES . The report of the Board of General Purposes was presented , and , on the motion of Bro . Llewellyn Evans , the President , is was taken as received . The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of GENERAL PURPOSES said as the report contained no special matter for consideration , he should move that the report be received anil entered on theminutes .
The GRAND MASEEE put the motion , which was unanimously agreed to . To the Report was subjoined a statement of the Grand Loclge accounts at . the last meeting- of the Finance Committee , held on the 13 th February instant , showing a balance in the hands of the Grand Treasurer of £ 1567 16 s . !) d ., and in tho hands of the-Grand Secretary for petty cash £ 50 . Of these sums therebelongs to the Fund of Benevolence £ 3-13 7 * . 5 d . ; to the Fund
of General Purposes £ 708 Os . Sd . ; and there is in the unappropriated account , £ 566 Ss . Sd ., a portion of which belongs , to the Grand Chapter . THE GRAND LODGE PROPERTY . The report of the Special Committee on the Grand Loclge property was presented . Bro . HAYEKS , J . G . W ., said , as the report w .-is in the bands of every member he should move that it be taken as read .
The motion was seconded by Bro . the Eev . J . Huyshe , and agreed to . Bro . HAVERS saicl it then became his duty to move that the report be entered on the minutes ; and in doing so , he would remind tbe brethren , that by receiving tlie report , and allowing it to be entered on the minutes , ifc bound them to nothing ; and the only thing in it which could bind them was contained iu the last paragraph which would be made the subject of a separate
resolution . On the part of the committee he was ready to answer any question , but he trusted that no questions would heput which might prove prejudicial to the interests of the Institution . Bro . MASON said the unanimity and wise decision of the committee , arid tbe industry they bad displayed in dealing with all inttiters committed to their charge , must giYe the Craft great , satisfaction ; and he hacl no doubt that the work would be carried out with success . He hacl great pleas-are in . seconding theresolution .
Some questions were put by Bro . Herbert Lloyd , m reference to various matters contained in tbe " report , which were answered by Bro . Havers and tbe Grand Superintendent of Works ; but the G . J . i . having suggested that tho discussion should not be published as likely to prove detrimental , we of course abstain from publication . The motion was then put and agreed to . A resolution was then proposed bBro . EAA'EI ' . Sas suggested
y , in the report . The PRESIDENT of ths BOARD of GENERAL PUZ-POSES seconded the motion . The GRAND MASTER put the question , and it was carried unanimously . There being no further business , Grand Lodgo was closed in ample form and with solemn prayer , and adjourned at an early hour .
EOYAL OAK LODGE ( NO . 1173 ) . —This lodge held its installation meeting on Wednesday , February 25 th , at tho Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Steven ' s ) . The W . M ., Bro . Dr . Scott , assisted by his officers , Wilton , Stahr , Weir , Stevens , Walters , and Mills , opened the lodge at three o'clock p . m . He then ably raised Bra . H . Finnin , to the sublime degree of a M . M . ; Bro . F . AValters , Sec , W . M . 87 , by request of the W . M . then took the chairand in an efficient style passed
, , Bros . C . A . Beesley and W . Jeffery , to the degree of F . C . Bro . Dr . Scott resumed the chair , ancl ascertaining the candidates for initiation were not present , he at once proceeded to the installation of Bro . G . Wilton , S . W . and W . M . elect , who was presented to him for that ceremony by Bro . F . Walters . Bro . Dr . Scott went through the ceremony of installation in such a superior manner , as to call forth the unanimous approbation of